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Translating classical texts raises the issue of rendering not only the lexical and cultural complexities of a different culture but also filling in the age gap for the modern reader no longer aware of certain social standards, connotations, etiquette etc. To what extent do we operate on a text, do we overwrite or remain faithful to the writer? The article compares two versions of the same translation of G.B.Shaw’s Pygmallion, both authored by Petru Comarnescu. The first translation was published in 1963, while Comarnescu was still alive, and is quite a remarkable one. The second translation was published in 2015, 45 years after Comarnescu’s death, with his name on the cover yet with alterations which are at times questionable, if not unprofessional. With the obvious intent of making Shaw accessible to young generations, the editors of the 2015 translation took advantage of the “all rights reserved” stipulation and reshaped it to what they deemed to be a desirable form.
The paper examines the functioning of a very numerous group of lexemes synonymous to the adjective fajny ‘such that I like (a lot)’, which can be found in the language of contemporary teenagers, e.g. fajowy, super, spoko, cool, słit (sweet), odjazdowy, wypasiony, epicki, zajebisty, zacny. It analyses the conditions and methods used to multiply this category of lexemes in the teenage slang - which has these days a powerful impact on general Polish. The points of reference are the phenomena characteristic of slang: expressiveness, fashion, richness of synonyms and tautonyms. These questions are considered against the background of current cultural and linguistic changes (structural processes, borrowing, colloquialization, vulgarization and devulgarization, word play).
vol. 2011
issue 2
For a long time, with few exceptions, Romanian linguistics took no interest in native slang, but after 1990 this has made a dramatic comeback in more than one way. One of the crudest versions of new slang, with touches of violence and licentiousness, turning the unsayable into sayable, is that currently used by young Romanians. It has been justly argued that such linguistic outlet came as a logical consequence, after the demise of communism, of the former censorship and wooden tongue. The paper sets out to put this oft-deplored linguistic phenomenon into perspective and analyse the main linguistic means employed in shaping it up.
The author analyses the usage of mass media precedent texts in modem Russian slang, defines the main thematic groups, which regularly enrich the slang and their conceptual filling and singles out the main functions of mass media precedent phenomena in the slang.
The research focuses on analysing the function of slang in modern cartoons (Madagascar 2, Kung Fu Panda, Shrek, Open Season, Cars) as well as translation strategies used to convey accurate meaning. Our data from film scripts (163 examples containing slang terms) has proved that slang, as an important part of cartoons’ verbal component, should be and mainly retained in translation. Excerpts from original cartoons scripts show slang use, that may function both for the protagonists’ characterisation and for the mapping of humor (carnivalesque) world picture. Componential analysis of meaning – breaking down the sense of slang terms into their minimal distinctive features – was used to determine the meaning of lexemes and reconstruct semantic domains actively verbalised by slang. The assumption has been made that due to the universality of domains slang can be potentially translated in most cases. Componential analysis is particularly applicable to semantically related lexemes (in one language or comparable ones). A thorough analysis of slang translation showed the employment of the following strategies: stylistic compensation (50.3%), literal translation (44.7%), omission (4.9%) and cultural equivalence (0.1%). As seen, a substantial proportion of the slang words can be translated from English into Ukrainian without significant loss of meaning. The neutralisation of slang appears to be inevitable in some cases.
Studia Ełckie
vol. 24
issue 3
The question concerning how modern religion lesson should look like is still a current one and is often discussed by catechists. An important issue is to decide what kind of language to use in catechesis in order to reach the todayʼs youth. Therefore, in this article, there has been undertaken an attempt to present slang as a specific language which uses its own separate vocabulary and sometimes is understandable solely to a few. The language like that is being used by the todayʼs youth who wants to emphasize its independence. The religion teacher who stands in front of young people has to make a difficult decision whether to use slang to deliver important catechetical contents or not. The final question concerning the slang usage is still open for it has both its followers and opponents.
