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The McMaster Children and Youth University (MCYU) was founded with a vision to develop family-based educational engagement through community partnerships. The cornerstone of the program is the MCYU’s credo, Question Discover Create. Question your environment, Discover your potential and Create a brighter future. The MCYU has developed partnerships with community organizations, University organizations, parents and the youth to facilitate its two primary outreach efforts. The first arm of the program, the on-campus lecture series, has reached more than 6000 young people and their family members over the last 7 years. This component of the program allows attendees to engage with the University faculty through family friendly lectures and provides an opportunity to pose Questions. The MCYU also provides inquiry-based workshops in public schools, libraries and community centers which are facilitated by multidisciplinary teams of undergraduate and graduate students from the McMaster University. These workshops allow the youth to experience the feeling of Discovering new knowledge and Creating solutions. In the 2017–2018 academic year the MCYU workshops connected with 964 unique individuals through 101 workshops. Many of those young people attended several workshops demonstrating the MCYU’s success at sustainable educational engagement. Taken together, the MCYU’s mission is to foster more engaged citizenship in our youth.
Together with the development of information and communication possibilities of the Internet there is an increase of the role of the customer as the partner in the process of co-creating innovation with the utilization of widely understood model of open innovations. The aim of the article is the assessment of the efficiency of communiaction channels used by firms in relations with the customer. In the assessment there were used findings of research carried out among students who declared activities in scope of: notifyings innovative ideas, testing of products (services) or undertaking the role of a consultant. The assessment took into account the criteria of comfort, speed and efficiency from the perspective of customer and the reaction of a company in the given channel of communication. E-mail, sms, forum, blog, community portal are comfortable but their utilization by companies requires improvement in respect of rate of reaction and efficiency. The channels of communication in the synchronous mode were highly evaluated in respect of efficiency and comfort: telephone, chat, video conversation and Skype. The best but still little widespread solutions are platforms for ideas reporting and the collaboration with the user which are created within company's portals.
Given the rising role of users in innovation processes and the increasing amount of research in this field the aim of this paper is to explore the limits of our understanding of the user innovation (UI) concept. In doing so, the study addresses four basic questions: (1) Why do users create and share innovation? (2) Who is the user-innovator? (3) What type of innovation do users create? (4) How do users innovate? The results of a systematic literature review identified the main research streams on user innovation, together with weaknesses of past research and perspectives for future studies.
Modern individuals face a relatively new for themselves problem of communicating with the art. The desire to get joy from "co - creation", the desire to use it as a way of asserting and self – realization faces the problem of self - determination in the world of total artistic and aesthetic relativism. The viewer falls into the situation of the potential impossibility of perceiving information. "Freedom" of the author turns into "non-freedom" of the subject of perception. The advocacy of the sovereignty of certain creative worlds in the modern cultural space, the awareness of creativity as an individual way of self-realization, that is so acutely today, in itself, can turn the state-of-art in any direction. Modern artistic space can give a person an exciting feeling of freedom, open prospects, but can also become a fact of voluntary deindividualization of a person, to give birth to a sense of loneliness, self-negligence. The liberation pathos of "emancipated" art can turn out to be a direct violation of the sovereignty and freedom of the subjects of "co-creation," or their spiritual consolidation, the "breakthrough" of alienation and loneliness.
Co-creation of public services implies new roles and responsibilities that, at least potentially, change the balance of control. In this way, it aligns closely with democratic renewal. This paper draws on the outcomes of a collaborative innovation project Co-creation of Service Innovation in Europe (CoSIE) funded under Horizon 2020. CoSIE built upon the idea that public sector innovations can be best achieved by creating collaborative partnerships between service providers (public sector agencies, third sector organisations, private companies) and citizens who receive services directly or indirectly. CoSIE was implemented through ten real-life innovation pilots in different public services across Europe. Results showed how co-creative methods could promote democratic dimensions, increasing the civic participation of marginalised and often voiceless population groups (residents of depleted urban neighbourhoods, disabled people in remote rural areas, citizens adrift from the world of work, and non-EU migrants). Some CoSIE pilots were more successful than others in extending impact beyond their immediate localities and service contexts. The paper highlights common factors that helped share learning and evolve project innovations into the ‘modus operandi’ of institutions and societies.
