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Dans l’article qui suit, je vais analyser deux descriptions du processus de deuil dans les Confessions de Saint Augustin, livres IV et IX. Je me servirai de certaines conceptions psychoanalytiques de deuil, pour montrer les différences entre ces deux descriptions. Les différences en question s’expriment par un usage différent des symboles, en particulier celui des larmes. Dans la première description, les larmes coulent librement et semblent symboliser l’ami perdu, tandis que dans la description de la mort de Monique, Augustin est tout au début incapable de pleurer, ce qui peut être perçu comme un symbole d’une profonde ambivalence à l’égard de l’image de sa mère. Dans l’autre description le Dieu psychologiquement joue un rôle d’un objet bon, protecteur, qui aide Augustin à le consoler dans son chagrin, ce qui était impossible dans le cas de la mort de son ami, puisque Dieu à ce moment-là n’était qu’un phantasma. Les descriptions du deuil dans les Confessions de Saint Augustin peuvent être comprises comme une expression d’un inconscient processus créatif, qui, par le biais du processus d’écriture fait récupérer les objets perdus.
The article is an attempt to introduce relationships between hermeneutics, pedagogy and psychoanalysis. The essential issue under consideration is the interpretation of topological figures as a particular tool allowing to perceive hermeneutics from the subject’s clinic perspective. The key importance for pedagogy here is the indication that both hermeneutics and psychoanalysis have a cognitive value recognising the subject in categories which exceed the traditional subject narratives, formulated from the perspective of the hermeneutic circle.
A chapter in the book The Psychic Life of Power (1997) offers an original reading of the conception of ideology and ideological inquiry as it is presented by Louis Althusser, one of the most important Marxist thinkers of the twentieth century. Judith Butler’s analysis focuses on the phenomenon of subjectivisation which, in the context of ideological inquiry, enters our consideration, and on the affective bond which is a constitutive condition of the fuctioning of inquiry. The second half of the text is devoted to a polemical discussion with Mladen Dolar, representative of the Lubliana psychoanalytical school which, in its reading of Althusser, brings with it the problematic of ideology and Lacanian psychoanalysis – these polemics concern above all the concept of the real which Dolar transposes from the psychoanalytical context to the Marxist one.
Kapitola z knihy The Psychic Life of Power (1997) nabízí originální četbu pojetí ideologie a ideologické interpelace, jak je předkládá Louis Athusser, jeden z nejvýznamnějších marxistických myslitelů 20. století. Judith Butlerová analyzuje zejména fenomén subjektivace, který v souvislosti s ideologickou interpelací vstupuje do hry, a afektivní pouto, které je konstitutivní podmínkou fungování interpelace. Druhá část textu je věnována polemice s Mladenem Dolarem, představitelem lublaňské psychoanalytické školy, který ve své četbě Althussera propojuje problematiku ideologie a lacanovské psychoanalýzy – tato polemika se týká především pojmu reálna, který Dolar transponuje z psychoanalytického do marxistického kontextu.
Pamiętnik Literacki
vol. 109
issue 3
Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz zaznajomił się z psychoanalizą, kiedy odbywał terapię u doktora Karola de Beaurain. Od tego czasu wzmogła się jego fascynacja marzeniami sennymi. Artysta miał własną metodę na ich przypominanie, polegającą na przywoływaniu wydarzeń w odwrotnej kolejności niż występowały we śnie. Choć z początku nie akceptował myśli Sigmunda Freuda, z czasem stał się jej orędownikiem, a opis marzenia sennego Genezypa Kapena w "Nienasyceniu" zawiera jej silne wpływy. Głębsza analiza tej fantazji onirycznej ujawnia oryginalne rysy poglądów Witkacego na temat natury ludzkiej psychiki. Głównym źródłem dążeń człowieka jest według niego pierwotne zadziwienie Tajemnicą Istnienia.
Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz familiarised with psychoanalysis when he underwent a therapy at Karol de Beaurain’s and it is at that moment when his fascination with dreams increased. The artist developed his own method of recollecting occurrences which consisted in evoking them in reverse order in comparison to that in dreaming. Though Witkacy initially rejected Sigmund Freud’s thought, with time he became its supporter, and the description of Genezyp Kapen’s dream in “Nienasycenie (Insatiability)” is deeply influenced by it. An in-depth analysis of this oneiric phantasy reveals original traces of Witkiewicz’s views on the nature of human psyche. The main source of human struggle is, according to him, initial amazement with Mystery of Existence.
