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Success in economic life is a result of the interaction of many factors, which in different ways are developed from the individual characteristics of the person, a specific way of thinking and the ability to perceive oneself in the future. At the same time, more and more attention is focused on the influence of the entrepreneurial characteristics of individuals on their career development and career building process. The impact of personal experience on the perception of individual chances on the labour market is also emphasized. The purpose of this paper is, therefore, to identify the differences in enterprising attitudes of students of the humanities and students of economics, as well as compare the characteristics of entrepreneurial abilities between both student groups on the basis of empirical research conducted among students at the University of Lodz.
In the beginning of the new millennium our society moves to a new vantage point from which to view the work-role and career development. All indicators suggest the move from seeking the truth to participation in conversations; from objectivity to perspectivity. This article describes the six innovations in counseling for career development that the postmodern era has already engendered: ‘‘no more experts’’, ‘‘enable rather than fit’’, rewrite the grand narrative’’, ‘‘career is personal’’, ‘‘career development is not counseling theory’’, ‘‘stories rather than scories’’.
Career development can be discussed in two primary ways: 1) as a type of formal education and job preparation that a person receives; and 2) as a type of informal learning-related career experiences that a person encounters. This study investigates the effect of learning preparedness on female school administrators’ career development. For the data analysis, this study uses the Structural Equation Modeling statistics. The findings from the analysis support the view that tacit learning from both direct and indirect job experiences has a greater effect on women’s career development than formal learning. The effect of these factors, however, varies according to women’s aspirations for superintendency.
The orientation of a contemporary society towards a global career creates the need of rebuilding the frames of human activity and innovation. The most important is active participation and cooperation in a reality undergoing a permanent change. Conceptualization of quality new apprehension of career issues as an individual’s possession indicates a many-sided character of a contemporary discourse, which combines implications of an interdisciplinary dialogue and creates the need to review theoretical reflection about the way of understanding career and conditions, as well as indicators of its formation and construction. The „prodevelopmental orientation” is a remedy for a contemporary human being to be oneself again in this situation in the world of careers. In this attitude towards the definition of „a career”, one underlines importance of constructing (not choosing) a career for designing a quality of life.
The structure of the study was subordinate to the question about the characteristics of career choices undertaken in the discourse of lifelong learning and career planning. The distinguishing mechanisms for selected career development approaches emphasize the importance of entrepreneurial attitudes and the effective use of personal resources. The accumulation of career capital can be a response to the demands of the modern labor market and to the dynamics of the changes taking place within it. This approach is quite strongly focused on non-career career choices, exemplified by start-ups.
The article takes up discourse on the development of the career theory that demands taking into account multicontextual changes in the world of work that pose new challenges for women. The subjective shading of the career phenomenon that treats career as an individual’s "property" was clearly stressed. When analysing individual paths of career development for both women and men it is necessary to take its wide scope of conditions into account, as well as inquire into semantic meanings assigned to the reality by the subject in order to interpret and understand past and new experiences. The focus on professional behaviours among women led to considerations on the change of the career concept in its general sense and meaning. Literature on the subject consistently underlines that career patterns will be less and less of a linear character, and more frequently of a sequential and cyclical one. The increase in the role assigned to career forces one to approach it within the category of professional identity development, planning and management skills, and the ability of monitoring one’s career in a lifelong perspective.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba zaprezentowania coachingu jako niedyrektywnej formy wsparcia w rozwoju kariery osób dorosłych. Autorka zakłada, że coaching jest przestrzenią do refleksji, planowania i realizowania indywidualnych ścieżek edukacyjno-zawodowych. Prezentuje perspektywę definicyjną kariery, następnie charakteryzuje potrzeby osób dorosłych związane z jej kreowaniem w kontekście zróżnicowanych sytuacji zawodowych. Zaprezentowane ujęcie definicyjne coachingu, swoistość oraz fundamentalne założenia pozwoliły uwypuklić podobieństwa i różnice charakterystyczne dla coachingu i innych form wsparcia jednostki. Autorka omawia oczekiwania klientów korzystających z procesów coachingowych oraz wynikające z nich potencjalne korzyści zarówno w sferze zawodowej, jak i osobistej.
The following article focuses on presenting coaching as an indirective form of supporting adults in their career development. The author claims that coaching is a space for reflexion, planning and fulfilling the personal education and career paths. The author presents the definitional career perspective and then characterizes the needs of adults concerning the creation of their career in terms of diverse professional situations. The presented definitional concept of coaching, its specificity and fundamental assumptions enabled bringing out the similarities and differences typical for coaching and other forms of supporting individuals. The author discusses the expectations of the customers who use coaching processes and potential benefits in professional and personal sphere.
