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After accession to the structures of the European Union process of diversification of the income situation of farms in Poland is more evident. One of the possible forms of non-agricultural economic activity for many years is agritourism and rural tourism. The article describes the possibilities of specialization by taking the agritourist farms are not very widespread forms of care farm. Quoted in the article, the various forms of care farms are part of a wider trend so-called social farming. Description of the Dutch experience, and the first attempts to create a care farm in Bory Tucholskie offers hope for real development of this form of economic activity in the country.
Die Pastoraltheologie ist eine Disziplin eigener Art. Ihre Eigenart liegt darin, dass die Prinzipien der Seelsorge und die Folgerungen zwei Quellen entnommen werden: der Offenba-rung und der Erfahrung der einzelnen Personen bzw. der religiösen Gruppen. Im Licht dieser zwei Quellen sucht sie zu erkennen, was die Kirche auf verschiedenen Ebenen der pastoralen Tätigkeit zu tun hat, damit der Wert der aktuell angewendeten Pastoralformen beurteilt und entsprechende Hinweise fur die Zukunft erarbeitet werden können. Die Pastoraltheologie unterscheidet sich von anderen Disziplinen durch existenzielle und praktische Orientierung. Sie ist auch eine normative Wissenschaft, die Prinzipien, Normen, theologische Modelle und Handlungsdirektiven entwirft, an die sich die Kirche, die kirchli-chen Gemeinschaften und ihre Vertreter auf verschiedenen Ebenen des kirchlichen Lebens orientieren sollen. Die praktische und die normative Dimension der wissenschaftlichen Erken-ntnis bilden in der Pastoraltheologie eine geschlossene Einheit.
In December 2022. Parliament and the Council of the European Union adopted the Directive on Corporate Sustainability Reporting EU/2022/2464 . This directive is linked to a number of European Commission regulations enacted between 2019 and 2022, primarily concerning environmental and climate issues. The full implementation of the provisions of these new pieces of legislation into practice, due to their great complexity and voluminosity, appears to be a difficult process and one that requires considerable effort, not only organisational but also financial, from the companies covered. This study aims to present the objectives and goals of Directive EU/2022/2464 and its associated regulations, and to evaluate these legal acts. As a result of these discussion, it has been established that the newly introduced regulatory system for corporate sustainability information meets the current challenges facing the societies and economies of EU member states. The system is extremely complex in terms of the content of its provisions, which makes compliance with the established regulations appear to be a very difficult task. information. It can reduce the risk of investing in questionably sustainable assets or limit unfair competition from surrounding companies. A system of ‘taxonomies’ may also contribute to increasing the transparency of individual markets, which arguably has a positive impact on the cost of preparing investor projects. The introduction of a ‘taxonomy’ into the practice of companies involves an increase in the costs of data collection, processing and disclosure as required by this system. Linked to Directive EU/2022/2464, the ‘taxonomy’ system is one of the key tools for creating a common framework for sustainable investment activities and practices. This system can bring many benefits to investors. Indeed, it can effectively reduce greenwashing by standardising the disclosure of environmental sustainabilit information. It can reduce the risk of investing in questionably sustainable assets or limit unfair competition from surrounding companies. A system of ‘taxonomies’ may also contribute to increasing the transparency of individual markets, which arguably has a positive impact on the cost of preparing investor projects. The introduction of a ‘taxonomy’ into the practice of companies involves an increase in the costs of data collection, processing and disclosure as required by this system.
The article presents the founding idea of pastoral care of families as a sub-field of practical theology as well as its significance for the saving work of the Church. The issue is presented in several stages. The starting point is a reflection on the notion and unique nature of pastoral care of families, then it is presented as a scientific discipline but also an important element of the saving activity of the Church focused on the family. Also, the main areas of concern are outlined. The highlight of the article is point 5 attempting to show the idea of having a textbook for family pastoral work, an aid that has never been conceived in Poland. In fact the presentation is not a mere outline but quite a concrete and detailed plan.
