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This study aims to find higher education students’ perceptions about environmental issues and how the perceptions are related to perceptions of media coverage. This study investigates higher education students’ perceptions of the seriousness of environmental issues and their relation to perceptions of media coverage. Higher education students perceived a global problem, lack of clean water, as most serious environmental problem. Media has had an effect on students’ perceptions on environmental issues: when students perceived the problem as serious they also perceived the information in media concerning it appropriate. Students perceived that the media underestimate and obscure some environmental problems such as biological diversity and global warming. It was concluded that higher education educators need more knowledge of students’, future decision makers’ concerns and perceptions about environmental issues to develop more effective teaching practices in higher education. Through education environmental issues literacy, which is a precursor for engaged protection of the environment, can be fostered. This study offers some insights into higher education students’ perceptions of the media’s role in environmental issues.
The article examines one of the key factors of modern European philosophy and outlook - neocolonialistic and orientalistic mentality of nowadays Europe and its impact on the informatioanal sphere and the character of inernational relations. Neocolonialism and orientalism are, thus, studied in the context of the analysis of westernm media coverage of Ukrainian crisis which occasionaly appears to be stereotyped and deeply engaged.
Six years after the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ in 2015, the European Union remains divided on questions of migration and asylum policy. The issue also remains high on the agendas of the USA and Russia, two other key destination countries with immigration from Latin America and the Post-Soviet space. This article presents results from a comparative study of news coverage in 17 countries, focusing on 10 EU member states in Western and Central Eastern Europe (CEE), the USA and Russia. The intensity of coverage was remarkably different, with Hungary’s and Germany’s media standing out while Russian media displayed relatively low levels of coverage. Individual migrants and refugees were most visible in the two outlets from the USA. Media in CEE countries tended towards a more critical approach than media in Western Europe. However, differences between most countries’ pairs of analyzed media outlets indicate a more pluralistic debate than frequently assumed.
The role of the public sphere has increasingly come to the fore in studies concerning the state of democracy in Europe. Similarly the role of culture in formations and transformations not only of personal but of political identities as well has attracted attention. It is the purpose of this article to bring these areas together in a comprehensive approach to media, culture and democracy with a view of the public sphere as a crucial mediating field. Article focuses on the role of media in sustaining and developing democracy, a democratic dialogue and in fulfilling the role of media as the critical watchdog of the political system and other powerful players on the European scene. The concept of knowledge democracy is meant to enable a new focus on the relationships between knowledge production and dissemination, the functioning of the media and our democratic institutions. The emerging concept of knowledge democracy moreover obliges us to realise that the institutional frameworks of today’s societies may appear to be deficient as far as the above mentioned undercurrents, trends and other developments demand change. Democracy is without a doubt the most successful governance concept for societies during the last two centuries. It is a strong brand, even used by rulers who do not meet any democratic criterion. Representation gradually became the predominant mechanism by which the population at large, through elections, provides a body with a general authorization to take decisions in all public domains for a certain period of time. Fragmentation of values has lead to individualisation, to uniqueness but thereby also to the impossibility of being represented in a general manner by a single actor such as a member of parliament. More fundamentally media-politics destroy the original meaning of representation.
This report looks at the Czech media debate on the European Constitution in the period between French and Dutch “no” to the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe (TCE) and po- litical agreement on the Reform Treaty (June 2005 to June 2007). Based on quantitative and qualitative analyses of the six Czech printed media, the present study confirms that the debate on the European constitution was largely national with overwhelming dominance of Czech actors. The study also indi- cates strong politisation and personalisation of the Czech media debate. The results identify two dom- inant groups of actors and topics in mutual opposition. The first is represented by President Klaus and ODS politicians who oppose the European constitution project. The other group is formed by CSSD politicians and the Chair Jiri Paroubek who support the continutation of the common European Con- stitution project.
This article reports part of a research project currently carried out by the authors devoted to the analysis of quoted speech used by Polish journalists in their discourse after 1989. The first part of the article was published in the previous volume of Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. The present part focuses on the characteristics of the participants (parties) in journalistic information. Prevailing and determining factors related to the number and the type of participants in journalistic information are presented, and fundamental functions of speech verbs (verba dicenti) are indicated. Citation is the most explicit form of inclusion of other-discourse in one’s discourse. The second part of the study provides more detailed analysis that includes the following categories: the category of witnesses, experts (practitioners) and that of experts (theoreticians). The third part of the article is due to be published soon.
