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When reading Extensa (2002) by Jacek Dukaj and acquainting with its communicational and artistic implications, the reader becomes aware of relativization of otherness, as a result of the very essence of what the Other is. Thus Extensa is not exactly a story of otherness, but from the perspective of literary communication it is a story which exists outside of agreed taxonomy and is foreign to the clear, contemporary division into fantasy and mainstream. This means that Dukaj’s Extensa both presents the otherness of the novel (towards the reader’s expectations), as well as it is a story about otherness itself. Entangled in the strangeness of the novel, in the light of its line of communication and previous interpretational schema – created on the basis of previously read science-fiction novels – the reader is bound to feel alienated due to the difference between what is anticipated and what is presented. Paradoxically, the otherness both of the novel (in the context of the genre’s tradition and of the line of communication in which it functions) and its fictional world allows redefinition of the cognising subject who must manage his own, unpredictable “otherness.” This is because the Other remains a symbol of all that undergoes change. Thus, the attitude towards the Other becomes a challenge that requires a confrontation with our own self and, at the same time, it is an “empathy exercise” which rejects mutual dependencies of empathy and stereotypisation, typical for modern literature.
The article discusses the way of functioning of an atomic bomb in Jacek Dukaj’s works. A lot of attention is particularly paid to the analysis of the functions the A-bomb fulfils in this writer’s contemporary novel – Xavras Wyżryn. It is indicated that Dukaj used mainly symbolic power of atomic weapons in this work. The system of negative associations and emotions relating to these weapons clashed with the Polish messianic tradition of struggle for independence, which served as a basis for reflection on the issue of terrorism. In Dukaj’s novel, an atomic bomb is not the part of a coherent futurological vision or the basis for a deeper reflection concerning the civilization threats. In the writer’s later works, in which the reflection is clearly present, nuclear weapons no longer play a significant role. The threats presented are of different nature: they are connected with genetic, memetic or ecological experiments. The example of Dukaj’s works – the way in which the atomic weapons are present and absent in it – is a starting point for a hypothesis on the reduced attractiveness of nuclear weapons as a motif of the fantasy literature. Although they still carry a huge emotional load, at present the civilization concerns, which expressed themselves as the fear of nuclear weapons – e.g. the fear of excessive power of the mankind, the fear of selfdestruction or the changes taking place in the human species, to a great extent have shifted elsewhere.
The purpose of this study was to present the conclusions about checking artistic neologisms for lingustic corectness. The article begins the review of contemporary source literature that gradually eliminate fiction from resarch on linguistic corectness, in spite of long-standing tradition of using literary works. Then the author passes on a detailed analysis of criteria of linguistic corectness developed by Warsaw School of Lingustics, chosing Jacek Dukaj’s prose as subject of resarch and defending this choice. Futhermore, excerpts the fulfiling the criteria examples or not, also raises the questions of usefulness of all the criteria and the reference to category of literary genre, and what can be the mistake in fiction. The effect of this investigation is new hierarchical compilation of linguistic corectness criteria, created for the purposes of the codification.
The purpose of this study was to present the potential of fiction as one of the entire source of knowledge about Polish language. The article points out omission of linguistic data coming from literary works in practical culture of language activity, reflected both in source literature and fundamental act – Ustawa o języku polskim. To begin with, authoress short presents criterion for the choice of subject of research, choosing recognized as the most innovatory works (Linia oporu, Perfekcyjna niedoskonałość) of polish SF writer – Jacek Dukaj, as source of potentially the biggest ability of contemporary Polish language development presenting. Based on excerpted supplemental innovations puts across this development (for example: to abbrevation, to precision, internationalisation, linguistic trends, neo-semantization, vulgarization, intertextuality), founded in semantic and word- formative neologisms. Then underlines determinants ensuant artistic language or literary genre and asks the questions about measurability and estimate of these linguistic phenomenon.
