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Stanisław Vincenz’s monumental work Na wysokiej połoninie [On the High Mountain Pastures] can be analysed in the context of civilisational transformations that took place at the turn of the 20th century in highland regions. Carpathian highlanders, including the Hutsuls, for centuries had cultivated traditions going way back in time, to the Hellenic herding culture (values like subordination to the laws of nature and God, freedom, highland time, autumn knowledge, dialogue, unique understanding of space). The development of capitalism and influence of urban culture brought with them a possibility of coming into contact on a large scale with a worldview representing a different way of looking at issues fundamental to the individuals and entire community. Thus Vincenz’ tetralogy is set at the frontier of epochs, cultures and mentalities (views of the world, impressions of the world). The present article aims at interpreting Vincenz’ work in the context of a category that is extremely popular in the humanities, namely frontier or borderland as well as Kenneth White’s category of geopoetics, which is attracting more and more “followers”.
The article is devoted to Olha Kobylianska’s story The Battle (1895), which focuses on the introduction of railways into the Carpathian landscape (Bukovina). While in metropolitan areas and economically advanced regions of Europe railways became a “natural” element of the landscape at the turn of the 20th century, in distant mountain regions railways constituted an alien and invasive element. In the main part of the article the author examines the motif of the opposition between nature and civilisation. In addition, the author explores the cultural symbolism and opposing meanings of iron and trees. Thus what emerges as the central motif of the story is the fate of the Hutsuls as an ethnic group living in the highlands in the context of the opposition indicated above. The originality of Kobylianska’s story lies in the fact that nature becomes its main protagonist. In the last part of the article the author embarks on a comparative confrontation between The Battle and Karl Emil Franzos’ German-language prose.
This study analyzed the temporal and spatial changes in land use taking place in two adjacent river valleys, located within the Polish Carpathians. The land use in 1977 and 2009 was presented for selected areas. In one of the valleys, a dam has been operating since 1994 along with a retention reservoir, which is an additional factor influencing the direction and scale of the land use changes. An analysis using GIS techniques showed that the general directions of transformation in both valleys in the land use structure are similar but with different intensity. In studied valleys a decrease of area with agricultural land and gradual increase in the forested area have been observed. In the valley with the reservoir few more changes were noticed. The decrease of the forested area by 5.5% and farmland by 8.2% on the areas submerged by reservoir was observed. The strip fields pattern has been changed into more dispersed. The road network development was also observed, as well as the change of nature of residential/agricultural buildings into residential/recreational.
The issue of Central and Eastern European Micoquian, although known for over half a century, appears to be controversial and insufficiently researched. One of the areas in Central Europe known for the presence of the Micoquian are the Carpathian Mountains. The article discusses finds from their north-western part. Micoquian sites in this region are known from Slovakia (Zamarovce and possibly Plaveč site), Poland (Obłazowa Cave) and Ukraine (Korolevo, Yezoupil and Kolodijiw). All these assemblages contain Keillmesser knives. Moreover, the assemblages remain in relation to other sites in neighbouring areas, which is visible in terms of their technological approach, but is also documented by raw material transport. A reassessment of the cultural attribution of sites in the Carpathian zone appears to be of great value in understanding the problems of Keilmessergruppen.
The article concerns the discovery of the new Przeworsk culture burial ground, which is only the second known burial site from the Upper San River basin, beside of necropolis located in Prusiek site 25. The site 33 in Pakoszówka was excavated completely during field works carried out between 2015 - 2018. During the excavations, a number of richly furnished burials were discovered, including extraordinary double warrior grave. Beside of graves where metal parts of weaponry were found, a few graves without rich inventory were discovered. The site is dated to the end of the Early Roman Period and the late Phase C1 of the Younger Roman Period. The burial ground in Pakoszówka corresponds well with the recent funeral finds from Rankovce located in Eastern Slovakia (Košice Region). Together with finds from the Upper Tisa River basin, it indicates migration of the Przeworsk culture population to the areas bordering the Roman Empire in this turbulent time and the special role it played in the events of the end of the second century A.D.
