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The article is empirical and constitutes a qualitative analysis of students’ attitudes towards the implementation of the subject of Security Education in upper secondary schools to which they attended. The research attention was focused on the form of conducting classes, issues raised on the subject, assessment of their usefulness and proposals for improvements presented by students. The self-assessment of self-attitude towards the subject and level involved in the acquisition of the core curriculum was also presented.
The presented paper shares the perception of Integrated Cumulative Grade Point Average (iCGPA) as an integrated grading system. The iCGPA system is one of the key initiatives outlined for implementation under the Malaysia Education Blueprint (Higher Education). A qualitative approach through discussion with the focus group was applied for information gathering. The sample populations were seven lecturers and fifty students who are directly involved in the iCGPA pilot project. Their perceptions on iCGPA were explored during the interviews. The findings show that iCGPA is evidently able to identify the students’ actual ability, knowledge, skills, and attitude. The analysis of interview data yielded four major themes. The iCGPA assessment not only aids students to improve their performances but also directly helps lecturers in varying their teaching methodologies. Further research on the effects of different contexts and factors is necessary to make a systematic evaluation of iCGPA.
This qualitative exploration is a follow-up study to the quantitative research published in a peer-reviewed international journal in 2023. Generally, the study delved into the transition experiences and preferences of 20 Filipino education supervisors in relation to their supervisory practices in over 80 Philippine public schools. Through validated open-ended interview questions, the responses were gathered and subsequently subjected to thematic analysis, which resulted in the emergence of the following themes: (1) the adjustments and challenges of the supervisors as they switched back from technology-assisted to in-person supervision; and (2) their preferred mode of supervision in the new normal of education.
Q methodology, an approach to inquiry on the subjective views about a complex phenomenon/issue which has been increasingly employed in a wide range of social science fields has not yet been applied in language learning and teaching research. It is a unique approach that has characteristics of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The purpose of the present paper is to introduce Q methodology as an alternative approach and demonstrate its potential to respond to the needs of the field that has been expanding in its epistemological diversity since the social turn (Block, 2003; Ortega, 2012). The relevance of the methodology for SLA research will be discussed with a particular focus on the parallels between the development of the methodology in the 1930s and current criticisms towards the traditional cognitive approach in SLA. Using a published study (Irie & Ryan, 2014), the author explains how the focus on the holistic understanding of subjectivity is built into the procedure. Suggestions for possible areas of research and teaching in which Q methodology could be applied are discussed.
Mass Observation was founded in 1937 to collect subjective, qualitative data on everyday life in Britain, and has continued to record the ordinary and the everyday ever since. Mass Observation’s purpose has always been to make the data it collects available to a range of disciplines to apply their own methodological approaches upon, resulting in data that can be reused within different projects and disciplines. This paper will use Mass Observation as a case study to illustrate how a sociological shift in attitude towards subjective data has played out in the use of a dataset traditionally viewed as a historical archive.  I will review how the data itself is used to define and design methods of analysis, examining the epistemological implications of this approach to research design and the new dimension to the researcher-data subject relationship that is introduced. I will conclude by suggesting that research using Mass Observation exemplifies the methodological opportunities and insights that can be gained by adopting a broader, multi-disciplinary research approach to reusing data.
Q methodology, an approach to inquiry on the subjective views about a complex phenomenon/issue which has been increasingly employed in a wide range of social science fields has not yet been applied in language learning and teaching research. It is a unique approach that has characteristics of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The purpose of the present paper is to introduce Q methodology as an alternative approach and demonstrate its potential to respond to the needs of the field that has been expanding in its epistemological diversity since the social turn (Block, 2003; Ortega, 2012). The relevance of the methodology for SLA research will be discussed with a particular focus on the parallels between the development of the methodology in the 1930s and current criticisms towards the traditional cognitive approach in SLA. Using a published study (Irie & Ryan, 2014), the author explains how the focus on the holistic understanding of subjectivity is built into the procedure. Suggestions for possible areas of research and teaching in which Q methodology could be applied are discussed.
