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Communication is one of the most important elements of human existence, because man as a social being strives to communicate with others. Communication skills influence the degree of acceptance of the person by other members of the community and help to achieve success in various aspects of life and social roles. The article focuses on the analysis of communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, of a child with Asperger syndrome (AS). The purpose of this article is to show the specific way in which people with Asperger syndrome communicate, which makes it difficult for them to find themselves in the school community – being a good pupil and a good colleague.
The diversity of language etiquette forms has already been noted by linguists (the author presents the evolution of the way it has been defined in their works). However, this issue does not appear very often in the works of scholars. The article aims at presenting several different types of politeness that have been defined on the basis of various different criteria. For example the substance of expression, which involves d istinguishing between two types of politeness: one expressed in language and the other expressed by non-linguistic means. Another criterion refers to social commonness and according to this criterion we can distinguish between elementary politeness, courtesy and formal etiquette. Diversity of language etiquette can be regarded as resulting form the pragmatic features of a speaker. Culture-based differentiation enables us to talk about ‘traditional’ and ‘new’ politeness. According to the author, teaching different types of language etiquette is an important part of teaching Polish as a foreign language.
The article discusses the meaning of communication for family life, and then shows the importance of the social support process in developing this communication in the lingual environment created by deaf parents bringing up hearing children. The participation of third parties seems to be necessary here, above all the closest hearing relatives – such as grandparents, and also specialists – speech therapists and teachers.
This article shows the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication, and how great their significance is in everyday communication. What is also shown is the way the manager should communicate with employees, define their goals, formulate clear commands, but also contribute to proper co-operation in his/her team, and encourage their team activity.
The focus of the paper is on lying in verbal communication. The main aim of the paper is to examine the act of lying with reference to the explicit/implicit distinction in the cognitive, relevance-theoretic, model of utterance comprehension (cf. Sperber and Wilson [1986] 1995; 2004; Wilson and Sperber 2002; 2012), which rejected the maxim of truthfulness for the sake of the Principle of Relevance. The paper views lying in the context of interpersonal communication, as a pragmatic act and a linguistic strategy intentionally employed by the speaker to manipulate the hearer’s interpretation of an utterance. Since encoded linguistic meaning (logical form) falls far short of determining the proposition expressed by an utterance (explicature) and its implicatures, there is a potential for a liar to achieve his/her goal by influencing the interpretation process at different stages of pragmatic enrichment. Accordingly, an attempt is made in the paper to categorize lies by placing them along the explicit-implicit continuum, depending on the type of pragmatic task that is to lead the hearer to a false belief.
The aim of the paper is to compare the formal organization of a visual message with the rhetorical devices used in a verbal message. This analysis is carried out based on the example of the sculpture Dual by Zbigniew Władyka. The creativity found in the rhetorical devices used in the sculpture Dual to trigger and amplify feelings proves that they can be employed even in this form of artistic expression. Creativity in the analysed sculpture is represented by German reunification, reflected in the form of the transformation of two characters into one. The sculpture is meant to inspire, to be an object (res) directing the viewer toward personal reflection, and invoking projections of fear and doubt, but also of confidence and courage. Confidence and courage are represented by a strong figure with a head, firmly standing on its feet. Fear and doubt are represented by a weak figure, carried by the first one. The centripetal composition used in the sculpture suggests merger rather than destruction. The sensory perception of the viewer is controlled by directional tensions, which lead the viewer’s sight along designated linear directions. As described earlier by Witkiewicz, directional tensions and motionless substance correspond to a rhetorical enlarging and diminishing. By interacting with the sculpture, you can experience these devices. Not only visualization is at work here, as in verbal communication, but also physical experience. The presented analysis shows that a sculptural work of art can be analysed in a similar way to verbal communication. Of course, not all verbal devices have their counterparts in visual communication, but the basic content and emotions can be expressed regardless of the code.
