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This article focuses on the prepositional-substantive complex as a representant of the predicative relations in the Ukrainian and German sentence structures. Such structures function as predicative. Semantically they are an integral part of the expression informative potential. In the structure of simple semantically complicated sentences prepositional-case forms occupy the determinant members position that store semantic-syntactical relationship types with temporal, causal, conditional, and targeted functions.
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Kontext a sémantika predikátov

According to contextualism a basic feature of (all) sentences is that their semantic content is not determined purely on the basis of semantic conventions and compositionality. In determining the meaning (use) of a sentence the context of use should also play a role, and that even when the sentence does not include indexical expressions. In this paper there is a critical analysis of the contextualist argumentation in favour of the claim that the meaning of predicates (or rather their use) is dependent on context. It is argued that (i) in many uses the meaning of the predicate is the only factor which determines the corresponding semantic conventions, and that (ii) the context of use usually plays a different role it does not lend extra ingredients to the expressed meaning, but only serves as the background for determining the truth-values of a given use of the sentence.
Category formants – their place in (semantic and formal) language structure The author argues that the so-called category some of the grammaticalized segments of the corresponding semantic fields that are especially important for successful linguistic communication. She presents semantic categorical paradigms in Polish and in Macedonian, along with their formal correlates, i.e., categorical markers. She states that in the course of time, the old postpositional bound markers, suffixes and infixes are often eliminated, while the prepositional markers (prefixes, prepositions, verbal particles…) multiply. The Macedonian situation demonstrates that this type of evolution is accelerated in multilingual environment. Formanty kategorialne – ich miejsce w (semantycznej i formalnej) strukturze języka Autorka dowodzi, że tzw. formanty kategorialne należą do tych gramatycznych segmentów pól semantycznych, które są szczególnie ważne dla pomyślnej komunikacji językowej. Przedstawia semantyczne paradygmaty kategorii w języku polskim i macedońskim oraz ich formalne, tj. kategorialne, wskaźniki. Stwierdza, że z biegiem czasu stare, postpozycyjne, związane wskaźniki, sufiksy, infiksy, partykuły werbalne są często eliminowane, a wskaźniki przyimkowe (przedrostki, przyimki, cząstki słowne…) multiplikowane. Sytuacja w Macedonii świadczy o tym, że ten rodzaj ewolucji ulega przyspieszeniu w środowisku wielojęzycznym.
Starting with the assumption that the proposition (i.e. predicate > argument(s) structure) is the basic unit of the semantic structure of the text, the author argues that the relation > predicate > argument in its turn is the basic link in the process of the construction of the text. She distinguishes three types of predicates: (a) those which inform about the relations between the parts of the world around us and about the characteristics of these parts (cf. ‘stand’, ‘sleep’, ‘build’, ‘destroy’, ‘white’, ‘old’, ‘tall’, ‘man’, ‘animal’, ‘river’, sea’) and which accept arguments whose referents are parts of that world; (b) those which inform about our mental, emotional, volitional reactions to that world (cf. ‘think’, ‘know’, ‘like’, ‘wish’, ‘want’, ‘ask’, ‘command’) and which accept also arguments whose referents are events, states of affairs, processes, i.e. propositional arguments; (c) those which inform about the ways of our thinking and concluding about the events, states, processes happening around us (cf. ‘coexist’, ‘exclude’, ‘succeed’, ‘precede’, ‘overlap’, ‘cause’, ‘let’, ‘stipulate’, ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘before’, after’, because’, ‘if’) and which only accept propositional arguments. She concludes that however complex and/or context dependent a sentence is, it should be understood and interpreted as a hierarchically organized proposition.
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PREDYKAT vs ARGUMENT (semantyka i forma)

Rocznik Slawistyczny
vol. 66
In the frame of the grammatical description “from meaning to form” the author promotes the thesis that arguments implied by verbal predicates stand in the syntactic position primarily designed for noun phrases.
Built in argument positions and the propositions intensional completenessThe paper discusses issues concerning the potential influence of built in argument positions on the propositions intensional completeness. According to the chosen scientific approach the distribution of determiners is a reflex of the propositions completeness, there seem to exist however such structures in which one of the argument positions is blocked due to being built into the predicate. The intensional value of such positions may vary and theoretically reflect the propositions definiteness / indefiniteness (intensional completeness). Predicates such as: търся implicate a locative argument position, which is inherently indefinite, but does not seem to reflect the distribution of determiners.
