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Due to the principle of sustainable development and placement of the Hunting Law in the system of protection of natural environment, admission of archery as a method of hunting on the territory of the Republic of Poland may raise – according to the author – doubts. Extending the arsenal of hunting weapons by a bow could find a justification only in the situation, when, based on independent scientific research, it would confirm the thesis that the bow can be effective for purposes of the hunting economy and can constitute a weapon at least as humanitarian and safe as a hunting firearm.
Massive White Storks killings in Lebanon and the response to the phenomenon reflect an example of globalized ties that connect and unite European and Middle Eastern societies. Numerous migrant birds, protected in Europe, are being killed solely for entertainment when they cross over the Lebanese sky in flocks of hundreds and thousands, among them the White Stork. The national law concerning hunting has not been enforced properly for many years in Lebanon. In result there are thousands of untrained hunters who shoot everything alive visible on the sky and afterwards proudly publish photos with the pray in the social media. This deteriorating phenomenon forced local environmentalists to seek the attention and help abroad. Hence, the network of Lebanese and Polish NGOs has been established to, via diplomatic channels, put apressure on the Lebanese government to act more consistently. It seems that such unprecedented cooperation between Lebanon and Poland has brought forth desired results and migrating birds are becoming safer – thanks to the globalization and the Internet as well.
The author of the article attempts to outline the status of hunting in Pomerania during the Second Polish Republic, when it was no longer reserved purely for the nobility, but yet still remained a pastime for owners of land. Undoubtedly, hunting was an important element of a landowner’s everyday life but was accessible to only minor burghers and was completely out of bounds to poorer inhabitants of towns and villages. The author describes hunting organizations, forms of hunting, issues connected with pedigree dog breeding, shooting and poaching. The most important issues raised by the author is the question posed in the title. Was hunting only an idle atavistic entertainment for landowners, or was it part of the rational management of a farm? The article presents various attitudes and opinions; the author demonstrates that for landowners, to a larger extent than for the representatives of city elites associated with hunting clubs, hunting was part of a rational economy. Hunting helped them to protect their crops; nevertheless, they managed to reconcile this need with the respect they felt for forest fauna, their passion and hunting ethics. Since hunting constituted an additional source of income, they made an eff ort to raise the quantity of game and looked aft er its physical well-being. To a great extent managing forest game resembled the breeding of farm animals, the only diff erence being that it took place in open spaces.
Animal management in the Early Dynastic and Akkadian periods at the site of Tell Rad Shaqrah in the Khabur River valley in Syria was reconstructed on the grounds of an analysis of osteological remains discovered at the site during excavations in 1991–1995. Of the total number of 4025 bone fragments, 59.2% were identified. In both chronological periods the most important role belonged to domestic animals, dominated by sheep and goat and followed by cattle. Remains of wild animals, mostly gazelle and equids, were also discovered; these were all post-consumption remains. Two young Barbary macaques (magots) were also identified; their bones were found in the storeroom and were identified as not post-consumption.
An archaeozoological analysis of mammal remains recovered from the dwelling units and streets of ancient Porphyreon excavated in 2009, 2010 and 2012, gives insight into the importance of mammals for the residents of this quarter in succeeding periods: from the Iron Age through the Persian and Hellenistic periods to Byzantine times. Husbandry lay at the base of the animal economy and was supplemented with hunting various species of gazelle. Cattle, sheep and goat were the most numerous livestock species represented in the archaeological record. The high percentage of cattle observed in Iron Age deposits could have resulted from the agricultural lifestyle of the population. Starting from the Persian period, sheep and goat played the most prominent role in the animal economy, implying a pastoral model of husbandry. Raising goats for meat was more significant initially; from the Hellenistic period onwards, the number of sheep reared for milk and wool increased. Pigs constituted a minor percentage of the livestock. The presence of equid remains, including horse and donkey, was confirmed for the Persian period, when these animals were used for transportation.
In the article, Pierre Bourdieu’s “habitus” theory is employed to discuss Henryk Sienkiewicz’s hunting practices. Particular attention is devoted to the way the writer defines the concept of “masculinity” and its relationships with hunting skills. The author also points to the compensatory nature of this type of practices in the context of the nineteenth-century transformations of the social structure, the Polish political situation and the biography of the author of With Fire and Sword.
