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This article attempts to analyse a possibility to enlarge freedom of choice in the Polish pension insurance system in order to adapt it to the goal of human development, understood as a process of enlarging peoples choices. Trying to do so, I shall examine main reasons used to justify both compulsory and public character of public pension insurance system. I aim to prove that it is impossible to enlarge freedom of choice in pension insurance presently, due to the situation on the Polish labour market and in the face of the present and the predictable fifi nancial instability of that system.
Celem przeprowadzonej w tym opracowaniu analizy było znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy możliwe jest obecnie zwiększenie zakresu wolności wyboru w ubezpieczeniu emerytalnym w Polsce, by lepiej odpowiadał on jednemu z postulowanych przez UNDP celów rozwoju społecznego, jakim jest powiększanie zakresu wyboru przez ludzi. Rozważam kolejno: argumenty przemawiające za utrzymaniem zasady przymusu ubezpieczenia emerytalnego, powody ograniczenia swobody wyboru instytucji ubezpieczającej i możliwości wprowadzenia instytucji elastycznej emerytury. Doszedłem do wniosku, że zwiększenie zakresu wolności wyboru w ubezpieczeniu emerytalnym nie jest obecnie możliwe, a to za względu na sytuację na rynku pracy i stabilność finansową systemu ubezpieczeń emerytalnych. Pożądane jest jednak prowadzenie działań, które zwiększałyby zdolność do dokonywania wyboru tych generacji, które będą przechodzić na emeryturę za kilkadziesiąt lat.
Liberty and its distorted vision in the light of the documents of the Catholic Church One of the fundamental values in human life is freedom. In order to feel truly free, a lifelong process of education for freedom is needed, which presumes the existence of appropriate foundations and the necessity of the truth about man. The desire to be free is inscribed in the heart of man. The teachings of Catechism of the Catholic Church show that freedom is rooted in the mind and will of man with the possibility to act or not to act, to do something, therefore, to take voluntary action. The fundamental elements in the definition of freedom are external freedom and internal freedom. In the internal aspect, it is simply the power of an individual to make choices and decisions concerning the world of his own beliefs, views, etc. Freedom in this aspect refers to the internal autonomy of the person. The second is the external aspect called external or social freedom. It is choice of actions as part of mans everyday existence, undertaken within the framework of function- ing in society. The third fundamental element of Christian understanding of freedom is good. The core of freedom is not to do what man can do by nature, or do anything, because the real boundaries are defined by good. Man, as he was created with his freedom participating in the freedom of God, should not demand complete moral autonomy separated from the existential reference to the Creator. As a person, man has been blessed with intelligence and free will, and may therefore use these qualities to oppose his Creator claiming complete sovereignty. The problem with freedom of today’s man is frequently connected with the problem of sexuality. In a convenient way man wants to decide what is good and what is bad. He wants to decide how he will use his sexuality. It should also be said that man of- ten wants to use his sexuality and its attributes for narrow purposes, which are in apparent contradiction with the widely held beliefs.
Leisure time is not one of the topics often addressed by sociologists in Poland, even though it remains the experience of almost everyone who lives in liquid modernity. This issue covers an extremely wide range, it is impossible to include it, let alone close it, in a small volume. However, we believe that the category of free time is worth analyzing, especially since the recent experience of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our everyday life, also in terms of free time. Perhaps the questions that arise on this occasion can turn into research questions and result in further studies.
Czas wolny nie należy do tematów często podejmowanych przez socjologów w Polsce, mimo że pozostaje doświadczeniem prawie każdego z nas, kto żyje w płynnej nowoczesności. Problematyka ta obejmuje zakres niezwykle szeroki, nie sposób jej ująć, ani tym bardziej zamknąć, w niewielkim tomie. Uważamy jednak, że kategorię czasu wolnego warto poddać analizie, zwłaszcza że niedawne przeżycie pandemii COVID-19 zmieniło naszą codzienność, także w wymiarze czasu wolnego. Być może rodzące się przy tej okazji pytania mogą przekształcić się w pytania badawcze i zaowocować kolejnymi studiami.
The article contains an analysis of the concept of the personal subject according to Jacques Maritain, taking into consideration the issue of liberty (the freedom to choose and one's internal autonomy) and the relations between a man (a person and an individual) and social life (community and society). The issue of the mentioned concept is expanded by discussing particular problems of: the manifestations of personal and non-personal entities' subjective activity; the relations between the subject and the person; subjective and objective modes of man's existence and activity; the structure of the personal subject. The multifaceted approach to liberty comprises its external (the freedom to choose), internal (the freedom of one's internal autonomy), positive (choosing significantly valuable goals and putting them into effect) and negative (freedom from compulsion) dimensions. Man's relation towards social life defined by Jacques Maritain takes into consideration the priority of the person over the individual and that of the community over the society. Common good – co-being and cooperation are not in conflict with the person's human dignity.