The following article presents the results of field survey from 2016-2017. Research work was carried out in the region of Duszatyn, Połonina Wetlińska and Przełęcz Bukowska. Considering palynological analyzes and flint material recorded in this area, they indicate human activity in the Neolithic period and Early Bronze Age. Moreover, the location of artefacts in the high parts of the mountains evidences the seasonal grazing of animals.
The Wallachian settlement on the northern slopes of the Carpathians in the Little Ice Age (15th and 16th century). A significant deterioration of the climate took place in the Carpathians in the period from the 15th to the 19th century. It was a fragment of a global phenomenon referred to by various representatives of geoscience as the Little Ice Age (LIA). Arguments presented in the article were preceded by a preliminary assumption that these events had a particular impact on the living conditions of populations who inhabited the areas situated in the sub-mountain and mountain zones in the 15th and 16th century. Located in this area were the upper levels of various cultivated plants’ ranges, which were particularly crucial for the cultivation of winter cereal crops. Even minor fluctuations of multi-annual average temperatures could significantly increase or decrease them. The results contained in this work were formed on the basis of information from the sources, which are primarily of a fiscal nature and which so far have been underrated by historians of the climate. The analysis of changes taking place in individual settlements was conducted on the other hand by using the methodology applied by historians of human settlement. The outcome of the studies presented below offers a general conclusion on the existence of a widespread phenomenon in the discussed period of an increase in the Carpathian areas of elements from a model of the economic functioning of the village life which was based on stockbreeding. This happened at the expense of restricting or sometimes even eliminating agricultural activities. It was the main reason for which individual landowners fostered or initiated colonization based on the Wallachian law or, at least, on its elements. For this reason, the 16th century in particular became a period of a sudden development of this settlement trend in the Carpathian regions. This had serious consequences not only for the economy. The study draws attention to the fact that the introduction of these changes could take place due to the migration of ethnically foreign people who were acquainted with the secrets of a specialised stockbreeding, which was unavailable to classical farmers. Amongst the newcomers were also ethnic Vlachs. One of the consequences of these migrations was also a considerable increase in the scope of the Orthodoxy at the expense of Catholicism in Lesser Poland.
Osadnictwo wołoskie na północnych stokach Karpatów podczas małej epoki lodowej (XV i XVI w.) W okresie od XV do XIX wieku w Karpatach miało miejsce znaczące pogorszenie klimatu. Jest to fragment zjawiska globalnego, przez przedstawicieli różnych nauk o ziemi zwane Małą Epoką Lodową (MEL). Rozważaniom zawartym w artykule towarzyszyło wstępne założenie, że te wydarzenia miały szczególny wpływ na warunki egzystencji społeczności zasiedlających na przestrzeni XV i XVI stulecia obszary położone w strefie podgórskiej i górskiej. Na tym obszarze znajdują się górne piętra zasięgu różnych roślin uprawnych, zwłaszcza kluczowych dla rolnictwa zbóż ozimych. Nawet niewielkie wahania wieloletnich średnich temperatur potrafią znacząco je podwyższać lub obniżać. Wnioski zawarte w pracy sformułowano w oparciu o informacje zawarte w źródłach przede wszystkim o charakterze skarbowym, do tej pory przez historyków klimatu niedoceniane. Analizę zachodzących w poszczególnych osadach zmian przeprowadzono z kolei posługując się metodyką stosowaną przez historyków osadnictwa. Efektem zaprezentowanych niżej badań jest generalny wniosek o istnieniu w analizowanym okresie powszechnego zjawiska narastania na obszarach karpackich elementów modelu gospodarczego funkcjonowania wsi opartego na hodowli. Odbywało się to kosztem ograniczania lub czasami nawet eliminowania zajęć rolniczych. Stanowiło to decydujący powód dla którego poszczególni wielcy właściciele ziemscy sprzyjali lub inicjowali kolonizację opartą na prawie wołoskim lub co najmniej na jego elementach. Z tej przyczyny zwłaszcza XVI wiek stał się okresem gwałtownego rozwoju tego nurtu osadniczego w rejonach karpackich. Miało to poważne konsekwencje nie tylko dla gospodarki. W pracy zwrócono uwagę, że wprowadzanie zmian mogło się odbyć poprzez migracje obcej etnicznie ludności-zaznajomionej z tajemnicami wyspecjalizowanej hodowli, niedostępnej klasycznym rolnikom. Wśród przybyszów pojawili się również etniczni Wołosi. Jedną z konsekwencji tych wędrówek było też znaczne rozszerzenie w Małopolsce zasięgu prawosławia kosztem katolicyzmu.
