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Park as an intentionally formed phenomenon is an example of imposing on reality both anthropocentric patterns and those typical of a specific cultural context. Interpreted against the backdrop of space, nature, landscape, it unravels its power as a human gesture, sign and measure of human nature – expresses a man’s attitude to the world. Founded on the topographical experience, a park gains the status of a place and initiates the processes of taming and naturalization. Everyday being with a park leads to living, which then endows a park with an order of life and identity. To be, to naturalize, to live – these are the practices of existence in the world, deconstructed by the processes of globalisation, including digitalization. While analysing digital realizationsof a park and a park extended over the spaces emitted by the screens and monitors of digital devices in terms of the functions it performs in a modern and postmodern city, this paper asks about contemporary forms of settlement, embodied by virtual and real parks.
We see, in linguistics, the predominance of Greco‑Latin tradition on language studies. The scientists, prisoners to the tradition, cannot see the language from other perspectives. Using two examples in the morphology of the attitude of the linguists (the distinction inflection/derivation and the word classes), we intend to characterize two processes in linguistic research that has prevented the development of morphological studies: the naturalization of grammar and its use as “protocol sentence”.
Despite the pessimistic assessment of Thomas and Znaniecki, Polish immigrants to the United States built a stable and cohesive social and institutional community in the interwar years. The complex network of self organization and a high rate of naturalization as U.S. citizens reflected the strongmotivation and ability of Polish Americans to fit into working class America during the 1920s and 30s
Syrians who escaped the civil war in their home country and sought asylum in Turkey have been granted ‘temporary protection’ status, which allows them to remain on humanitarian grounds until they can return to Syria. However, given that they have been living in Turkey since 2011, it is time to question whether this temporary status justifies their current situation. Over the years, their interaction with various domains of Turkish society has brought into focus their legal ability to acquire citizenship, marry, work, receive education etc. Setting aside those who return voluntarily, what a permanent status might be for the population likely to stay in Turkey may be discussed if such a permanency is determined by the Turkish State as a policy one day. Considering such a permanent status, this study first evaluates other states’ tendencies regarding more permanent statuses. It then explains the different legal ways to acquire Turkish citizenship for Syrians, discusses whether mass acquisition of Turkish citizenship is possible if such an alternative is adopted by the Turkish state one day and considers what citizenship brings in terms of rights and responsibilities. Also, through the process of searching for a more permanent status by the Turkish State, long-term residency can be evaluated as an alternative that provides fewer rights than citizenship.
The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the reasons why Polish immigrants in Iceland want to apply for Icelandic citizenship. As a result of the analysis, four main motivations for adopting Icelandic citizenship were distinguished: 1) the possibility of visa-free travel to the USA; 2) applying for citizenship "just in case"; 3) obtaining rights that only the Icelanders have and 4) the ability to decide about the fate of the community in which immigrants live. The analysis is based on semi-structured in-depth interviews carried out in Iceland in 2014.
Non-citizens in Latvia: Is it a Real Problem?Following the restoration of independence in 1991, Latvia has introduced restrictive citizenship strategy involving citizenship only to those who had it before the Soviet occupation, and to their descendants. As a result, about one-third of the population in Latvia – the former citizens of the Soviet Union who had immigrated to Latvia during the Soviet period-received the status of ‘non-citizen’. In the 1990s, political discourse on the citizenship policy dominated in Latvia. Exclusive Citizenship Act was criticized by international institutions, including the UN, EU, OSCE and CoE. As a result of international pressure Latvia has introduced appropriate amendments to facilitate access to citizenship for non-citizens. Non-citizens and stateless in Latvia represent 11.8% and 0.01% of the population, respectively, which is more than 252 thousand residents of Latvia. It means that non-citizenship phenomenon has not been resolved completely. A few Latvian regulations restrict non-citizens and stateless to participate in elections, occupy public positions and offices, and travel. This article addresses the problem of non-citizenship as a second matter of concerns in Latvian domestic policy. While limitations for non-citizens implicate their political, economic and social status, Latvian authority is far from granting citizenship to non-citizens in ‘zero option’ procedure.  Nieobywatele na Łotwie: czy problem jest aktualny?Po odzyskaniu niepodległości Łotwa w 1991 roku wprowadziła restrykcyjną strategię obywatelstwa, polegającą na przywróceniu obywatelstwa jedynie tym osobom, które posiadały je przed okupacją sowiecką, oraz ich potomkom. W wyniku tego około jednej trzeciej populacji na Łotwie – byłych obywateli Związku Radzieckiego przybyłych na Łotwę w okresie sowieckim – otrzymało status „nieobywatela”. W latach dziewięćdziesiątych kwestia obywatelstwa zdominowała dyskurs polityczny na Łotwie, a wyłączająca ustawa o obywatelstwie była krytykowana przez różne instytucje międzynarodowe, w tym ONZ, UE, OBWE i Radę Europy. Międzynarodowa presja spowodowała, że Łotwa wprowadziła stosowne poprawki, ułatwiając dostęp do obywatelstwa dla nieobywateli. Obecnie nieobywatele stanowią 11,8%, a bezpaństwowcy – niecałe 0,01% populacji, co wynosi łącznie ponad 252 tys. mieszkańców Łotwy. Oznacza to, że problem braku obywatelstwa nie został rozwiązany całkowicie. Niektóre regulacje ograniczające prawa nieobywateli i bezpaństwowców odnoszą się do prawa wyborczego, możliwości zajmowania pewnych stanowisk i urzędów oraz podróży. Artykuł poświęcony jest zjawisku braku obywatelstwa na Łotwie, które obecnie nie jest przedmiotem większego zainteresowania władz Łotwy. Regulacje ograniczające prawa nieobywateli wpływają na ich status polityczny, ekonomiczny i społeczny, jednak podjęcie decyzji o automatycznym obywatelstwie dla nieobywateli przez władze Łotwy jest mało prawdopodobne.