According to the author, in numerous aspects the assessment of the compliance with the Birds Directive can be carried out at the local level, taking into account elements such as habitat characteristics, the nature of the hunt or the degree of actual probability of the error due to the similarity of hunted and protected species. The thesis that pheasants and partridges can be considered as game only after the maturity of their own broods is too far-reaching. According to the author, the use of lead shot in areas of special protection may be considered incompatible with the protection requirements of these areas, and the practice of general exclusion of hunting plans from the requirement to undergo an impact assessment on a given area may be considered incompatible with the Habitats Directive.
This essay discusses the background and the consequences of the Polish Constitutional Court’s (TK) judgment of 10th July 2014, P 19/13, stating the unconstitutionality of prescription as the basis for establishing and changing borders of hunting zones. As TK has remarked, in the perspective of limitations for real property owners in their entirety, the procedure of establishing and changing borders of hunting zones should ensure participation of these owners. As a result of this judgement a new institution was established in Polish law – the withdrawal of the ground from the hunting zone, which was the effect of the sluggishness of Polish legislator. In this essay, apart from these problems, the authors also discuss the legislative proposals of new regulations of the real property owner’s legal position, including to right to object to execute hunting on his ground.
The aim of the article is the analysis of highly legitimized proper names of hunting associations, with compounds related to animal names. There is also the attempt to establish the reasons of the choices which may indicate the values appreciated by hunters. In total, 1.575 (out of 2.705 collected) names, with one of the compounds having a common animal name, were gathered and analyzed. The names belong to one of the most common types of compounds in the names of hunting associations. Out of 1.575 there are 138 unique ones. 52 compounds were used individually, while 86 were used twice or up to 119 times. The analyzed names not only differentiate the hunting clubs but also reflect passions and interests of hunters and conceptualize their appreciated values. Moreover, the names are the key element which forms the identity of members of hunting associations and builds their affiliations stronger.
Urbanization of the environment contributes to the degradation of many natural habitats of many plants and animals, which causes reduction of biodiversity. There are however certain species, adapting easily to both suburban and urban conditions. Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a good example, since it is increasingly noted not only in the natural habitats, such as fields or forests, but also in the direct vicinity of human residencies like farms, suburban areas or even large agglomerations. Fox is becoming a permanent feature of urban fauna, enriching the biodiversity. It is also a relevant epidemiological threat, constituting a zoonotic reservoir for many parasites which are important from veterinary, as well as from medical point of view, including tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis which causes alveolar echinococcosis.
Proces lustracyjny to postępowanie prawne ujawniające fakt pracy lub służby w organach bezpieczeństwa państwa bądź współpracy z nimi w latach 1944-1990 osób pełniących funkcje publiczne lub kandydujących do pełnienia tych funkcji. Ustawodawca zdecydował, że pod ta definicja odnosi się również do członków niektórych organizacji prywatnych/stowarzyszeń. Taką organizacją jest także Polski Związek Łowiecki (PZŁ). Wolą ustawodawcy członkowie PZŁ chcący ubiegać się o wybór na delegatów na zjazdy PZŁ, chcący pełnić funkcje w organach związku i kół łowieckich mimo, iż nie są osobami publicznymi w rozumieniu art. 115 kk, poddani są procesom lustracyjnym. Na potrzeby tych postępowań w przepisach ustawy o ujawnieniu pracy lub służby w organach bezpieczeństwa państwa lub współpracy z nimi w latach 1944–1990 osób pełniących funkcje publiczne dokonano stosownych nowelizacji przepisów i dodano nowe regulacje (art. 33d) do ustawy Prawo łowieckie w celu wykonania tych czynności. W artykule przedstawiono uwarunkowania prawne i sytuacje faktyczne oraz zasady i przebieg postępowań lustracyjnych wśród myśliwych.
The lustration process is a legal procedure that exposes the fact work or service in the bodies of state security or cooperation with such bodies in the years 1944-1990. Persons performing public functions or the candidate to perform those functions are subject to such procedure. The Polish legislator has decided that it also applies to the members of certain private organisa-tions/associations, including the Polish Hunters Association (PZŁ). Members of the PZŁ who wish to be candidates in the election for delegates to the meetings of PZŁ delegates or to per-form functions in the bodies of the PZŁ Association and hunter’s associations, even though they are not public figures within the meaning of the Article 115 of the Criminal Code, have to undergo the processes of lustration. Such an obligation results from the provisions of the Act on the disclosure of the work or service in the bodies of state security or cooperation with such bodies in the years 1944-1990 by persons performing public functions. The abovementioned Act was amended and introduced new provisions (Article 33d) to the Hunting Act in order to apply the analyzed procedure. The article presents legal conditions and factual situations as well as the principles and the process of lustration among hunters.