Changes that take place in a job environment, job structure, job perception, as well as in the sphere of features, meanings and values ascribed to work are constituents of changes in the contemporary world, particularly of the development of the free market economy. It is difficult to overestimate the significance of these changes for the quality of career construction, its development and modification of its individualized paths. The contemporary study of career requires taking into account multicontextual changes in the world of work, that make employees face new challenges. In the economy based on knowledge, which in turn determines the orientation of the modern society to knowledge, the career development of its members and investing in their „portfolio” become the key elements of such an economy. The development of a career “portfolio” means the investment and renewal of the career capital on the path of proactivity.
The paper “Stadialność rozwoju zawodowego człowieka. Odniesienia empiryczne” [Career Development Stages. Empirical References] refers to Donald Super’s classic career development theory that emphasizes the life-long and sequential nature of the process. D. Super defined five career development stages, i.e. growth, exploration, establishment and stabilization, maintenance (consolidation) of one’s professional position, and decline. Though, generally, the division of the career development into stages and the related sequential modern career model are still relevant, D. Super’s time frames have changed, career development stages are being modified, and their constituents are in the process of diffusion. With the linear career narrative being challenged, the long adulthood is when the major changes occur, i.e. frequently career commitment cycles break and end more quickly, and day often repeatedly reemerge over one’s vocational life, while individuals, due to the de-standardization of the career development, are made to tailor their careers in response to their dynamically changing personal needs and current labor market demands. The selected theses and conclusions presented in this paper and drawn from studies conducted following various methodological strategies over a number of years, describe the regularities observed in the subsequent career development stages, extending from childhood, through adolescence to the adulthood phases. The paper identifies selected patterns of developing dream “career projects” in childhood, career planning strategies in adolescence, perception of the post-modern career paradigm in early adulthood, and the main career patterns pursued in middle adulthood. These patterns and regularities illustrate the specific features of the individual’s career development stages.
On the Polish ground there are currently 132 professions corresponding to a given type of craft in a dozen or so branches. They are characterized by pluriformity of hard, i.e. professional qualifications and a common set of personal and social competences for apprentices, as well as soft and pedagogical competences for masters – defined in the standards of examination requirements for masters in crafts. The system of vocational preparation and confirmation of qualifications in crafts is not usually exposed in society, teachers – and consequently career counsellors – still have too little knowledge on this subject. Craft in pedagogy is often reduced to the history of education in the Middle Ages (education in a foreign home). There is still a lack of a coherent vision of crafts and their role in education, employment and economy policies. Project “Developing, supplementing and updating information on occupations and its dissemination with the use of modern communication tools INFODORADCA+” thanks to broad involvement of craftsmen and crafts organizations in the creation of descriptions – can be a real response to the diagnosed information gap. The consultations on a model description of professions conducted from the very beginning with the participation of representatives of the craftsmanship brought to light specific information on craftsmanship training – including the specificity of individual professions, learning and further training in the profession, as well as the confirmation of the qualifications of journeymen and masters
The article emphasises that an essential factor is the cognitive status of a theory which would help understand the dynamics of historical acceleration and related changes in the world of careers. Career development can be discussed in various analytical and interpretive theoretical frameworks underpinned by different conceptual tenets. In this context, the major challenge is to generate new approaches which would go beyond the boundaries defined by partial paradigms and contribute to formulating a clear career theory, providing a common point of reference for the community of career researchers. Mark Savickas’s career construction theory is analysed as a candidate for an epistemological approach to explain a wide range of processes involved in “organising a diversity” of career patterns within contemporary globalised society. Savickas’s approach, reflecting the constructivist view on career development, is cognitively interesting because it considers vocational behaviours and their development in a processual way, including their holistic organisation.