Rzeźba Karpat ma cechy rzeźby poligenicznej i polichronicznej. O poligenezie mówimy w dwojakim sensie. Młode formy modelowane są obecnie przy współdziałaniu różnych procesów (najczęściej erozji wody płynącej, sufozji i ruchów masowych). Zasadnicze formy obecnej rzeźby zostały przeważnie ukształtowane w odległej przeszłości w zmieniających się warunkach klimatycznych i tektonicznych. Oddziedziczona rzeźba dotąd zachowana była także w zależności od odporności skał podłoża stale adaptowana do nowych warunków. Szczególnie wyraźny zapis tej adaptacji dotyczy w analizowanym regionie ostatniego cyklu glacjalno-interglacjalnego czwartorzędu.
The relief of the Carpathians has the features of a polygenic and polychronic landscape. On polygenesis, we may talk in a double context. The young forms are developing at the present time by cooperation of various processes (mainly erosion of flowing water, piping and gravitational movements). The fundamental forms of the existing mountain relief were created usually in the distant past under varying tectonic and climatic conditions. The inherited relief has been preserved depending on the resistance of bedrock being permanently adapted to changing conditions. Particularly distinct markers of that adaptation in the Carpathians were left by the last glacial-interglacial cycle.
By 2019 more than 70 sites had been discovered in the area of the High Bieszczady Mountains, most of them located within the Połonina Wetlińska massif. The sites discovered in 2017-2019 constitute two groups: sites represented by (1) single artefacts (Wetlina 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, Bukowska Pass, site 1) and (2) small series of artefacts (Wetlina 54, 55, 60, 62). Both groups include artefacts datable to the Late Neolithic and the Bronze Age. Moreover, there are no sufficient grounds to claim homogeneity of assemblages found in Wetlina 54, 55, 60 and 62. It is possible that at least some of these sites could have been used many times during the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age periods. These finds confirm seasonal use of the High Bieszczady for grazing animals, probably within a system similar to the transhumant pastoralism practiced in European mountains.
The finds of chipped artefacts from Wetlina-Stare Sioło, Orłowicz Pass, Moczarne, and Czerteż Pass are the first archaeological confirmation of human activity in the Bieszczady mountains in the late neolithic. These finds correspond with older anthropological changes of vegetation recorded in pollen diagrams from smerek and Tarnawa wyżna which began ca. 2800 bc. They refer to the seasonal animal grazing in the high altitude landscapes. The use of high mountain pastures was connected with salt springs frequent in this area.