Język młodych ludzi, uczniów i studentów, jakim posługiwali się i posługują się podczas szkolnej lub uczelnianej przerwy to polszczyzna, w której można dostrzec spójność i zmienność zarówno w sposobach nazywania realiów otaczającej ich rzeczywistości (neosemantyzmy, neologizmy, zapożyczenia, frazeologizmy), jak i kontynuację nazewnictwa odnoszącego się do owej rzeczywistości. Słownictwo młodzieży obejmuje bowiem wiele wspólnych kręgów tematycznych (np. nazwy ocen, nazwy ucznia – studenta, nazwy przedmiotów). Słowniki gwary uczniowskiej i studenckiej zarówno z XX, jak i XXI w. odzwierciedlają te tendencje.
The language of Polish students and pupils which is used during their school breaks, is the language characterized by both cohesion and alteration in specifying their reality (neologisms, semantics, borrowings, idiomatic expressions), as well as continuation of the nomenclature which refers to the reality. The students and pupils’ slang comprises their shared thematic circles (e.g. names of school notes, names of students – pupils, names of school subjects). The dictionaries of students and pupils’ slang in 20th and 21st cent., though published in different periods, reflect the tendencies.
Homosexual, bisexual, and transgender persons (collectively labelled sexual minorities) have created a characteristic sociolect, whose most conspicuous aspect is its lexis. The major criterion for identifying the words and expressions of the sociolect in relation to standard Polish is the former’s differential nature with regard to the latter. The present study collects and characterizes the otherwise dispersed lexis of the sociolect. Within the lexis, the most numerous group are (semantic and word-formational) neologisms, while (internal and external, esp. English) borrowings are not so frequent. It is concluded that the slang of Polish sexual minorities has above all an integrating function and facilitates expressive communication among the members of the group. It is also “professional”, in a certain understanding of the term, while its weakest function is that of blocking out-group communication.
Środowisko osób homoseksualnych, biseksualnych i transgenderowych (nazywane ogólnie mniejszościami seksualnymi) wytworzyło typowy dla siebie język, w tym przede wszystkim słownictwo. Podstawowym kryterium wyodrębnienia wyrazów, wyrażeń i zwrotów specyficznych dla tego socjolektu jest ich dyferencyjność w stosunku do standardowego języka ogólnego. W artykule zebrano rozproszone w różnych zapisach (najczęściej internetowych) słownictwo charakterystyczne dla mniejszości seksualnych oraz dokonano jego charakterystyki. Stwierdzono, że większość stanowią neologizmy (semantyczne i słowotwórcze), mniej liczną grupę zaś – zapożyczenia (wewnętrzne – z polszczyzny potocznej – i zewnętrzne – z języka angielskiego).Przeprowadzona analiza prowadzi do wniosku, ze slang polskich mniejszości seksualnych spełnia przede wszystkim funkcje spajającą to środowisko i pozwala na ekspresywne porozumiewanie się osób, które z nim się utożsamiają; cechuje go też swoista „zawodowość”, natomiast w najsłabszym stopniu ujawnia się w nim funkcja utajniania komunikacji.
Linguists use the term “local dialect” in order to relate to language which a person frequently used in the childhood during social interactions. It is worth pointing out that such language variation can meet with social disapproval since some speakers might prefer different language variation. It is sometimes a variation which is influenced by the written form. Therefore, the local dialect brings negative association when applied to the public speaking context. Speakers are frequently able to name a dialect they use but have a number of difficulties in deciding whether certain features of their speech are typical for a language or a dialect. These aspects will be discussed at the beginning of the article. Languages differ in different parts of the world but also because of gender, ethnic and socio-economic boundaries. Likewise, the language of working class people varies from the language of middle-class society. Women and men develop different patterns of language use. Some specific language varieties will also be discussed and compared in the article.