Reverend Professor Jan Wal in his research and didactic work has shown the directions of the revival of pastorate and the need of changes in thinking and in pastoral activities. Undoubtedly his research has contributed to a revival of the concept of pastoral theology in Poland. The main fields he worked on were making both the clergy and the laity more sensitive to the social dimension of pastorate and evangelization, the need of a dialog in the Church and in the Polish society, making charity theology more profound, and intensification of charity work.
vol. 63
issue 6: Teologia pastoralna
The Apostolic constitution Gaudium et Spes is a groundbreaking moment. The novelty of this document lies in its inductive and pastoral approach to the relationship of the Church and the world. The pastoral nature of the Apostolic constitution Gaudium et Spes is based on the fact that not only God, but man as well as the world, are in the horizon of its preoccupation. Pastoral nature of the constitution is also seen in the way in which it is written as well as in the inductive presentation of its contents. The image of pastoral ministry which comes up from the constitution Gaudium et Spes is personalistic and universal. In this concept the pastoral ministry is the task of the entire Church and is realized for people and through people. The teaching of the constitution Gaudium et Spes has fundamental meaning for the relationship of the Church and the world. The Church’s ministry of salvation and its ministry toward the world are not excluded since the Church, while taking care for the salvation of the faithful, has to look to sanctification of the world.
Konstytucja duszpasterska Gaudium et spes jest wydarzeniem przełomowym. Oryginalność tego dokumentu soborowego wyraża się w indukcyjnym i pastoralnym podejściu do problemu stosunku Kościoła i świata. Pastoralny charakter konstytucji Gaudium et spes wyraża się w tym, że nie tylko Bóg, ale także człowiek i świat są w horyzoncie zainteresowań, a także w sposobie zredagowania tegoż dokumentu. O pastoralnym charakterze konstytucji świadczy też indukcyjne podejście do przedstawiania jej treści. Obraz duszpasterstwa, jaki wyłania się z konstytucji Gaudium et spes, jest personalistyczny i uniwersalistyczny. W koncepcji tej duszpasterstwo jest zadaniem całego Kościoła i realizuje się dla ludzi i przez ludzi. Fundamentalne znaczenie ma nauczanie konstytucji Gaudium et spes na temat relacji Kościół–świat. Realizowana przez Kościół posługa zbawienia i posługa wobec świata nie wykluczają się, a Kościół troszcząc się o zbawienie wiernych, ma także dbać o uświęcenie świata.
Pastoral theology is different from other theological disciplines, as it has an existential and practical orientation. It is also a normative discipline, forming rules, theological models and directives for actions, which should guide the Church, ecclesial communities and their representatives in various domains and on various levels of ecclesial activity. The normative and practical dimensions of scholarly cognition are a compact whole in pastoral theology. Both mentioned dimensions of theological-pastoral reflection not only do not oppose each other, but they are complementary, indeed they are necessary for each other, since in this reflection the point is that the same reality should be understood that is the mystery of God in his transcendence and historical immanence. Today the key issue is taking into consideration in today’s theological-pastoral reflection both the normative and practical dimensions. This question is connected with a better understanding of the theory and practice in pastoral theology today, and with the cooperation of pastoral theology with humanities and praxiological disciplines dealing with man’s activity. Adequately to the normative and practical dimension of theological-pastoral reflection, pastoral theology should be marked by a holistic (problem-functional) approach, using both empirical and normative methods within the paradigm of the analysis of pastoral theology.
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Lay people who participate in the triple office of Christ and the Church realize their vocation by their presence and by being active in the world. The world and the requirements of life modify their Christian vocation in a particular way. This differs them from the clergymen. Although they share a common Christian dignity and they build the same Divine Kingdom, they do it in a way that is peculiar to them and in the domains they represent: in marital and family life, in culture, art, economy, careers, political institutions and international relations (Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, 7). The presence of lay Catholics in these fields of human life is something particular, and their apostolic activities are necessary. By living in the world and shaping it according to God’s thought they realize their detailed vocation, which is an actual form of their Christian vocation.
