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People with visual disabilities acquire knowledge about the surrounding space using other strategies than sighted people. The final stage of gathering this information is independent movement in space as well as the ability to describe it.The aim of the article is to present ways of experiencing space by blind people and strategies to build mental maps in their minds and to present knowledge about space by creating a description of it.The article also presents the results of research on the description of space by blind children in early school age.
The fast development of electronic and information technology makes them becoming present in the lives of the blind and visually impaired people. The aim of this article is to present ways of mobility people with visual impairment to the use on a new technologies in particular. The article contains the classification and characteristics of electronic aids used in spatial orientation and mobility blind people. It also presents the benefits and difficulties of using this type of new technologies. The article presenting research projects related to construction and testing of new technological solutions in Poland.
The fast development of electronic and information technologies makes them becoming ever more present in the lives of the blind and visually impaired people. The aim of this article is to present modes of mobility of people with visual impairment, with particular focus on new technologies. The article contains the classification and characteristics of electronic aids used in spatial orientation and mobility for blind people. It also presents the benefits and difficulties of using these types of new technologies. The article presents research projects related to the construction and testing of new technical solutions in Poland.
Kamila Miler-Zdanowska, Echolocation, as a method supporting spatial orientation and independent movement of people with visual impairment. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 25, Poznań 2019. Pp. 353-371. Adam MickiewiczUniversity Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.25.15 People with visual impairment use information from other senses to gain knowledge about the world around them. More and more studies conducted withthe participation of visually impaired people indicate that data obtained through auditory perception is extremely important. In this context, the ability of echolocation used by blind people to move independently is interesting. The aim of the article is to present echolocation as a method supporting spatial orientation of people with visual impairment. The article presents the results of empirical studies of echolocation. It also presents the benefits of using this ability in everyday life and signals research projects related to the methodology of teaching echolocation in Poland. People with visually impaired to get knowledge about the world around them use information from other senses. Many studies conducted with the participation of visually impaired people indicate that data obtained through hearing are extremely important. In this context, the ability of echolocation used by blind people to move independently is interesting. The aim of the article is to present echolocation as a method supporting spatial orientation of people with visual disabilities. The article presents the results of empirical studies on echolocation. It also presents the benefits of using this skill in everyday life and signals research projects on themethodology of teaching echolocation in Poland.
Opisywany projekt ma dwa powiązane z sobą cele: wczesne wspomaganie rozwoju dzieci niewidomych oraz kształcenie tyflopedagogiczne członków ich rodzin. Pierwsza edycja projektu odbyła się w 2008 roku i od tego czasu, każdego roku w lipcu, w nim uczestniczę. W artykule kolejno przedstawiam następujące zagadnienia: opis osób pracujących w projekcie, warunki, w których się on odbywa, uczestników, ramowy program, warsztaty z rodzicami oraz krótką charakterystykę wybranych rodzin, a także opis zajęć z zakresu orientacji przestrzennej i lokomocji, które z nimi prowadziłam. W krajach uczestniczących w projekcie jest olbrzymia potrzeba społeczna organizowania pomocy edukacyjnej rodzinom z dziećmi niewidomymi. Bez wsparcia profesjonalistów rodzicom trudno jest zadbać o prawidłowy rozwój małego niewidomego dziecka. Dobrą praktyką w opisywanej „Międzynarodowej Szkole Matek” jest angażowanie bardzo zróżnicowanych profesjonalistów pod względem specjalności, narodowości, wieku, doświadczeń, możliwości wzrokowych, światopoglądu i in. Program zajęć realizowanych w projekcie jest elastycznie dostosowany do indywidualnych potrzeb każdej rodziny, zainteresowań i możliwości dziecka.
For six years in the Crimea, an international project has been implemented. It has two closely interrelated objectives: early development support of blind children and education of their family members. The first edition of the project took place in 2008 and since then I have participated in it every year in July. In this article, I present the following issues: the people working on the project, conditions in which it takes place, participants, programme, workshops for parents and brief descriptions of selected families, as well as spatial orientation and locomotion practice, which I was conducting. In the countries which participated in the project there is a clear social need to organise educational assistance for families with blind children. Without the support of professionals it is difficult for parents to ensure proper development of their blind child. Therefore, engaging professionals of diverse specialisations, nationalities, age, experience, visual capabilities, beliefs, gender, etc. seems a good practice of the “International School of Mothers”. Set of activities done in the project is flexibly tailored to meet the requirements of individual families, interests of children and their abilities.
The article presents the achievements of Sister Roza Czacka related to the rehabilitation, education and upbringing of people with visual impairments. It demonstrates the convergence between her assumptions and methods with current trends in the field of sight rehabilitation, development of spatial orientation, social attitudes towards the blind, adaptation of books and aids, early development support, rehabilitation education and the importance of work for the blind. The above mentioned issues are extremely important for the improvement of living conditions of the blind as well as for their integration as contributing members of society. The value of the Order of Franciscan Sisters Servants of the Cross, founded by the Charity of Franciscan women, is confirmed through its century long period of activity and the high level of institutions it operates in Poland and around the world. The work which Róża Czacka began is constantly developing in accordance with the founder's main principles of preparing the visually impaired, within the context of a religious upbringing, to lead independent lives.
W artykule przedstawiono dokonania Róży Czackiej i jej poglądy na rehabilitację, edukację i wychowanie osób z niepełnosprawnością narządu wzroku. Wykazano zbieżność jej założeń tyflologicznych ze współczesnymi tendencjami w zakresie rehabilitacji wzroku, rozwijania orientacji przestrzennej, postaw społecznych wobec osób niewidomych, adaptacji książek i pomocy, wczesnego wspomaganie rozwoju, wychowania rehabilitującego, znaczenia pracy dla osób niewidomych. Rozważania na temat wszystkich wymienionych zagadnień są ponadczasowe i niezwykle ważne, ponieważ w konsekwencji prowadzą do ułatwienia życia osobom niewidomym i do ich integracji ze społeczeństwem. O wartości założonego przez Różę Czacką Zgromadzenia Franciszkanek Służebnic Krzyża świadczy stuletni okres jego istnienia i wysoki poziom prowadzonych instytucji w Polsce i na świecie. Jej „Dzieło” ciągle się rozwija zgodnie z jej głównymi założeniami. Tak jak tego oczekiwała, realizowany jest ideał wychowania religijnego i przygotowania młodzieży do samodzielności w życiu oraz pracy zawodowej. 
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