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The peculiarities of physical development of children with hearing impairments are under review in the article. Studies on this problem of domestic and foreign experts from the physical, pedagogical, psychological, correctional-rehabilitation areas have been analyzed. The authors argue that deaf and hearing-impaired children with early acquired or congenital impaired hearing static and loco-motor functions are lagged behind in their development. The greatest peculiarity in the development of motor skills in children with hearing loss noted in the levels of speed and balance. Many hearing-impaired and deaf children have got typical disorders of fine motor skills (movements of fingers, vocal chords), which are reflected in the future on the formation of different types of kids activities. Nowadays there is constantly increasing interest in the education of hearing-impaired children. Physical education for children with hearing impairments is one of the most important directions of correctional-pedagogic work in close connection with all other sides of education and training. It is known that child’s normal physical and mental development requires physical activity, moreover mastering the basic movements for children with hearing impairments is very important. Physical education for children with hearing impairments are aimed at protecting and promoting health, harmonious physical development, hardening the child’s body, development of the needs in motor activity, formation of the basic movements and motor skills, correction and prevention of violations of physical development. The expediency of use of gymnastic exercises in therapy with hearing-impaired children, the kinds’ gymnastic exercises, which are used in work with hearing-impaired children are justified in the article. The voice and movement exercises, phonetic rhythms are included here. The role of gymnastic exercises in the processes of correction and prophylaxis of diseases are defined in the text of the publication, and their importance in the process of education and upbringing of this category of children is identified.
The aim of this work is to evaluate the intensity of possible secular trends among the five subsequent cohorts of Wrocław (Poland) children aged 0, 6, 12 and 24 months. This document describes secular changes in the body length, weight and the Rohrer’s index. Material: Research material represent the longitudinal studies of five consecutive birth cohorts. The first study involved children born during 1963-1965, and the last in 2003-2005. All of the studies were related to the same social group and were conducted using the same methodology. There are differences in the intensity and direction of the secular trends in children depending on their age. In both sexes the body length of newborns kept increasing until the end of the nineties and decreased in the last decade. The body weight did not change during the 40-year period. This suggests an important role of maternal regulator in fetal development and therefore no clear response to external environmental factors. Secular changes such as the body length and weight, which are the most adequate to the economic changes in Poland, were observed in children aged 6 and 12 months. It may be a result of their highest ecosensitivity during this period. However, there have not been any clear trends observed in the 24 months age group. This may be due to the increasing participation of genetic factors in the development of the child.
The article is devoted to studies of the influence of physical training of different orientation on the physical development of athletes and wrestlers, which were related by age. With the help of anthropometric methods of research, it was found out that the indicators of body weight and body height were significantly higher in the group of wrestlers, but a year later they increased more significantly in the group of athletes. The volumetric parameters of the chest, except the rostrum of the chest, changed more during the year in the group of wrestlers. Higher values of indices of physical development and more pronounced dynamics of these indices during the year of playing sports in the group of wrestlers indicates a trend to strengthening their body constitution the influence of physical training aimed at the development of strength. In аthletes were identified low indices of physical development, which indicates a harmonious influence of the load orientation on the development of endurance, on the somatotype. The revealed directions of changes in the anthropometric indicators towards a more еxpressed increase in the transverse dimensions of the body of athletes who were engaged in freestyle wrestling and the longitudinal dimensions of the body of athletes engaged in athletics indicate the formation of the appropriate somatotype, which is favorable for the development of aerobic endurance in athletes and postural stability control рosture in wrestlers and, as a result, determines the sporting result. Thus, the revealed features of the dynamics of indicators of anthropometric parameters of the physical development of athletes of different sports specialization can be considered as a manifestation of the adaptation of the organism of athletes and wrestlers to a specific physical load. The results of the study of the dynamics of the morphological parameters of the physical development of athletes under the influence of physical load are of practical importance in coaching activities for increasing the efficiency of planning of the training and competition cycles in order to obtain high sports results and prevent injuries, states of overtraining and pathological conditions in athletes. In further studies, it is planned to determine the level of functional status and adaptation of the cardiovascular system of athletes of different specializations to aerobic and strength loads and a correlation analysis of the links between the level of the adaptive potential of the circulatory system and the level of sports results.
Motor skills, diversity of motor development, its versatility and dynamics in the very first stages of life depict how humans, initially helpless beings, in a short time master the skills to perform complex activates. Not only they begin to freely move in a world surrounding them but they gradually start to control it and put it under their command. Due to those factors, changes in motor skills of children are far more recognizable processes than differentiation, growth and going through puberty.
Sprawność motoryczna, bogactwo rozwoju ruchowego, wielostronność i dynamika w pierwszych etapach życia ukazują, jak człowiek, początkowo bezradny, w ciągu krótkiego okresu czasu opanowuje czynności złożone. Nie tylko sam może swobodnie poruszać się w świecie, który go otacza, ale także potrafi go opanować i sobie podporządkować. W związku z tym przemiany motoryczne u dzieci są bardziej widoczne niż zachodzące zjawiska różnicowania, wzrastania i dojrzewania.
