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According to the contemporary Polish catechetics, the key dimensions of catechesis are such fundamental ones as e.g. the ecumenical, the biblical, the ecclesiastical, the moral, the liturgical, the cultural and the existential ones. They determine the main topics and the ways of analyzing them during religion lessons. This paper aims to present the existential dimension of religion teaching in the context of the Polish catechetic curricula adopted in 2010: “Core curriculum of the Catholic Church catechesis in Poland” and “Curriculum of Roman-Catholic religion teaching in nurseries and schools”. One shall begin with presenting the issue in question, i.e. the terms “existence”, “existentialism in teaching” and “existentialism in catechetics and catechesis”. Next, the origins of the existential dimension of religion teaching shall be described with references to, among other things, the statements made by the Magisterium of the Church, by Popes and by catechetic teachers. Then, one shall move on to a synthetic characteristics of the existential issues in the new curricula of religion education. In this context, one shall point to methodological suggestions, designed to provide the existential direction to religion education. The last part of the paper contains the summary and the suggestions for the authors of new series of textbooks and religion education materials as well as for religion teachers.
It’s been 22 years since the return of religious education to the Polish school. Catechesis has become a normal part of the curriculum. It is often the most beloved subject, not only for children, and catechists are frequently the most liked teachers. Catechesis is also constantly in the limelight of the Church, who through it implements the mandate of Christ to “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19) and also reflects on her level. Religious education at school is at the same time accompanied by a very great interest of politicians and journalists. This article is an attempt to take stock of twenty-year presence of catechesis at school from the Church’s perspective, based on the existing summaries made recently, but in polemical tone for the selected publications.
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Ekumeniczny wymiar katechezy

The author of the article attempts at a synthetic presentation of the ecumenical dimension of catechesis. The topic has been dealt with in three parts. First, the author points to the fact that the ecumenical dimension is necessary in contemporary catechesis. This follows both from the internal reasons of faith (our responsibility for the unity of Christendom in accordance with Christ’s will) and from external factors (like the cultural and religious context of Christian life today). In the second part, the author discusses vital elements which give a direction to the ecumenical catechesis. Among them, the key significance is attributed to knowledge of the doctrine of one’s own Church and its comprehensive communication to others, knowledge of the teaching of other Churches and ecclesiastic communities, and correct presentation of it, forming in others an attitude of openness to ecumenism. The last part is devoted to the issue of interconfessional cooperation in the field of catechesis. In this context, the author refers, among others, to the practice of catechesis in common.
Sprawozdanie z sympozjum naukowego διάΛογος – Jak się spotykać, by odnaleźć Boga?, Stadniki, 5 listopada 2020 roku
Report from the scientific symposium διάΛογος – How to meet to find God?, Stadniki, November 5th, 2020
Horyzonty Wychowania
vol. 13
issue 27
The article analyses the core curriculum introduced in 2010 which defines religious instruction in Poland paying special attention to the presence of ecological education issues at the third and fourth stage of education. This issue has been examined with reference to the programmes and books prepared by the WAM publishing house. Both the objectives of religious education set by the core curriculum and the particular requirements in the form of knowledge and skills contain elements aimed at broadening ecological awareness of those subject to religious instruction. This awareness is shaped on the basis of catholic ethics, truths of the faith and moral attitudes which result from the Christian Revelation and the teaching of the Catholic Church. It refers both to the protection of the natural environment and the broader issue of  respect for human life (individual and community). The perception of the proposed contents among those subject to religious instruction requires further empirical research. 
W artykule poddano analizie Podstawę programową do nauczania religii w Polsce z 2010 roku pod kątem obecności treści edukacji ekologicznej na III i IV etapie edukacyjnym. Zbadano to zagadnienie w odniesieniu do programów i podręczników przygotowanych dla Wydawnictwa WAM. Zarówno wytyczone przez podstawę programową zadania katechezy, jak i wymagania szczegółowe w postaci wiadomości i umiejętności zawierają elementy mające na celu zwiększenie świadomości ekologicznej katechizowanych. Świadomość ta budowana jest na fundamencie etyki katolickiej oraz prawd wiary i postaw moralnych wynikających z objawienia chrześcijańskiego i nauczania Kościoła katolickiego. Odnosi się to zarówno do zagadnienia ochrony środowiska naturalnego, jak i do szeroko pojętej kwestii poszanowania życia ludzkiego, indywidualnego i wspólnotowego. Percepcja proponowanych treści w środowisku katechizowanych wymaga dalszych badań empirycznych.
