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This article examines the concept of undocumented childhood. Undocumented children have to navigate between protected (as minors) and unprotected (as young adults) contexts. Therefore, they live not only in a relatively difficult situation as children staying in another country, but also face other risks due to their uncertain futures. Their situation calls for a re-examination of the frame that has been triggered to incorporate them. In particular, one may ask: what does it mean to provide children with rights and protections that ultimately expire. Thus, the article aims to bring the discussion about children as a minority groupback. It helps to assure that migrant children will be considered as children first, and not as foreigners.
This article addresses the issue of racial and ethnic differences in intelligence studies. Some researchers have claimed to use national IQs in studies of evolutionary theories of racial differences in intelligence. However, due to the Flynn Effect and some methodological questions, national IQs cannot be viewed solely in evolutionary and socio-economic development terms and can be considered in light of intercultural differences as well. Moreover, the meaning of race in intelligence studies is vaguely defined. It leads to considerable controversies surrounding the public understanding of race (for instance, stereotyping threat). It also creates suspicions as to the use of group differences in IQ tests to explain racial and ethnic differences in achievements.
Until today Darwin's theories are discussed and cause much controversy, not only
the scientific community. The main idea of the conference Evolution and the Public,
which took place on 3-5 September 2009 in Siegen, was to analyze the major trends
inspired by the work of the public debate about the emergence of species during the last
150 years.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The main idea of the article about using race as an analytical tool is to demonstrate how race can be a salient factor in how people experience, inhabit the world and consequently family. Interracial adoption is discussed as a phenomenon which borrows from the particular fears and order of a society. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: the research problem concerns the question of how the concept of racial categorization can be understood in a racially mixed frame of reference relating to the experience of interracial adoption. The article uses the method of critical analyses as well as the analyses of the reference literature. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The first section of the article discusses race as a social construct, the second indicates white as the unmarked category and shows that the rest of racial categories is marked in contrast to whiteness. The third part provides justification for a thesis that in racial categorization, as in other social classifications, one category tends to dominate, usually taken for granted as normative, typical and most desirable. It causes social and parenting problems for the adoptive family.RESEARCH RESULTS: The result of the argumentation is that race is often socially recognized as inherent and inherited quality that is seen to fit an adopted child for a specific social situation. Children are assigned to race categories based on assumptions about descent. Regardless of the fact, the phenomenon of interracial adoption exposes the fragility of conventional meanings of human races. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: the social acceptance of interracially adoptive families requires a society which does not define itself on the facts of blood and race allegiances, but on a set of deeply humanistic ideals.
Until the eugenics movement got under way, “race” was always in some sense a popular science. In the nineteenth century there were important attempts to identify nationality with race.2 Racialism thus provided a powerful framework for interpreting and explaining other cultures, and for articulating the racial supremacy of one race. Moreover, racial heredity implied that there must be a unity of descent. Once upon a time there must have existed a number of ancestors of definite bodily form, from whom the present population has descended. This is clearest in the case of a homogenous population.
This article addresses the issue of constructing childhood sociologically. Classical sociology focused on the transformation of children into reliable adult social actors, namely on the process of socialization. In contrast, the sociology of childhood, as a relatively young branch of the discipline, is sensitive to the place of children in society. Therefore, the sociology of childhood explores the very idea of the child rather than treats the child as a being with a relatively determined trajectory. The article presents sociology’s conceptual base and its different approaches to the child. In particular, the central concepts of the childhood sociology are outlined and critically discussed.
The article presents an example of ethnic discourse analysis of the press published in Winnipeg (Canada) between 1896 and 1919. The presented research strategy is based on qualitative analysis of English, German, and Polish newspapers. The perspective of discourse analysis offers some possibilities to conduct research on creating the definition of ethnic identity on the pages of ethnic newspapers by the symbolic elite, changes within one ethnic group as well as discourse struggle for social meaning between competing groups. The sociological perspective of discourse analysis focuses particularly on social inequalities and on ideologies which legitimate such inequalities.
W artykule przedstawiono propozycję analizy dyskursu dotyczącego etniczności na łamach prasy wydawanej w Winnipeg (Kanada), w latach 1896–1919. Prezentowana strategia badawcza opiera się na analizie jakościowej gazet angielsko-, niemiecko- i polskojęzycznych. Perspektywa analizy dyskursu sprzyja badaniu tworzenia definicji tożsamości etnicznej przez elity symboliczne na łamach prasy, przemian zachodzących w zbiorowości etnicznej i dyskursywnej walki o znaczenie między rywalizującymi ze sobą frakcjami. Socjologiczna analiza dyskursu zwraca szczególną uwagę na istniejące nierówności społeczne i treści ideologiczne, które legitymizują te nierówności.