The aim of the paper is to compare the formal organization of a visual message with the rhetorical devices used in verbal expression. This analysis is carried out based on the example of the sculpture Dual by Zbigniew Władyka. Creativity found in the rhetorical devices used in the sculpture Dual to trigger and amplify feelings proves that they can be used even in this form of artistic expression. Creativity in the analysed sculpture is represented by the unification of Germany, reflected in the form of the transformation of two characters into one. The sculpture is meant to inspire, to be an object (res) directing the viewer toward personal reflection, and invoking projections of fear and doubt, but also of confidence and courage. Confidence and courage are represented by a strong figure with a head, firmly standing on her feet. Fear and doubt are represented by a weak figure, carried by the first one. The centripetal composition used in the sculpture suggests merger rather than destruction. The sensory perception of the viewer is controlled by directional tensions, which lead the viewer’s sight along designated linear directions. As described earlier by S. Witkiewicz, directional tensions and motionless substance correspond to a rhetorical enlarging and diminishing. By interacting with the sculpture, you can experience these devices. Not only visualization is at work here, as in verbal communication, but also physical experience. The presented analysis shows that a sculptural work of art can be analysed in a similar way to verbal communication. Of course, not all verbal devices have their counterparts in visual communication, but the basic content and emotions can be expressed regardless of the code.
Tematem referatu jest komunikacja werbalna na lekcji JPJO ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem roli lektora w dyskursie dydaktycznym. Analiza transkrypcji 13 lekcji języka polskiego w SJPdC UŁ dała podstawy do wyodrębnienia różnych, ale i powtarzających się u wielu lektorów, strategii negocjacyjnych obecnych przy wprowadzaniu nowych treści. Wśród nich pojawiły się m.in.: negocjowanie znaczenia przy zastosowaniu języka pośredniczącego, pytań, elementów dyskusji, potwierdzenia czy negacji. Strategie te miały na celu przede wszystkim ustalenie znaczeń semantycznych i kulturowych poszczególnych wyrazów, właściwych form gramatycznych, ale również zaktywizowanie i zachęcenie studentów do czynnego udziału w lekcji JPJO.
The topic of the article is the verbal communication in the Polish as a foreign language classroom, including the teacher’s role the teaching/learning discourse. The analysis of the transcription of 13 lessons taught in the School of Polish for Foreigners at the University of Lodz was the basis for a list of various recurring negotiation strategies used in the process of content introduction. Among them there were: the negotiation of meaning with the use of a third language, questions, discussion, confirmation or negation. These strategies were mostly meant to establish the semantic and cultural meaning of vocabulary items and correct grammatical forms, but also to encourage the students to actively participate in the lesson.
The aim of the paper is to compare the formal organization of a visual message with the rhetorical devices used in a verbal message. This analysis is carried out based on the example of the sculpture Dual by Zbigniew Władyka. The creativity found in the rhetorical devices used in the sculpture Dual to trigger and amplify feelings proves that they can be employed even in this form of artistic expression. Creativity in the analysed sculpture is represented by German reunification, reflected in the form of the transformation of two characters into one. The sculpture is meant to inspire, to be an object (res) directing the viewer toward personal reflection, and invoking projections of fear and doubt, but also of confidence and courage. Confidence and courage are represented by a strong figure with a head, firmly standing on its feet. Fear and doubt are represented by a weak figure, carried by the first one. The centripetal composition used in the sculpture suggests merger rather than destruction. The sensory perception of the viewer is controlled by directional tensions, which lead the viewer’s sight along designated linear directions. As described earlier by Witkiewicz, directional tensions and motionless substance correspond to a rhetorical enlarging and diminishing. By interacting with the sculpture, you can experience these devices. Not only visualization is at work here, as in verbal communication, but also physical experience. The presented analysis shows that a sculptural work of art can be analysed in a similar way to verbal communication. Of course, not all verbal devices have their counterparts in visual communication, but the basic content and emotions can be expressed regardless of the code.