In the 1983 Code of Canon Law, the legislator included several legal norms meant to guarantee the freedom of choice of the spouse. One of such regulations (norms) can be found in c. 1098, which states that a marriage is invalid in the following situation: A person contracts invalidly who enters into a marriage deceived by malice, perpetrated to obtain consent, concerning some quality of the other partner which by its very nature can gravely disturb the partnership of conjugal life. The aforementioned canon is somewhat of a novelty in relation to the 1917 Code of Canon Law; therefore, the Tribunal of the Roman Rota played an important role in determin-ing its legal content. The decisions made by the Tribunal have not only become an example for lower level tribunals, but they have also pointed to certain threats associated with the understanding and application of c. 1098. Nowadays, the content of this canon encompasses the following elements, the importance of which was clearly emphasized and indicated by the legislator: deceptive action and its goal, error caused by deception, and the quality of a person which by its very nature could severely disrupt the partnership of conjugal life. Furthermore, the error described by the canon must be not only concomitant (error incidens), but also antecedent (error antecedens, causam dans), as the former one does not oblige the other party to enter marriage. It is also important not to confuse an error with ignorance or a condition. Regarding the quality of the other person which by its very nature can gravely dis-turb the partnership of conjugal life (consortium vitae coniugalis), the legislation points to several elements, such as: sterility (c. 1984 § 3 of 1983 CIC), advanced proclivity towards alcohol, drug abuse, pregnancy with another person, severe moral or financial burden arising from a spouse’s current lifestyle, venereal disease, prostitution, heavy sentence of imprison-ment, impotence (different from impotence defined in c. 1084 § of 1983 CIC), religious and moral qualities, disposition towards work and sloth, validity of baptism, performed abortion, bad character, epilepsy, mental disorders, willingness to adapt to a culture different from the culture of a person’s homeland, medical diploma, virginity, false pregnancy, drug addiction, acceptance of the Christian faith, infidelity, paternity towards a nasciturus, and various other diseases.
Rozważania dotyczą popularności zabiegu wazektomii na świecie, a w szczególności w Wielkiej Brytanii. Poruszane zostają aspekty kulturowe, moralne, prawne i medyczne. Analizowane są różnice opinii wobec kontroli urodzeń, polityki demograficznej, oraz możliwości samodzielnego decydowania o sobie. Artykuł dotyka stereotypów związanych z płodnością, męskością, równouprawnieniem płci; analizuje korzyści i straty ekonomiczne i zdrowotne związane z zabiegiem wazektomii. Poszukiwane są powody popularności tej metody antykoncepcyjnej. W kontekście rosnącej wolności obyczajowej można zadać pytania: czy wybór wazektomii świadczy o nastawieniu współczesnego człowieka na seksualną wolność i niekontrolowanie Freudowskich popędów? Czy też jest racjonalną przemyślaną decyzją w trosce o zdrowie i zwiększoną wolność wyboru kobiet?
This paper reflects on the popularity of vasectomy surgery in the world in general and particularly in the UK. Cultural, moral, legal and medical aspects are discussed and differences of opinions on birth control, demographic policies, and opportunities for self-determination are analyzed. The article also concerns the stereotypes associated with fertility, masculinity and gender. The economic and health advantages along with costs are balanced against each other. The author looks at reasons for the popularity of this method of contraception. In the context of increasing moral freedom, one can ask questions: whether the choice of vasectomy demonstrates the attitude of modern man to increasing sexual freedom and uncontrollable Freudian instincts? Or, is it a rational, carefully thought through decision, in the interests of health and freedom of choice for women?
Przedstawiona w biblijnej Pieśni nad pieśniami miłość, która łączy mężczyznę (oblubieńca) i kobietę (oblubienicę), stanowi ideał, wolny od negatywnych faktorów zniekształcających lub wręcz przekreślających tę relację. Wydarza się ona między nimi jako realizacja podstawowego powołania, które otrzymali w momencie stworzenia „mężczyzną i kobietą”. To dlatego miłość ta stanowi wyzwanie i szczęście zarazem; ona nadaje najgłębszy sens ich życiu, czyni je pełnym blasku i radości. Oblubieniec i oblubienica przeżywają miłość w trzech wymiarach: oczarowania (zakochania się), erosa i agape. Autor artykułu wydobywa z Pnp to wszystko, co pokazuje ważność każdej z tych sfer oraz ich ponad-naturalne źródło i ukierunkowanie. Ma świadomość, że miłości te wzajemnie się przenikają i niejako stopniowo na siebie się nakładają. Są organicznie ze sobą zintegrowane. W każdej z nich na pierwszy plan wysuwa się właściwy jej dynamizm i odpowiedzialne zań komponenty cielesno-duchowej osoby oblubieńca i oblubienicy. Odkrywając je, możemy dostrzec to, co może rzeczywiście chronić oblubieńczą i małżeńską miłość w czasach współczesnych przed największymi zagrożeniami.
The love presented in the biblical Song of Songs, which unites a man (the bridegroom) and a woman (the bride), is an ideal situation free of negative factors that distort or even delete this relationship. It occurs between them as the realization of the basic vocation which they received at the time of their creation as “man and woman.” That is why this love is a challenge that at the same time brings them happiness; it gives their lives deepest meaning, making them fully shine with joy. The bridegroom and the bride experience love in three dimensions: enchantment (falling in love), eros and agape. The author of the article takes from the Song of Songs everything that shows the importance of each of these spheres with their their supernatural source and orientation. He is aware that these types of love interpenetrate and gradually overlap each other. They are organically integrated with each other. In each of them, the proper dynamics and responsible components appear, which concern the bodily and spiritual functions of the bridegroom and bride. By discovering these, we can see what can actually protect spousal and marital love in modern times from its greatest threats.
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