Digital games have long been investigated for links to negative influences, but they exert a range of impacts on players. A variety of factors can contribute to stressful experiences in play, including game content, player interactions, and gender. This project uses qualitative methods to better understand how players experience and perceive these stressors and why they persist despite them. There are a surprising number of ways that players’ experiences align in spite of gender. Players encounter stress with both design and social experiences, are inclined to “rage quit” if stressors are substantial enough, and are increasingly averse to toxic communities. However, there are also gender-specific experiences. Men are much more concerned with the skillsets of other players, while women worry about their own performance. Further, these experiences of stress complicate our understandings of distress and eustress, with players less motivated by stressors than they are by the anticipated future relief from distress.
The study analyzes qualitatively the organizational changes steered by the Results Based Finance program (RBF) in Zimbabwe using a case study of Marondera and Zvishavane districts. The research findings are based on the key informants’ responses from focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. Some qualitative information was sourced from field observations and institutional RBF reports. It was established that significant organizational changes had been driven since the launch of the RBF program in the Marondera and Zvishavane districts in 2011. The changes were categorically stipulated in the RBF program implementation manual. The responsibilities of executive members at both the district and provincial levels expanded. Some of the changes include the introduction of District Steering Committees (DSCs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs). Furthermore, Health Centre Committees (HCCs) were engaged in implementing the RBF program. Nevertheless, the organizational changes were not augmented by capacity building and empowerment amongst the CBOs, HCCs, and DSCs. Moreover, there was no adequate material and financial support for the new changes. Thus, there is a need to reinforce the organizational changes of health financing programs through robust capacity building among stakeholders engaged.
The contribution summarizes nearly all the models of classification of the Slavic languages, presented in the past 350 years, from simple enumeration through the qualitative and quantitative approaches, typically leading to the developmental models depicted as tree-diagrams, as well as the linear and net models. The individual models, especially the quantitative ones, are discussed in detail and, finally, correlated with accounts of Byzantine historians.
Although there is no specific requirement to archive social science data in Ireland, interest in and the practice of data archiving has been growing significantly in recent years. This growth is somewhat facilitated by the establishment of the Irish Qualitative Data Archive (IQDA) in 2008. Between 2009 and 2010, the IQDA consulted with social science researchers from leading academic institutions in Ireland and Northern Ireland for their opinions on archiving qualitative research and contextual data. Interview findings indicate that, while researchers recognised many of the benefits of archiving, their concerns centre primarily around two areas; namely legal and ethical concerns with archiving, and epistemological concerns, thus reflecting the dominant debates about archiving in the literature as identified by Heaton (2008). The paper concludes by presenting some of the solutions that have been implemented by IQDA, which have since been incorporated into our cornerstone document, Best Practice in Archiving Qualitative Data (2010).
Choć w Irlandii nie ma obowiązku archiwizowania danych z badań społecznych, zainteresowanie i praktyka archiwizowania danych nasiliły się znacznie w ostatnich latach. Ożywienie to jest do pewnego stopnia zasługą utworzenia w 2008 roku Irlandzkiego Archiwum Danych Jakościowych (IQDA). W latach 2009 – 2010 IQDA konsultowało się z badaczami społecznymi z wiodących instytucji akademickich w Irlandii i w Irlandii Północnej w sprawie ich opinii na temat archiwizowania badań jakościowych i danych kontekstowych. Wyniki rozmów wskazują, że choć badacze dostrzegali wiele zalet archiwizacji, ich niepokój dotyczył przede wszystkim dwóch kwestii: prawnoetycznych problemów archiwizacji oraz problemów epistemologicznych, co odzwierciedla główne debaty wokół archiwizacji dominujące w literaturze. W artykule przedstawiam pod koniec niektóre rozwiązania zastosowane przez IQDA, które weszły w skład naszego podstawowego dokumentu regulującego pt. „Dobre Praktyki w Archiwizowaniu Danych Jakościowych”.