Disturbances in communication have been inherent to the Polish society during the period of political transformation after 1989, which coincided with the electronic “revolution” in civilization and the growing domination of visual message transmission over verbal means of communication. In those conditions a new variety of the Polish language has emerged, for which I use the term “turn of the 21st century everyday communication Polish”, which is replete with foreign-language elements and numerous neologisms and semantic neologisms. As a result, primarily due to various external non-linguistic factors, the entire Polish language community has stratified. The most significant divisions are consistent with age group boundaries. Younger generations are more easily adaptable to modern ways of communication and have incomparably more extensive knowledge regarding the general area of electronics. However, they frequently lack general humanistic knowledge and traditional verbal communication skills. Conversely, older generations adapt to the new reality with lesser or greater difficulty, including the acceptance and acquisition of the multiplicity of new lexemes and forms, which constantly pour in as they are created in the surrounding world. However, they maintain a higher level of general knowledge and more traditional patterns of social communication than their younger counterparts. In the article I discuss the most prominent properties of everyday Polish language (lexical, semantic, phraseological, and derivational) and linguistic behaviors specific to contemporary social communication.
Celem artykułu jest analiza tych zachowań językowych najstarszych mieszkańców wsi, które wynikają z uniwersalizującego oddziaływania na język ludowy kultury ogólnej. Współczesne tendencje globalizacyjne, w sposób szczególny zaznaczające się w środowiskach wiejskich, powodują, że najstarsze pokolenie zmuszone jest włączać do własnego, gwarowego repertuaru językowego nowe słownictwo odnoszące się do współczesnych realiów, częstokroć niemieszczących się w sferze kulturowej, społecznej i obyczajowej wiejskich wspólnot. Egzemplifikacja materiałowa, którą stanowią zachowania werbalne zebrane w latach 2015–2020 na terenie wiejskiej gminy Babice w powiecie chrzanowskim, wskazuje jednakże na brak kompetencji językowej mieszkańców wsi w zakresie znajomości najnowszej warstwy polszczyzny ogólnej. W zachowaniach werbalnych najstarszej grupy wiekowej pojawiają się bowiem liczne formy dewiacyjne, słownictwo nowe często jest wymawiane z zachowaniem tradycyjnej fonetyki gwarowej. Dochodzi także do przekształceń na płaszczyźnie morfologicznej. Przyczyną tych modyfikacji bywają trudności artykulacyjne połączone z brakiem wiedzy o ich etymologii. Nowe wyrazy nie zawsze są w pełni zrozumiałe dla starszego pokolenia, dlatego też przenoszeniu jednostek ogólnopolskich do kodu gwarowego często towarzyszą przesunięcia semantyczne.
The objective of the paper is analysis of the eldest village inhabitants’ linguistic behaviors which result from the universalizing influence of general culture on folk language. The contemporary globalizing tendencies which are strongly reflected in rural environments result in the fact that the eldest generation is forced to include new words in their own dialectal vocabulary that refer to modern realities that often do not fall within the scope of the cultural, social and customary sphere of rural communities. The materials, which include verbal behaviors collected in 2015–2020 in the rural commune of Babice in Chrzanów district, indicate the villagers’ lack of linguistic competence in terms of knowledge of the newest layer of general Polish. This is because, in the verbal behaviors of the members of the eldest age group, we can find numerous forms of deviation, and new words are often pronounced using traditional dialectal phonetics. Morphological transformations also occur. The reasons for these transformations include articulation difficulties combined with etymological unclearness. New words are sometimes unclear to elder people, which is why semantic shifts often occur when transferring general Polish units into the dialectal code.