Artykuł przedstawia integrację zasobów wiedzy ludności rdzennej z systemem edukacji wielokulturowej w Kanadzie jako wyzwanie dla założeń o komplementarności procesu i możliwości łączenia odmiennych kulturowo ze sobą sposobów poznania. Wypowiedź ma charakter teoretyczny, a przedstawiona w artykule konceptualizacja może posłużyć do refleksji nad zagadnieniami związanymi z edukacją międzykulturową i integracją. W artykule przestawiono, czym jest wiedza ludności rdzennej i jakie jej elementy są kluczowe dla procesu poznania. Omówiono specyfikę pedagogii ludności rdzennej oraz towarzyszące im wytyczne dla procesu edukacji. W dalszej części artykułu podjęto temat digitalizacji zasobów wiedzy ludności rdzennej w celu jej upowszechniania, dekolonizacji jako dominującego spojrzenia w analizie związków pomiędzy wiedzą ludności rdzennej a systemem edukacji. W podsumowaniu przedstawiono trzy możliwe podejścia w ich integracji wraz z ich krótkim opisem i zawartą w nim krytyką.
The article shows the integration of Indigenous knowledge resources with the multicultural system of education in Canada as a challenge to some assumptions about the process of complementarity and possibility of binding to the both culturally different ways of knowing. The article is based on theoretical frameworks which introduce conceptual foundations for reflects on issues related to intercultural education and integration. It shows Indigenous ways of knowing and some keys for how the Indigenous knowledge can be known. It describes the quality of Indigenous pedagogies and how the Indigenous knowledge can be taught. In the second part of the article, it undertakes an issue of the digitalization of Indigenous knowledge resources for the purpose of promoting it, decolonization as a dominant look at the analyses of the relationship between Indigenous knowledge and educational system. In conclusion, there are three possible ways of approach to their integration concerning short descriptions and critical comments.
This article presents a socioeconomic picture of immigrants in Wisconsin, including their position in the American society, as well as changes which have occurred among the foreign-born population after 1990. The ethno-racial structure, income, education, language fluency, as well as economic and political participation are discussed. The quantitative data used in the analysis has been derived from American surveys: the American Community Survey, the historical Decennial Censuses of Population and Housing, and Surveys of Business Owners, and complemented with methodological comments and data from analytical reports of American nonprofit organizations.
This article examines the concept of inequality in Robert D. Putnam’s Our Kids. The article discusses the intersections of social inequality and social capital shown in the book. In particular, the issue of inequality in access to education between children from different backgrounds is outlined and critically discussed. The conclusion suggests a possible new way to look at the relationship between education and inequalities, providing a theoretical basis for educational research.
At the beginning of 21st century, we are witnessing a global transformation of the generational dynamics that exacerbate intra-generational tensions across ethnic lines. Amid crises, global challenges and deep-seated insecurity are interwoven with the turmoil of the present. With the instability of an increasingly complex world, young people are highly exposed to the forces of global risks. All young people are affected, but not all young people equally. Therefore, global generations break down into different fractions in a conflictual relationship with each other. This article outlines Beck’s major concepts in order to show some theoretical frameworks for the study on global generations. The focus is on the role of the university that should play in the contemporary world. The example of Poland seems to be particularly relevant to the discussion about the validity of Beck’s contribution to understanding of divisions, contradictions, and desires of the global generations. Many young Poles appear to be open for migratory experiences, but at the same time, they are reluctant to accept immigration to Poland. The article attempts to explore some contexts of mixed feelings about migration such as individuality and insecurity, media and the culture of catastrophe, education and neoliberal agenda. Nevertheless, the main goal of the article is to reconsider the role of education in times of rapid migration and generational interconnectedness.
Celem eseju jest omówienie badań Alice Goffman, opublikowanych w książce On the Run. Fugitive Life in an American City (2014) w kontekście innych badań oraz aktualnych debat na temat wykluczenia i przemocy w miastach amerykańskich. W pierwszej części przedstawiony został kontekst społeczny i badawczy omawianej problematyki. Druga część referuje główne argumenty krytyczne wysuwane wobec sposobu prowadzenia badań etnograficznych i odpowiedź na tę krytykę ze strony zaangażowanych w nie badaczy. Ostatnia część tekstu zawiera omówienie sposobu prowadzenia badań przez Goffman oraz odniesienie do argumentów krytycznych.
The aim of the essay is to discuss Alice Goffman’s research, published in the book On the Run. Fugitive Life in an American City (2014), set against the backdrop of other research and current debates on social exclusion and violence in the cities of the USA. The first part of the text focuses on the social and scholarly context of the problems discussed. The second part relates the main critical arguments to the ethnographic research and the response thereto by the authors involved in this type of research. The last part of the essay presents the way of conducting her study by Goffman and offers a critical discussion.