Studia Semiotyczne
vol. 31
issue 1
Jednym z kluczowych pojęć znaturalizowanej epistemologii, a także wyrastających z niej nauk kognitywistycznych jest znaturalizowane pojęcie reprezentacji poznawczej. W ramach tego znaturalizowanego pojęcia próbuje się jednolicie (dla świata ludzi oraz innych organizmów żywych) ująć pojęcie błędu reprezentacyjnego. W tekście pokazane są argumenty przeciwko adekwatności stosowania znaturalizowanego pojęcia błędu reprezentacyjnego oraz wątpliwości co do tak szerokiego programu naturalizacji zagadnień związanych z ludzką pojęciowością.
One of the key concepts of naturalized epistemology as well as the cognitive sciences that stem from it is the naturalized concept of mental representation. Within this naturalized concept, many attempts have been made to unify (for humans as well as for other living organisms) the notion of representation error. This text makes an attempt to argue against the adequacy of using a naturalized concept of representation error as well as casts doubt on the wide program of naturalizing concepts related to human conceptuality.
Quine’s project of “naturalized epistemology” is usually interpreted as a rejection of classical epistemology, which becomes merely a “chapter of psychology”. It does not imply, however, a different understanding of the character of naturalization is inadequate or wrong. Susan Haack’s interpretations are briefly analyzed in the paper. Thereafter, they are harnessed as models of interpretation of the “naturalization of law”. The main aim is to point the radical reading of Quine’s project (the replacement model) is not the only acceptable one. Consequently, there are at least three models of the “naturalization of law” that are analogical to the “naturalization of epistemology”. The author details their character.
Zoon Politikon
issue 8
Celem artykułu jest rekonstrukcja powodów, dla których polscy imigracji w Islandii chcą się ubiegać o przyznanie islandzkiego obywatelstwa. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy zostały wyróżnione cztery główne motywacja przemawiające za przyjęciem obywatelstwa islandzkiego: 1) możliwość bezwizowego podróżowania do USA; 2) ubieganie się o obywatelstwo „na wszelki wypadek”; 3) uzyskanie praw, które mają tylko autochtoni oraz 4) możliwość decydowania o losach społeczności, w której się mieszka. Analiza jest oparta na pół-ustrukturyzowanych wywiadach pogłębionych zrealizowanych w Islandii w 2014 roku.
The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the reasons why Polish immigrants in Iceland want to apply for Icelandic citizenship. As a result of the analysis, four main motivations for adopting Icelandic citizenship were distinguished: 1) the possibility of visa-free travel to the USA; 2) applying for citizenship "just in case"; 3) obtaining rights that only the Icelanders have and 4) the ability to decide about the fate of the community in which immigrants live. The analysis is based on semi-structured in-depth interviews carried out in Iceland in 2014.
Numer został przygotowany przy wsparciu Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (1222/P-DUN/2015).
The paper aims to analyze the concept of habit in Hume and its operations in two theoretical dimensions: theory of knowledge and theory of religion. Hume considers habit as an instinctual basis for all judgments (beliefs) about the external world and also about the supposed existence of the supernatural. Hume’s thought, both in the domain of epistemology and philosophy of religion can thus be viewed as naturalized, claiming that the biological, instinctual traits of human nature are responsible for our beliefforming operations. Especially, Hume’s naturalization of religion seems to be ahead of its time and his methodological approach is now being developed by many leading anthropologists, biologists and philosophers.