Rocznik Lubuski
vol. 44
issue 2a
Celem prezentowanej pracy jest ocena poziomu wykształcenia cech somatycznych młodzieży kształcącej się na kierunkach o zróżnicowanej w programach studiów aktywności ruchowej. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w latach 2011-2012 wśród 788 studentów i studentek III i IV roku wychowania fizycznego oraz kierunków humanistycznych i technicznych Państwowego Uniwersytetu w Brześciu. Techniką martinowską wykonano pomiary odcinków długościowych, szerokościowych, obwodów, fałdów skórno-tłuszczowych oraz masy ciała. Materiał opracowano statystycznie. Dymorfizm płciowy określono wskaźnikiem Mollisona. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy statystycznej stwierdzono wyraźne zróżnicowanie młodzieży porównywalnych kierunków studiów. Studenci wychowania fizycznego w porównaniu z rówieśnikami kierunków humanistycznych i technicznych charakteryzują się istotnie większą masą ciała (studentki) oraz większymi obwodami, natomiast mniejszą podściółką tłuszczową. Wyróżnia ich także tęższa budowa ciała. Większy dymorfizm cech somatycznych odnotowano wśród młodzieży kształcącej się na kierunku wychowanie fizyczne.
The paper attempts to assess the development of somatic features in students whose study programs include diversified physical activity. The research was carried out in 2011-2012 among 788 male and female students of the years three and four of physical education, humanities, and engineering at the State University of Brest. Martin's technique was used to measure body lengths, widths, circumferences, skinfolds, and body mass. The material was analyzed statistically. Sexual dimorphism was determined with Mollison's index. On the basis of the statistical analysis, a clear diversity among the students was found. In comparison to their peers studying humanities and engineering, the students of physical education are characterized by a significantly greater body mass (women students), smaller thickness of subcutaneous fat, and greater circumferences. They are also distinguished by a stouter body build. A greater dimorphism of somatic features was found among the students of physical education.
The peculiarities of physical development of children with hearing impairments are under review in the article. Studies on this problem, domestic and foreign experts from the physical, pedagogical, psychological, correctional-rehabilitation areas have been analyzed. The authors argue that deaf and hearing-impaired children with early acquired or congenital impaired hearing static and locomotor functions are lagged behind in their development. The greatest peculiarity in the development of motor skills in children with hearing loss is noted in the levels of speed and balance. Many hearing-impaired and deaf children have got typical disorders of fine motor skills (movements of fingers, vocal chords), which are reflected in the future on the formation of different types of kids’ activities. Nowadays there is constantly increasing interest in the education of hearing-impaired children. Physical education for children with hearing impairments is one of the most important directions of correctional-pedagogic work in close connection with all other sides of education and training. It is known that child’s normal physical and mental development requires physical activity, moreover mastering the basic movements for children with hearing impairments is very important. For this with hearing-impaired children are held morning exercises, classes in physical education, outdoor games, sports minute, and the time for children’s independent motor activity also is set aside. Physical education for children with hearing impairments are aimed at protecting and promoting the health, harmonious physical development, hardening the child’s body, development of needs in motor activity, formation of the basic movements and motor skills, correction and prevention of violations of physical development. The expediency of the use of gymnastic exercises in therapy with hearing-impaired children, the kinds of gymnastic exercises, which are used in work with hearing-impaired children are justified in the article. The voice and movement exercises, phonetic rhythms are included here. The role of gymnastic exercises in the processes of correction and prophylaxis of diseases are defined in the text of the publication, and their importance for the process of education and upbringing of this category of children is identified.
Physical development, rate of sexual maturation, physical fitness, working capacity and general wellbeing of the organism are the main criteria of the health status of children and youth. The cross-sectional studies were organized in ten-year-intervals in the randomly selected Polish schools representing the whole nation. The studies took place in 1979, 1989 and 1999 and included children and youth aged 7-19 years. The results demonstrate the continuous positive secular trend showing more intensive physical growth and earlier maturation. These observations give the evidence of a rather good health status of the present young generation. However, changes in the level of physical fitness and working capacity of youth present the decreasing tendency during this 20-year-period. The changes in motor performance are better indicator of the general health status than the rate and level of physical development. The results of this paper show the picture of so called “opening scissors”, which means that even though the children and youth in 1999 were better physically developed (taller and heavier) than children studied in 1999 and 1989, their motor abilities were showing the gradual decrease during this period of time. The possible causes of this event have been presented and discuss in this paper.
The article is devoted to the problem of integrated upbrining and teaching of pre-school children having vision defects. The conditions for social integration of children with complex problems are provided within the educational establishment. The experience of children integration with vision defects in educational space gives positive results.