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Shall in Present-Day English

The paper aims at presenting the contemporary usage of the verb shall in Modern English. The traditional principles governing the usage of shall constitute a complex paradigm in which the implications of different forms change according to the person of the subject. The statistics show that the verb shall experienced a dramatic fall in frequency of use between the early 1960s and 1990s. The author is aiming at presenting the evolution of the verb shall throughout the centuries, its reorganization and the way it has altered. The Old English shall expressed obligation/necessity whereas the Middle English usage indicated to the predicative element of the verb in question. Furthermore, the author explores the difference in application between will and shall. The semantic shift of 'shall' appears to be a natural consequence of the competition it lost to will. Moreover, in 'shall' seems to be retracting to the narrow niche of seldom usage. The article also indicates to the use of shall in present-day English both in American and British varieties. In American English, which is commonly assumed to be more advanced and open to change than British English, 'shall' seems to survive in the contexts where it expresses deontic meaning.
The personal and impersonal forms of verbs (in various grammatical modes and times) designate different plans for poetic expression: in the first person (I, we), in the second person (You) and in the third person (he/she/it, they). However, it is also possible that the determinant of any of these plans is not the form of any verb, but some other component of the sentence. The purpose of the analysis of poetic texts from "Lutnia po Bekwarku" by Jan Lechoń (London 1942) is an attempt to answer the questions: What personal forms of verbs the poet used and how he expressed the forms in the text of poems? What types of predicates these forms constitute? Is the grammatical category of persons expressed in their morphology (grammatical person) is identical to the semantic category of persons (semantic person)? What are other means of expressing of the semantic person?
The article sets out to provide analyses of indefi nite-personal sentences as a way of language semantics representation regarding the peculiar third-person subject. It was defi ned that indefi nite-personal subject semantics is represented in sentences which consist of the verbal third-person singular predicate in the Present or Future Tense. It may also be represented in sentences which consist of the verbal predicate of neuter gender in the Past Tense in cases of a lack of the subject syntaxeme and are used in such functional variants as: indefi nite-uncertain, indefi nite-irrelevant, indefi nite-incomprehensible, and indefi nitelocative. They are the effect of the varieties of indefi niteness of semantics interaction with third-person semantics. This points to their personal subjects.
This article deals with categorical meanings of the personality in monosyllabic verbal sentences in the modern Ukrainian language which are cleared up in the aspect of realization of their functions, taking into account the various grammatical and semantic modifications of syntactic structures. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that the category of the personality of the verb interacts with the category of method, the personality and the categories of substantiality - subject and object, aspectuality, temporality. Illustrative material of scientific reference provides the most diverse knowledge about the life, ways of life, customs, worldviews, psychologies, ways of thinking, spiritual and moral values of representatives of the Ukrainian people, stimulates the acceptance and conception of other cultures. Purpose.The aim of the study – is to find out realization of categorical meanings of a personality in monosyllabic verbal sentences in the modern Ukrainian language. Methods of research. The following methods are used in scientific research: linguistic description of speech facts; structural analysis, represented by the methods of structural-semantic, transformational analysis. Results. The category of the personality of the verb interacts with the category of method at the level of lexical and grammatical semantics, with the category of personality and under the categories of substantiality – the subject and object, aspectuality (type and kinds of action), temporality (internal and, mainly, external time) and with syntagmatic semantics of categories of predictability and modality. The formal-grammatical paradigm of verbal forms represents their invariance and corresponding fixity to the structural patterns of sentences. In speech acts (in the text), grammatical forms according to the speaker's allocution, purpose and the type of communicative structure generalize informative content of the statement on the basis of connection of words as the main components, and the secondary forms, which are determined due to the grammar of particular language and the author's direction and express objective and subjective modality (wider – modus) of an author's direction, emotions, evaluations and expression.
Artykuł poświęcony jest kategorialnemu statusowi przysłówków we współczesnym języku białoruskim. Przysłówek jest uważany za jednostkę pochodną, która łączy cechy rzeczowników i predykatów. Pokazano, że przysłówek nie należy do żadnej z tych klas. Przysłówki powstają z rzeczowników tracących znaczenia konkretne i wyabstrahowane. Ta część mowy jest bliższa predykatom, ponieważ może być głównym predykatem w wypowiedzi. Ponadto czasami przysłówek wyraża dodatkową predykatywę i w rezultacie komplikuje strukturę semantyczną zdania. Jednak główną jego funkcją jest modyfikator okolicznikowy, który nie jest predykatem.