Amor Fati
issue 4
Termíny naturalizácia, exotizácia, modernizácia, historizácia a kreolizácia použil Anton Popovič v tzv. Holmesovom kríži v sedemdesiatych rokoch 20. storočia. Odvtedy sa bez nich slovenská teória prekladu nezaobišla. Podrobnejšie ich rozpracoval aj J. Vilikovský. Po ekviva‑ lencii a posunoch patria k najfrekventovanejším pojmom teórie a kritiky prekladu u nás. Možno ich využiť aj pri koncipovaní dejín prekladu na Slovensku v 20. storočí ako nosné. Pri striedaní jednotlivých období v preklade u nás vystupuje vždy niektorá z týchto tendencií ako dominantná. Po dominancii naturalizujúcich tendencií v päťdesiatych rokoch, keď dominujú preklady klasiky, sa objavuje prevaha aktualizačných prekladov, uvádzaná Feldekovým manifestačným vystúpením v Mladej tvorbe koncom päťdesiatych rokov, pokračuje v priebehu šesťdesiatych rokov 20. storočia s dominanciou modernej literatúry. Toto striedanie dominantných tendencií nie je mechanické, no uplatňuje sa aj v spätnom pohľade. V období realizmu dominujú naturalizačné tendencie (Kukučín, Hviezdoslav), v období Moderny exotizačné (Roy, Krasko), no už v medzivojnovom období sa exotizácia strieda s naturalizáciou (Jesenský, Jesenská, Rázusová ‑Martáková) a J. Felix tieto preklady vyzdvihuje, aj keď vo vzťahu k archaizácii a modernizácii je za tzv. vivifikáciu, prispôsobenie prekladu dobe, v ktorej preklad vznikol, jej čitateľovi. Popri naturalizujúcich prekladoch nadrealisti v období druhej svetovej vojny a tesne pred ňou uprednostňujú moderni‑ záciu a exotizáciu v preklade a premosťujú tak obdobie naturalizácie v päťdesiatych rokoch do šesťdesiatych rokov, keď sa zbližujú s nastupujúcou generáciou konkretistov. Po roku 1968 zase modernizácia mechanicky neustupuje do úzadia, vrcholné preklady sú stále modernizujúce či aktualizačné. Po roku 1989 nastáva postupne po vlne exotizácie, najmä amerikanizácie (krátko po prevrate) vo vrcholných, najmä básnických, prekladoch k umierňovaniu modernizujúcej a exo‑ tizujúcej metódy, k tomu, čo nazýval Felix vivifikáciou na časovej osi a Popovič kreolizáciou, miešaním kultúr. Hovoríme o umiernenej, či klasicizujúcej prekladateľskej metóde, preklad si plní svoje základné poslanie, približuje sa štýlu prekladaného autora.
After the clear dominance of naturalizing tendencies in the 1950s, when classic translations were preponderant, a predominance of up ‑dated translations appeared. This was introduced by Feldek’s manifestation appearance in Mladá tvorba at the end of the 1950s and throughout the 1960s by the dominance of modern literature. This alternation of dominant tendencies is by no means mechanical, but it is also applicable in hindsight. Whereas in the period of Real‑ ism, naturalization tendencies (Kukučín, Hviezdoslav) seem dominant, the period of Modernism foregrounds those of exotization (Roy, Krasko). However, in the inter ‑war period, exotization took turns with naturalization (Jesenský, Jesenská, Rázusová ‑Martáková). J. Felix praises these translations although with respect to historization and modernization he is in favor of so ‑called ‘vivification’, i.e. adapting translation to the epoch in which it originated, as well as the reader. Furthermore, Surrealists in the period of the Second World War and shortly before it seem to prefer modernization and exotization besides naturalizing translations. Thus, they bridge the period of naturalization from the 1950s to the 1960s when they became closer with the starting generation of Concretists. Again, after 1968 modernization was not pushed to the background mechanically; prime translations are still being modernized or up ‑dated. After 1989, gradually after a wave of exotization, especially Americanization (shortly after the Revolution), attenuation of the modernizing and exoticizing methods in supreme translations, those of poems, in particular, may be observed, in contrast to what was referred to by Felix as vivification on a temporal axis and creolization, i.e. mixing of cultures, by Popovič. This is called an attenuated or classicist translation method; translation fulfils its basic role, it approximates to the style of a translated author and is at his service.