Studia Medioznawcze
issue 4
Cel: artykuł dotyczy nierozłączności komunikacji werbalnej i niewerbalnej w przekazach medialnych, szczególnie telewizyjnych. Odbiorcy czerpią informacje z przekazów medialnych na podstawie tego, co widzą i słyszą w połączeniu z treścią, jaka do nich dociera. Ich uwaga jest więc podzielona na śledzenie różnych kanałów komunikacyjnych, a to oznacza, że część informacji może zostać pominięta. Aby sprawdzić, ile informacji może pozostać niezauważonych, zostało wykonane specjalne badanie. Metody badań: do badania wykorzystano nagranie jednego z orędzi noworocznych Prezydenta RP, a więc przekazu należącego do specyficznego gatunku mowy. Badanie polegało na rozwarstwieniu przekazu, a następnie sprawdzeniu, ile informacji jest zauważanych, gdy uwaga odbiorcy skierowana jest tylko na jeden kanał komunikacyjny: (1) na kanał wizualny, bez dźwięku; (2) na kanał audialny – bez obrazu; (3) na sam tekst orędzia. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone z zastosowaniem zogniskowanego wywiadu grupowego, metody często wykorzystywanej w celu uzyskania opinii względem danej kwestii. Wyniki nie stanowią zaskoczenia – okazuje się, że czerpanie informacji z kilku kanałów równocześnie dostarcza wielu informacji, jednakże dopiero rozwarstwienie kanałów pokazuje, ile nowych informacji dociera do odbiorcy, gdy jego uwaga skierowana jest na każdy z nich oddzielnie. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: badanie potwierdza intuicyjne przekonanie o zachowaniu uważności w odbiorze wszelkich treści medialnych. Ponieważ publiczne wystąpienia są częstą praktyką polityków czy ekspertów, należy być skupionym, by nie ulec fałszywym informacjom, czemu może sprzyjać tzw. szum informacyjny. Badanie służy również wykazaniu dużego znaczenia retorycznej zasady decorum dla tworzenia przekazów medialnych.
Scientific objective: The article deals with the inseparability of verbal and non-verbal communication in media coverage, especially on television. Recipients derive information from what they see, what they hear, and the content that reaches them. The recipient’s attention is therefore divided into tracking different communication channels, and this may mean that some information may be omitted. In order to check how much information may go unnoticed, a special test described in this article has been performed. Research methods: The recording of a New Year’s speech given by the President on the last day of the year was used for the study, so it is a message belonging to a specific genre of speech. The study consisted of stratifying the message and then examining how much information is noticed when the recipient’s attention is focused on only one communication channel and analyzing it: (1) the visual channel, without sound; (2) the audible channel––without image; (3) the text of the speech being read. The study was conducted using focus group interviews, a common method used to obtain an opinion on a given subject. The results are not surprising - it turns out that obtaining information from several channels simultaneously provides much information. However, only the stratification of the channels shows how much new information reaches the recipient when his or her attention is focused on each channel separately. Originality/cognitive value: The research proves the intuitive conviction of maintaining focus on the perception of various media content. Public speeches are a frequent practice by politicians and experts, it’s important to remain focused, as to not succumb to false information, which can be favored by a so-called information overload. The research also serves to point out the great importance of the rhetorical decorum rule, for creating media messages.
Detailed analysis of properties characteristic of social skills, one should base on the theory M. Agryle which presented is also eating the process. He also spotted the analogy between social skills and motor abilities. So detailed and multifaceted analysis of social skills is emphasizing their meaning in the social life, above all in such areas, in which human relationships are gaining the offi cial dimension at institutions organization. Th erefore seems justifi ed so that social issues, with special pointing at social abilities, are in programs of educating these schools which in their assumption they are preparing to the work with people. One should understand social skills as the self-control and applying specifi c abilities which in determined social situations eff ects are bringing, is eff ective and at the same time in accordance with applicable standards and principles. And so for professional qualifi cations in our times required of the command and managerial staff deliberate and eff ective applying social abilities and the acquaintance of their theoretical dimension are essential. Social skills can be treated as the tool for the command staff for creating partnership principles understood in the context of eliminating conscious of cooperating with other people or as the method distance and of creating and developing the positive social bond in the reporting team.
Szczegółową analizę właściwości charakterystycznych dla umiejętności społecznych, należy opierać na teorii M. Argyle’a, który prezentował je również jako proces. Spostrzegł on również analogię między umiejętnościami społecznymi a umiejętnościami motorycznymi. Tak szczegółowa i wielostronna analiza umiejętności społecznych podkreśla ich znaczenie w życiu społecznym, przede wszystkim w takich obszarach, w których relacje międzyludzkie nabierają wymiaru służbowego w instytucjach zhierarchizowanych. Dlatego też wydaje się zasadne, aby problematyka społeczna, ze szczególnym wskazaniem na umiejętności społeczne, znajdowała się w programach kształcenia tych szkół, które w swoim założeniu przygotowują do pracy z ludźmi. Umiejętności społeczne należy rozumieć jako opanowanie i stosowanie konkretnych umiejętności, które w określonych sytuacjach społecznych przynoszą efekty, są skuteczne, a jednocześnie zgodne z obowiązującymi normami i zasadami. Niezbędne zatem dla współcześnie wymaganych kwalifi kacji zawodowych kadry dowódczej i kierowniczej jest świadome i efektywne stosowanie umiejętności społecznych oraz znajomość ich wymiaru teoretycznego. Umiejętności społeczne mogą być traktowane jako narzędzie dla kadry dowódczej do kreowania zasad partnerstwa rozumianych w kontekście świadomego współdziałania z innymi ludźmi lub jako metoda eliminowania dystansu oraz tworzenia pozytywnej więzi społecznej w podległym zespole i rozwijania jej.
