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This article attempts to point out the main problem in research on workaholism, namely over-use of the term workaholism when describing symptoms or constructs which are not related to work addiction. Workaholism has one, negative pathological/dysfunctional form and can be differentiated from the healthy forms of over-engagement (e.g. work enthusiasm). Based on the analysis of one example of research results, this article explains that the nomenclature of „workaholic“ is not applicable to the case of over-engaged employees with healthy symptoms (e.g. high work involvement and work enjoyment and high or low satisfaction with life situation). The second aim of the article is to argue that the invalid conceptualisation and measurement of workaholism can result in conclusions which do not really regard work addiction.
The article is an attempt at presenting the picture of a contemporary Russian clerk based on Alexander Potyomkin’s book Desk (Стол). In the text, there is an outline of the history of Russian bureaucracy with the emphasis on the Soviet Union period, during which the clerical elite’s “nomenclature” deve-loped. The validity of the construction of the paper is based on the thesis that the sources of a contemporary bureaucracy are to be found in a previous epoch. Special attention is drawn to the continuously up-to-date system pathology which constitutes specific elements of bureaucracy in Russia, namely: corruption, nepotism, careerism.
The article analyzes a nomenclature policy of the VKP(b) Central Committee during the World War II and the early postwar period. As the key sources the authors study following documents: lists of nomenclature positions, reports about changes in the number of positions, information on the composition and number of executives and another documents created in the Central Committee of the VKP(b). This paper briefly explores the dynamics of the quantity of nomenclature, the internal and external factors that determined the growth and decline of nomenclature positions. The greatest increase in nomenclature positions occurred in 1939–1941, when the nomenclature of the Central Committee included almost all significant positions in the USSR at that time. During the war between the USSR and Nazi Germany, a reverse trend was indicated. It was a sharp decline in the posts of nomenclature. This decline was caused by the occupation of Soviet territories and the reduction in the party's control over state structures. Separately, the article analyzes the personnel reform of 1946–1948, undertaken by the Secretary of the VKP(b) A.A. Kuznetsov. This article offers the reasons for the failure of this reform.
It can be taken for granted that the names of Polish companies quite clearly indicate the era in which they operate. Enterprises were called differently in the years 1944-1970, when marketing was considered both as an obstacle and economically not necessary. In 1971- 1989, the naming of Polish companies was something intermediate between recognition of marketing principles and bureaucratic principles of a centrally planned economy. After 1990, many Polish companies try to be as similar as possible to Western fashions, with particular emphasis on the Anglo-Saxon circle. They often give up the attractions of regionalism.
The authors of the revolutionary calendar, in particular Gilbert Romme and Fabre d’Églantine not only want to put the past behind by implicating a new time and new order but also try to prove the relation between history and nature using the example of the events of the Revolution and their compliance with the laws of the universe. They introduce an innovative nomenclature in order to specify the names of particular days and months but they do not change the natural four-season model of division. The goal of the presented idea is to enrich the natural cycle with a new content expressing the spirit and the objectives of the Republic while following the laws of nature.
Copies of early-printed books have been of interest to to-day’s collectors and researchers not only for their material aspects (names of publishers and places of printing, fonts and composition, number of known copies etc.), but also because they bear signs of their often erratic history following their publication. The path followed by a particular copy of an early-printed book is reflected in its general state as an object (for instance the state of its binding), but also in its internal aspect. On the pages of a copy of an early-printed book, annotations, drawings doodles or graphics testify to the intimate relationship that its owners entertained with it. To better understand how owners dealt with copies of the books they possessed, this paper examines the annotations found in copies of some books that belong to the Carmelite convent in Cracow. We hope to bring to the attention of scholars, copies of works of Galen housed in this library, and primarily to set a perspective on how books were read by cultured individuals of in the 16th century period. To do so, we analyse copies of the 1507 Venice edition of the Articella and a copy of Latin edition of Galien (Iuntae, Venice, 1531). We attempt to identify the intellectual perspectives from which cultured readers approached such texts in the 16th century.
Nomina eucharistica, quae in operibus sancti Augustini habemus, plurima, nobis etiam perutilia, ad res magnas exprimendas apta sunt, varietate nos delectant mentemque nostram movent.
In the twenty years of the post-war period two nomenclature periods can be identified – late Stalinism and Khrushchev. They differed by socio-political situation, personnel policies and management styles. Stalin period can be called a tradition, as nomenclature system formed and approved in 1920–1930’s operated on the same principles after the war. Khrushchev period acted as modernization attempts to improve management and prevent ossification of officials. Dynamics of quality characteristics considered at the level of local (first secretaries of district and city Communist party Committee and chairman of district and city executive committee) and regional (first secretaries of regional Communist party Committee and chairman of an oblast executive committee) leaders. National, gender, age characteristics, as well as indicators of party seniority and level of education were taken as themain markers of conservatism/modernization. The author uses statistic data from the Central State Archive of Public Organizations of Ukraine. From the aspect of social characteristic the big changes affected the local leaders. Style of governance and political association of people coming from the same region (zemliachestvo) are investigated. Under Khrushchev proved to political fraternities-informal groups of leaders, as a rule, people from the same area. Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Donetsk fraternities were formed in Ukraine. Stalin’s style of management required complete dedication with a strong political responsibility. Fear for one’s life was the main motivation of work. Khrushchev’s speech at the Twentieth Party Congress meant renunciation of terror as a means of government, but he offered no other effective motivators of diligent activity, so discipline decreased.