Autorka w artykule akcentuje, iż zasadnicze znaczenie ma status poznawczy teorii, która pozwoliłaby na zrozumienie zjawiska przyspieszenia historycznego, a w tym kontekście dynamiki zmian w świecie karier. Zjawisku rozwoju kariery można się analitycznie i interpretacyjnie przyglądać z różnych perspektyw teoretycznych o odmiennych założeniach konceptualnych. W tym kontekście, co podkreśla autorka, problemem rzeczywiście istotnym jest potrzeba generowania nowych podejść, które przekroczą granice określane przez cząstkowe paradygmaty. Wskazuje na potrzebę wyrazistości teorii kariery, która mogłaby przyczynić się do stworzenia wspólnych punktów odniesienia dla środowiska badaczy kariery. Przedmiotem szczególnych analiz stała się teoria konstruowania kariery Marka L. Savickasa jako odpowiedź na pytanie: o możliwe teoriopoznawcze podejście służące wyjaśnieniu szerokiego spektrum procesów odpowiadających za „organizowani różnorodności” wzorów karier w obrębie zglobalizowanego, współczesnego społeczeństwa. Propozycja Savickasa odzwierciedlająca konstruktywistyczne spojrzenie na rozwój kariery jest ciekawa poznawczo, bowiem zachowania zawodowe i ich rozwój są rozpatrywane procesualnie, z uwzględnieniem ich organizowania w sposób holistyczny.
Labor et Educatio
issue 6
This article discusses the career development system for teachers in the Republic of Bulgaria. Career development is defined as the ongoing process of improvement of competences in the occupation of teaching or educational positions, or in the acquisition of degrees in order to increase the quality and efficiency of education. The professional development of teachers requires continuous improvement of qualifications, in order to acquire new and additional knowledge, professional and research skills; to realize the goals of the school and create a drive for its development. Career development is associated with increased prestige, more responsibilities and corresponding compensation.
W artykule omówiono system rozwoju kariery zawodowej nauczycieli w Republice Bułgarii.  Rozwój kariery zawodowej jest definiowany jako proces podnoszenia kwalifikacji poprzez zajmowanie kolejnych stanowisk dydaktycznych lub edukacyjnych, czy poprzez zdobywanie stopni naukowych w celu podniesienia jakości i efektywności kształcenia. Rozwój zawodowy nauczycieli wymaga ciągłego doskonalenia ich kwalifikacji w celu zdobycia nowej i dodatkowej wiedzy, umiejętności zawodowych i badawczych, aby mogli oni realizować cele szkoły i stwarzać warunki do jej rozwoju. Rozwój kariery jest związany z rosnącym prestiżem, większą odpowiedzialnością i odpowiednim wynagrodzeniem.
Artykuł przedstawia podstawowe paradoksy, jakie niosą ze sobą trendy zmian na rynkach pracy, a także zarys koncepcji działań, dzięki którym można będzie łagodzić negatywne skutki zachodzących procesów wypierania ludzi z rynku pracy, przy jednoczesnym wzroście potrzeby zachowania, a nawet wydłużania aktywności zawodowej starzejących się społeczeństw. Podstawową tezą stanowiącą oś przeprowadzanych rozważań jest uznanie, że w płynnej rzeczywistości rynku pracy ludzie muszą wykazywać się, szczególnie w wieku przedemerytalnym, dużą mobilnością psychiczną i zawodową, czyli przedsiębiorczością. Zmieniające się realia życia zawodowego narzucają jednostkom konieczność przystosowywania swojej osobowości zawodowej do zmieniającej się rzeczywistości. Niezbędne jest jednak wsparcie zewnętrzne tych procesów. Dlatego w artykule tym omówiono również rolę szkolnictwa zawodowego i doradztwa kariery w promocji zatrudnienia w rekonwersji zawodowej, a w szczególności w przystosowaniu się mentalnym ludzi do zajęć w zawodach recesywnych.
The article describes popular paradoxes that come together with changes taking place on labour markets, it also presents the outline for operational concepts that can tone down the negative effects of pushing people out of labour markets and enhance the need among ageing societies for preserving or even extending their professional life. The basie thesis, being the axis for the conducted considerations, is that being a part of the dynamie reality of labour markets, people have to be venturesome, i.e. physically and professionally active – especially when at pre-retirement age. The constantly changing professional reality forces people to adjust their professional profiles to it. However, it is necessary to provide external support for these processes. Thus, the present article describes the role of vocational education and career guidance for employment and professional reconversion – especially in terms of mental preparation among people with dying professions.
W artykule zaprezentowano studium sytuacji zawodowej kobiet na brytyjskim rynku pracy. Przedstawiono wnioski na podstawie raportu "Girlfriends in High Places", w którym zbadano zjawisko formalnych organizacji kobiecych i wpływ oficjalnych powiązań pomiędzy pracującymi zawodowo kobietami na ich karierę i mobilność zawodową.