Niniejszy artykuł ukazuje, jaka jest różnica pomiędzy komunikacją werbalną oraz niewerbalną oraz jak wielkie jest ich znaczenie w codziennej komunikacji. Pokazano także, w jaki sposób menedżer powinien porozumiewać się z pracownikami, jak określać swoje cele, jasno formułować polecenia, ale również skłaniać do współdziałania pracowników w grupie, oraz zachęcać do aktywności.
This article shows the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication, and how great their significance is in everyday communication. What is also shown is the way the manager should communicate with employees, define their goals, formulate clear commands, but also contribute to proper co-operation in his/her team, and encourage their team activity.
Komunikacja interpersonalna jest jednym z głównych instrumentów pracy każdego menedżera, gdyż zdecydowana większość jego pracy polega właśnie na komunikowaniu się z innymi. Umiejętne posługiwanie się zarówno komunikacją werbalną, jak i niewerbalną może skutkować dobrymi relacjami przełożonych z podwładnymi i ułatwić zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem. Dyrektor jednostki oświatowej również ma przed sobą wyzwania w tym zakresie, często w postaci lawirowania między utrzymaniem dobrych relacji koleżeńskich nie rezygnując z relacji służbowych i prawidłowego wywiązywania się ze swoich funkcji. Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie części wyników badania przeprowadzonego w jednej ze szkół podstawowych na terenie województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego. Głównym celem badania było sprawdzenie czy w badanej jednostce oświatowej komunikacja interpersonalna ułatwia proces zarządzania. Realizacja tego celu przebiegała przy pomocy celów cząstkowych w postaci: sprawdzenia sposobu komunikacji stosowanego wobec pracowników zatrudnionych w placówce na różnych stanowiskach, zbadania czy komunikaty werbalne dyrektora są zrozumiałe dla podwładnych i sprawdzenia skuteczności komunikatów i poleceń wydawanych przez dyrektora szkoły w opinii podwładnych. Hipoteza główna weryfikowana podczas badania zakładała, że w badanej jednostce oświatowej komunikacja interpersonalna ułatwia proces zarządzania. Postawiono również hipotezy cząstkowe zakładające, iż komunikaty werbalne dyrektora szkoły są skuteczne wobec większości respondentów, większość podwładnych rozumie komunikaty werbalne przełożonego, komunikaty i polecenia wydawane przez dyrektora placówki są w większości respektowane przez respondentów. Podczas badania wykorzystano kwestionariusz ankiety zawierający 18 pytań zamkniętych dotyczących komunikacji zarówno między współpracownikami, jak i między przełożonym i podwładnymi. Częściowe wyniki przedstawiono w tabelach. Cele badania zostały zrealizowane, a analiza zebranych danych umożliwiła pozytywne zweryfikowanie postawionych hipotez badawczych.