The article is devoted to the problem of physical education of children with visual impairments. Studying the specificity of physical development and physical preparedness of children with low vision, specialists note that children in this nosology are characterized by a significant deviation of physical development and physical fitness. It is noted that people with visual impairments due to the significant difficulties with orientation in space, moreover their physical activity is minimizing that causes deviations in physical and mental development. The analysis of a large amount of information has shown that currently there has not been done any attempt to systematize the accumulated experience. So, it has been observed that this category of children has got the characteristic features of development, which involve the unique approaches to their physical qualities development. During the presentation, the current teaching experience of physical education of school-age children with visual impairments, training and educational characteristics of these children and the role of attracting the surviving analyzers in the educational-correctional process are highlighted. The problem of motor skills formation of school-age children with visual impairments at the adaptive physical education classes is one of the most important tasks of the correctional and educational process is identified in the text of the article. Speed, strength, agility, flexibility, endurance are inseparably associated with the movement, so it is advisable to include special exercises items to the physical education lessons. The surrounding objects’ direct perception, allows the child visual impairments to understand faster and remember the studied space. The authors consider the basic methods of physical education of children with visual impairments, which have included a comprehensive application of physical education specific and nonspecific means of correctional health orientation. These methods include posture correction, modular technology of correction of body spatial organization violations, improving children’s with low vision basic coordination abilities. The necessity of development of physical qualities of children of this category is proved, because the childhood is the most critical step in order to lay the health foundations. The use of correction posture exercises, prevention of flatfoot are the pedagogical influence priority means on this category of children’s physical condition
Celem pracy jest ukazanie somatotypologicznego zróżnicowania młodzieży akademickiej studiującej wychowanie fizyczne w Uniwersytecie Zielonogórskim, a także charakterystyka porównawcza z innymi uczelniami Polski. Materiał stanowią wyniki badań 168 studentów i 74 studentek I roku wychowania fizycznego uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego przeprowadzonych w latach 2010-2012. Techniką martinowską wykonano 26 pomiarów somatometrycznych (odcinki długościowe i szerokościowe ciała, obwody, fałdy skórno-tłuszczowe), na podstawie których wyliczono 12 wskaźników proporcji ciała. Strukturę somatyczną badanych zespołów męskich określono typologią Adama Wankego, a żeńskich Ewy Kolasy. Zebrany materiał opracowano podstawowymi metodami statystycznymi. Zróżnicowanie badanej młodzieży w aspekcie wielkości zamieszkiwanego środowiska, a także charakterystykę porównawczą do studentów i studentek studiujących wychowanie fizyczne w różnych ośrodkach akademickich Polski przedstawiono w tabelach oraz graficznie. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy wysunięto następujące stwierdzenia: 1.Zespoły studentów i studentek I roku wychowania fizycznego Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego zamieszkujące środowisko miejskie w porównaniu do wiejskiego charakteryzuje wyższy poziom rozwoju fizycznego. Różnice statystycznie istotne między porównywanymi zespołami męskimi odnotowano w wysokości ciała, grubości podściółki tłuszczowej na ramieniu i pod dolnym kątem łopatki, sumie grubości 5 fałdów skórno-tłuszczowych i szerokościach nasad kostnych (nadgarstkowej i łokciowej. W przypadku zespołów kobiet, czynnik urbanizacyjny nie różnicuje statystycznie istotnie cech somatycznych. 2.Studentów pochodzących z miast relatywnie do rówieśników ze środowisk wiejskich charakteryzują istotnie wyższe przeciętne wskaźników Rohrera, biodrowo-wzrostowego i BMI. W odniesieniu do zespołów kobiet, czynnik urbanizacyjny nie różnicuje statystycznie istotnie proporcji ciała. 3.W budowie ciała studentów Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego dominuje element leptosomiczny I, następnie A, natomiast u studentek elementy IV przy mniejszych udziałach AH. 4.Formuła somatyczna IAVH charakteryzuje zespół studentów Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, a studentek IYAH. Studenci wychowania fizycznego UZ, elementami somatycznymi podobni są do studentów PWSZ w Koszalinie , natomiast studentki pierwszoplanowym elementem nawiązują do zespołów AWF w Gdańsku, Gorzowie Wielkopolskim i PWSZ w Koszalinie. 5. Młodzież kształcąca się na kierunku wychowanie fizyczne Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego w porównaniu do środowisk akademickich w Polsce, pod względem wysokości ciała najbardziej podobna jest do zespołów z Koszalina (studenci) i Warszawy (studentki), a masą ciała do zespołów z Łodzi i Bydgoszczy (studenci), natomiast studentki do zespołów z Warszawy i Gdańska. Budową ciała studenci z Zielonej Góry podobni są do rówieśników z WSI w Radomiu i Kolegium Karkonoskiego w Jeleniej Gorze, a studentki do studiujących AWF w Warszawie i AWF w Krakowie.