Rola pańszczyzn w systemie powinności mieszkańców wsi na prawie wołoskim w Małopolsce i Rusi Koronnej (XV-XVI stulecia) Celem artykułu była próba określenia roli pańszczyzn w systemie powinności świadczonych przez ludność zamieszkującą w osadach rządzących sie prawem wołoskim. W oparciu o krytyczną analizę dość licznie zachowanych materiałów źródłowych z badanego obszaru (zwłaszcza dokumentów związanych z lokacjami poszczególnych wsi, inwentarzy i lustracji królewszczyzn) podjęto próbę weryfikacji powszechnego w literaturze przedmiotu przekonania o braku lub co najwyżej minimalnym udziale pańszczyzn na rzecz właścicieli w systemie powinności mieszkańców. W efekcie wskazano na specyficzną cechę prawa wołoskiego, jaką był nieznany gdzie indziej lub występujący zaledwie w śladowej postaci, obowiązek wykonywania niewielkich, liczących kilka dni w roku robocizn, świadczonych na rzecz kniaziów. Odnotowano go w całym badanym okresie i na wszystkich obszarach objętych kolonizacją wołoską. Znacznie więcej wątpliwości budzi natomiast przekonanie o zupełnym braku pańszczyzn na rzecz właścicieli wsi. Zaprezentowany materiał źródłowy wskazuje, że rzeczywiście istniały osady których ten obowiązek nie dotyczył (i być może nawet ta sytuacja dominowała), jednak w innych występowały starsze, zwykle mniej uciążliwe formy prac (robocizny w wymiarze rocznym, „na rozkaz” itd.), natomiast próby narzucenia pańszczyzny tygodniowej sięgają lat 30.-40. XVI w. Jej powszechne wprowadzenie na obszarach pozagórskich ściśle łączy sie z rozwojem folwarku nastawionego na produkcję zboża. Dla osad wołoskich oznaczało to ograniczenie, a następnie całkowitą likwidację ich uprzywilejowanego statusu prawnego. Nie jest kwestia przypadku, że ten nurt kolonizacyjny ulega wyraźnemu zahamowaniu na przełomie XVI i XVII wieku. Losu tego uniknęły jedynie miejscowości, położone w typowej strefie górskiej, gdzie warunki naturalne uniemożliwiały na szerszą skalę uprawę zbóż. Tam egzystujące społeczności rządzące się prawem wołoskim trwały dłużej a procesy asymilacji i integracji z miejscowym otoczeniem zachodziły wolniej.   
The Role of Serfdoms in the Obligation System of the Inhabitants of Villages on the Wallachian Law in Lesser Poland (Małopolska) and Crown Ruthenia (15th-16th century). The aim of the article is an attempt to define a role of serfdoms in the system of obligations provided by the population living in the settlements established on the Wallachian law. On the basis of a critical analysis of a relatively numerous sources preserved from the region in question (in particular, the documents associated with the rights given to individual villages, inventories, and royal domain), an attempt was made to verify the common belief in the scholarship on this topic about the lack of, or at least the minimum, share of the serfdoms for the owners in the obligation system of the inhabitants. As a result, a specific feature of the Wallachian law was indicated, which was the obligation – elsewhere unknown or occurring only in minute traces – of performing small errands a few times in a year for the benefit of the dukes (kniaź). It was recorded throughout the entire studied period and in all of the areas partaking in the Wallachian colonisation. In contrast, there are many more doubts regarding the conviction about a complete lack of serfdoms for the owners of villages. The presented source material indicates that there were indeed settlements to which this duty did not apply (and perhaps this situation was even dominating), but in other places the older and usually less strenuous forms of labours were present (annual works, duties “under the order”, ect.), while the attempts to impose weekly serfdoms date back to the 1530s and 1540s. Its widespread implementation in the areas outside of mountains is strictly linked to the development of a grange, set up for the production of grain. For the Wallachian settlements this meant a limitation, and then a thorough disposal of their privileged legal status. It is not a matter of coincidence that this colonising tendency was clearly restrained at the turn of the 16th and 17th century. This fate was avoided only be the villages situated in a typically mountainous area where the natural conditions prevented the production of crops on a large scale. Populations living therein – that were ruled by the Wallachian law – lasted longer and the processes of assimilation and integration with the local surroundings took place more slowly. .