Path of Science
vol. 4
issue 12
Тенденції сучасного світу завжди відбиваються у мові кожної нації. Українська мова надзвичайно швидко змінюється, багато слів стають архаїзмами, натомість з’являються нові артефакти. Цей процес пояснюється, у тому числі, масовим використання комп’ютерних технологій, повсякденним віртуальним спілкуванням, що сприяло «запровадженню моди» на вживання українцями англомовного сленгу та укорінення нових таксонів в українській мові. Мета статті – виявити вплив англомовного сленгу на сучасну українську мову. Теоретичне значення роботи полягає у тому, що її положення та висновки конкретизують і поглиблюють вироблені в мовознавстві уявлення про взаємозв’язок між мовами, способи впровадження та перекладу запозичень. Практичне застосування результатів дослідження можливе у професійній діяльності перекладачів, на курсах практики перекладу та при розробці словників сучасної української мови. У роботі наведено приклади утворення та використання сленгізмів в англомовній сфері, окреслено варіанти вживання багатозначних слів чи словосполучень як в англомовному дискурсі, так і використання цих лексичних одиниць в серед українців. В ході дослідження було встановлено, що, в основному, сленг потрапляє до вокабуляру української мови шляхом запозичення, частіше, шляхом калькування чи транскрибування, інколи можливе вживання описового перекладу чи додавання пояснень до тексту. Наведено приклади використання популярних англомовних сленгізмів в українському дискурсі, зокрема. соціальних мережах, телевізійних ефірах, публіцистичних текстах чи повсякденних розмовах.
Trends in the modern world are always reflected in the language of every nation. The Ukrainian language is changing extremely fast, many words become archaisms, but new artifacts are emerging. This process is explained, among the other factors, by the extensive use of computer technologies, everyday virtual communication, which contributed to the introduction of a certain trend for the use of the English-language slang by the Ukrainians and the introduction of new taxons in the Ukrainian language. The purpose of the article is to reveal the influence of the English-language slang on the contemporary Ukrainian language. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that its provisions and conclusions concretize and deepen the linguistic ideas about the relationship between languages, the way of introduction and translation of borrowings. The practical application of the research results is possible in the professional activities of translators, in the practice of translation and in the development of dictionaries of the modern Ukrainian language. The paper presents the examples of formation and use of slang words in the English-language sphere, outlines the use of polysemantic words or phrases both in the English-language discourse and in the speech of the Ukrainians. In the course of the study, it was found that, as a rule, slang gets into the vocabulary of the Ukrainian language by borrowing, more often – by scraping or transcribing, sometimes it is possible to use a descriptive translation or to add explanations to the text. The article gives the examples of the use of popular English-language slang in the Ukrainian discourse, in particular, in social networks, TV broadcasts, journalistic texts, or everyday conversations.
The metaphor - one of basic means of forming of the vocabulary of contemporary Russian slang - is been regularly used when the nomination of various speech genres of the official style takes place. Thus, the language picture of the world is forming, where the negative attitude towards official speech communication has been reflected. In a way, it demonstrates distrust of common people to the authority and power institutes.
The paper presents an overview of the UG Slang Project. Started in 2007 in the Department of Sociolinguistics and Lexicography (now the UG Sociolinguistics Laboratory), this ongoing research project is aimed at collecting and describing slang used by students of the University of Gdańsk and, by extension, current Polish slang. The paper describes the foundations, goals, methods, and results of the project, including the critically acclaimed scholarly dictionary, Slang UG: Słownik slangu studentów Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, published in 2011.
This paper examines linguistic debates surrounding new stylistic conventions in American English, namely the use o f uptalk (speaking statements with a sing note at the end, as in a question), vocal fry (the injection o f creaky, glottal vibrations at the end o f words), and the increasing appearance o f slang in the United States school system. These phenomena are assessed through the prism o f Dwight Macdonald’s essays on English fromthe l°60s, and the “prescriptive” vs. “descriptive” debate on lexicography bom in that ame decade. While this division of perspectives and \alues defines the rift from past models of language and culture, the current prevalence of the descriptiv e school in American academia and its endorsement of uptalk, vocal fry, and slang designate the trajectory of English’s stylistic future.