The aim of the paper is to present somatic and typological differentiation of the academic youth studying Physical Education at the University of Zielona Góra as well as the comparative characteristics with other universities in Poland. The material for the article is drawn from results of the research conducted in the years 2010-2012 on 168 male students and 74 female students of Physical Education, University of Zielona Góra. With the application of Martin’s technique, 26 somatometric measurements were performed (longitudinal and wide sections of the body, perimeters, skin/fat folds), on the basis of which the ratios of body proportions were calculated. The somatic structure of the surveyed male groups was determined by the typology of Adam Wanke, and the female ones – by the typology of Ewa Kolasa. The collected material was developed using basic statistical methods. Differentiation of the examined youth in the aspect of the size of environment they live in, as well as comparative characteristics of male and female students studying Physical Education in various academic centres in Poland were presented graphically and in tables. On the basis of performed analysis the following conclusions have been drawn: 1. The groups of first year male and female students of Physical Education, University of Zielona Góra, with urban backgrounds, are characterized by a higher level of physical development when compared to the students from rural areas. Statistically significant differences between the compared male groups were noted in the following aspects: height of the body, thickness of fatty panniculus on the shoulder and under the lower angle of the shoulder blade, sum of the thickness of 5 skin/fat folds and physeal width (of wrist and elbow). In the case of female groups, urbanization factor does not differentiate somatic features statistically significantly. 2. The male students with urban backgrounds are characterized by significantly higher average Roher rates, hip growth rates and BMI rates when compared to their peers from rural areas. As far as the examined women are concerned, the urbanization factor does not differentiate body proportions in a statistically significant way. 3. The male students’ body structure is dominated by a leptosomatic element I, then A; whereas an element IV is dominant in female students’ body structure with smaller proportions of AH. 4. Male students of University of Zielona Gora are characterized by a somatic formula IAVH, while the female students by IYAH. As far as somatic elements are concerned, the male students of Physical Education resemble the students of State Higher Vocational School in Koszalin; whereas in regard to the main element, female students might be compared to the teams from Universities of Physical Education and Sport in Gdańsk and Gorzow Wielkopolski, and from State Higher Vocational School in Koszalin. 5. When compared to other academic centres in Poland, the students of Physical Education, University of Zielona Gora resemble most the teams from Koszalin (male students) and Warsaw (female students) in terms of body height. In respect of body weight, the male students are like the teams from Łodź and Bydgoszcz, while the female students are like the teams from Warsaw and Gdańsk. As regards the body structure, the male students from Zielona Gora are similar to their peers from University of Technology and Humanities in Radom and Karkonosze College in Jelenia Gora, and the female students resemble their peers from Universities of Physical Education and Sport in Warsaw and Cracow.
The objective of the research was to work out and experimentally substantiate the methodology of health-improving shaping activity for mature age women taking into account their gender identity. Methods: the analysis of methodological literature, pedagogical observations, pedagogical experiment, anthropometric measurements, methods of mathematical statistics. The results of the research give grounds for the statement that the application of shaping programs, based on the load differentiable distribution depending on gender types of women has a favorable effect on the women's physical development. The analysis of the data of girth sizes of the bodies derived in the end of the experiment revealed statistically reliable changes in the next indexes: chest, waistline, buttock girth, thigh and shoulder girths. Statistically reliable diminution is observed in the folds of fat indexes: at the top of belly, at the bottom of belly, at the top of back, at the bottom of back, on one side of a trunk, at back side of a hip, on one side of a hip, inside a hip and at front of a hip. Also, the valid decrease of general amount of fat and mass of body of the subjects is revealed. In the result of the research of women's psychological state positive changes are observed in all explored figures: psychical activation, interest, emotional tone, effort and comfort. The practical importance of the research consists in significant pedagogical and health-improving effectiveness of introduction and adaptation in the practice process women, doing shaping exercises as well as account of gender identity to improve and optimize the process of body correction and physical state normalization. The results can be applied in the work of shaping instructors at the stage of shaping groups formation, during planning and working out training shaping programs, for success and comfort in achievement of health-improving targets of mature age women. The resume is that the use of health-improving shaping methodology made it possible to optimize psychophysical state of mature age women. The possibility of working out training programs for women doing shaping exercises taking into account their gender identity is detected. Prospective of further inquiries consists in the study of the methodology of gender differentiation of the functional systems of women’s organism in the process of shaping activity.
Wprowadzenie: Analiza piśmiennictwa wskazuje występowanie ścisłych podobieństw w cechach morfologicznych w odniesieniu do zespołów wykonujących tę samą pracę, uprawiających tę samą dyscyplinę sportową bądź studiujących na tym samym kierunku. W obecnej sytuacji niżu demograficznego i jednocześnie silnej konkurencji na rynku edukacyjnym coraz częściej podnosi się kwestie nie tylko poziomu nauczania, ale również kompetencji i predyspozycji samych studentów. Cel: Za cel pracy przyjęło analizę rozwoju somatycznego mężczyzn studiujących na różnych kierunkach w WWFiS w Białej Podlaskiej Materiał i metody: Materiał do pracy stanowią dane antropometryczne 175 studentów pierwszego roku WWFiS w Białej Podlaskiej. Analizowaną kohortę mężczyzn podzielono na zespoły, uwzględniając profil studiów. Techniką Martina i Sallera wykonano pomiary cech antropometrycznych niezbędnych do obliczenia wskaźnika BMI, WHR i oszacowania składu tkankowego ciała. Do charakterystyki zgromadzonych zmiennych wykorzystano: wielkość próby (n) średnią arytmetyczną (x ~ ) oraz odchylenie standardowe (SD). Różnice w wielkości analizowanych cech pomiędzy wyłonionymi grupami oszacowano z wykorzystaniem testu t-Studenta dla danych niezależnych. Wyniki: Badania własne potwierdziły doniesienia innych autorów podejmujących problematykę analizy związków budowy ciała z profilem kształcenia. Stąd należy uznać, że selekcja związana z naborem na studia wychowania fizycznego w znacznym stopniu determinuje budowę ciała młodzieży. Wnioski: Odnotowane różnice międzygrupowe w wielkości beztłuszczowej masy ciała oraz poziomie otłuszczenia, jak i jego dystrybucji można uznać za efekt różnic w stylu życia badanych mężczyzn wynikających między innymi z profilu kształcenia.