We recently noticed increased media coverage of the expression/collocation réfugiés environnementaux. The aforementioned collocation is omnipresent in the French media; it has been circulating and has been in use for over twenty years. However, why has environmental refugee been chosen in English? The main argument is that this expression officially appeared as early as in 1985, in the report for the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), so it is a UN term. There are currently other names that supplant it: déplacés or migrants; nonetheless, the term réfugié has a much greater impact given the implicity of its meaning. We shall see why the term réfugiés environnementaux/climatiques is in current use and why it is preferred to déplacés and migrants climatiques/environnementaux. The aim of this article is to detail the terms employed expanding on dictionary explanations, as well as to clarify the analysis of the journalistic and legal contexts. To conclude, we shall unveil the terms which seem to us best suited.
Ukraine has redeclared its way to European integration which means the arrangement of not only the information campaign directed at the Ukrainians but the promotion campaign directed at foreign public. A serious communication challenge was caused by the advisory referendum in the Netherlands concerning the ratification of the EU–Ukraine Association Agreement. Ukraine had to counteract the well-organized media campaign held by the Dutch Eurosceptics. The Ukraine’s communication efforts are analyzed within the context of the Dutch referendum, 2016.
Organista Natalia, Halter–Bogołębska Martyna, Sport in the new media. Media coverages of selected sport disciplines during the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Culture – Society – Education no 2(16) 2019, Poznań 2019, pp. 203–224, Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300–0422. DOI 10.14746/kse.2019.16.13. This study concerns the online sports media coverage, a topic that has not been previously analyzed in Poland. In recent decades many studies (in Anglo–Saxon countries in particular) indicated the major underrepresentation of women’s sport and different framing of sportswomen andsportsmen. Those studies showed that the media plays important role in upholding gender stereotypes in sport and hindering empowerment of sportswomen. This study analyzes media coverage of three sports disciplines (gymnastics,swimming and weightlifting) during Rio Olympics on five websites. Findings revealed underrepresentation of women’s sport and setting the trend to write about women’s sport in disciplines consider as appropriated for women. The qualitative analysis did not indicate gender–specific descriptors in materials about sportspeople.
This article is a part of research project that focuses on citations in media coverage in Poland after 1989; two earlier installments of the article have been included in earlier publications of “Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne”. Part Three provides a discussion on and characteristics of the category of the average man in the street, ordinary people whose utterances are increasingly included in the journalistic narration. Taking the notion of everyday life, with which the demand for an ordinary man in the media is closely linked, as a starting point in the discussion, the authors proceed to characterize citations, along with their explanatory attributions, indicate their textual functions and analyse the categories that are revealed within the process: anonymity, transparency and singularity.
Historically, news organizations located in the heart of confl ict zones have been an im- portant player in informing the public and shaping its understanding of particular issues. To advance research relating to international confl ict coverage the current study analyzed how Georgian, Russian, and American media framed the 2008 war in Georgia. By examining coverage in Izvestia and Reson- ance as well as Th e New York Times — which is an important example of how the confl ict was presented to the American public — this paper elucidates likely determinants of the type of news and events that are prioritized by media producers proximal to the region of confl ict. We fi nd the similarities in confl ict reporting are as interesting as their diff erences.
Studia Medioznawcze
issue 4
Cel: artykuł dotyczy nierozłączności komunikacji werbalnej i niewerbalnej w przekazach medialnych, szczególnie telewizyjnych. Odbiorcy czerpią informacje z przekazów medialnych na podstawie tego, co widzą i słyszą w połączeniu z treścią, jaka do nich dociera. Ich uwaga jest więc podzielona na śledzenie różnych kanałów komunikacyjnych, a to oznacza, że część informacji może zostać pominięta. Aby sprawdzić, ile informacji może pozostać niezauważonych, zostało wykonane specjalne badanie. Metody badań: do badania wykorzystano nagranie jednego z orędzi noworocznych Prezydenta RP, a więc przekazu należącego do specyficznego gatunku mowy. Badanie polegało na rozwarstwieniu przekazu, a następnie sprawdzeniu, ile informacji jest zauważanych, gdy uwaga odbiorcy skierowana jest tylko na jeden kanał komunikacyjny: (1) na kanał wizualny, bez dźwięku; (2) na kanał audialny – bez obrazu; (3) na sam tekst orędzia. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone z zastosowaniem zogniskowanego wywiadu grupowego, metody często wykorzystywanej w celu uzyskania opinii względem danej kwestii. Wyniki nie stanowią zaskoczenia – okazuje się, że czerpanie informacji z kilku kanałów równocześnie dostarcza wielu informacji, jednakże dopiero rozwarstwienie kanałów pokazuje, ile nowych informacji dociera do odbiorcy, gdy jego uwaga skierowana jest na każdy z nich oddzielnie. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: badanie potwierdza intuicyjne przekonanie o zachowaniu uważności w odbiorze wszelkich treści medialnych. Ponieważ publiczne wystąpienia są częstą praktyką polityków czy ekspertów, należy być skupionym, by nie ulec fałszywym informacjom, czemu może sprzyjać tzw. szum informacyjny. Badanie służy również wykazaniu dużego znaczenia retorycznej zasady decorum dla tworzenia przekazów medialnych.