The Role of Serfdoms in the Obligation System of the Inhabitants of Villages on the Wallachian Law in Lesser Poland (Małopolska) and Crown Ruthenia (15th-16th century). The aim of the article is an attempt to define a role of serfdoms in the system of obligations provided by the population living in the settlements established on the Wallachian law. On the basis of a critical analysis of a relatively numerous sources preserved from the region in question (in particular, the documents associated with the rights given to individual villages, inventories, and royal domain), an attempt was made to verify the common belief in the scholarship on this topic about the lack of, or at least the minimum, share of the serfdoms for the owners in the obligation system of the inhabitants. As a result, a specific feature of the Wallachian law was indicated, which was the obligation – elsewhere unknown or occurring only in minute traces – of performing small errands a few times in a year for the benefit of the dukes (kniaź). It was recorded throughout the entire studied period and in all of the areas partaking in the Wallachian colonisation. In contrast, there are many more doubts regarding the conviction about a complete lack of serfdoms for the owners of villages. The presented source material indicates that there were indeed settlements to which this duty did not apply (and perhaps this situation was even dominating), but in other places the older and usually less strenuous forms of labours were present (annual works, duties “under the order”, ect.), while the attempts to impose weekly serfdoms date back to the 1530s and 1540s. Its widespread implementation in the areas outside of mountains is strictly linked to the development of a grange, set up for the production of grain. For the Wallachian settlements this meant a limitation, and then a thorough disposal of their privileged legal status. It is not a matter of coincidence that this colonising tendency was clearly restrained at the turn of the 16th and 17th century. This fate was avoided only be the villages situated in a typically mountainous area where the natural conditions prevented the production of crops on a large scale. Populations living therein – that were ruled by the Wallachian law – lasted longer and the processes of assimilation and integration with the local surroundings took place more slowly.
The article presents the history of documentation of multi-part singing in Poland and the state of research on this subject. The multi-part singing as the musical and culture phenomenon is regionally limited and can be recorded in Carpathian Mountains and in the north-eastern borderland where the multi-part singing remains in some parishes the common heritage of Poland and Lithuania till today. There are also numerous  examples of spontaneous heterophony in Polish-Belorussian and Polish-Ukrainian musical traditions, but the singing in parallel thirds prevails, particularly among members of the Orthodox Church. The prerequisite of the multipart singing is a slow tempo, not typical of folk songs in ethnic Poland. The review of sources and living practice allow to discuss three historical layers of multipart singing in Poland: 1) the oldest one – heterophony or diaphony in fifths documented since the 15th century, 2) three-part mixed choir influenced by the church practice since the 18th century (north-eastern part of Poland) and 3) parallel thirds in female groups wherever the school-youth-choirs were introduced and the mixed choir movement e.g. in Silesia since the 19th century. Thus the multi-part singing has become both a sign of regional-ethnic specificity and the result of the cultural development.
Artykuł prezentuje historię dokumentacji wielogłosu wokalnego w Polsce, jako zjawiska muzycznego i kulturowego oraz aktualny stan rozeznania w praktyce śpiewu wielogłosowego.Jako zjawisko międzykulturowe wielogłos zakorzeniony jest na pograniczach etnicznych w Karpatach i na ziemiach wschodnich, gdzie tradycje polskie stykają się z litewskimi, białoruskimi i ukraińskimi. Obok praktyk spontanicznych – paralelizmów tercjowych, kwintowych, oktawowych oraz heterofonii, jako współrozbrzmiewania wariantów – obserwujemy również wpływ chóralnej wielogłosowości, zwłaszcza na Śląsku. Mniejszości narodowe, także na ziemiach zachodnich i północnych Polski, praktykują wielogłos jako wyróżnik podmiotowości kulturowej. Ponadto wielogłos występuje u repatriantów z Rumunii (Górale Czadeccy) i z byłej Jugosławii. Ogólnie, kierując się chronologią względną, możemy wyróżnić trzy warstwy historyczne śpiewu z elementami wielogłosu: 1) heterofonia i diafonia (w kwintach), poświadczana źródłowo od XV wieku; 2) trzygłos mieszany na pograniczu polsko-litewskim (od XVIII wieku); 3) paralelizmy tercjowe w chórach kobiecych, powszechne do dziś na pograniczach etnicznych. Wielogłosowość ilustruje zarówno głęboko zakorzenioną specyfikę kultury (w odniesieniu do muzyki – wielogłos wiąże się z wolnym tempem śpiewu oraz z samowystarczalnością głosu w liturgii prawosławnej), jak i rozwój powszechnej edukacji muzycznej.