The palace in Gródek, one of the palaces built by the Tyszkiewicz family in Lithuania, was located in present-day Belarus, a dozen kilometres from Minsk. The founder of the building was Count Michał Tyszkiewicz. Built in 1855, the palace remained in the hands of the family until 1918. Among the antique pieces of furniture documented on photographs and paintings are a table and a mirror, today kept in Lithuanian museums. The mirror, decorated with tusks of wild pigs, was offered to King Augustus II on the occasion of his coronation in 1697. In the middle of the 19th century it was purchased by Michał Tyszkiewicz, who then added it to the furnishings of a tent offered as a resting place for Tsar Alexander during a hunting trip organised by Michał Tyszkiewicz and his brother in 1858 near Vilnius. This event was recorded by journalists and artists on some lithographs.
In the world scale, there are various forms of how the hunting tourism is carried out. there is a considerably specific situation in the czech republic originating in the historical development. the assessment of the diversification of the demand for tourist activities was chosen to be the aim of this article. this assessment is based on a questionnaire survey among tourism participants who consume the specific products of the hunting tourism in the tourist regions of Bohemian Forest and south Bohemia. A guided tour in a game enclosure with a professional commentary and wildlife observation showed to be the most interesting offer. the most important thing is the identification of five main segments of demand called “ordinary” gamekeeper's hunting, “occasional” gamekeeper's hunting, angling activities, hunting without the killing and complementary activities. the differences among the latter five segments were identified in the representation of respondents as far as their gender and their membership in a community of anglers or gamekeepers are concerned.
Celem artykułu jest wyodrębnienie województw o podobnych warunkach i efektach prowadzenia działalności łowieckiej. Jako narzędzia badawcze wykorzystano technikę porządkowania liniowego i grupowania obiektów wielocechowych. W badaniu posłużono się danymi GUS w zakresie łowiectwa za 2015 r. Do doboru zmiennych diagnostycznych uwzględnionych w konstrukcji rankingów oraz grup województw wykorzystano parametryczną metodę Hellwiga. Z badania przeprowadzonego dwiema metodami o różnych sposobach normalizacji zmiennych diagnostycznych oraz odmiennej konstrukcji mierników rozwoju otrzymano podobne wyniki zarówno w zakresie uporządkowania, jak i wyodrębnienia grup województw.
The aim of the article is to distinguish voivodships with similar conditions and results of hunting activities. As a research tool, the technique of linear sorting and grouping of multi-feature objects was used. The survey was conducted using the data on hunting for 2015 published by CSO. For the selection of diagnostic variables included in the construction of the rankings and groups of voivodships the parametric Hellwig method was used. Similar outcomes were obtained as a result of the research conducted by two methods with various ways of diagnostic variables normalization and different design of development measures, both in terms of ordering and isolating groups of voivodships.
Autorka przedstawia specyficzny rodzaj aktywności, jaką było w wiekach średnich i wczesnym renesansie polowanie. Analizuje zaobserwowany w wybranych tekstach źródłowych sposób ujęcia tematu, i stara się stwierdzić, czy polowanie było traktowane również jako aktywność fizyczna. Podstawę źródłową tych rozważań stanowią: łaciński poemat Mikołaja Hussowskiego Carmen de statura, feritate ac venatione bisontis (Pieśń o żubrze), dwa staroangielskie traktaty łowieckie Juliany Berners On Hunting (O myślistwie) i On Hawkin (O sokolnictwie) oraz łaciński traktat o sokolnictwie De arte venandi cum avibus (O sztuce polowania z ptakami) autorstwa niemieckiego cesarza Fryderyka II Hohenstaufa. Dzieła Juliany Berners zostały napisane w formie praktycznych i raczej pobieżnych poradników skupiających się przede wszystkim na zagadnieniach terminologii używanej w łowiectwie i sokolnictwie. Traktat cesarza Fryderyka to praca naukowa, ukazująca ogrom wiedzy przyrodniczej autora. Według niego sokolnictwo to sztuka, w której siła umysłu i charakteru człowieka pozwala zapanować nad dzikimi i drapieżnymi ptakami. W Pieśni o żubrze Hussowskiego na plan pierwszy przebija się przede wszystkim zachwyt nad pięknem i potęgą ojczystej przyrody. Udział w polowaniach, zdaniem Hussowskiego, pozytywnie wpływa na zdrowie i tężyznę fizyczną.