Historia opowiedziana przez Jacka Dukaja w powieści Inne pieśni koncentruje się wokół kategorii formy jako porządku istnienia, myślenia, działania i postrzegania. Autor świadomie podejmuje Gombrowiczowską koncepcję Formy, uaktualniając ją w kontekście odkryć nauki i w filozofii, na co pozwala mu popularna i pojemna forma gatunkowa fantasy. Poza obecnością w powieści różnych konstrukcji gatunkowych jej struktura opiera się na mechanizmach mentalnych, którymi posługują się inne dziedziny poznania, fizyka i genetyka. W czasie lektury czytelnik dochodzi do przekonania, że forma stanowi zarówno odbicie mechanizmów poznawczych, jak i sama staje się narzędziem poznania i rozumienia. Powtórzenie schematu literackiego (np. gatunku) określa strategię twórcy i nie prowadzi do powstania kliszy, lecz jest innowacyjne poznawczo, artystycznie i estetycznie. Wykorzystując, wydawałoby się przeciwne rodowody (fantasy i ideę Formy Gombrowicza), Dukaj zawiera pakt z odbiorcą. Prowadząc go w labirynty ludzkiej świadomości, zawiesza niewiarę, by pobudzić pracę myśli lub zwielokrotnić jego życie w imaginacji powtórzenia.
Jacek Dukaj’s prose is placed at the borderlines of literary genres, among science fiction, fantasy, saga, and forms of re-written, re-factional literature. It is governed by two mental mechanisms: the “game of make-believe” and the game with a reader and the philosophical awareness of Form. The creative re-writing occurring in the novel Other Songs is based on reference to the battle fought between Synthesis and Analysis from Ferdydurke by Witold Gombrowicz, to Aristotelean conjectures on Form and Matter, maybe also to Paul Dirac’s physics and the electronic visions of penetration and dispersal, which are revealed by the short story The Cathedral, adapted for the screen by Tomasz Bagiński.
This article analyses statements on the theory of literature expressed by two prominent Polish writers of fiction – Andrzej Sapkowski and Jacek Dukaj. Although their remarks are scattered and spoken in a journalistic tone, they deal with important topics concerning fantasy and SF, their genre features and relationships with other genres of literature.
Artykuł zawiera analizę wypowiedzi teoretycznoliterackich dwóch ważnych polskich pisarzy fantastyki – Andrzeja Sapkowskiego i Jacka Dukaja. Choć są to wypowiedzi rozproszone i utrzymane w publicystycznym tonie, podejmowane są w nich ważne tematy dotyczące fantasy i SF, ich cech gatunkowych oraz relacji z innymi typami literatury.
The latest Polish literary criticism Jacek Dukaj stands as one of the most original contemporary writers of science fiction. Announced the successor to Lem, the author claims to be the creator of the mainstream literature. Although the work of Dukaj is one of the finest examples of literary postmodernism, the author smuggles under the mantle of species mosaic synthesis of sociological and anthropological studies. The most important themes of works of Jacek Dukaj are therefore issues of responsible for their own actions, inability to communicate with the alien, unchanging categories of strength and power, domination of stronger regardless of the degree of development of society. From the fictional worlds emerges synthetic view of human nature caught in the web of political and economic intrigue, seeking religious revelation in technicized world.
The fate of Poland and Poles is an important topic in Polish science fiction literature. Until1989, writers could comment on the state and the nation only by means of metaphors, and thus,science fiction was a great tool for describing reality. After the fall of communism, Polish authorscould finally speak about Poland and Poles directly. However, as a result, we received politically andideologically inspired literature. In this respect, the works of Jacek Dukaj seem to be an exception.The writer shows Poles as the elite of civilization development. The aim of this paper is therefore toidentify certain characteristic features of the model hero of Dukaj’s novels.