Scientific objective: The article deals with the inseparability of verbal and non-verbal communication in media coverage, especially on television. Recipients derive information from what they see, what they hear, and the content that reaches them. The recipient’s attention is therefore divided into tracking different communication channels, and this may mean that some information may be omitted. In order to check how much information may go unnoticed, a special test described in this article has been performed. Research methods: The recording of a New Year’s speech given by the President on the last day of the year was used for the study, so it is a message belonging to a specific genre of speech. The study consisted of stratifying the message and then examining how much information is noticed when the recipient’s attention is focused on only one communication channel and analyzing it: (1) the visual channel, without sound; (2) the audible channel––without image; (3) the text of the speech being read. The study was conducted using focus group interviews, a common method used to obtain an opinion on a given subject. The results are not surprising - it turns out that obtaining information from several channels simultaneously provides much information. However, only the stratification of the channels shows how much new information reaches the recipient when his or her attention is focused on each channel separately. Originality/cognitive value: The research proves the intuitive conviction of maintaining focus on the perception of various media content. Public speeches are a frequent practice by politicians and experts, it’s important to remain focused, as to not succumb to false information, which can be favored by a so-called information overload. The research also serves to point out the great importance of the rhetorical decorum rule, for creating media messages.
Since 2005, political life in Poland has been dominated by two competing ideologies of the post-Solidarity formation. Electoral races between the post-Solidarity parties of the PO and PiS have revealed more than just the new face of political divisions. A dynamic and emotional struggle has been reflected in the different styles of party leadership. The increasing role of the media in political competition illuminates the important role of political actors by incorporating society as a passive viewer. Democratic elections, for political parties, are the real measure of approval and popularity for their political leaders. Kaczyński's opposite vision of the state of Poland “liberal” and “social”, also affects the divisions among the electorate. Finally, the results of the election contest undoubtedly affect the public's image of the two leaders, who dominate the public discourse due to the large amount of focused attention by the mass media. Consequently, the public's attention is captured and influenced by the views and political attitudes of its constituencies. Tusk and Kaczyński have the ability to mobilize and inspire many voters, they are masters at engaging the publics' hearts and minds. However there are limits, including that neither leader accepts people stronger than himself. Each feels that strong people pose a threat to their personal position. Their leadership styles are not indifferent to the quality of the political system, but the current model of leadership oscillates between the myth of martyrdom, the rhetoric of populism and passive vagueness.
Among all known disasters, cataclysms and catastrophes, the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant holds a particular place in human memory. There are several reasons for that. Firstly, as one of the largest industrial disasters in history, it was an incident of truly global reach that put citizens of many countries at risk. Secondly, people were suddenly forced to confront with an invisible enemy, one that raises the greatest fear, which made that fight extremely uneven. Thirdly, the explosion occurred at a specific moment in history and in a specific country, as a result of which relevant information, limited as it was, was released to the public with a significant delay, with some events of 26 April 1986 not fully explained until today. These are probably only a few reasons why this catastrophe continues to stir emotions even after 30 years. The aim of the discussion presented here is to find the source of the current increase in interest in Chernobyl, analyse media discourse associated with disasters and predict their possible effects.