The article deals with the problem of the appearance in the pluperfect of semantic forms for uncompleted past situations. The study involves the analysis of situations in which the process of developing the action, expressed by the pluperfect, sees a barrier appear that disturbs the natural fl ow of the event or indicates the canceled result of the event. Particular attention is focused on constructions with the particle bulo, because the use of this particle in artistic texts is a sign of disturbance to the natural fl ow of the events. As a conclusion: the pluperfect tense in such interpretation is carried out in different types of sentences and its semantic potential is realized in 3 main types: 1) unrealized intention; 2) disturbed attempt; 3) canceled result. The choice of the appropriate interpretation depends on the aspectual characteristics of the verb, its semantics and the context.
Change of the verb polarity or predicate deleted? Some French verbs, such as sortir, s’enfuir, s’éloigner, can be built with a preposition of polarity different from that of the verb: sortir dans, s’enfuir dans, s’éloigner vers. It is possible to consider these structures as the witness of deletion of a second verbal predicate: X sort (de la maison et entre) dans la rue, X s’éloigne (d’un endroit et s’approche) vers Y. We can see the same deletion in case of pluripolar verbs, which can be constructed with two prepositions (eg tomber).
The main question of our article is: What is the logical form of statements containing expressions such as “… is true” and “it is true that …”? We claim that these expressions are generally not used in order to assign a certain property to sentences. We indicate that a predicative interpretation of these expressions was rejected by Frege and adherents to the prosentential conception of truth. We treat these expressions as operators. The main advantage of our operational reading is the fact that it adequately represents how the words, “true” and “truth,” function in everyday speech. Our approach confirms the intuition that so-called T-equivalences are not contingent truths, and explains why they seem to be—in some sense—necessary sentences. Moreover, our operational readingof truth expressions dissolves problems arising from the belief that there is some specific property—truth. The fact that we reject that truth is a certain property does not mean that we deny that the concept of truth plays a very important role in our language, and hence in our life. We indicate that the concept of truth is inseparable from the concept of sentence and vice versa—it is impossible to explicate one of these concepts without appeal to the other.
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Le paradoxe des verbes supports

Light verbs are generally considered on semantic grounds: Light verbs are contrasted with predicative verbs because the former lack argument structure. In this paper, I argue that light verbs should rather be considered on syntactic grounds, i.e., in terms of the structure of the sentence. From this point of view, light verbs highlight the central property of verbs tout court: namely, to construct a VP. In § 1, I argue that only on this basis can light and predicative verbs be consistently contrasted. In §§ 2 and 3, I address the question of the structure of a VP with a light verb. In § 4, I address the question of the relationship between argument structure and semantic richness.
A given predicate is defined by a set of properties which combine and which automatically generate all the sentences it allows. Among them, we note the number and the semantic class of the arguments which characterize it, the adjectival and adverbial modifiers which can be added tothe scheme of arguments as well as all the transformations which affect each of these units. The speaker is responsible for attributing to sentences the set of all the forms that language allows him to generate. What has just been said can be considered as a definition of syntax.But this situation is far from exhausting the description of a language. J. Dubois and especially Maurice Gross have devoted large-scale work to fixed expressions, that is to say, to the restrictions relating to the combinatorics usually observed around a given predicate. These studies have focused on the limitations of grammar rules as they are generally described. These two authors have drawn up lists of tens of thousands of “fixed” verbs and have highlighted the limits of this fixing. However, they made an observation without highlighting the causes of the fixing, which is a much more complex linguistic fact than this work suggests. The purpose of this article is twofold. On the one hand, it emphasizes what can be called discursive equivalences: in a given situation, the same idea can be translated by expressions which have no obvious link between them, as in: con comme la lune, con comme un balai, con comme une baleine, con comme une bite, con comme une valise. Another example: voici belle lurette, voici longtemps, voici un temps fou, voici une paille, voici une paye. It goes without saying that the speaker is not master of these expressions, because they are written in the language. This article shows that these equivalences are very numerous. On the other hand, I. Mel’čuk initiated important work on pragmatemes. Again the “regular” syntax is defective. All these cases are in fact examples of pre-constructed sequences, of which this article attempts to make a first classification. These sequences are explained by specific communication conditions as seen with these examples:a) Doubt or reluctance in the face of information that one can hardly believe:à d’autres !, à d’autres mais pas à moi !, à d’autres mais pas à nous ! b) Criticism of a work that is considered null and uninteresting:c’est de la bouillie pour les chats, c’est de la bricole, c’est de la briquette, c’est de la couille,c’est de la merde, c’est de la piquette, c’est du flan, c’est du pipeau, c’est du vent.This is long-term work, which allows us to renew certain theoretical perspectives.  