The paper aims the analysis of assimilation processes of Polish community in New York City. In order to study this complex problem it is necessary to characterize selected factors influencing the pace of assimilation and its differentiation in New York's group of Polish descent. The article presents an origins and development of Polish and Polish-American community as well as its current spatial concentration (residential pattern) and total population in the city. The research also includes naturalization processes associated with taking U.S. citizenship, activities of Polish institutions and organizations and use of native language by group of Polish descent as well as the cultivation of native traditions. The first Poles immigrated from Poland in the seventeenth century to the Dutch colony, at that time – the New Netherlands and to New Amsterdam as the center of the province. However, the biggest wave of immigration from the Polish lands was related to the socio – economic intense inflow at the turn of twentieth century. Currently, New York's Polish community is made up of various waves of immigrations. However, the most significant group of Polish immigrants is that from the last two decades. Thus, Polish community in New York can be defined as a relatively young, which mainly emigrated from Poland in the nineties last century. According to the 2009 American Community Survey , there is about 243,000 people of Polish descent in New York. This group includes both Polish Americans (people born with American citizenship in the United States), as well as Polish immigrants with Polish or American citizenship. Most people with Polish ancestry live in Brooklyn neighborhoods (Greenpoint, Williamsburg, Borough Park, Park Slope, Midwood). The Queens community of Polish descent is mostly located in Rigdewood, Maspeth, Middle Village, Bayside, Bellerose, Floral Park. In Manhattan, Polish community is more dispersed and people with Polish ancestry live mainly in East Village, the Upper West Side and Yorkville (so-called Little Poland). Based on the residential patterns of the Polish community in New York and the spatial concentration of various ethnic organizations and institutions (churches, Sunday schools, associations, institutions, foundations, etc.) the author identifies four areas that are characterized by high population density of the Polish ethnic group as well as the presence of a number of Polish institutions. There are two areas in Brooklyn borough – Greenpoint / Williamsburg, Park Slope and one in Queens – Ridgewood / Maspeth and Manhattan – East Village. Along with decreasing influx of Polish immigrants and their movements into new communities (spatial dispersion) it can be expected to intensify the processes of assimilation in this group. In addition, it can be observed that the number of naturalized persons is gradually increasing. Another indicator of assimilation advancement might be the attainment of English-proficiency. The greater the level of English-language skills, the higher the chance for educational and employment achievement. A large part of the Polish community in New York (64% of this group) uses only English. Polish language is used mainly by generations of immigrants living primarily in Brooklyn (Greenpoint) and Queens borough (Ridgewood). Among different Polish organizations and institutions the most important is Polish parish and church which cares for the traditional customs, celebrating Polish Christmas and other holidays. Many Polish parishes in New York City also formed schools (called Sunday schools) which are an important factor in delaying the processes of assimilation.
W artykule dokonano próby analizy procesów asymilacji Polonii zamieszkującej Nowy Jork. W tym celu przedstawiono wybrane czynniki wpływające na tempo oraz różnicowanie zjawiska asymilacji nowojorskiej społeczności polonijnej. Przedstawiono genezę i rozwój tej grupy osób oraz jej obecne rozmieszczenie i wielkość. Przedmiotem badań są również procesy naturalizacji związane z przyjmowaniem amerykańskiego obywatelstwa, działalność instytucji i organizacji polonijnych, a także posługiwanie się językiem polskim przez polonijną społeczność Nowego Jorku oraz kultywowanie rodzimych tradycji.
The paper is devoted to the analysis of presentation of a human and his demonstration by natural phenomena and objects in artistic idiostyle of a Russian bard and poet Boris Grebenshchikov’s. Particular explicational schemes that belong to the general pictorial model of human naturalization were described with respect to the concepts of the naturefacts, which are most characteristics of poet’s aesthetic picture of world.
Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie prezentacji osoby i jej przejawów poprzez zjawiska i przedmioty naturalne w artystycznym idiostylu rosyjskiego barda i poety Borysa Griebienszczikowa. Opisane zostały poszczególne schematy eksplikatywne, które są częścią ogólnego modelu naturalizacji człowieka z uwzględnieniem konceptów – faktów naturalnych najbardziej charakterystycznych dla estetycznego obrazu świata poety.
The body, the bodily condition of the human being, or embodiment as an essential aspect of the human situation in the lived world are important topics of phenomenological research and phenomenologically oriented anthropology. On the other hand, today also cognitive research and neurosciences are dealing with the topic of embodiment, mainly focusing on so-called embodied cognition. Modern neuroscience claims that both, thought and action can only be interpreted in the light of interactions between brain, body and environment. New trends in phenomenology stress their familiarity with this position and focus on naturalizing phenomenology. In my view, this development disregards fundamental Husserlian claims concerning the naturalization of human subjectivity. In order to avoid such naturalizing effects, I focus on the transcendental-phenomenological interpretation of the lived body, and underline the intentional-genetic potential of Husserlian analyses. On this path, instead of relying on naturalizing embodiment, I develop a genetic understanding of the intentional embodiment of subjectivity and describe a peculiar form of intentionality as transbodily intentionality, thereby stressing its anthropological and socio-theoretical significance.
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