Dawne postrzeganie roli odbiorcy przekazu medialnego uległo w wielu kwestiach zasadniczym zmianom. Nie ma wątpliwości, że media kreują rzeczywistość i to, jak odbiorca postrzega otaczający go świat, w dużej mierze zależy od tego, jaki komunikat do niego dotrze. Odpowiedzialna rola mediów nakłada na nie ciężar bycia nauczycielem, gdy mowa o procesie edukacji medialnej, odbiorca zaś staje się uczniem. Ideałem będzie, gdy docierać do niego będą bodźce, które pozwolą na poprawny rozwój psycho-emocjonalny, zaś nadawca nad własne potrzeby zysku przedłoży aspekt kreowania właściwych postaw społecznych. Ostatnim z omówionych problemów jest kwestia manipulacji przekazem medialnym. Zagadnienie to nie jest nowe, miało swój wyraz podczas relacjonowania przebiegu konfliktu palestyńsko-izraelskiego, a i dziś, w dobie zagrożeń terrorystycznych, stanowi ważki problem. Wszystkie te kwestie stawiają przed odbiorcą przekazu medialnego nowe zadania i nowe role, które wciąż ulegają dalszym przeobrażeniom.
The previous perception of the role of the recipient of media coverage has changed substantially in many areas. There is no doubt that the media creates reality and how the perceiver sees the world around him depends in large part on the message that will reach him. The responsible role of the media imposes on them the burden of being a teacher when it comes to the process of media education when the recipient becomes a disciple. It will be ideal when he reaches the stimulus that will allow for proper psycho-emotional development, and when the broadcaster, above his own need for profit, will submit an aspect of creating proper social attitudes. The last of the issues discussed is media manipulation. This issue is not new, it has been expressed in reporting the course of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and today, in the era of terrorist threats it is a major problem. All these issues confront the media forward with new tasks and new roles for perceivers that however continue to undergo further transformations.
Visits by American presidents in Poland are important, socio-political and media events. This fact was the motivation to conduct research on media presentation of the visits of two American presidents – Barack Obama in 2011 and Donald Trump in 2017 – to Poland which were presented in Polish daily newspapers. The content analysis was based on opinion-forming titles: “Gazeta Wyborcza”, “Rzeczpospolita” and “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, and tabloids: “Fakt” and “Super Express”. The aim of the paper is to show the differences in how selected dailies cover two visits and explain where these differences might come from. The research hypothesis assumes that the ideological profile of chosen daily press determines media image of the American presidential visits in Poland, and that the significance of press materials may impact the formation of readers’ views and opinions about leaders of the USA. The author tried to answer the following questions: do the selected titles show bias against any of the presidents?, is the narration of daily newspapers similar to the tabloid press?, and do they undergo tabloidization? The article consists of five parts. The first part discusses the special relationship between Poland and the USA and the perception of American presidents’ visits to Poland. The second section describes agenda-setting, which is the theoretical framework for this study. The third part of the article describes the research methodology, which is based on content analysis. The fourth section is a description of the study of materials published in Polish daily press. The article ends with a summary of the study results. The bias was demonstrated in “Gazeta Wyborcza” (numerous articles, critical of Donald Trump), “Fakt” (numerous articles with positive attitude towards Barack Obama and Donald Trump) and “Super Express” (numerous satirical articles about Barack Obama). In the context of the discussed issues, daily newspapers did not make their narration similar to tabloid press and did not succumb to the tabloidization of media.
Wizyty przywódców Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki w Polsce stanowią ważne wydarzenie nie tylko społeczno-polityczne, ale także medialne. Fakt ten był motywacją podjęcia badań nad obrazem medialnym wizyt amerykańskich prezydentów w Polsce – Baracka Obamy w 2011 roku oraz Donalda Trumpa w 2017 roku, który przedstawiano na łamach polskiej prasy codziennej. Analizie zawartości poddano tytuły opiniotwórcze: „Gazetę Wyborczą”, „Rzeczpospolitą” i „Dziennik Gazetę Prawną”, oraz tabloidy: „Fakt” i „Super Express”. Celem badań jest pokazanie różnic w sposobach relacjonowania przez wybrane dzienniki obu wizyt oraz wyjaśnienie, skąd te różnice mogą wynikać. Postawiono hipotezę badawczą, która zakłada, że profil ideologiczny wybranych tytułów determinuje obraz medialny wizyt amerykańskich prezydentów w Polsce, a wydźwięk przekazów prasowych może mieć potencjalny wpływ na kształtowanie poglądów, opinii czytelników wobec przywódców USA. Poszukiwano odpowiedzi na pytania: czy wybrane tytuły przejawiają stronniczość wobec któregoś z prezydentów, czy narracja dzienników opinii jest zbliżona do prasy bulwarowej i czy ulegają zjawisku tabloidyzacji? Artykuł składa się z pięciu części. We wstępie omówiono szczególne relacje łączące Polskę i USA oraz postrzeganie wizyt amerykańskich prezydentów w Polsce. W części drugiej opisano agendę-setting będącą ramą teoretyczną niniejszych rozważań. Trzecia sekcja artykułu to opis metodologii badań, która opiera się na analizie zawartości. Czwarta część to omówienie wyników analizy materiałów opublikowanych na łamach wybranych dzienników. Artykuł wieńczy podsumowanie wyników badań. Stronniczość wykazano w „Gazecie Wyborczej” (liczne publikacje krytyczne wobec Donalda Trumpa) oraz „Fakcie” (liczne publikacje pozytywne wobec Baracka Obamy oraz Donalda Trumpa) i „Super Expressie” (liczne publikacje satyryczne wobec Baracka Obamy). W kontekście omawianej problematyki wykazano również, że dzienniki opinii nie upodabniały swojej narracji do prasy bulwarowej oraz nie uległy tabloidyzacji mediów.