The author presents a specific kind of activity of the Middle Ages and early Renaissance – hunting. She analyses the point of view of the topic in selected source texts and she tries to define if hunting was treated as a physical activity. The source basis of this work is the Latin poem Carmen de statura, feritate ac venatione bisontis (Song about a bison) by Mikołaj Hussowski, two Old English pieces by Juliana Barnes On Hunting and On Hawking and Latin treaty about hawking De arte venandi cum avibus (About the art of hunting with birds) by the German emperor Frederick II Hohenstauf. The works of Juliana Berners were written in the form of practical and rough manuals focusing on the terms used in hunting and hawking. The treaty by the emperor Frederick is a dissertation showing the wide knowledge of the nature of the author. According to the emperor, hawking is the art, in which the power of mind and person’s character lets him rule over the wild and predatory birds. In the Song about a bison by Hussowski, the major topic is the admiration of the beauty and power of homeland nature. The participation in hunting, in the opinion of Hussowski, improves the fitness and health
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL
vol. 61
issue 4
Błachut M., Gromski W., Kaczor J., Projekt ustawy, [w:] Technika prawodawcza, M. Błachut, W. Gromski,J. Kaczor, Warszawa 2008, s. 72.Gromski W., Technika prawodawcza i jej dyrektywy, [w:] Technika prawodawcza, M. Błachut, W. Gromski,J. Kaczor, Warszawa 2008, s. 5-6.Królikowski J., Skutki określenia innego terminu utraty mocy obowiązującej dla sądu występującegoz pytaniem prawnym, [w:] Skutki wyroków Trybunału Konstytucyjnego w sferze stosowania prawa,M. Bernatt, J. Królikowski, M. Ziółkowski (red.), Biuro Trybunału Konstytucyjnego, Warszawa2013, s. 139.Leoński Z., Materialne prawo administracyjne, Warszawa 2009, s. 166.Młynarska-Sobaczewska A., Opinia prawna w przedmiocie skutków Trybunału Konstytucyjnegoz dnia 10 lipca 2014 roku, w sprawie o sygn. akt P 19/13, o stwierdzeniu niezgodności art. 27 ust. 1w zw. z art. 26 ustawy Prawo łowieckie z Konstytucją dla funkcjonowania obwodów łowieckichoraz umów dzierżawy obwodów łowieckich, http://www.hunter.npl.pl/UserFiles/File/Opiniaaa.pdf [21.08.2018 r.].Ofiarska M., Specjalne strefy ekonomiczne w Polsce. Zagadnienia publicznoprawne, Szczecin 2000,s. 23–24.Projekt ustawy - o zmianie ustawy - Prawo łowieckie oraz zmieniającej ustawę o zmianie ustawy - Prawołowieckie z projektami aktów wykonawczych, (Druk nr 1042), http://orka.sejm.gov.pl/Druki8ka.nsf/0/71C70A5B733636D0C125806F003746AF/%24File/1042.pdf [31.07.2018 r.].Zacharczuk P., Obszary specjalne w polskim materialnym prawie administracyjnym, Warszawa 2017,s. 350-357.Zacharczuk P., Prawne skutki wyroku Trybunału Konstytucyjnego z dnia 10 lipca 2014 r. sygn. akt p19/13, [w:] Prawo zarządzania środowiskiem – aspekty sprawiedliwości ekologicznej, M. Nyka,T. Bojar-Fijałkowski (red.), Gdańsk 2017, s. 34, 38-39.
Considering the judgment on the unconstitutionality of the law being the legal basis for making divisions of voivodships into hunting zones, the legislature, adopting normative amendments recently, introduced new rules for the creation of hunting zones. With regard to these amendments, not only the laws concerning making new divisions of voivodships into hunting zones are currently very important, but also transitional laws concerning already made divisions of voivodships into hunting zones. However, the subject normative amendments introduced after the deadline for their implementation, do not eliminate all undesirable effects for the hunting management leading. Mainly, there are no grounds for adopting position on the continuous and uninterrupted functioning of all previously established hunting zones. In addition, divisions of voivodships into hunting zones made on the basis of an unconstitutional law are not valid in their full original ranges, because administrative courts have repeatedly annulled, as well as will still annul those resolutions regarding divisions of voivodships into hunting zones in part of them. It is also possible to annul the already adopted resolutions regarding the division of voivodships into hunting zones in its entirety. The entire annulment of these resolutions will result in the non-existence of hunting zones referred to as in these acts from the day of adopting the resolutions regarding the division of voivodships into hunting zones.  