The co-creation/co-production paradigm received significant attention in the last decades from Public Administration managers, officials, and scholars as a viable tool to overcome the limits of the New Public Management framework. Some scholars recognise that co-creation can be the basis for building an alternative administration model called New Public Governance. Other research found that co-creation is an innovative practice in the social investment policy frame. A more recent EU research project examines the idea and practice of co-creation in public services informed by lived experience pilots in 10 European countries. This paper presents the Italian case as an example of an institutional configuration open to the citizens’ participation in the co-design of public services. The paper is organised as follows. In the first paragraph, we illustrate the recent development of the legislation concerning the participation of citizens and civil society organisations in designing and delivering public services and/or management of common goods. The second paragraph deals with a deep analysis of “grey material” and scientific publications concerning the history, evolution and future perspectives of the “Shared Administration” procedures. The third paragraph presents a case study of collaboration between citizens, Third Sector/Civil Society Organisations (TSO/CSO) and public administration at the local level (Municipality of Bologna). The conclusive paragraph summarises the key findings of our study.
The paper is based on the observation of the process of reviving the forgotten culture of household economy, horticulture and livestock farming in disadvantaged rural areas and, through this, to develop a new service model for rural communities to strengthen the role of grassroots initiatives and enhancing the mechanisms of the co-operative model of local economy and democracy. Our research has shown that bottom-up models have several barriers to local governments in rural areas. The change in the political and governmental model of the last ten years has resulted in the restraint of local government autonomy and the vacancy of the role of local governments as public service providers. In this system, we can observe the strengthening of administrative dependence, the devaluation of the local elected political leadership (mayors) and the emergence of new rules of local power. In small settlements with less than 2,000 inhabitants, central state and political dependence intensified. Attempts to strengthen local communities have proved to be a major challenge in a highly centralised model of government. The present study gathers the factors that hinder the success of co-creative approaches in the local context and shows how the public service innovations organised by local governments are determined by the political and economic culture prevailing at the national level.
vol. 94
issue 2
Interest in consumer co-creation in the fuzzy front-end of the new product development (NPD) process has increased in recent years. It is generally acknowledged that integrating consumers into collaborative idea generation leverages the potential of social interactions, knowledge sharing and collective creativity, and it may improve the success of NPD. Despite extensive literature on value co-creation, little is known about how creativity can be enhanced and encouraged in this process. Based on a thorough literature review, the author develops an organising framework and six propositions on how creativity can be stimulated at the fuzzy front-end of the innovation process. By exploring the relevant literature, this study extends the understanding of the role that creativity plays in co-creation for NPD and provides some guidelines that may help boost the creative output and interest in co-creation activities during the development stage of an idea.
In this essay, the author reflects on the type of research that it is possible to undertake to produce useful knowledge for common people and, importantly, created by common people starting from their problems, their worries, or their questions. Two different research projects are briefly described, both with an approach based on participatory research. The first, around the repression that occurred in the Spanish Civil War and afterwards during the Franco dictatorship, is research geared to re-appropriate common history and thereby re-write historical memory. The second project has as its focus the re-evaluation of popular craft skills and professions and is centred on examining the significance of the river for a small village in Spain. In the conclusion the author focuses on how this kind of research can help people to leave behind them the Culture of Silence and how it provides them tools for expressing their culture and their histories. The essay also focuses on the co-creation of knowledge as a way to produce alternative knowledge that is able to challenge the official versions of knowledge that stand in contradiction to people’s life experience.
Omówienie pierwszej polskiej książki poświęconej crowdsourcingowi, przygotowanej przez specjalistów legitymujących się doświadczeniem zawodowym w zakresie sprzedaży contentu, budowania strategii reklamowych, prowadzenia badań rynkowych i kreowania komunikacji marketingowej. Jej autorzy udowadniają, że przy odrobinie wyobraźni crowdsourcing może stać się zarówno metodą pozyskiwania innowacji, modelem prowadzenia biznesu, a także spontaniczną zabawą, rozmową konsumenta z producentem, a wreszcie sposobem kreowania niebywałej ilość rozwiązań i treści.
Review of the first Polish book on crowdsourcing, carried out by specialists having experience in sales of content, advertising strategy development, market research and creating marketing communications. The authors explain that with a little imagination crowdsourcing can become both a method of acquiring innovation model of doing business, as well as spontaneous fun, talking to the consumer to the producer, and finally the way to creating an unprecedented number of solutions and content.
The way innovation is know has started to change, shifting from a closed to an open approach. Open innovation has been creating new ways of working in innovation ecosystems, giving the actors more opportunities to obtain new tools, knowledge and more benefits by collaborating with other actors involved in the same network. These innovation ecosystems have their support on innovation platforms, which have different rules and protocols that describe the way interaction should take place. Based on this, this work is motivated in knowing why actors would participate in open innovation platforms. The approach for this paper is to define the motivators and interests of the actors – Government, Businesses and Universities – in their participation in open innovation platforms, as well as to represent how this can benefit them. A case is presented in which the motivators and actors are related in an ecosystem, indicating how they take advantage of the knowledge and resources in it.
Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczno-empiryczny. Do przygotowania części teoretycznej zastosowano metodę analizy poznawczo-krytycznej literatury przedmiotu. Jej wyniki wskazują na występowanie luki poznawczej i badawczej w zakresie analizowania aktywności nabywców, w tym współkreowania przez nich wizerunku oferentów, w kontekście relacji między nabywcami a oferentami. Dlatego też w artykule dążono do osiągnięcia celu, jakim było zidentyfikowanie znaczenia przypisywanego przez nabywców wzajemnym relacjom i zależności między nim a sposobem postrzegania oferentów jako inicjatorów aktywności nabywców. Do przygotowania części empirycznej wykorzystano metodę badania ankietowego (do zebrania danych pierwotnych) oraz metody analizy statystycznej (do wnioskowania statystycznego). Wyniki tej analizy wskazują, że ankietowani przypisywali relatywnie duże znaczenie dobrym relacjom z oferentami, zwłaszcza z usługodawcami. Między ich znaczeniem a sposobem postrzegania oferentów jako inicjatorów aktywności nabywców występowały zależności statystycznie istotne w przypadku usługodawców i wytwórców. Sposób oceniania oferentów decydował o strukturze zachowań ankietowanych. Nie wykazywali oni jednak jednocześnie zachowań internabywczych oraz zachowań podejmowanych w relacjach z oferentami. Dotyczyło to także zachowań komunikacyjnych prowadzących do kształtowania określonego wizerunku oferenta.
The article is of a theoretical and empirical nature. For the theoretical aspect, literature was cognitively-and-critically analysed. The results indicate the existence of a cognitive and research gap in analysing the activity of purchasers in the relationships between purchasers and offerors, including their activity in the co-creation of the offerors’ image. The aim of the article was to identify the significance attributed by purchasers to mutual relationships and find any dependencies between the significance of mutual relationships and the way in which offerors are perceived as the initiators of purchaser activity. A questionnaire (for gathering primary data) and statistical analysis (for statistical reasoning) were used in the empirical part of the paper. The results of the analysis indicate that respondents attributed a relatively high significance to a good relationship with offerors, especially service providers. For service providers and manufacturers, there were statistically important dependencies between the significance of a good relationship and the way offerors are perceived as the initiators of purchaser activity. The manner of evaluating the offerors affected the respondents’ behaviour. However, respondents did not simultaneously demonstrate inter-purchase behaviours and relationship behaviours. This also applied to communication behaviours leading to the formation of a particular image of the offeror.
In the last couple of years, the concept of knowledge co-production has become more prominent. However, the meaning of the term and its relationship with the evidence-based policy (EBP) remains ambiguous. The main objectives of the review were to describe how the co-production of knowledge has been defined, the roles that individual actors can play in the process and the relationship between knowledge co-production and the evidence-based policy approach. The author asserted that the knowledge co-production was treated by the researchers both as a participatory research method and as an institutional solution for better policy implementation.
W ostatnich latach pojęcie koprodukcji wiedzy zyskuje na znaczeniu. Wyrażenie to pozostaje jednak niejasne, podobnie jak jego związek z nurtem tworzenia polityki publicznej opartego na dowodach naukowych (evidence-based policy). Niniejszy artykuł, mający charakter przeglądowy, ma na celu przedstawienie, w jaki sposób, w wybranych publikacjach ważnych z punktu widzenia debaty naukowej na ten temat, rozumiana jest koprodukcja wiedzy. W tym - jak przedstawiane są role podmiotów uczestniczących w procesie koprodukcji wiedzy, a także jak kształtuje się związek między koprodukcją wiedzy a evidence-based policy. Analiza literatury umożliwia m.in. stwierdzenie, że koprodukcja wiedzy traktowana jest przez jej badaczy zarówno jako partycypacyjne podejście metodologiczne, jak i rozwiązanie instytucjonalne służące lepszej implementacji polityki.
Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i opis działań podejmowanych na rynku odpadów komunalnych, prowadzących do współkreacji wartości, które w dalszym postępowaniu stają się m.in. narzędziem realizacji koncepcji marketingu społecznego podmiotów sektora gospodarki odpadami, a także dają podstawę do realizacji celów całego systemu gospodarowania odpadami. Szczególnie interesujące wydaje się to w przypadku perspektywicznie rokującego sektora podmiotów gospodarki odpadami, ważnego dla dobrostanu społecznego w strategicznej perspektywie czasowej. W artykule przedstawiono konsumenta (dostawcę odpadów komunalnych) jako podmiot procesu selekcji odpadów komunalnych. Świadomy dostawca selekcjonowanych odpadów komunalnych staje się prosumentem w procesie kreowania ekowartości przez przedsiębiorstwo sektora gospodarki odpadami, a także oferty na rynek wtórny. Artykuł ma charakter koncepcyjny.