The author draws on Andrzej Hejmej’s concepts of three types of musicality in literature. Although all three types can be found in Stanisław Vincenz’s Na wysokiej połoninie, the author focuses on type II, i.e. descriptions of music, especially music made by people. In his entire Hutsul tetralogy Vincenz describes various kinds of music: from Hutsul music to Mozart, the sound of harmony, Jewish, Gypsy and Hungarian music, sporadically also mentioning devilish and heavenly music. On the other hand, the article does not examine the extraordinary wealth of descriptions of the sounds of nature. Hutsul music is evoked in a radical manner by Vincenz, who places sheet music before several chapters of Volume I. In addition, he frequently cites songs, both traditional Hutsul songs as well as their compilations and his own original poetry. Another way of evoking music is through frequent references to Hutsul instruments with their rich symbolism. The most important instrument in the tetralogy is the floyera. This edge-blown pipe known in various variants from East Asia to indigenous Indian cultures is perhaps the most primeval, traditional shepherds’ instrument among the Hutsuls. Almost all important characters in the tetralogy play the floyera masterfully: the hoodlums Ołeksa Dobosz and Dmytro Wasyluk, the farmer Foka Szumej and story-teller Andrijko, the legendary headman and the greatest of them, Dmytro’s friend, Kudej. In Vincenz’s vision each of them uses his musical skill and magical or even mystical properties of the sounds and of the instrument itself in a different way. There are references to the myth of Orpheus and the parable of Job. Although the floyera is primarily a solo instrument, it can initiate song and takes its own songs from the murmur of the forest or sizzling of fire. Playing the instrument can make a space sacred, thus it expresses the whole gamut of the player’s emotions: from joy and rapture to sadness and grief. The descriptions of music in Vincenz’s work are decidedly poetic, they do not refer to specific compositions and the writer makes the description even more vivid by changing the perspective: from a description of sounds entering into dialogue with nature and other instruments, through a description of the musician’s behaviour and the listeners’ reactions, to the symbolic dimension of sound and its impact on its surroundings. The power of the floyera is shown to the full in the story of the Syrojida. Its main protagonist, Kudil, was able, thanks to the “divine music” of the floyera, to inspire a desire for freedom in the enslaved swinemen, and restore their original, plant nature to their tormentors. Ultimately, the symbolism of the instrument draws on the Cross and the Holy Spirit.
Mountain streams are subject to continuous modeling of river beds during floods. The greatest changes occur within them, however, during the catastrophic floods caused by sudden rainfall. The increase in the intensity of transformation occurs in forest areas, where the wooden logs carried by the swollen streams create a dumping ground, around which there is a greater accumulation of transported material and the formation of an increased mosaic of geomorphological forms.The study was conducted in the Rybny Potok catchment area (Babia Góra National Park). The flooding occurred on 15–16 May 2014 due to the heavy rainfall, which on 15 May amounted to 138 mm. Whereas 216.5 mm of rainfall fell in the catchment area in three days. This resulted in a sudden and full spate streams, contributing to a significant transformation in the bottoms of their geomorphological valleys. There were created many new forms, while the pre-existing increased their size.