The article is devoted to the study of some active processes affecting the system of the modern Russian language. The result of the study is the identification of factors that negatively affect the dynamics of the Russian language, which are presented in socio-political and linguistic aspects. The socio-political reasons are caused by the active reduction of the Russian-language information space in the near and far abroad area under the influence of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Unsuccessful phenomena in the current state of the Russian language consist in the intentional violation of the language norms in the Internet space, the substitution of normative vocabulary for meaningfully and stylistically belittled expressions of rural life, the clogging of the Russian literary language with words and verbal turns of slang origin, the dissemination of obscene vocabulary, the saturation of the language with words and expressions of foreign origin, and the unjustified euphemization of speech, leading to the erosion of the meaning of words. The general conclusion is the need for the serious efforts of the whole society against the simplification and the purity of the Russian literary language.
There are analysed in the article writings of the Ukrainian poet Borys Necherda (1939-1998). He was the original writer of the generation of 1960th and made brave experiments with the artistic word. Necherda as an author balanced between the official literature and the literature of the underground. There are a lot of unconventional features in his poems such as colloquial vocabulary, elements of slang, journalism, mixing of discourses and various means of rhetoric. That was a reason that Necherda’s writings were not appreciated during his life. Only nowadays after the poet’s death we have the possibility to re-read it from new points of view. This writings evidence a process of vanguard experimenting. In an original way they present a local peculiarity of a place: the poet become the voice of the „Odessa beaumond”, choosing masks for his lyrical subject.
Youth language is a variant of the ‘standard’ language and as such is used by peers and is part of a diastratic variation of the language. The use of a specific sociolect by young speakers of a given language is a sign of belonging to a group where age is the determining factor. It is true that the use of certain lexemes is conditioned by the linguistic situation in which people find themselves (diaphasic variation), but it is no less true that certain lexical forms are more used by young people, especially in verbal exchanges with other group members. This paper will aim at presenting the so-called ‘young’ vocabulary that touches on the field of drinking (the names of drinks, the types of alcohol, the verbs used to talk about the action of drinking). The corpus herein will be based on the lexicon that was found on a site for young speakers (www.miejski.pl), which represents the universal language of the youth. The results obtained will be classified according to the lexicogenic processes responsible for the creation of new lexical forms (form, meaning, borrowing). The analysis will deal with contemporary lexical neological forms, such as the words ‘dżudżitsu vodka’ (words ‘vodka’ and ‘jujitsu’), ‘zibol’ (a ‘person who is drinking’; onomatopoeia ‘zib’, i.e. the noise produced during the ingestion of a liquid), ‘tankować’ (‘fuel up’; metaphor), or ‘sztela’ (‘booze’; borrowed from the Silesian speech).
La langue des jeunes est une variante de la langue « standard » qui est utilisée par des pairs et qui fait partie de la variation diastratique de la langue. L’utilisation d’un sociolecte propre aux jeunes locuteurs de la langue est un signe d’appartenance à un groupe dont l’âge est le facteur déterminant. Il est vrai que l’utilisation de certains lexèmes est conditionnée par la situation linguistique dans laquelle les gens se retrouvent (variation diaphasique), mais il n’est pas moins vrai que certaines formes lexicales sont plus utilisées par des jeunes, surtout dans des échanges au sein d’un groupe de pairs. Notre recherche aura comme objectif de présenter le vocabulaire dit « jeune » qui touche le domaine de la boisson (les noms des boissons, les types d’alcools, les verbes utilisés pour parler de l’action de boire). Notre corpus sera constitué à la base du lexique que nous retrouverons sur le site du parler jeune (www.miejski.pl ; langue universelle des jeunes). Les résultats obtenus seront classés selon les procédés lexicogéniques responsables de la création de nouvelles formes lexicales (de forme, de sens, emprunts). Dans notre analyse nous nous occuperons des formes lexicales néologiques contemporaines comme les mots wudżistu ‘vodka’ (mot-valise de wódka ‘vodka’ et jujutsu ‘ju-jitsu’), zibol ‘personne qui est en train de boire’ (onomatopée de zib ‘bruit produit pendant l’ingestion d’un liquide’), tankować ‘faire le plein d’essence’ (métaphore) ou sztela ‘gnôle’ (emprunt au parler de Silésie).