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Poetyka postpiśmienna

In his latest collection of essays Po piśmie [After writing], Jacek Dukaj conceives of human history as an evolution of forms in which man manifests experiences; its final stage is the direct transfer of experiences. The second most important question is the subjectification of the tool. I review earlier realizations of this concept in Dukaj’s writings and compare his ob-servations with other contemporary narratives which address the history and future of homo sapiens (mainly by Yuval Noah Harari).
Jacek Dukaj w swoim najnowszym tomie esejów Po piśmie ujmuje dzieje człowieka jako ewolucję form uzewnętrzniania przeżyć, których ostatnim stadium jest bezpośredni transfer przeżyć. Drugim z najważniejszych tu zagadnień jest upodmiotowienie narzędzia. Tekst śledzi wcześniejsze realizacje tych koncepcji w utworach literackich autora Lodu, a także porównuje jego dyskurs z innymi współczesnymi narracjami o dziejach i przyszłości homo sapiens (głównie – Yuvala Noah Harariego).
Innowacje językowe kształtują elementy świata przedstawionego w utworach science fiction. Ich główną cechą jest nazywanie nowych obiektów oraz budowanie atmosfery niepełnej poznawalności fikcyjnej rzeczywistości. Specyficzny (pełen neologizmów i terminologii technicznej) język prozy fantastycznonaukowej stanowi jej gatunkową cechę i wywodzi się z terminologii naukowej. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja i analiza innowacji językowych zawartych w prozie Jacka Dukaja, pisarza uznawanego za następcę Stanisława Lema. Twórca słynnego Lodu najczęściej stosuje takie zabiegi, jak: dążenie do skrótu, zapożyczenia z innych języków (szczególnie z angielskiego i rosyjskiego), neosemantyzacja, tworzenie złożeń i skupisk terminologicznych. Utworami, w których najdokładniej widać wspomniane innowacje leksykalne, są: Perfekcyjna niedoskonałość, Linia oporu, Ruch generała, Lód oraz Wroniec i to do nich głównie odnosi się artykuł.
Language innovations shape elements of fictional worlds depicted in science fiction works. Their main feature is naming new objects and building an atmosphere of incomplete cognisance of fictional reality. The specific (full of neologisms and technical terminology) language of science-fiction prose is its genre feature and comes from scientific terminology. The aim of the article is to present and analyse language innovations contained in the prose of Jacek Dukaj, a writer considered to be the successor of Stanislaw Lem. The creator of the famous Ice most often applies such procedures as: using the abbreviation, borrowings from other languages (especially from English and Russian), creating compounds and terminological aggregations. The texts in which these supplemental innovations are most clearly seen are: Perfekcyjna niedoskonałość, Linia oporu, Ruch generała, Lód i Wroniec. They are a captivating subject of linguistic research.
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Przeprowadzka literatury

In this article, the author performs an analysis and interpretation of Jacek Dukaj’s novel Starość aksolotla, in which Dukaj enacts his vision of the poetics of the e-novel, released directly in digital form, enhanced with many graphics and hyperlinks to footnotes that explain the represented world. The author puts forward his thesis on the synergy of elements in a literary event, such as the publication of this novel, resulting in the presentation of a well-argumented thesis on the transfer of literature outside its basic medium, the printed book (and simultaneously coherent with the views of the subject of Dukaj’s novel on the transhumanist evolution of homo sapiens).
W artykule autor dokonuje analizy i interpretacji powieści Jacka Dukaja Starość aksolotla, będącej realizacją poetyki powieści e-bookowej, a więc tworzonej bezpośrednio pod wydanie cyfrowe, wzbogacone licznymi grafikami i hiperłączami do przypisów wyjaśniających świat przedstawiony. Stawia tezę o synergii elementów wydarzenia literackiego, jakim była publikacja powieści, w efekcie której wyczytać da się dobrze uargumentowana teza o przenoszeniu się literatury poza podstawowe dla niej medium, jakim jest drukowana książka (i jednocześnie spójnej z poglądami podmiotu powieści Dukaja na transhumanistyczną ewolucję homo sapiens).
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