Introduction: The analysis of literature revealed close similarities concerning morphological features in groups of people performing the same work, practising the same sport or studying in the same field of study. In the present situation of the demographic low and strong competition on the educational market, the issues of the level of education as well as competences and predispositions of students are discussed more and more often. Aim: The aim of the work was to analyse somatic development of male students from various fields of study at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska. Material and methods: The material included anthropometric data of 175 first-year students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska. The analysed cohort of men was divided into groups according to the field of study. The measurements of anthropometric features indispensable for calculating BMI, WHR and body composition were madewith the use of Martin and Saller technique. In order to describe the collected variables, sample size (n), arithmetic mean (x ~ ) and standard deviation (SD) were used. Differences between the selected groups concerning the analysed features were estimated with the use of Student’s t-test for independent data. Results: The findings were in line with publications of other authors analysing the correlations between body build and the field of study. Therefore, it should be concluded that the selection for physical education studies to a large extent determines body build of the students. Conclusions: The observed differences between groups concerning fat-free mass and the level of adiposity as well as its distribution may have stemmed from the differences in lifestyle of the examined men that resulted, inter alia, from their field of study.
In the article the problem of teaching Canadian children in the period of early childhood has been studied. The main objectives of the article are defined as the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature which highlights the peculiarities of early childhood education and development and analysis of specificity of academic programs. Lifelong education and its development throughout the world, particularly in Canada, has been studied by the foreign and domestic scientists. Education and development in early childhood is a component of this complex phenomenon. Such researchers as N. Aksarina, P. Yermakov, G. Belenky, J. Brett, D. Gordon, D. Hurkovska, D. Denysyuk, S. Kozlov, S. Lupan, L. Pavlov have devoted their researches to various aspects of early childhood education and development, but Canadian experience has not been studied yet. The research methodology comprises theoretical (descriptive, statistical, comparative methods of studying fundamentals of teaching children in the period early childhood; structural and functional, logical and systemic methods for Canadian academic programs) and practical (conversation with pre-school teachers and families in Burlington (Ontario, Canada) for gathering primary pedagogical information) methods. The peculiarities of pre-school academic programs (perception of speech, expressive speech (words, sentences, dictionary, questions, discussion); self-regulation, solving problems, implementation of the causal effect of intelligence, solving spatial problems, temporal orientation in space, imaginative thinking, the basics of literacy, memory, sorting; large motor skills, fine motor skills, sense have been highlighted. The complex of child’s knowledge and skills (expression of feelings, self-regulation, empathy, self-awareness, autonomy, identity formation) which are formed in the period of early childhood in Canada has been determined. Thus, the results of the research of education and training of children in the period of early childhood testify that they are crucial for future success in school, careers and society as a whole. This is the period during which the child’s attitude toward learning is shaped. The research results about orientation of academic programs on the social, cognitive, physical development of a child in the period of early childhood have been presented. Among the perspectives of further research we define the Canadian experience in the sphere of preparing children for elementary school as the following component of the lifelong education system.
The article aims to assess changes in the physical development and fitness in boys from central-eastern Poland. The studies were conducted in 2015 and 2016 and involved 4995 boys aged 7-18. The obtained data were compared with the results of the studies con-ducted in 1985 and 1986 and with national averages. On the basis of the comparison, the authors revealed the secular trend in body height by 5.26 cm (1.88 cm per decade) and in body mass by 6.36 kg (2.12 kg per decade), and a significant decrease in the level of motor skills (the International Physical Fitness Test). The authors worry about the observable decrease in physical fitness, especially in the youngest age groups (ages 7-13), and its deterioration compared to other peers in various regions of Poland.
Celem prezentowanej pracy jest ocena zmian w rozwoju fizycznym i sprawności chłopców ze środkowo-wschodniego regionu kraju. Badaniami zrealizowanymi w 2015 i 2016 roku objęto 4995 chłopców w wieku 7-18 lat. Otrzymane wyniki zestawiono z rezultatami badań wykonanych w latach 1985 i 1986 oraz normami ogólnopolskimi. Na tej podstawie stwierdzono wysoki trend sekularny wysokości ciała 5,26 cm (1,88 cm na dekadę) i masy ciała 6,36 (2,12 na dekadę) oraz wyraźne obniżanie poziomu zdolności motorycznych (Międzynarodowy Test Sprawności Fizycznej). Z niepokojem obserwujemy obniżanie się poziomu sprawności fizycznej zwłaszcza w młodszych grupach wieku (7-13 lat) i pogarszanie się relacji w odniesieniu do rówieśników z innych regionów kraju.