Osoby niepełnosprawne stanowią znaczny odsetek populacji naszego kraju. Mimo swej liczebności jest to grupa osób wielokrotnie odczuwająca skutki istniejących stereotypów, a przez to narażona na społeczną marginalizację. Z tego względu nieustannie podejmuje się próby przeciwdziałania ich wykluczeniu i włączenia w główny nurt życia społecznego. Jednym z takich działań jest upowszechnianie aktywności ruchowej wśród osób niepełnosprawnych. Celem badań jest wskazanie roli sportu w życiu osób z niepełnosprawnością fizyczną, a także określenie, jak jego uprawianie wpływa na zmianę sposobu postrzegania człowieka niepełnosprawnego przez osoby pełnosprawne. Rolę sportu uprawianego przez osoby niepełnosprawne określono w ramach kilku wybranych psychospołecznych funkcji, które wyodrębnione zostały jako kategorie analityczne na podstawie prowadzonych badań. W badaniach wykorzystane zostały dane jakościowe zdobyte za pomocą techniki wywiadu swobodnego oraz obserwacji jawnej przeprowadzonych wśród osób niepełnosprawnych uprawiających sport. Ramą analityczną uczyniono mieszczącą się w paradygmacie interpretatywnym teorię symbolicznego interakcjonizmu.
People with disabilities constitute a significant proportion of the population of Poland. Despite its number, this is a group of people that repeatedly feel the effects of existing stereotypes and, in consequence, are exposed to social marginalization. For this reason, attempts are continually made to counteract their exclusion and to include them in the mainstream of social life. Physical activity promotion among people with disabilities is one of such attempts. The aim of the study is to identify the role of sport in the lives of people with physical disabilities as well as to determine how playing sports affects the change in the perception of people with disabilities by nondisabled people. The role of sport was determined within a few selected psychosocial functions that were distinguished as analytical categories based on the study. The study used qualitative data which were collected using unstructured interview techniques and undisguised observation conducted among people with disabilities playing sports. The analytical framework of the study was the theory of symbolic interactionism located in the interpretative paradigm.
The main objective of the submitted paper is the presentation and analysis of proenvironmental behavior and activities of academic staff. Part one outlines the assumptions of B.Glaser’s and A. Strauss’s ground theory which was the tool to analyze the data collected during the study conducted in 2017. Part two presents the qualitative research techniques applied in the study, i.e. expert survey and open guideline interview The study included 24 lecturers of natural sciences and 24 representatives of the Humanities in Poland, Slowakia, the Czech Republic and Ukraina. The analyzis-results of the qualitative research give evidence that teaching staff from Slowakia show a greater commitment to pro-environmental activities than do their peers from European Union countries. Furthermore respondents who declared frequent and various activities on behalf of the nartural environment- hailing mainly from Ukraina and Slowakia- have higher standards concerning a formal institutionalized motivation of academic staff on behalf of nature protection and pro-ecological activities.
Głównym celem artykułu jest opisanie i analiza aktywności nauczycieli akademickich względem środowiska przyrodniczego. Pierwsza część artykułu prezentuje założenia teorii ugruntowanej B. Glasera i A. Straussa, na podstawie której dokonana została analiza danych, zebranych podczas badań w 2017 r. W drugiej części przedstawione zostały wykorzystane metody jakościowe w postaci technik: ankiety eksperckiej oraz dodatkowo wywiadu swobodnego. Badaniu poddano 24 wykładowców nauk przyrodniczych i 24 nauczycieli nauk humanistycznych z Polski, Słowacji, Czech i Ukrainy. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy jakościowej stwierdzono, że ukraińscy wykładowcy wykazywali większą aktywność prośrodowiskową, niż wykładowcy z krajów unijnych. Ponadto respondenci, którzy przyznawali się do podejmowania częstych i różnorodnych działań względem środowiska, czyli głównie Ukraińcy i Słowacy, mieli też większe oczekiwania co do instytucjonalnego motywowania pracowników uczelni do podejmowania działań przyjaznych przyrodzie.