The article was inspired by the author’s search for ethnic identity. The author focuses on a group of Polish Carpathian Roma as a multicultural community living in the multi-ethnic Carpathia borderland. Her research perspective falls within broadly defined anthropological studies, primarily with regard to various aspects of the life of highland Roma in Poland. The aim of the article is to examine the exclusion and transgression of the Carpathian Roma with regard to the functioning of the group among the Polish Roma communities and Polish highlander communities. The population in question has functioned as poor, solitary, rejected, despised and pushed to the margins of society’s life both by the highlanders and by Roma groups with nomadic traditions. It has experienced a feeling of injustice, misunderstanding, alienation and awareness of the tragedy of its situation.
The article is an analysis of a 1914 collection of stories, Z zakopańskich tchnień (Breath of Zakopane) and an attempt to discover the identity of its author, Gea Dobrzańska. Dobrzańska, who came most likely from Wielkopolska, was a socially engaged writer: she collaborated with the Na posterunku journal, the editor-in-chief of which was also part of the editorial committee of Eleuteria’s magazine. Her oeuvre suggests that she was no stranger to the ideas of Towianism and, more broadly, Romanticism. The article focuses on four stories from the collection (Kartki znalezione na Antałówce, Przed czynem (Before Action), Magnificat, W górach (In the Mountains)), the action of which takes place in Zakopane. The world presented by the author in these stories indicates that she was familiar with the reality of life in the Podhale region before the First World War and confirms her commitment to social and political causes, commitment reflected in her work. Another trail in the process of discovering Dobrzańska’s biography leads to Eleusis, a society founded by Wincenty Lutosławski. The writer’s links to this organisation, promoting abstinence and spiritual development, are suggested both by elements from her biography and by her literary oeuvre.
The Carpathians are a good example of a region where agritourism is a popular form of non-agricultural economic activity in rural areas. Agritourism farms are an important part of the tourist accommodation in the region. Factors that tend to favor the development of agritourism in the Carpathians include the diversity of natural and environmental assets in the region, predominance of small farms, and the increasing popularity of alternative forms of tourism. The purpose of the study was to show different paths of development of agritourism in the Polish Carpathians. The research results are based on a review of the literature, survey and fieldwork study. A few areas with a larger number of agritourism farms were identified for the Carpathian region. There are mostly communes found close to the Tatra Mountains, national parks and landscape parks in the Beskid Mountains and the Carpathian Foothills, and in the vicinity of large cities. Agritourism offering of the Carpathian region is quite diverse and related to environmental and cultural settings, as well as the quality of local tourist infrastructure and tourism-related traditions in the area. Four models of agritourist farm development were identified for the Polish Carpathian region. The criteria used to identify these models were associated with the nature of the farm output, details of the offering for tourists and its linkage with the assets of the natural and cultural environment in the given area, and the intensity of tourist traffic in the region and its effects on the functioning of an agritourist farm.
Karpaty są przykładem regionu, w którym liczba gospodarstw agroturystycznych jest jedną z wyższych w kraju. Są one istotnym uzupełnieniem turystycznej bazy noclegowej w regionie. Czynnikami sprzyjającymi rozwojowi agroturystyki w Karpatach są: różnorodność walorów przyrodniczych i kulturowych, dominacja małych gospodarstw rolnych oraz wzrastająca popularność alternatywnych form turystyki. Celem studium było ukazanie różnych ścieżek rozwoju agroturystyki na obszarze polskich Karpat. W badaniach posłużono się kwerendą literatury, badaniami ankietowymi i terenowymi. Stwierdzono koncentrację gospodarstw agroturystycznych w kilku obszarach. Są to głównie gminy w otoczeniu Tatr, parków narodowych i krajobrazowych w Beskidach i na Pogórzu oraz w sąsiedztwie dużych miast. Oferta agroturystyczna jest zróżnicowana i ściśle powiązana z warunkami środowiska przyrodniczo-kulturowego oraz poziomem rozwoju infrastruktury turystycznej i tradycjami turystycznymi. Wyodrębniono cztery modele rozwoju agroturystyki na obszarze polskich Karpat. Kryteriami ich wyodrębnienia było powiązanie z funkcjonującym gospodarstwem rolnym, specyfika oferty turystycznej i jej powiązanie z walorami środowiska przyrodniczo- kulturowego terenu, natężenie ruchu turystycznego w regionie i jego wpływ na formę działalności agroturystycznej.