This article is an attempt to reflect upon the problem of choosing a theoretical approach. From another side, it touches upon the question of conducting scientific enquiry- in the face of the actual inter-disciplinary turn taken in some fields of research. The starting point of these reflec-tions in this particular field will be the concept of interdisciplinarity as understood in France and the claims of the New Rhetorics which can themselves be understood as being interdiscipli-nary. Moreover, the New Rhetoric can be used to describe a dialogue between different disci-plines. In reference to the concept of predicate, which has different meanings in the fields of French and Polish linguistic research, the present article will touch upon fundamental dilemmas, mis-understandings and difficulties in scientific debate and the problems which stem from the dif-ferences between the French and Polish academic traditions. In this context, the New Rhetoric could play the role of a platform for dialogue between researchers representing different scien-tific traditions, because on the one hand, the New Rhetoric takes into account the relation be-tween the researcher’s formation and his prior representations concerning the matter. On the other hand, the New Rhetoric introduces the term 'plasticity of notions' based on which argu-mentation can be founded or based. In conducting research founded on interdisciplinary dia-logue it is important to adopt “a view from afar” (Levi-Strauss 1983); or, in other words, to maintain a certain distance from one's discipline, tradition and a way of querying, so that our scientific works would become comprehensible for scholars representing different disciplines and above all, to enable a dialogue within the framework of those disciplines.
W niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę refleksji nad problemem wyboru zaplecza teoretycznego z jednej strony, a kwestią prowadzenia wywodu naukowego z drugiej - w obliczu współczesnego interdyscyplinarnego kierunku badań. Punkt wyjścia rozważań w tym zakresie stanowi rozumienie interdyscyplinarności we Francji oraz tezy Nowej Retoryki, ktόre same mogą być rozważane jako interdyscyplinarne. Co więcej Nowej Retoryki można używać, żeby opisać dialog między rόżnymi dyscyplinami. Odnosząc się do pojęcia predykat inaczej rozumianego w obszarze polskich i francuskich badań językoznawczych, w artykule opisano podstawowe dylematy, niezrozumienia i trudności w dialogu naukowym, wywodzącym się z różnych (francuskiej i polskiej) tradycji uniwersyteckich. W tym kontekście Nowa Retoryka mogłaby odegrać rolę platformy dialogu między badaczami reprezentującymi różne tradycje naukowe, gdyż z jednej strony bierze pod uwagę związek między i formacją badacza a przedwstępnymi postanowieniami, a z drugiej strony wprowadza termin "rozciągłość pojęć", na którym argumentacja może opierać się. W prowadzeniu badań opartych na dialogu interdyscyplinarnego ważne jest "spojrzenie oddalone" (Lévi-Strauss, 1983), czyli pewien dystans do swojej dyscypliny, tradycji i dociekań tak, aby nasze prace naukowe stały się dostępne dla badaczy reprezentujących inne dyscypliny, ale przede wszystkim, aby możliwy był dialog w ramach tych samych dyscyplin.
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Ten film byl(a) pohádka

In some cases a predicate formed by a copulative verb být (to be) and a noun in nominative case may be expressed in two different agreement forms in past tense: that is either with the noun in position of a subject (Ten film byl pohádka), or with the noun forming a verbo-nominal predicate (Ten film byla pohádka). For an easier distinction of the grammar role of these nouns, especially in scholarly and journalistic texts, a noun in nominative case represents a subject and a noun in instrumental case represents a predicative noun.
V případě predikátu, který tvoří sponové sloveso být a jméno v nominativu, dochází k situacím, kdy je v komunikaci možná dvojí shoda predikátového slovesa v minulém čase, a to buď se jménem v roli subjektu (Ten film byl pohádka), nebo se jménem, kteří tvoří verbonominální predikát (Ten film byla pohádka). Z důvodu snadnějšího odlišení gramatické role obou jmen se zejména v odborném textu a v publicistice ponechá jméno v subjektu v nominativu a „přísudkové jméno“ figuruje v instrumentálu. 
The purpose of this study was to examine the syntactic and semantics features of the expression tuż tuż in the Polish language. The research have proved that there were two homonymic units tuż tuż. The first one is the locative verb, the second one is probably predicative. I propose the following explication of this unit: tuż tuż 1: x dzieje się/znajduje się tuż tuż 'x dzieje się/znajduje się w takim miejscu, że potrzeba bardzo mało czasu, żeby być tam, gdzie dzieje się/znajduje się x’. tuż tuż 2: P tuż tuż: ‘P będzie w takim czasie, o którym będzie można powiedzieć: to czas P; czasu, do czasu o którym będzie można powiedzieć: to czas P, jest bardzo mało’.
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