Artykuł poświęcony jest technice wywiadów online, które zyskały znaczącą popularność w okresie pandemii. W tekście postawiono dwa zasadnicze cele. Pierwszym był namysł nad możliwością występowania mechanizmów wykluczania oraz inkluzji różnych kategorii uczestników badań. Drugim celem była analiza wpływu stosowanych kanałów komunikacji z badanymi na jakość gromadzonych danych jakościowych. Zrealizowane badania wskazują, iż badania realizowane online stopniowo stają się coraz bardziej inkluzywne, a argument wykluczenia cyfrowego podlega postępującej dezaktualizacji. Wyraźną rolę wykluczającą może nadal odgrywać wykształcenie badanych, zwłaszcza wśród badanych z wykształceniem niższym od średniego. Jednocześnie formuła wywiadów online oferuje znaczny potencjał proinkluzywny, czego wyrazem był udział w badaniu szeregu uczestników, którzy w ramach tradycyjnych badań mogliby pozostawać trwale niedostępni. Badania wskazują też, że choć wywiady online są rozwiązaniem efektywnym, to rezultatem zastosowania zróżnicowanych kanałów komunikacji są systematyczne i mierzalne różnice zgromadzonych danych. Biorąc pod uwagę długość zapisu, liczbę nagrań przerwanych oraz jakość połączeń, wywiady realizowane przez Zoom oferowały dane wyraźnie lepszej jakości niż Skype. Z kolei aplikacje mobilne (podobnie jak rozmowy telefoniczne), pomimo tego, że oferują zbliżone funkcje, nie stanowiły dla nich realnej alternatywy i trudno je rekomendować.
The paper is devoted to online interviews that gained significant popularity during the pandemic. The text has two main goals. The first was to reflect on the possible mechanisms of exclusion and inclusion of various categories of research participants. The second objective was to analyze the impact of the communication channels used with the respondents on the quality of the collected qualitative data. The study exhibits that online research is gradually becoming more inclusive, and the argument of digital exclusion is becoming increasingly outdated. The respondents’ education may still exclude, especially among lower than secondary education respondents. At the same time, the formula of online interviews offers a significant proinclusive potential, which was reflected in the participation in the study of a number of informants who could be permanently unavailable under traditional research. Research also shows that online interviews are generally effective. However, the application of diversified communication channels results in systematic and measurable differences in the collected data. Considering various aspects, Zoom offered data of better quality than Skype. On the other hand, mobile applications (and phone calls) do not constitute a natural alternative, and it is difficult to recommend them.
The aim of this article is to critically analyze and evaluate scientific publication concerning the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), written by Jonathan A. Smith, Paul Flowers and Michael Larkin (2009), in the context of the potential of using the approach in pedagogy and also in andragogy. IPA is used more often by representatives of the humanities, social sciences, and health sciences, but so far no attempt was made to introduce this approach to pedagogy-andragogy in which hermeneuticphenomenological perspective has already been used.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba krytycznej analizy i oceny publikacji naukowej dotyczącej Interpretacyjnej analizy fenomenologicznej (ang. Interpretative phenomenological analysis – IPA), której autorami są: Jonathan A. Smith, Paul Flowers i Michael Larkin (2009), w kontekście możliwości wykorzystania tego podejścia w pedagogice, w tym także w andragogice. IPA coraz częściej wykorzystywana jest przez przedstawicieli nauk humanistycznych, społecznych czy nauk o zdrowiu, dotychczas jednak nie podjęto próby wprowadzenia tego podejścia do pedagogiki andragogiki, w której swoją tradycję ma już perspektywa hermeneutyczno-fenomenologiczna.
Artykuł jest próbą zasygnalizowania możliwych obszarów badania macierzyństwa w perspektywie kobiet podejmujących aktywność naukowo-badawczą. Celem badawczym jest poznanie i opis tych doświadczeń, jak i uwrażliwcie czytelników na problemy aktywnych zawodowo kobiet-matek. Zrealizowane przez autorkę jakościowe badania empiryczne skoncentrowane były na podejściu autobiograficznym. Umożliwia ono włączenie do badań zarówno biografii osób badanych, jak również osobistych doświadczeń badacza stanowiących źródło wiedzy o interesujących go problemach. Autorka, odwołując się do fragmentów narracji badanych kobiet, ukazuje indywidualne doświadczenia kobiet łączących macierzyństwo z pracą zawodową. Badane opisują swoje obowiązki, a także trudności pojawiające się w toku ich realizacji.
The article is an attempt at signalling possible areas for studying maternity from the perspective of women taking up scientific-research activity. The research aim is to get to know and describe these experiences, as well as to signal the problems of professionally active mothers to readers. The qualitative empirical research conducted by the author was concentrated on an autobiographical approach. It makes it possible to include in the research biographies of the people subject to the research, as well as the personal experience of the researcher that are a source of knowledge on the problems in question. The author, relating to fragments of narrative of the women subjects the individual experiences of women combining maternity and professional activity. The women describe their responsibilities, as well as the difficulties arising in their realisation.
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