Interpersonal communication is one of the main instruments of work every manager, because the vast majority of his work consists precisely in communicating with others. Skillful use of both verbal communication and nonverbal communication can result in good relations with superiors, subordinates and facilitate management. Director of the educational unit also faces a challenge in this area, often in the form of choosing between maintaining good relations with friends and trying not to sacrifice the business relationship and the proper discharge of his functions. The purpose of this paper is to present part of the results of the study conducted in a primary school in the Kuyavian – Pomeranian province. The main objective of the research was to examine whether in the audited education unit interpersonal communication facilitates the process of management. This objective proceeded with the partial objectives as: checking communication method applicable to employees employed at the facility in various positions, to examine whether verbal directions shall be understood by subordinates and verify the effectiveness of the messages and commands issued by headmaster, in the opinion of subordinates. Main hypothesis verified during the study assumed that in the audited education unit interpersonal communication facilitates the process of management. The partial hypothesis assumed that: verbal directions of headmaster are effective for the majority of respondents, the majority of subordinates understand verbal directions of headmaster, messages and commands issued by the director of the institution are respected by the majority of respondents. During the study a questionnaire containing 18 closed questions relating to communication both between colleagues and between superiors and subordinates was used. Partial results were shown in the tables. Objectives were met, and the analysis of the data enabled the positive verification of research hypotheses.
The aim of the article is to show the communication behaviour of John Paul II in a specified communication context. The article is an attempt at presenting how a communication context affects a speaker’s behaviour. The analysis is based on a video recording of the pope’s meeting with young people on Lech’s Hill in Gniezno on 3 June 1979 and a recording of his speech. The reason why I have chosen this public address is the fact that it is the most representative for the discussed issue. The three parts of the article cover the concept of the communication context and its types (first part), the distinguishing factors of the Lech’s Hill meeting as a common, occasional communication context (second part), an analysis of the verbal and non-verbal means of expression used in that speech (third part). For that purpose I use the integrated method of communication analysis.
Celem mojego artykułu będzie pokazanie zachowań komunikacyjnych Jana Pawła II w określonej sytuacji komunikacyjnej. Problem badawczy zawiera się w pytaniu, jak sytuacja komunikacyjna determinuje zachowania mówcy. Materiałem źródłowym będzie nagranie wideo spotkania papieża z młodzieżą na Wzgórzu Lecha w Gnieźnie 3 czerwca 1979 r. oraz zapis jego przemówienia. Wybieram to wystąpienie jako najbardziej reprezentatywne dla omawianego zagadnienia. W pierwszej części omówię pojęcie sytuacji komunikacyjnej i jej typy, w drugiej wskażę czynniki wyróżniające spotkanie na Wzgórzu Lecha jako potoczno-okazjonalną sytuację komunikacyjną, w trzeciej zaś przeanalizuję werbalne i niewerbalne środki wyrazu wykorzystane w tym przemówieniu. Posłużę się w tym celu zintegrowaną metodę analizy komunikacyjnej.
Non-technical competences are vitally important in professions involving direct contact with customers as they need effective communication, collaboration, and analysis of the behaviour of others, as well as a goal-oriented approach such as decision making and adaptation. The motivation for writing the Article was to determine to what extent the applicants for passenger service jobs at an airport meet the expectations of such organizations in terms of their efficiency in the context of the above-mentioned competence. This Article is a theoretical and empirical study. The diagnostic survey method has been applied. A survey technique has been selected for own research and the test tools used are questionnaires and tests. In the course of own research the following measures were used: APIS-Z test battery( that is; Behavior Test and Story Test), Social Competence Questionnaire and Communication Test. In this Article, the measures of dispersion have been used to interpret the results of the own tests, that is the methods from the descriptive statistics group, i.e. standard deviation and variance. On the basis of quantitative and qualitative analyses, it can be concluded that the subjects in the group of candidates for aviation personnel were better than employees already employed in these positions. It is worth pointing out here that because of the number of respondents, the results of the survey may bear a large research error.