The present paper analyses the episode of Hercules’ journey to the underworld in Seneca’s Hercules furens. The starting point is the contemporary psychoanalysis school of object relations; the research method combines psychoanalytic interpretive methods with a philological text analysis. The underworld passage, showing Hercules’ weakness and superbia, can be treated as the key to understanding the entire play.
Schizophrenia still poses the greatest theoretical problems in contemporary psychopathology. These problems should be investigated through the works of authors who deal with schizophrenia representing different psychological theories. The author takes into consideration psychoanalytic and phenomenological point of view. The statements of those theories are encountered in the field of humanistic psychology.
Gender Studies
vol. 12
issue 1
I explore the violent deaths of Jacobean heroines on stage, looking at their fetishised dead bodies as a register of male repressed fear of women’s physicality that is perceived essentially as the equation between womb and tomb. I argue that this fetishisation is a hegemonic effort to combat this fear through the consigning of the heroines’ bodies to utter destruction. However, there is a residue left from the dialectic of death and desire that runs through Jacobean tragedy and sexualises the political issue of tyranny. The heroines’ violent deaths, while not expressing heroic transcendence, mark the ultimate self-destructiveness of patriarchal politics.
This paper is a study of the essential property of human existence – transcendence, whose characteristics can be derived from Karl Stern’s works. By criticizing the model of contemporary psychology for its mechanistic character, Stern tries to prove that it is psychoanalysis that enables us to found a humanistic base for understanding human transcendence towards God. In this way, Stern passes over the fact that the humanistic sense of transcendence was established in Victor Frankl’s philosophy of existence. Stern blemishes the basic meanings of Freud’s psychoanalysis, which, as such, is not suitable for Stern’s procedure of humanization.
The article is an attempt of analysis and interpretation of the “Young Poland“ comedy written by Włodzimierz Perzyński in psychopathological or psychoanalytical perspective. The author draws reader’s attention to artistic achievements of Włodzimierz Perzyński who was a Polish novelist, comedy writer, columnist and poet, satirist and ironist and he died eighty years ago. The article is informally built out of two parts: Michel Foucault’s cultural criticism is a context of the first part, in the second one the author uses � � � � � � �general psychoanalytical theories of � � Sigmund Freud and Karen Horney. A neurotic personality, neurotic disturbances in the relations between people and activities of individuals in the different social situations are an object of analysis and interpretation. The author discussing one of the most famous Perzyński’s comedies tries to show that the Polish writer’s plays are interesting and opening a lot of perspectives of interpretation.
The article enquires into the nature of group membership, on which the writing of the history of feminism rests. The author’s approach, largely sustained by psychoanalytic reading, construes feminist movements not as the inevitable expression of the socially constructed category of women, but as the means for achieving that identity. Group membership provides the illusion of wholeness only by appealing to fantasy. Within the history of Western feminist movements, two fantasies, prevalent from the late eighteenth century, operate to consolidate feminist identity: the fantasy of the female orator and the feminist maternal fantasy. The fantasies function as resources to be invoked and thereby resonate at various points in history. The aim of the article is not to deny the social fact of feminist movements, nor to question the existence of active political subjects. It is to suggest that psychoanalysis may elucidate the unconscious dimensions of these phenomena as well as the fact that they owe at least some of their existence to the operations of fantasies that can never fully satisfy the desire, or secure the representation, they seek to provide.
The article is an attempt to introduce relationships between hermeneutics, pedagogy and psychoanalysis. The essential issue under consideration is the interpretation of topological figures as a particular tool allowing to perceive hermeneutics from the subject’s clinic perspective. The key importance for pedagogy here is the indication that both hermeneutics and psychoanalysis have a cognitive value recognising the subject in categories which exceed the traditional subject narratives, formulated from the perspective of the hermeneutic circle.
In this essay which comprises one of chapters in Frank Cioffi Freud and the Question of a Pseudoscience (Open Court, Chicago 1998, pp. 115-142) its author, the most harsh and provocative contemporary critic of psychoanalysis, has assembled reasons for concluding that psychoanalysis  is a pseudoscience. What makes this text unique among current offerings is the contrary view about a pseudoscience according to which it is constituted by methodologically defective procedures (in a sense of wilful which encompasses refined self-deception) rather than merely by formally defective theses.