This work presents studies on secondary school children inhabiting two regions of Warsaw: Śródmieście (Central part) and Międzylesie (East part). These two locations significantly differ according to air pollution, which is much higher in Śródmieście than in Międzylesie. the sample consist of 219 boys and 225 girls aged 13-16 years. The main aim of this work concerns the evaluation of physical development (body height and weight, BMI and chest circumference, Marty index – chest circ./height) and respiratory parameters (VC, Ziemssen index – VC/height, MV, FEV1 RR, TV, IRV, ERV, Ap) of studied children depending on the place of residence. The data were presented in “z” scores and the difference was calculated using t-test for independent samples. The results show that there were not significant differences in body build as well as in most respiratory functions between children from the Central and East parts of Warsaw. The significant differences were found for IRV and Ap which were greater in children from Śródmieście and for TV and MV which were greater in girls from Międzylesie. The more detailed analysis of these studies, including data concerning living conditions of studied children and smoking habits within their families is under preparation.
The aim of the study was to show morpho-functional diversity in groups of men and women between the ages of 60 and 85. The authors gathered the material among 111 women and 27 men representing Universities of the Third Age in the Lubuskie Voivo-deship and participating in the 'Active Seniors' Project (Projekt 'Aktywny Senior') in 2017. Martin's technique was used to measure the length and breadth of their body parts, circuits, thickness of skin- and fat-folds, and body mass. The level of functional fitness in older adults was evaluated through the six tests of the "Fullerton Functional Fitness Test". The material was elaborated statistically, and the significance of the differences between the means was calculated by using Student's t-test. The obtained data were next compared to the data gathered among the senior men and women participating in sport and recreation holidays as well as groups from Wrocław, Cracow, and the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. On the basis of the analyzed material, significant differences in sematic and functional characteristics were revealed among both men and women participants in the "Active Seniors" Project compared to the senior men and women participating in the sport and recreation holidays. The largest dimorphism in somatic features was revealed in body height, shoulder breadth, elbow breadth, thigh circuit, thickness of subcutaneous fat in the arm, and body mass; while in functional features, in upper body flexibility and physical endurance.
Celem przeprowadzonych badań było ukazanie zróżnicowania morfofunkcjonalnego ze¬społów mężczyzn i kobiet w wieku 60-85 lat. Materiał został zebrany przez autorów pracy wśród 111 kobiet i 27 mężczyzn reprezentujących Uniwersytety Trzeciego Wieku województwa lubuskiego, uczestniczących w projekcie „Aktywny Senior", realizowanym w 2017 roku. Techniką martinowską wykonano pomiary odcinków długościowych, szerokościowych, obwodów, grubości fałdów skórno-tłuszczowych oraz masy ciała. Poziom sprawności funkcjonalnej seniorów oceniono na podstawie 6 zadań ruchowych Fullerton Functional Fitness Test. Materiał opracowano statystycznie, istotność różnic między średnimi wyliczono testem t-Studenta. Uzyskane wyniki odniesiono porównawczo do seniorów i seniorek biorących udział w turnusie sportowo-rekreacyjnym oraz zespołów z Wrocławia, Krakowa i województwa świętokrzyskiego. Na podstawie analizy materiału stwierdzono wyraźne zróżnicowanie cech somatycznych i funkcjonalnych zarówno wśród mężczyzn i kobiet uczestniczących w projekcie „Aktywny Senior" w porównaniu do seniorów i seniorek biorących udział w turnusie sportowo-rekreacyjnym. Największy dymorfizm w cechach somatycznych przejawił się w wysokości ciała, szerokości barków, szerokości łokciowej, obwodzie uda, grubości podściółki tłuszczowej na ramieniu oraz masie ciała, natomiast wśród cech funkcjonalnych w elastyczności górnej części ciała i wytrzymałości wysiłkowej.
In institutions of higher education in Ukraine, there is a large number of female students with certain permanent or temporary health problems, associated with the disadvantages of physical development and reduced functional capacity of the body. These disadvantages can be eliminated with the help of physical education courses, which are an important part of the process of training in higher education institutions of III-IV accreditation level. We have reviewed the dynamics of the quantitative composition of first-year female stu-dents of a special medical group over the last six years and identified the most common no-sology of students. The study involved 20 female students with diseases of the cardiovascular system. To determine the level of physical development we have analyzed the anthropometric indicators and evaluated the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system. The level of physical preparedness was determined by test exercises such as hand strength, flexibility and squatting on one leg. We have found that the number of first-year female students who were classified into a special medical group is 23.6% and increases every year, although the total number of stu-dents is decreasing. The most common diseases among this category of students are patholo-gies of the cardiovascular system (46,4%), musculoskeletal system (20,8%) and vision organs (11,4%). We have determined the physical development of students according to anthropo-metric indicators is determined. We have evaluated the functional state of the cardiovascular system. We have established that the obtained data are within the limits of the age and physio-logical norms that can be found in the literature. We have calculated the Ruffier Index, which indicates low rates of cardiovascular system of first-year female students. The use of the proposed system of physical exercises for physical education for first-year female students has positively influenced the work of the cardiovascular system and the phys-ical preparedness of the respondents.