W związku z orzeczeniem o niekonstytucyjności przepisu stanowiącego podstawę prawną do dokonywania podziałów województw na obwody łowieckie ustawodawca w ramach dokonanych w ostatnim czasie zmian normatywnych wprowadził nowe zasady tworzenia obwodów łowickich. W związku z tym niezwykle istotne są obecnie nie tylko przepisy dotyczące dokonywania nowych podziałów województw na obwody łowieckie, lecz także przepisy przejściowe dotyczące już dokonanych podziałów województw na obwody łowieckie. Niemniej jednak dokonane już po terminie przedmiotowe zmiany normatywne nie eliminują wszystkich niepożądanych dla prowadzenia gospodarki łowieckiej skutków. Przede wszystkim brak jest podstaw do przyjęcia stanowiska o ciągłym i nieprzerwanym funkcjonowaniu wszystkich wcześniej już utworzonych obwodów łowieckich. Poza tym dokonane na podstawie niekonstytucyjnego przepisu podziały województw na obwody łowieckie nie zachowują ważności w pełnym pierwotnym zakresie, ponieważ sądy administracyjne wielokrotnie stwierdziły już i w dalszym ciągu stwierdzać będą nieważność tych uchwał w sprawie podziału województwa na obwody łowieckie w części. Nie jest również wykluczone stwierdzenie nieważności podjętych już uchwał w sprawie podziału województwa na obwody łowieckie w całości. Stwierdzenie zaś nieważności przedmiotowych uchwał w całości skutkować będzie nieistnieniem obwodów łowieckich, o których mowa w tym aktach, już od dnia podjęcia uchwał w sprawie podziału województwa na obwody łowieckie.
Łowiectwo w Polsce przeżywa dziś swoisty renesans i niewątpliwie stanowi sprawę publiczną. Cel łowiectwa to cel publiczny, jest nim bowiem: ochrona, zachowanie różnorodności i gospodarowanie populacjami zwierząt łownych; ochrona i kształtowanie środowiska przyrodniczego na rzecz poprawy warunków bytowania zwierzyny; uzyskiwanie możliwie wysokiej kondycji osobniczej i jakości trofeów oraz właściwej liczebności populacji poszczególnych gatunków zwierzyny przy zachowaniu równowagi środowiska przyrodniczego; spełnianie potrzeb społecznych w zakresie uprawiania myślistwa, kultywowania tradycji oraz krzewienia etyki i kultury łowieckiej. Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje rozważania dotyczące dostępu do informacji publicznej w kontekście prawa łowieckiego. Wskazano w nim organy administracji publicznej zobligowane do jej udzielenia, a także podmioty, które mogą się o nią udzielać. Ponadto określono kompetencje w/w organów i wynikające z nich zadania publiczne w obsza-rze szeroko pojmowanego łowiectwa.
Hunting in Poland is experiencing a kind of renaissance today and is undoubtedly a public matter. The purpose of hunting is a public goal, because it is: protection, preservation of diver-sity and management of populations of game animals; protection and shaping the natural environment for the improvement of living conditions of animals; obtaining the highest possible personal condition and quality of trophies and the appropriate number of populations of partic-ular species of animals while maintaining the balance of the natural environment; meeting social needs in the field of hunting, cultivating tradition and propagating ethics and hunting culture.This article presents considerations regarding access to public information in the context of hunting law. It indicates the public administration bodies obliged to provide it, as well as entities that can apply for it. In addition, the competences of the above mentioned bodies and the resulting public tasks in the area of broadly understood hunting were defined.
This paper expounds the results of a query conducted in terminological resources related to the hare’s characteristics and features a subsequent comparison of findings. The approach is semantically-oriented and consists of qualitatively and quantitatively processed Polish and Italian data. A single species is at the focus of this lexical study: the hare. To narrow down the size of the data submitted to analysis, nouns and adjectives describing qualitative characteristics of the hare have been given priority; thus, common hare-denoting nouns are given emphasis. Additional areas of interest extend over terms describing its age, sex, as well as its physical and mental features. The corpus comprises lexical units drawn from 19th- and 20th-century dictionaries of hunting lexis. It extends over present-day terms, documented in blogs and web pages frequented by hunters. The present investigation has benefited greatly from oral interviews and surveys carried out amongst Polish and Italian hunters coming from a variety of regions.