The article presents various ways of ideologization of the Central (Boyko and Lemko regions) and Eastern (Hutsul region) Carpathians in interwar Poland. After the Polish-Ukrainian War (1918–1919), that part of the Carpathian mountain range was situated in the Second Polish Republic. In contrast to the Tatras, which played the role of Polish national landscape, the Carpathians were alien to Poles in terms of ethnicity and culture. Thus, the Polish authorities, as well as touristic and local lore organizations, sought and largely managed to transform these mountains into a domestic landscape, which was no center of national identity but constituted an important spot on the mental map of the Polish national community, recognized as an undeniable part of Polish statehood. The article shows how the exoticization of the Carpathians, state holidays, and the development of state-funded mass tourism resulted in the increased sense of familiarity between Polish lowlanders and highlanders and, consequently, the symbolic inscription of the Carpathians into the Polish domain and common imagination.
Karpaty są jednym z wiodących regionów turystycznych Polski, gdzie turystyka na obszarach wiejskich ma długie tradycje i stale się rozwija. W regionie tym liczba funkcjonujących gospodarstw agroturystycznych jest jedną z wyższych w kraju. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie stanu i barier rozwoju agroturystyki w polskiej części Karpat jako formy aktywności pozarolniczej mieszkańców wsi na obszarach górskich. Ofertę agroturystyczną oraz rozwój w regionie istotnie modyfikują zmiany uwarunkowań społeczno-gospodarczych i trendy współczesnej turystyki. Stwierdzono, że rozmieszczenie kwater agroturystycznych jest mocno zróżnicowane i w ostatnich latach liczba kwater maleje. Jedynie w kilkunastu gminach o dużej atrakcyjności turystycznej i związanym z tym dużym natężeniem ruchu turystycznego liczba podmiotów agroturystycznych jest nadal wysoka. Przeprowadzona analiza współczesnych barier rozwoju agroturystyki w Karpatach pozwoliła na wyróżnienie ich kilku grup. Są nimi bariery: przyrodniczo-kulturowe, ekonomiczne, prawne, społeczne i marketingowe. Dla zrealizowania przyjętego celu badawczego dokonano kwerendy literatury, analizy danych pozyskanych z GUS-u i regionalnych ODR-ów oraz wywiadów z usługodawcami agroturystycznymi, uzupełnione studium terenowym.
The Carpathian Mountains are one of the most important tourist regions of Poland. Tourism in rural areas has long traditions and is constantly growing. In addition the number of agritourism farms is one of the highest in the country. The paper presents the current state and changes of agritourism in the Polish part of the Carpathian Mountains, as a form of non-agricultural activity of rural in mountain areas. Also, barriers to the development of agritourism were diagnosed. The study has shown that changes in socio-economic conditions and trends in modern tourism significantly shape the development and agritourism offer in the region. It was found that the distribution of agritourism offers is very diverse, and the number of agritourism farms has decreased slightly in recent years. Only in a dozen municipalities which have high tourist attractiveness and high tourist traffic associated with it, the number of agritourism entities is still high. The analysis allowed for distinguishing the following five groups of barriers to the development of agritourism. They are: natural and cultural, economic, social, legal, and marketing strategy. The data for carrying out the above-mentioned analyses were collected from the Central Statistical Office (Główny Urząd Statystyczny – GUS) and regional Agricultural Advisory Centre (Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego – ODR). Verification of the collected material was based on the interviews with agritourism service providers (275) and supplemented with a field study.
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