Na uczelniach wyższych Ukrainy jest wiele studentek mających przewlekłe lub przejścio-we problemy zdrowotne związane z wadami rozwoju fizycznego i zwiększoną niewydolno-ścią funkcjonalną organizmu. Niewydolności te można wyeliminować przy pomocy zajęć wychowania fizycznego, które są ważną częścią procesu dydaktycznego uczelni wyższych na III i IV poziomie akredytacji. Przeanalizowaliśmy dynamikę ilościowego składu studentek pierwszego roku w specjalnej grupie medycznej w ciągu ostatnich sześciu lat i zidentyfikowa-liśmy najczęściej występujące wśród studentów nozologie. W badaniu wzięło udział 20 stu-dentek z chorobami układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Aby określić poziom rozwoju fizyczne-go, przeanalizowaliśmy wskaźniki antropometryczne i oceniliśmy możliwości funkcjonalne układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Poziom przygotowania fizycznego został określony przez ćwiczenia testowe, takie jak siła ręki, elastyczność i kucanie na jednej nodze. Odkryliśmy, że liczba studentek pierwszego roku, które zostały zakwalifikowane do spe-cjalnej grupy medycznej, wynosi 23,6% i rośnie każdego roku, chociaż ogólna liczba studen-tów maleje. Najczęstszymi chorobami wśród tej kategorii studentów są patologie układu ser-cowo-naczyniowego (46,4%), układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego (20,8%) i narządów wzroku (11,4%). Określiliśmy rozwój fizyczny uczniów według wskaźników antropometrycznych. Oceniliśmy stan funkcjonalny układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Ustaliliśmy, że uzyskane dane mieszczą się w granicach wieku i norm fizjologicznych, które można znaleźć w literaturze. Obliczyliśmy wskaźnik Ruffiera, który wskazuje na niski wskaźnik układu sercowo-naczyniowego studentek pierwszego roku. Zastosowanie proponowanego systemu ćwiczeń fizycznych na zajęciach wychowania fi-zycznego dla studentek pierwszego roku pozytywnie wpłynęło na pracę układu sercowo-naczyniowego i fizyczną wydolność respondentów.
The aim of the study was to show change directions in the physical development of children and school youth in the Lubuskie Voivodeship between 2002 and 2017. The study material was gathered between 2015 and 2018 among 3996 pupils (1858 boys and 2138 girls) from rural areas, ages 7-18, in randomly selected primary, junior high school, and secondary schools. The Martin technique was used to measure the height and body mass of the chil¬dren and youth, on the basis of which the mass and height index (Rohrer's index) was calculated. The material was statistically elaborated and the significance of difference between them was calculated by using Student's t-test. The results were compared to the studies from between 2002 and 2003. On the basis of the 15-year-long observations (years 2002-2017), it was noted that the average body height of boys aged 10-14 and of girls aged 13-15 was increasing in rural areas of the Lubuskie Voivodeship. Changes in body height occurring in pupils aged 7-18 between 2002 and 2017 indicate that the phenomenon of secular trend is slowing down. Decels in body height among boys were noted at the ages 7, 9, and 18, and among girls at the ages 8, 10, and 17. Within 15 years, an increase in body mass was noted in all age groups of girls, with differences between them being statistically insignificant (with the exception of 8-9- and 18-year-old girls). In the case of boys, a significant increase in body mass was noted at the ages of 8 and 11-18. Secular changes in the mass and height proportions in the studied pupils aged 7-18 point out to a significant increase in body thickness among boys at the ages of 9 and 11-18, and among girls at the ages of 8-10, 12-13, and 16-17. The pubescent leap in body height in the girls examined between 2002 and 2017 occurred at 11-12 years of age. In boys, the leap occurred at the age of 12-13, and showed lower values in 2017.
Celem przeprowadzonych badań było ukazanie kierunków zmian w rozwoju fizycznym populacji dzieci i młodzieży szkolnej województwa lubuskiego w latach 2002-2017. Materiał został zebrany w latach 2015-2017 wśród 3996 uczniów zamieszkujących środowisko wiejskie (w tym 1858 chłopców i 2138 dziewcząt) w wieku 7-18 lat w wybranych losowo szkołach podstawowych, gimnazjalnych i ponadgimnazjalnych. Techniką martinowską wykonano pomiary wysokości i masy ciała dzieci i młodzieży, na podstawie których obliczono wskaźnik wagowo-wzrostowy (Rohrera). Materiał opracowano statystycznie, istotność różnic między średnimi wyliczono testem t-Studenta. Wyniki odniesiono porównawczo do badań z lat 2002-2003. Na podstawie analizy 15-letnich obserwacji (2002-2017), odnotowano w środowisku wiejskim województwa lubuskiego istotne podwyższanie średnich wysokości ciała chłopców w wieku 10-14 lat oraz dziewcząt w wieku 13 i 15 lat. Zmiany wysokości ciała, jakie zachodzą w populacji uczniów w wieku 7-18 lat w latach 2002-2017 wskazują na zjawisko spowolnienia trendu sekularnego. Decelerację wysokości ciała wśród chłopców odnotowano w wieku 7, 9 i 18 lat, natomiast u dziewcząt w wieku 8, 10 i 17 lat. Na przestrzeni 15 lat, we wszystkich klasach wieku dziewcząt odnotowano wzrost masy ciała, przy różnicach statystycznie istotnych (za wyjątkiem 8-9 i 18-letnich). U chłopców istotny wzrost masy ciała odnotowano w wieku 8,11-18 lat. Zmiany sekularne w proporcjach wagowo-wzrostowych badanej populacji uczniów w wieku 7-18 lat wskazują na istotne zwiększanie tęgości budowy ciała chłopców w wieku 9,11-18 lat oraz dziewcząt w wieku 8-10,12-13, 16-17 lat. Skok pokwitaniowy wysokości ciała u dziewcząt badanych w latach 2002 i 2017 wystąpił między 11. a 12. rokiem życia, natomiast u chłopców między 12. a 13. rokiem życia i charakteryzował się mniejszymi wartościami w 2017 roku.