Il presente articolo espone sia i risultati ottenuti durante la raccolta dei lessemi relativi alla lepre sia la loro analisi comparativa. L’interesse principale è stato posto sull’analisi semantica dei nomi e degli aggettivi riguardanti le specie di lepre e i singoli animali, le abitudini di vita, il sesso, l’età e i tratti del carattere leprino. Tutti questi lessemi fanno parte del linguaggio speciale venatorio. Considerando la ricchezza lessicale del materiale e la sua varietà interna, il corpus è stato ricavato dai dizionari venatori polacchi e italiani del XIX e XX secolo, nonché dalle fonti più recenti ed informali: forum e blog dedicati alla caccia. I risultati avvalorano l’ipotesi dell’esistenza di una terminologia molto ramificata ed estesa nelle lingue analizzate. Tuttavia, sono state riscontrate alcune differenze nella struttura dei campi lessicali, come pure discrepanze nel numero delle espressioni relative alla lepre in polacco e in italiano.
Człowiek pierwotny nie mógłby przetrwać gdyby nie umiejętność polowania. Jednakże wraz z zastępowaniem gospodarki zbieracko – rybacko – łowieckiej uprawą roślin i hodowlą zwierząt myślistwo zaczęło stopniowo tracić na znaczeniu. Późniejszy postęp cywilizacyjny, odbywający się następstwie zagospodarowywania siedlisk naturalnych, spowodował znaczne zmniejszenie się liczebności dzikiej fauny. Współcześnie coraz więcej gatunków wraz z zajmowanymi siedliskami zagrożonych jest wyginięciem. W tych okolicznościach może dziwić fakt dlaczego, pomimo radykalnych przemian obejmujących zarówno warunki życia ludzi jak i strukturę środowiska człowiek nadal poluje na zwierzęta. Niejako w odpowiedzi na powyższą wątpliwość ustawa z dnia 13 października 1995 r. – Prawo łowieckie podsuwa nową koncepcję łowiectwa. W świetle przepisów ustawy oznacza ono „ochronę zwierząt łownych i gospodarowanie ich zasobami w zgodzie z zasadami ekologii oraz zasadami racjonalnej gospodarki rolnej, leśnej i rybackiej”. Corocznie w ramach tak rozumianego łowiectwa, odstrzeliwuje się około półtora miliona zwierząt. Są to gatunki wysokorozwiniętych kręgowców, które bezdyskusyjnie zdolne są do odczuwania silnego bólu i stresu. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na kontrowersje prawne, związane z polowaniami w świetle pryncypiów systemu prawnej ochrony zwierząt. W artykule zasygnalizowany zostanie również brak humanitarnych standardów uśmiercania zwierzyny, a także przedstawione zostaną niektóre zagrożenia środowiskowe związane z wykonywaniem myślistwa.
Hunting might have been necessary for human survival in prehistoric times, but today most hunters stalk and kill animals merely for the thrill of it, not out of necessity. This unnecessary and violent form of “entertainment” rips animal families apart and leaves countless animals orphaned or badly injured when hunters miss their targets. Quick kills are rare, and many animals suffer prolonged, painful death when hunters severely injure but fail to kill them. In Poland hunters shoot one and a half million animals annually – well developed vertebrates and birds. Polish hunting law act – which is in force since 1995, does not contain any necessary standards of killing procedures. Such standards are common in other acts, and are applied to farming animals, animals and pets used for experimental and other scientific purposes. This article elaborates on both legal and environmental controversial concerning hunting game – hunting in the international, European and national animal law.
W II Rzeczypospolitej problem kłusownictwa był bardzo poważnym wyzwaniem i nigdy nie został znacznie ograniczony. W latach 1918–1939 z tym przestępstwem bezskutecznie walczyli policja, straż leśna oraz myśliwi. Kłusownicy byli niebezpiecznymi i nieprzewidywalnymi ludźmi, często zabijali myśliwych, leśników, a także nie wahali się strzelać do policjantów. W międzywojennej Polsce działalność kłusowników poważnie zagrażała istnieniu populacji nawet pospolitych zwierząt. Poaching in the Second Polish Republic was a serious problem that was never quite resolved. In 1918–1939, it was actively fought against by the police, forest guards and hunters. Poachers were dangerous and unpredictable people; they often killed hunters and foresters, they did not hesitate to fire at policemen. In interwar Poland poaching was a real threat to species, even to common animals.
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