Kompetencje nietechniczne są niezmiernie ważne w zawodach, w których pracownicy mają bezpośredni kontakt z klientami – wymagana jest od nich efektywna komunikacja, współpraca oraz analiza zachowania innych osób, jak również zorientowanie na cele, takie jak decydowanie oraz adaptacja. Motywacją do napisania artykułu była potrzeba ustalenia, w jakim stopniu kandydaci na stanowiskach pracy personelu obsługującego pasażerów w porcie lotniczym spełniają oczekiwania tego typu organizacji, jeżeli chodzi o ich sprawność w kontekście ww. kompetencji. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi opracowanie o charakterze teoretyczno-empirycznym. Zastosowana została metoda sondażu diagnostycznego. Na potrzeby badań własnych wybrano technikę ankietowania, a użyte narzędzia badawcze to kwestionariusze oraz testy. W ramach badań własnych wykorzystano następujące narzędzia badawcze: Baterię Testów APIS-Z (tzn. Test Zachowania i Test Historyjki), Kwestionariusz Kompetencji Społecznych oraz Test na komunikatywność. W niniejszym artykule do interpretacji wyników badań własnych zastosowano miary rozproszenia, czyli metody z grupy statystyki opisowej, tzn. odchylenia standardowego i wariancji. Na podstawie analiz ilościowych i jakościowych można stwierdzić, że badane osoby z grupy kandydatów na stanowiska pracy personelu lotniczego wypadały lepiej niż osoby już zatrudnione na tych stanowiskach. W tym miejscu warto zaznaczyć, że ze względu na ilość respondentów wyniki badań mogą być opatrzone dużym błędem badawczym.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the teaching methods of German students in the process of production of highly skilled professionals, the advantages of some of those methods and the expediency of the implementation taking into consideration the present state of the domestic education sector are substantiated. The author defined the features of teaching German as a second foreign language to the students-economists based on their English language knowledge. The pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of teaching German are determined. Innovative technologies that enable individualization and differentiation based capabilities of students: technology of activity method, activity-technology “Debates”, project-based learning technology and technology of cooperation are proposed. Technology of activity approach in the process of teaching second language should consist of a number of features and require special selection of methods and techniques for its study. In the process of studying the first foreign language the following issues are presented: pronunciation; reading rules; intonation; word order; coordination of articles; conjugation of verbs; complex grammatical structures; some words are pronounced similar, but have different meanings. The assignment in German and English languages proposed to the German group allows to use units of common themes at the level if word usage that facilitates the process of learning of second foreign language (the presence of a specific and indefinite article; the formation of three major forms of verbs; the use of the verb sein (to be), haben (to have). In the article the author has identified factors that intensify learning of German language based on English language, like: possession of the Latin alphabet; vocabulary (borrowing of English words that are similar to German); grammatical knowledge. It has been proved that learning German as a second foreign language must be based on phonetic and pronouncing parameters within the speech activity. Teaching and learning German as a second foreign language based on English should be carried out by comparing or contrasting the phonetics, vocabulary, grammar of native tongue, first and second foreign languages. Accordingly, the process of learning should be based on the amount of knowledgeand experience that had been gained in the process of learning of the first foreign language, and take into account the level of existing knowledge of the native language. Knowledge of grammar plays a significant role in the process of learning of German language. In this regard, the phonetic aspect of speech should be mastered aside of practical activity during the thematic mastering of vocabulary and grammar material.
Currently, a half of the world population grows up in an environment with more than one spoken language, so the research on bilingualism has been quite extensive. However, just few of the studies are focused on individuals with communication disabilities or intellectual disorders, who acquire their mother (and other) tongues with more difficulty and slower. This contribution presents a case report on early verbal communication development of a four-year-old child with Down syndrome growing up in a bilingual Czech-German environment. This research was conducted mainly through longitudinal observation and video recording of the same activities, preferably at home, at the age of 24 to 48 months. To understand language exposure and language dominancy, the speech environment questionnaire (specifically the Beirut-Tours Questionnaire) was used. It shows that bilingualism could be beneficial for these individuals and it is not detrimental to their language acquisition. The key factors for a good acquisition of both (or more) languages are language exposure, intensity of contact with the languages, and good speech therapy, preferably in both languages.
The article analyses the objectives formulated by Boleslaw Bierut in selected speeches delivered in 1952. The speeches, released on vinyl records by Muza, were a form of political training. Their main aim was to preserve and strengthen various dependency relationships and the main principles of socialist ideology. Through those speeches, the authorities hoped to instil the conviction that the party was a powerful and omnipotent organization and that the 6-year plan was a civic duty. The speeches also aimed to smooth out the contradictions of the political system. Vinyl recordings of Bierut's speeches promoted the use of vague language and debating style in public life. As a result, the public sphere became distinctly separate from the listeners' private reality. The article relies on selected theories of social influence and verbal communication characteristic of a totalitarian regime.
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