Tradycyjny ubiór ludowy to istotny element kultury regionalnej i spuścizny narodowej. Dla rodzimego dziedzictwa materialnego ważne są te ludowe artefakty, które dokumentują pozytywnie nacechowane interakcje i interferencje kulturowe utrwalone również poprzez język i w języku. Do grupy takich tradycyjnych desygnatów należy z pewnością, godny uwagi także współcześnie, mało znany, archaiczny, skromny, ale elegancki, powstały pod wpływem białoruskim, jeden z najciekawszych męskich północnokresowych ubiorów – strój bielsko-hajnowski. Celem rozważań jest zatem próba lingwokulturologicznej rekonstrukcji dawnej męskiej odzieży noszonej we wsiach okolic Bielska Podlaskiego i Hajnówki, zwerbalizowanej w dwóch etnograficznych opracowaniach popularnonaukowych autorstwa Elżbiety Piskorz-Branekovej i Jarosława Górskiego. Na podstawie utrwalonych w nich „danych językowych” wkomponowanych w pełne językowych detali / językowych szczegółów opisy udało się odtworzyć specyfikę noszonego dawniej męskiego stroju bielsko-hajnowskiego współtworzonego przez: 1) różne nakrycia głowy, jak: kapelusze ze słomy, czapki maciejówki, czapki baranie; 2) różne typy spodni, jak: spodnie z samodziałów, spodnie o kroju miejskim, bryczesy; 3) różne okrycia wierzchnie, jak: płócienne koszule o kroju przyramkowym, burki, letniki, kożuchy, żupnice; 4) różne rodzaje obuwia, jak: łapcie, walanki, buty z cholewami, trzewiki; 5) owijające stopy onuce; 6) różne dodatki, jak: krajki, prostokątne paski skórzane; 7) haftowane ornamenty dekoracyjne.
Традыцыйны народны ўбор – важны элемент рэгіянальнай культуры і нацыянальнай спадчыны. Для роднай матэрыяльнай спадчыны важныя народныя артэфакты, якія дакументуюць станоўча адзначаныя культурныя ўзаемадзеянні і інтэрферэнцыю, зафіксаваныя таксама праз мову і ў мове. Да групы такіх традыцыйных абазначэнняў, безумоўна, належыць і сучасны, малавядомы, архаічны, сціплы, але элегантны, створаны пад беларускім уплывам, адзін з самых цікавых мужчынскіх строяў паўночнага памежжа – бельска-гайнаўскі. Такім чынам, мэтай разгляду з'яўляецца спроба лінгвакультуралагічнай рэканструкцыі старога мужчынскага адзення, якое насілі ў вёсках наваколляў Бельска-Падляскага і Гайнаўкі, вербалізаванай у двух этнаграфічных навукова-папулярных даследаваннях: Эльжбеты Піскаж-Бранековай і Яраслава Гурскага. На аснове замацаваных у іх "моўных дадзеных", уключаных у поўныя лінгвістычных дэталяў апісанні, удалося ўзнавіць спецыфіку бельска-гайнаўскага мужчынскага строя, які насілі раней: 1) розныя галаўныя ўборы, такія, як капелюшы з саломы, шапкі-мацееўкі, баранавыя шапкі; 2) розныя тыпы штаноў, як даматканыя штаны, штаны гарадскога крою, брыджы; 3) розныя верхнія апранахі, як палатняныя кашулі з аблямоўкай, буркі, летнікі, кажухі, жупніцы; 4) розныя тыпы абутку, як лапці, валёнкі, боты з халявамі, чаравікі; 5) анучы для абкручвання ног; 6) розныя аксэсуары, як пругі, прамавугольныя скураныя рамяні; 7) вышытыя дэкаратыўныя арнаменты.
Traditional folk clothing is an important element of regional culture and national heritage, but folk items of dress that document positively charged cultural interactions and interferences perpetuated also through, and in, language are crucial for native material heritage. There is no denying that the archaic, Belarusian-influenced attention-worthy – even in modern times – modest, yet elegant Bielsko-Hajnowski national dress belongs to the group of items of such traditional significance. Thus, the purpose of this article is an attempt at a linguocultural reconstruction of old men's clothing worn in villages near Bielsko Podlaskie and Hajnówka, verbalized in two ethnographic popular studies by Elżbieta Piskorz-Branekova and Jarosław Górski. On the basis of the "linguistic data" that was recorded in them and incorporated into descriptions packed with linguistic details, it was possible to reconstruct the specifics of the formerly worn men's costume of Bielsko-Hajnówka consisting of: 1) different headwear, such as straw hats, Maciejówka caps, and sheepskin caps; 2) different types of trousers including ones made of homespun materials, urban cut trousers, and breeches; 3) different outer garments such as cloth shirts with a border cut, burqas, and sheepskins 4) various types of footwear, inlcuding summer footwear made of jute, valances, shoes with uppers, and slippers; 5) foot-wrapping puttees; 6) various accessories such as selvedges, and rectangular leather belts; and 7) embroidered decorative ornaments.
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