Lexical creation is an important part of African American slang and involves such mechanisms as coinage, onomatopoeia, reduplication, and phoneticism. They are enormously productive and account for numerous slang expressions. Their productivity testifies to great linguistic creativity of African Americans; moreover, as in the case of phoneticism, it shows that lexical creation can be used consciously for sociocultural reasons stemming from the African American experience. This paper presents these processes in detail. Partially drawing from the book African American: A Linguistic Description (Widawski, forthcoming) and an earlier publication on African American lexicon (Widawski & Kowalczyk 2012), the presentation is based on lexical material from a sizable database of citations from contemporary African American sources collected through extensive fieldwork in the United States in recent years.
Obecnie Internet należy do najbardziej popularnego medium, które w dużej mierze ułatwia wszystkim jego użytkownikom sprawne komunikowanie się ze sobą. Młodzi ludzie często korzystają ze znanych portali społecznościowych oraz forów internetowych, a ich istnienie pomaga im rozwiązywać problemy okresu dojrzewania. Język młodego pokolenia jest nowym oraz jak dotąd mało znanym zjawiskiem, szczególnie rzadko dobrze rozumianym przez starszych ludzi, dlatego też warto dowiedzieć się o nim czegoś więcej. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba zrozumienia oraz wyjaśnienia wyrażeń slangowych na stałe funkcjonujących w zasobie leksykalnym u nastolatków.
Currently, the Internet belongs to the most popular medium, which largely facilitates all its users to communicate efficiently with each other. Young people often use well-known social networking sites and internet forums, and their existence helps them solve adolescence problems. The language of the young generation is a new and so far little-known phenomenon, especially rarely well understood by older people, so it’s worth learning more about it. The purpose of this article is to attempt to understand and explain slang expressions permanently functioning in the lexical resource of adolescents.
Badanie analizuje leksemy i kombinacje słów w stylu potocznym, slangu i języku potocznym, przeprowadza ich analizę porównawczą na poziomie słów, analizuje wzorce transformacyjne, które ulegają zmianom podczas tłumaczenia literackiego na język angielski i rosyjski oraz omawia zalety i wady stosowanych strategii tłumaczeniowych, sugerując odpowiednie rozwiązania tłumaczeniowe. W artykule argumentuje się, iż strategie tłumaczenia leksykonu poniżej normy odzwierciedlają interdyscyplinarny charakter ekspresyjnego znaczenia i konotacji, które mogą być przekazywane w różny sposób na różnych poziomach językowych podczas tłumaczenia literackiego.
The study analyzes lexemes and word combinations of colloquial style, slang and low colloquial language, performs their comparative analysis at word level, looks into the transformational patterns that the structures undergo during literary translation into English and Russian, and discusses the advantages and flaws of the applied translation strategies through suggesting adequate translation solutions. In the article, the argument is made that the translation strategies of substandard lexis reflect the interdisciplinary nature of expressive meaning and connotation which can be conveyed differently through various language levels during literary translation.
Рецензия на Tadeusz Szczerbowski, Polskie i rosyjskie słownictwo slangowe, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków 2018, 392 s.
Review on Tadeusz Szczerbowski, Polskie i rosyjskie słownictwo slangowe, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków 2018, 392 s.
recenzja książki Tadeusz Szczerbowski, Polskie i rosyjskie słownictwo slangowe, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków 2018, 392 s.
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