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Pomoce dydaktyczne w katechezie

Didactic devices help to increase the efficiency of the instruction process. Most commonly they are divided by applying the criterion of exposed stimuli. We speak then of: visual devices, auditory devices and audiovisual ones. Some add also verbal devices or others, affecting the sense of taste or smell. This vast variety of didactic devices is used in teaching religion too. Image, sound, multimedia combined with a proper catechist’s verbal commentary are supposed to actualize the primary goal of catechesis, i.e. “to put people not only in touch but in communion, in intimacy, with Jesus Christ” (Catechesi tradendae 5). Th e teacher’s activities and the use of didactic devices should always be harmonized for the better achievement of this aim. Then it constitutes the basis for appropriate cooperation between the catechist and the pupil in order that the catechetical instruction become more effective.
The general goal of teaching the Orthodox religion in schools after Poland gained independence in 1918 was to consolidate religious truths and deepen moral principles among children, so that in their later life they could work on deepening the truths of faith and take an active part in the life of the Church. A catechist should be not only a lecturer, but above all an example of the principles of Christian morality, be able to teach students at least the elementary basics of contemporary threats, point out differences with other faiths, and at the same time become a lecturer, apologist and missionary. In the process of teaching and upbringing, attention was paid to knowledge and attitudes that influenced the observance of the principles of faith. When teaching the Orthodox religion, the teacher always remembered the three most important goals: mind education, emotional education, and moralpractical education. The above hierarchy of values made it possible to further deepen the children’s religious knowledge, faith and lively and conscious participation in the services. The formulated goals of teaching the Orthodox religion in schools until 1932 reflected the spirit of the times and changes taking place in the Orthodox Church and the State.
Różnice pomiędzy katechezą i edukacją religijną są zdefiniowane w oficjalnych dokumentach Kościoła katolickiego dotyczących edukacji i wychowania, ale wciąż rodzą problemy w teorii i praktyce edukacji katolickiej. Autorka niniejszego artykułu przedstawia refleksje na temat postrzegania różnic pomiędzy katechezą i edukacją religijną przez teoretyków edukacji katolickiej ze szczególnym odniesieniem do The National Project of Catechesis and Religious Education. Ogromna praca związana z projektem jest odpowiedzią na potrzeby nauczycieli religii, uczniów szkół katolickich, rodziców i katechetów. Jednak obecna sytuacja wymaga, aby wspólnota eklezjalna była gotowa w procesie edukacji religijnej podjąć ryzyko stworzenia języka adekwatnego do opisu zachodzących procesów.
Educating for the virtue of peace is one of the key issues of the Church’s mission. It was also placed amongst the socio-cultural transformations of the XX century, becoming a leading theme after the issuing of two encyclical letters by Pope John XXIII – Mater et Magistra and Pacem in terris – dedicated to social problems. In catechesis related to the time of the Council one can find reflections of attempts to educate for pro-peace attitudes. Despite the fact that Vatican Council II did not issue any document directly related to catechesis, nevertheless the Council inspired numerous formulations and indications in catechetical literature which focus on existential concerns and finding a way to dialogue with the contemporary world. Parochial catechesis as well as the teaching of religion – after its return to Polish schools – undertakes the education for peace within the framework of axiological thinking. When referring to the teaching of the Counciliar and post-Conciliar popes, catechists look to accomplish the idea of peace presented in Pacem in terris by using four “pillars” or principles: truth, justice, love and freedom. It is important to underline at this point that the dialogue that aims at arousing a common concern for peace must respect the natural law and safeguard the dignity of every human being. In the post-modern world are not these values becoming rather “meaningless”? This is the leaning of the article’s author.
The article is an attempt to show the most important assumptions concerning the process of preparation for the sacrament of confirmation. The reflection is based on the assumption that in the document of Polish Bishops’ Conference there are some truths which are necessary to be discovered and put in catechetical practice. These truths determine the whole process of catechesis and make her more fruitful. Aſter forming the question related to efficiency of our catechesis and describing a necessity of pastoral conversion, the author forms the following indications for catechesis: the unity with Christ as the fundament of preparation to confirmation, spiritual nature of all catechetical measures, a great value of candidates meeting in groups, the experience of community and prayer, spiritual retreats for the youth, a necessity of collaboration with parents, controlling of own emotions. At the end of the reflection, the author points out the indications regarding the confirmation which depend on the catechist and his engagement in catechesis. 
Artykuł jest próbą przedstawienia najważniejszych założeń dotyczących procesu przygotowania do sakramentu bierzmowania. Refleksja opiera się na założeniu, że w dokumencie Konferencji Episkopatu Polski znajdują się pewne prawdy, które należy odkryć i umieścić w praktyce katechetycznej. Te prawdy decydują o całym procesie katechezy i czynią ją bardziej owocną. Po sformułowaniu pytania dotyczącego skuteczności naszej katechezy i opisaniu konieczności nawrócenia duszpasterskiego, autor formułuje następujące wskazania dla katechezy: jedność z Chrystusem jako fundament przygotowania do potwierdzenia, duchowy charakter wszystkich środków katechetycznych, wielką wartość spotkania kandydatów w grupach, doświadczenie wspólnoty i modlitwy, rekolekcje duchowe dla młodzieży, konieczność współpracy z rodzicami, kontrolowanie własnych emocji. Pod koniec refleksji autor wskazuje na te kwestie przygotowania do bierzmowania, które zależą od katechety i jego zaangażowania w katechezę.