Four kinds of research are conducted in pastoral theology: monodisciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary. The first kind is characterized by a common aim and a common method, the second – by a common aim and different methods, the third one – by different aims and different methods, and the fourth one – by a common aim and different methods. Multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary research is necessary for modern theology, but to conduct it, excellent qualifications of a theologian-pastoralist are necessary. The paradigm of pastoral theology is based on practical syllogism. In the construction of this syllogism the major premise contains the norms for the given problem, and the minor premise contains the analysis of actual reality; and the conclusion has a normative and actual character. At every stage of research of the paradigm of pastoral theology different working methods are used. At the first (ecclesiological) research stage of the pastoral theology the paradigm the deductive method is used, but also the comparative method, the positive method, exegesis, interpretation of the text, analogy, etc. At the second (kairological) research stage the historical-theological method is used, the sociological-theological method, methods used in empirical sciences, as well as observations, interviews, surveys, and studies based on a questionnaire. In studies based on documents historical methods are used, the method of source criticism and interpretation, the comparative method, analysis of the text, etc. At the third (praxeological) research stage of the pastoral theology paradigm the method of synthesis, the method of interpretation, the method of classification, etc. are used.
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Tworzenie prac promocyjnych z teologii praktycznej

The article presents a number of indications and rules concerning the effective writing of a graduate thesis. They refer to three stages of creating a graduate thesis: the preparation stage, the research implementation stage and the compilation stage. Each of these stages concerns a different type of action. This article gives a detailed indication of what to do in the course of each of these stages of creating a graduate theses.
Artykuł przedstawia wskazania i zasady dotyczące skutecznego pisania pracy promocyjnej. Odnoszą się one do trzech etapów tworzenia pracy promocyjnej: etapu przygotowania, etapu realizacji badań i etapu redakcji tekstu. Każdy z tych etapów dotyczy innego rodzaju działań. Niniejszy artykuł daje szczegółowe wskazania, jak należy postępować w toku realizowania każdego z tych etapów tworzenia pracy promocyjnej.
Saving activity is realized in different dimensions of the universal Church, of the diocese and the parish community. In all these aspects of the Church life salvific activi­ty is expressed in various forms of pastoral ministry. Among these forms the pastoral care for families takes the first place. The essence of this pastoral care  understood as a saving activity is to discover God's plan for marriage and family, and also to help spouses and families in its implementation. As majority of people is called to live in marriage and family, they remain in the center of the global saving activity of  the Church. In relation to marriages and families the Church carries out its duty first of all by pastoral care of families. In this sense, the pasto­ral care of families is a crucial element of the whole saving activity of the Church. According to the Apostolic Exhortation „Familiaris Consortio” the pastoral care for families as a saving activity aims to realize a community of faith and love by pro­claiming the God's Word, liturgical celebrations and bear witness of Christian life. It shall lead the people in their everyday marital and family life to the personal encounter with God in faith and love (cf. FC 65-73). Areas of pastoral care  families as a saving activity are different. They can be reduced to five aspects: the defense of human life, preparation for marriage and family life, family assistance, family counseling and edu­cation of parents and care for families in special situa­tions. In every area of family pastoral care there are a few specific tasks.