The main theme of this essay is f i n i t e l i f e, which is the bedrock of modern biopolitics. In the series of lectures devoted to the ‘birth of biopolitics,’ Michel Foucault defines it as a new system of ‘governing the living’ based on the natural cycle of birth and death, and the law of genesis kai phtora, ‘becoming and perishing.’ Foucault’s answer to modern biopolitics is to accept its basic premise – that life is finite, and, consequently, reduced to the natural law of birth and death – and then slightly correct the naive liberal trust in the ‘naturalness’ of human existence by appropriating and internalizing the true essence of the biopolitical paradigm: the disciplining practices. This essay contests Foucault’s minimalist Neostoic program of the ‘care of the self’ by demonstrating that we can still hope for a n o t h e r f i n i t u d e that refrains from any renaturalization of human existence.
vol. 11
issue 3
The aim of the article is the psychoanalytical interpretation of Jewish Museum building in Berlin - the example of deconstractivism in architecture, as well the urban space of Berlin and the history of Germany and the Berlin Jews as manifested in the space of the city. Starting with the notion of anamorphosis, the works by Jacąues Derrida and Peter Eisenman and using Daniel Liebenskind's building of the Jewish Museum as an example, the author of the article shows the connection between deconstructivism and the urban space of Berlin. The em-phasizes the importance of empty spaces, or spaces devoid of something, for both the city space of Berlin, and the Museum's architecture, where the empty space is the space devoid of the Berlin absentees - the Jews. The description refers to formal features of deconstructivist architecture and the features of the museum building while the interpretation is rooted in Lacanian psychoanalysis and his three orders: the Real, the Symbolic and the Imaginary, as well as in his concept of the mirror stage in the development of the human psyche.
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Szymon Wróbel’s considerations are situated at the intersection of philosophy, psychoanalysis and politics. The author uses the term “retroactivity” (nachträglich), known from the writings of Freud, to describe the way in which the individual transforms experiences from the past in their memory, reworks them, and gives them a new meaning, congruent with current needs and expectations. This also applies to reading, each of which fits in the project which the reader realises. Lektury retroaktywne (Retroactive readings) is a constant and often surprising clash of many different - authors’ concepts, regardless of their origins: a game of questions and answers challenged immediately by new questions. This philosophy must be a dialogue – hence its dramatic nature. Wróbel recalls, confronts and deconstructs the texts of such thinkers as Thucydides, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Nietzsche, Foucault, Levi-Strauss, Chomsky and Piaget. He also acquaints the reader with significant diagnoses of philosophers associated with speculative realism.
The paper discusses the possibility of a cinematic image which represents future catastrophes, while avoiding ideological entrapments and self-serving fantasies. Taking a Japanese ghost story and a brief note by Walter Benjamin as his dual starting point, the author first attempts to define the possible dangers inherent to the very idea of showing the future, the most important being the danger of the premature, cathartic discharge of the spectator’s anxiety in a sadistic/voyeuristic show. After discussion of the mechanisms of this discharge, the author offers an analysis of a positive example, namely Michael Haneke’s Time of the Wolf. According to the analysis, Haneke manages to avoid the traps by constructing reflective images that make the spectators watch themselves as they are searching in vain for the cathartic images of the catastrophe.
The article discusses the role of the psychoanalysis in studies of literature. The author believes that C.G. Jung’s conception of anima is one of the most important ideas that explain the  notion of femininity and its place in the subconscious process of the man’s psyche. The analysis of the character structure and the symbolic layer in few novels of Vladimir Nabokov shows that the tetragonal model of anima influenced the image of the women portrаyed by him.
This article aims to introduce the Polish public to the work of Angélica Liddell, one of the best-known faces of European theatre in recent years. While the artist has been professionally active since the late 1980s and has created (as a playwright, director and main actress) a few dozen original performances, for most of her stage life she has been saying the same thing: that the only truth worth knowing is the truth coming from our unconsciousness. And although there have been times in her career when she turned her attention to the outside and made political theatre, she eventually resumed probing the depths of the human psyche, where she traces repressed content with a verve that would make Freud himself proud. And, much to our bafflement, brings it out into the open.
Addressing trauma as a phenomenon which happens on the level of the human psyche and body, this article explores the impact of the interlocking nature of human lingual and bodily being in discovering a fuller possibility of interpreting and understanding woundedness. The non-transparent and problematic character of trauma calls for a hermeneutic investigation in order to gain a far-reaching insight into what happens with us and in us in traumatic experience(s). The imperative to understand the situation of affliction is an unending task which not only relies upon extant understandings but continually pro-vokes new ones. I argue that the process of healing, encompassing the spoken and bodily narrative, does not establish a secure equilibrium, but rather searches for self-restoring, healing energy and commences ever new understandings of what needs to be comprehended and healed. This article offers an examination of trauma as featured in three short stories by British authors: Rudyard Kipling, D. H. Lawrence and James Joyce, to exemplify the possibilities of literature to shed light on the intricate nature of traumatic experience. It interrogates the ways in which literature, hermeneutics and psychoanalysis meaningfully converge.
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