A variety of innovative approaches in the system of preschool children physical education that may be used with children of preschool age are given in the article. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature on the designated topic, it was determined that the use of different innovative approaches in the system of preschool children physical education has a positive effect on physical development and physical fitness of children. Preschool children’s physical education is the educational process in which physical exercises are the main form of children’s physical education. Due to the analysis of literary sources it is shown that the result of pedagogical innovations depends not only on their internal capacity, but is largely determined by the teacher’s personal qualities, his pedagogical skills, in other words the teacher’s readiness to the innovative activity. One of the main objectives of preschool education is to create favorable conditions for children’s harmonious physical development for the purpose of increasing resistance to infections, as well as for the purpose of gradual and systematic hardening. A complete solution of health and educational tasks promotes the integrated use of both traditional and non-traditional organizational forms and methods of physical education. According to the research, the innovative technologies, alternative author’s programs with non-traditional approaches to physical education are not used in practice of preschool educational establishments of Ukraine. Physical culture classes and sports harden the child and stimulate his emotional sphere. The development of interest in motion is based on the child’s nutritional needs to be strong, brave, clever. Motor activity in physical education prepares the child for employment. During different physical education activities the discipline, the desire to succeed, perseverance are brought up in preschool children. Successful motor activity in peer group, positive evaluation of the efforts of the older child, self-awareness, quality of exercise, the joy of participation in active games – all these contribute to the development of emotional-sensual sphere. The analysis of literary sources showed that the use of a variety of innovative approaches in the system of physical education positively influence the level of preschool children physical development and physical preparedness.
Purpose. The analysis of bodybuild features of elite athletes of combat sports with the application of special indexes. Methods. 22 anthropometrical indicators were defined, 13 indexes of physical development were calculated on their basis. 29 elite athletes (Candidates Master of Sports and Masters of Sports) were divided into groups. 1 – 7 athletes (judo, sambo, Greco-Roman wrestling, and freestyle wrestling), (18,43±0,43 years). 2 – 9 kickboxing athletes, (18,22±0,52 years). 3 – 13 combat sports athletes (karate, taekwondo, hand-to-hand fight), (18,00±0,28 years). Results. Higher body mass index in athletes demonstrates the prevalence of muscular component of somatotype. The Erismann and Pignier indexes, shoulders width index illustrate the best development of muscles in athletes and kickboxing athletes in comparison with karate athletes, and taekwondo. Increase in a relative body surface of athletes demonstrates the growth of their aerobic opportunities. Increase in the power index confirms the importance of grip strength for success in combat. Indexes of a ratio of segments of extremities reflect features of the technique of combat sports. Conclusions. The existence of the features caused by combat sports is confirmed. The competency of special indexes application which is especially illustrated ratios of extremities segments in the monitoring of athletes’ functional condition is also proved.
Cel. Analiza cech budowy ciała za pomocą specjalnych indeksów najlepszych sportowców uprawiających sporty walki. Metody. Wyznaczono 22 wskaźniki antropometryczne, na ich podstawie obliczono 13 wskaźników rozwoju fizycznego. 29 najlepszych sportowców (kandydatów na Mistrza Sportu i Mistrzów Sportu) podzielono na grupy. 1 – 7 zawodnicy (judo, sambo, zapasy klasyczne i zapasy stylu wolnego), (18,43 ± 0,43 lat). 2 – 9 zawodnicy kick-boxingu, (18,22 ± 0,52 lat). 3 - 13 zawodnicy sportów walki (karate, taekwondo, walka wręcz), (18,00 ± 0,28 lat). Wyniki. Wyższy wskaźnik masy ciała u sportowców pokazuje przewagę składnika mięśniowego somatotypu. Wskaźniki Erismanna i Pigniera, wskaźnik szerokości ramion wskazują na najlepszy rozwój mięśni u zawodników i zawodników kickboxingu w porównaniu z zawodnikami uprawiającymi karate i taekwondo. Wzrost względnej powierzchni ciała sportowców pokazuje wzrost ich możliwości aerobowych. Wzrost indeksu siły potwierdza znaczenie siły chwytu dla odniesienia sukcesu w walce. Wskaźniki proporcji segmentów kończyn odzwierciedlają cechy techniki sportów walki. Wnioski. Potwierdza się istnienie cech, do których przyczyniają się sporty walki. Udowodniono kompetencję zastosowania specjalnych indeksów, czyli szczególnie zilustrowane proporcje segmentów kończyn w monitorowaniu kondycji funkcjonalnej sportowców.
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