Działalność zbawcza Kościoła realizowana jest w różnych płaszczyznach: Kościoła po­wszechnego, diecezji i wspólnoty parafialnej. Na wszystkich tych płaszczyznach życia Kościoła działalność zbawcza wyraża się w różnych formach pastoralnych. Wśród tych form prioryteto­we miejsce zajmuje duszpasterstwo rodzin. Istotą duszpasterstwa rodzin jako działalności zbawczej jest odkrywanie Bożego planu dotyczącego małżeństwa i rodziny, a także pomoc małżonkom i rodzinie w jego realizacji. Ponieważ większość ludzi powołana jest do życia w małżeństwie i rodzinie, pozostają one w centrum całościowej działalności zbawczej Kościoła. W odniesieniu do małżeństw i rodzin Kościół realizuje swoją troskę przede wszystkim przez duszpasterstwo rodzin. W tym sensie duszpasterstwo rodzin jest kluczowym elementem cało­ściowej działalności zbawczej Kościoła. Według adhortacji apostolskiej Familiaris consortio duszpasterstwo rodzin jako działalność zbawcza Kościoła zmierza do urzeczywistnienia wspólnoty wiary i miłości przez głoszenie słowa Bożego, sprawowanie liturgii i świadectwo życia chrześcijańskiego. Ma ono prowadzić ludzi w ich codziennym życiu małżeńsko-rodzinnym do osobowego spotkania z Bogiem w wie­rze i miłości (por. FC 65-73). Obszary duszpasterstwa rodzin jako działalności zbawczej Ko­ścioła są zróżnicowane. Można je sprowadzić do pięciu: obrona życia ludzkiego; przygoto­wanie do małżeństwa i życia w rodzinie; pomoc rodzinie; poradnictwo rodzinne i pedagogi­zacja rodziców oraz troska o rodziny w sytuacjach szczególnych. W każdym obszarze duszpa­sterstwa rodzin jest kilka zadań szczegółowych.
Z metodologii teologii pastoralnej
Even though the agriculture in Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship is well developed, around 41 thousand farmers and members of their families should go through the process of vocational reorientation. Researches conducted show that mainly farm owners of 5–30 ha and their families are ready to undertake the reorientation. Meanwhile, the farmers from the smallest farms (up to 5ha) show low interest in vocational reorientation. They are usually elder farmers with low qualifications and low mobility whose strategy is to survive. Individual Vocational Reorientation Plan (IPRZ) determines actions which should be undertaken in order to change the occupation and presents the way it should be achieved. Vocational specialized courses organized by KPODR on the bases of IPRZ’s analysis are characterized with high effectiveness. It should be highlighted that the Project’s beneficiaries, 253 people (27% participants of the courses) have undertaken job activity out of agriculture sector.
Corporate governance involves not only working out the relationship between a company and its shareholders, but also a search for consistency on a daily basis. When consistency is achieved, the shareholders’ satisfaction is higher and relations improve. Consistency is a prerequisite for a company’s effectiveness and efficiency, and it is the board’s task to make a corporation consistent. The first part of the paper introduces M. Flieger’s concept of corporate consistency, where platforms of consistency are introduced and the consistency model is proposed. This is the first time that such an introduction has been made, and this may lead to further discussion and research. The author points out that managers are rarely aware of the consistency problem, and there are no tools which enable a consistent system to be worked out. This makes the concept of corporate consistency worth investigating. In the second part of the paper, R. Kaminski focuses on the development of the European Union and Polish regulations, which were introduced as a consequence of the changing conditions in company activity. This section determines the content and sequence of the main issues discussed in the article. These include: the characteristics of the concept of a corporate governance system, the presentation of changes in regulations regarding a corporate governance system in the EU and the presentation of Polish regulations on corporate governance. The primary sources used in the work were literature and the rules and standards (mandatory and optional) on corporate governance. Both authors used descriptive analysis and the comparative method.
The article focuses on the importance of relationships bonding farmers producing high quality food and consumers into relatively constant, viable and feasible networks. The article is based upon the results of the field study, where both qualitative and quantitive methods were utilised in order to prepare empirical models of farmers – consumers networks. The focus is put mainly on consumers treated here as important new drivers of economic and social change on Polish rural areas. Authors try to answer crucial question about the role of consumers in diversification of farming businesses. The case study of “Kujawsko-Pomorska Spiżarnia” is examined as an interesting and representative example of animation of consumer-farmer networks.
The article focuses on the importance of relationships bonding farmers producing high quality food and consumers into relatively constant, viable and feasible networks. The article is devoted to theoretical analysis of consumption role inside alternative food networks. Actors are looking for a new theoretical perspective on consumption-production relations.
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