This article focuses on relations between real religious events and the content of media coverage of those events. The article presents the aims and topics of religious meetings of Catholic families, organized by the Pontifical Council for the Family, which took place under the name of the World Meetings of Families. The main issue concerning media coverage is presented on the example of the account of the 9th World Meeting of Families, which took place in Dublin in 2018. It was guided by the theme Joy for the World. Among the issues discussed during the meeting was the issue of the functioning of Catholic families in the contemporary world including axiological, economic and health themes. The media’s image of the meeting in Dublin was quite different from the real discussions and was marginalized to two topics: speeches delivered by Roco Buttiglione and Jamesa Martina SJ, and the interpretation of symbolism of chasubles used during liturgy.
Światowe Spotkania Rodzin to spotkania katolickich rodzin z całego świata z papieżem, organizowane przez Papieską Radę ds. Rodziny. Inicjatorem tych spotkań był papież Jan Paweł II. Odbywają się co trzy lata, a każde jest poprzedzone międzynarodowym sympozjum teologiczno-duszpasterskim. Głównym celem zwoływania przez papieża Światowych Spotkań Rodzin jest prowadzenie dialogu, ukazywanie roli rodziny w ewangelizacji i umocnienie tożsamości rodziny. Światowe Spotkania Rodzin są uznawane za jedną z najważniejszych inicjatyw duszpasterskich Jana Pawła II.
Classes of journalism and public communication can be based on the use of media coverage analysis carried out by NGOs guarding the quality of Polish media coverage and journalistic work. Showing future journalists the possibility of using the available analyzes of media content as well as discussing the tool of the messages analysis can significantly affect their journalistic skills in the future, and thus can have impact the level of information provided to the public. The course scenarios proposed by the Authors can serve as an inspiration to conduct workshop which will focus on more active participation of students.
Zajęcia dla studentów kierunków dziennikarstwo i komunikacja społeczna mogą być oparte o wykorzystanie w warsztatach analizy danych i przekazów medialnych oraz wykorzystanie dostępnych gotowych opracowań poświęconych tej tematyce autorstwa organizacji pozarządowych stojących na straży jakości polskiego przekazu medialnego i pracy dziennikarskiej. Pokazanie przyszłym dziennikarzom i specjalistom ds. mediów możliwości wykorzystania dostępnych analiz treści medialnych, jak również omówienie narzędzia jakim jest sama analiza przekazów, może znacząco wpłynąć w przyszłości na ich zawodowy warsztat, a tym samym przełożyć się na poziom informacji przekazywanych społeczeństwu. Zaproponowane przez Autorów scenariusze zajęć mogą posłużyć jako inspiracja do przeprowadzenia aktywizujących uczestników warsztatów.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie różnic w komunikowaniu o atakach terrorystycznych w Paryżu w wydaniach internetowych dzienników: „Süddeutsche Zeitung”, „The Guardian”, „Gazeta Wyborcza” i „Kommiersant”. Wstępna analiza zawartości przeprowadzona od 14 do 16 listopada 2015 roku była pomocna w odpowiedzi na pytania badawcze: Jakie kwestie dominowały w mediach? Czy media prezentowały przyczyny ataków? Czy dziennikarze łączyli ataki z problemem niekontrolowanej migracji do Europy?
The aim of the article is to identify the differences of communicating on terrorist attacks in Paris in the web editions of: “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, “The Guardian”, “Gazeta Wyborcza“ and “Kommersant”. The preliminary content analysis conducted in the period of November 14-16, 2015 has been conducted in order to answer the following research questions: What issues dominated in the media? Did the media present the cause of the attacks? Did the journalists connect the attacks with the issue of migration?
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