The article deals with the very topical issue of the situation of professional women in the business environment. It has been only a century since females openly entered the male world of business and from the beginning they had to learn how to compete and fight for themselves in a male-dominated arena. Professional women have become more and more visible, especially in the last twenty years, with the number of them in high positions slowly increasing. The slow speed of this increase ultimately lead the to introduction of equal rights legislation for both sexes in the workplace. However, legislation on its own will not help women achieve equality. To be successful in their professional lives they need to benchmark with their successful male counterparts. One of the most common tools used by men is networking. It gives them priceless contacts, guarantees exchange of information and opens doors to prospective deals that would remain closed to 'outsiders'. If men can be successful, then why not women? They can, and that is why over the last 15-20 years we have been watching the growing number of female professional networks. They have been increasing across all professions and fields. On the other hand, let’s not forget that what suits many does not suit everybody and there are high profile women who do not identify themselves with networks. They do not feel a need to have membership of 'clubs' and one should respect it.
Despite the very good situation on the labour market, qualifications mismatches make the growing number of job offers insufficient to absorb the majority of recorded unemployment. This happens independently of the increase in the formal level of education of labour resources. Lack of proper vocational training is therefore an important determinant of the existence and duration of un-employment, because what counts more than the formal education on the labour market is the actual qualifications and professional skills. Entrepreneurs from various industries more and more often have difficulties finding employees. That is why it is so important to strengthen the importance of those skills in the teaching process which are crucial from the point of view of the requirements and expecta-tions of the labour market.
This article presents a theoretical career realization model, the basis of which is the assumption that the individual independently shapes his or her career, where career is interpreted as the implementation of accepted values which determine a person’s attitudes and behaviors. The article includes characterizations of contemporary careers, and also an analysis of the issue of values as the basis for action in relation to career realization. The presented model indicates an axiological scope of the career realization process, constituting a proposition for discussion and thought on the methods of interpretation of career, its course and determinants.
W artykule została zaprezentowana koncepcja modelu realizacji kariery, której podstawą jest przyjęcie założenia, że jednostka samodzielnie kształtuje swoją karierę, przy czym rozumie się ją jako urzeczywistnianie przyjętych wartości wyznaczających postawy i zachowania człowieka. W opracowaniu dokonano charakterystyki współczesnych karier, a także przeprowadzono analizę problematyki wartości jako podstawy działań związanych z realizacją kariery. Prezentowany model wskazuje na aksjologiczny wymiar procesu realizacji kariery, stanowiąc propozycję do dyskusji i refleksji nad sposobami rozumienia kariery, jej przebiegiem i uwarunkowaniami.
The aim of the article is to outline the relationship between the classification of occupations and specializations and other systemic tools facilitating labour market policy and education policy in particular European classification of skills/ competences, qualifications and competences (ESCO), Integrated Qualifications System and standards of professional competences (information about professions). The article also presents the opportunities of developing the classification of occupations and skills in the context of the changing situation on the labour market and digitalisation.
The objective of this paper is the analysis of the vocational preferences of young Poles aged 20–24 (the period for entering the labor market) and 30–34 (the period of increased vocational activity). The study encompassed 8,125 young adult Poles, including 4,693 women and 3,432 men. The study was conducted by means of an original tool—the Vocation¬al Potential Inventory (Ochnik, Rosmus, and Stala)—featuring five types of voca¬tional preferences: Pro–Social, Leadership, Creative, Technical, and Methodical. Research results prove that women’s vocational preferences traversed beyond gender stereotypes. The preference for Creative and Technical types grew in line with age. Results depicting the significance of sex and age in shaping vocational preferences may contribute to the suppression of gender stereotypes.
Celem pracy jest analiza preferencji zawodowych wśród kobiet i mężczyzn w wieku wchodzenia na rynek pracy (20–24 lat) i w wieku zwiększonej aktywności na rynku pracy (30–34 lat). W badaniu wzięło udział 8125 młodych dorosłych Polaków, w tym 4693 kobiet i 3432 mężczyzn. Do badania użyto autorskiego narzędzia Ochnik, Rosmus i Stali „Potencjał Zawodowy”, w którym wyróżniono pięć typów preferencji zawodowych: prospołeczny, przywódczy, twórczy, techniczny i metodyczny. Wyniki badania wskazują, że kobiety prezentowały preferencje zawodowe wychodzące poza stereotyp płci. Wraz z wiekiem wzrastał poziom nasilenia typu twórczego i technicznego. Wyniki ukazujące znaczenie płci i wieku dla kształtowania się preferencji zawodowych mogą przełamywać stereotypy płciowe.
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