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Katecheta w służbie parafii

The present article is an attempt to reveal a catechist as a man engaged in service to his parish. First, I will present a parish image perceived by a modern man. Then a parish catechist competence will be presented. The next step will be to show a catechist as a guide on the ways of catechesis in the parish community. At the end, I will make an attempt to show a parish catechist activities.
Każde pokolenie potrzebuje wychowania w wierze, ale w obecnej epoce wymaga tego wychowania jakby od nowa. Wiara rozwija się dynamicznie i systematycznie wówczas, kiedy jest przekazywana jako doświadczenie. W wychowaniu wiary, winno być więc dowartościowane doświadczenie jako stałe zaangażowanie egzystencjalne, całoosobowe przyjęcie prawdy, skierowanie woli ku poznanym wartościom, jakie wynikają z zażyłości człowieka i Boga w Chrystusie. Dlatego katecheza przekazując prawdy wiary, uwzględniając wszystkie czynniki ludzkie oraz dynamizm rozwoju i dojrzewania wiary łączy doświadczenie ludzkie z orędziem zbawczym.
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Biuletyn katechetyczny

The author, analyzing Church teaching concerning the holiness of priests, concentrates on its essential relation with the religious education of young people. Beginning with the attempt of defining the term of holiness and going in the direction of giving certain ways of achieving it, the author shows the priest’s relation with Jesus Christ as its foundation. The article draws readers’ attention on the priestly sanctity as the need of the current times; he also accents the connection of the holiness of priests with students’ aspiration to be a saint. A priest, in the role of a religious instruction teacher and religious education teacher, is responsible for not only educating young people during school classes, but also raising their awareness of being indissoluble part of Church. Thanks to his own testimony and holiness, a priest plays the role of an evangelizator among teachers and students in the school environment. Striving after holiness is an obligation arising from the need of permanent priest’s formation, as well as improving his workshop as a religious education teacher.
Die sogenannte Münchner Methode hielt verhältnismäßig schnell auch in Polen Einzug, denn polnische Katecheten, darunter in besonderem Maß jene aus Galizien, nahmen rege und aktiv an den katechetischen Kursen und Kongressen in München wie auch in Wien teil. Polnische Katecheten, darunter insbesondere Walenty Gadowski, trugen wesentlich zur Vervollkommnung dieser Methode bei. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden Fragestellungen um Johann Friedrich Herbarts pädagogische Forderungen erürtert, speziell in Bezug auf ihre Übernahme in die Erziehungssystematik von Gadowski. Dabei wird zunächst Walenty Gadowskis Einfluss auf die Ausgestaltung der Münchner Methode vorgestellt, anschließend werden die von J.F. Herbart aufgestellten Grundsätze in den pädagogisch-katechetischen Überlegungen Walenty Gadowskis kritisch hinterfragt.
Mathetics as a complementation of didactics assumes a constructivist conception of learning understood as a dynamic, autopoietic (self-organized) process, during which man creates his own reality. Mathetics involves an integral way of looking at the pupil and views the course of learning from his perspective. In consequence, teaching starts to be understood as an ordered and comprehensive off er addressed to the pupil, in which not only content transmission but also the plane of relations plays a signifi cant role. This in turn leads to a process of learning where not just the pupils’ reason but their emotions, motivations and will also come to the fore. With regard to religious education and catechesis, mathetics means that all those concerned learn the faith from one another. First and foremost they learn what it is like to see the world through faith and what the world looks like without faith. What is most important, however, is that the religion teacher/catechist should be a person of faith, because only then will they be credible.
Matetyka jako uzupełnienie dydaktyki zakłada konstruktywistyczne pojmowanie uczenia się, rozumianego jako dynamiczny, autopoietyczny (samoorganizujący się) proces, w czasie którego człowiek tworzy swą własną rzeczywistość. Matetyka uwzględnia integralny sposób patrzenia na ucznia oraz postrzega przebieg uczenia się z jego perspektywy. W konsekwencji nauczanie zaczyna być rozumiane jako uporządkowana i wyczerpująca oferta skierowana do ucznia, w której znaczącą rolę odgrywa nie tylko przekaz treści, lecz również płaszczyzna relacji, co sprawia, że w procesie uczenia się dochodzą do głosu również emocje, motywacje i wola uczniów, a nie tylko ich rozum. W odniesieniu do nauczania religii i katechezy oznacza to, że matetyce wiary uczą się wszyscy od siebie nawzajem. Uczą się przede wszystkim tego, jak patrzy się na świat z wiarą i jak wygląda on bez wiary. Najistotniejsze jednak jest to, by nauczyciel religii/katecheta był człowiekiem  wierzącym, bo tylko wówczas będzie wiarygodny.
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