Introduction. Émile Durkheim’s works are classical writings in the field of the sociology of education. Their reading helps to get a better understanding of Durkheim’s theoretical background, his beliefs, and reflections on the significance of education in France of his time. Aim. In the article, there is a special focus on L'evolution pédagogique en France, which, to Polish readers, is a lesser-known collection of lectures by Durkheim. The aims of the article are to show the overall context of the book, and to discuss over selected problems that are contained in the book. Materials and method. The article uses the method of critical analyses as well as the analyses of the reference literature. Conclusion. L’evolution pédagogique en France contains a number of insights, which may enable taking a different perspective on Durkheim’s ideas on education. Durkheim showed that the formulation of an appropriate education of morality could only proceed after it had been learned about values and the evolution of rules and norms in relation to previous structures, even though systems of morals were socially relative. It means that it could not borrow any foreign elements from other systems and that acquired knowledge of social factors that had caused moral and educational ideas in specific periods was a key to changes in the educational system.
Wprowadzenie. Prace Émila Durkheima są klasycznymi pozycjami w socjologii wychowania. Ich lektura pozwala lepiej poznać teoretyczne podstawy jego koncepcji wychowania, jego poglądy oraz przemyślenia na temat znaczenia wychowania i edukacji w ówczesnej Francji. Cel. W artykule szczególną uwagę poświęcono pracy zatytułowanej L'evolution pédagogique en France, która jest dziełem mniej znanym polskiemu czytelnikowi z całej triady wykładów zebranych w tomach tego wybitnego socjologa. Celami artykułu są wskazanie kontekstów towarzyszących pracy É. Durkheima oraz dyskusja nad wybranymi problemami zawartymi w tej książce. Materiały i metody. W artykule zastosowano krytyczną analizę pracy É. Durkheima oraz przegląd literatury przedmiotu. Wnioski. L’evolution pédagogique en France zawiera szereg interesujących informacji, które pozwalają na inne spojrzenie na koncepcję wychowania É. Durkheima. Wskazał on, że chociaż systemy wartości w poszczególnych społeczeństwach różniły się od siebie, to sformułowanie spójnej koncepcji wychowania moralnego zależało od wartości oraz ewolucji zasad i reguł w danym społeczeństwie. Oznaczało to, że nie można „zapożyczać” elementów obcych kulturowo z innych systemów, a kluczem do zmian w systemie edukacji było poznanie społecznych czynników, które przyczyniły się do sformułowania zasad moralnych i poglądów na edukację w poszczególnych epokach.
Wprowadzenie. Artykuł omawia założenia niepełnosprawności jako konstruktu społecznego oraz procesu rekonstrukcji tożsamości w odniesieniu do doświadczenia ludności rdzennej w ich kanadyjskim otoczeniu. Cel. Celem artykułu jest poznanie interpretacji krytycznych, towarzyszących krzyżowaniu się identyfikacji tożsamościowych, odnoszących się do pochodzenia rdzennego i niepełnosprawności. Metoda. W artykule zastosowano krytyczną analizę konstruktu niepełnosprawności w odniesieniu do doświadczenia ludności rdzennej oraz przegląd literatury przedmiotu. Wnioski. Autorzy wskazują, że dla ludności rdzennej pojęcie niepełnosprawność jest uwikłane w świat znaczeń i sensów, i właśnie dlatego etykieta bycia niepełnosprawnym może być postrzegana przez nich jako kolonialny konstrukt, który stoi w sprzeczności z przyjętymi przez ludność rdzenną sposobami patrzenia na życie. Badacze analizują rolę Reguły Jordana pod kątem zrozumienia wyzwań stojących przed zapewnieniem kulturowo dostosowanych usług i zapewnienia wsparcia dzieciom rdzennym z niepełnosprawnościami i ich rodzinom.
Introduction. The article discusses disability as a social construct and a process of reconstructing identity in reference to Indigenous experiences within the Canadian context. Aim. The aim of this paper is to explore critical understandings of the intersectional identities of Indigenous and disability. Method. The article uses the method of critical analyses related to a construct of disability in Indigenous experiences as well as the analyses of the reference literature. Conclusion. It shows that for Indigenous people the notion of disability is entangled in the world of senses and meanings, and thus the label of disability could be seen as a colonial construct that conflicts with Indigenous perspectives of life. It examines the role of Jordan’s Principle in understanding the challenges of culturally appropriate services and supports for Indigenous children with disabilities and their families.
The article outlines Beck’s major concepts in order to show some theoretical frameworks for the study on migration, young people and possible conflict-laden interactions between them. The example of Poland seems to be particularly relevant to the discussion about the validity of Beck’s contribution to the understanding of divisions, contradictions, and desires of the global generation. Although Poland is not perceived as a country of immigration, many young people declare their greater orientation to migration. However, many young people also appear very reluctant to accept immigration to Poland. The article attempts to consider some explanations for this reluctance. The study is descriptive and designed to explore new perspectives. The main goal of the article is to start discussion about generational interconnectedness in times of rapid migration and set up a research agenda for work on Polish young people in a described framework.
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