The purpose of the article is to identify and describe the activities undertaken in the municipal waste management sector, which lead to the co-creation of value which becomes a basis for the social marketing concept in that sector. This is particularly interesting in case of the prospective sector of waste management entities, important for social well-being in a strategic time perspective. The article presents the consumer as the subject of the process of municipal waste selection. An aware supplier of selected municipal waste becomes a prosumer in the process of creating eco-value by the enterprise in the waste management sector.
Цель статьи – выявить и описать меры, принимаемые на рынке комму- нальных отбросов, которые ведут к совместному созиданию ценности, которая в дальнейшем становится, в частности, инструментом осуществления концепции социального маркетинга сектора экономики по управлению отбро- сами, а также дает основание для достижения целей всей системы мусорного хозяйства. Особенно интересным это представляется в случае перспективного сектора субъектов мусорного хозяйства, важного для общественного благо- состояния в стратегической временной перспективе. В статье представили потребителя (поставщика коммунальных отбросов) в качестве субъекта про- цесса отбора коммунальных отбросов. Сознательный поставщик отобран- ных коммунальных отбросов становится просьюмером в процессе созидания экоценностей предприятием сектора экономики по управлению отбросами, а также предложения на вторичный рынок. Статья имеет концептуальный ха- рактер.
The article presents the benefits of co-creating value with consumers in a virtual environment based on the research conducted on a group of 134 enterprises. The issue of co-creation of value is now one of the new directions referring to the use of wisdom of “crowds” in building a competitive advantage of the enterprise. The article presents the benefits of using this approach in the organisations discussed in the literature and the opinions of managers about the benefits mentioned in the research.
W artykule zaprezentowano korzyści płynące ze współtworzenia wartości z konsumentami w środowisku wirtualnym na podstawie badania przeprowadzonego na grupie 134 przedsiębiorstw. Zagadnienie współtworzenia wartości jest obecnie jednym z nowych kierunków odnoszących się do wykorzystania mądrość „tłumów” w budowaniu przewagi przedsiębiorstwa. W artykule przytoczono zestawienie korzyści wynikających z zastosowania tego podejścia w organizacjach zaprezentowanych w literaturze oraz opinie menadżerów w odniesieniu do wymienionych korzyści, pozyskane w ramach prowadzonych badań.
Статья представляет выгоды, вытекающие из совместного с потребителями формирования ценности в виртуальной среде на основе обследований, проведенных в группе 134 предприятий. Вопрос совместного формирования ценности – в настоящее время одно из новых направлений, касающихся использования мудрости «толпы» в формировании преимущества предприятия. В статье привели сводку выгод, вытекающих из применения этого подхода в организациях, представленных в литературе, а также мнения менеджеров насчет указанных выгод, полученные в рамках проводимых обследований.
Coming from a more comparative point of view as far as Theology of Religions and Interreligious Studies are concerned – though to a certain extent as well as a pluralist in the sense of hope for universal understanding and well-being – I want to ask how Interreligious and Intercultural Hermeneutics are a necessary tool when we try to set up minimal standards for a Global Ethics in the reality of nowadays multicultural societies. I introduce for Ethics as well as for Hermeneutics the concept of ‘Responsible Interim’ – the latter reflecting the fact that human beings do have universals only under the ‘eschatological reserve’ (in Christian terminology), as ‘Suchness in Emptiness’ (in Buddhist terminology). I will proceed from universal truth questions and more general questions of philosophy of religion towards questions of cultural i.e. religious contexts shaping ethical and religious view(s) and convictions. Can smallest common denominators be found? How does legal rule help to establish and keep them? How does society, how do individuals change by starting from a spiritual, creative and holistic and maybe even transpersonal point of view – a view of co-creation and incarnatio continua in religious, i.e. in Christian terminology again?
Artykuł koncentruje się na kwestii współtworzenia wartości w szkolnictwie wyższym. W części teoretycznej artykułu przedstawiono przegląd literatury przedmiotu z zakresu definicyjnego i procesowego podejścia do współtworzenia wartości. Natomiast w części badawczej przeprowadzono analizę wyników badania jakościowego, które koncentrowało się na percepcji dydaktyki przez dwie grupy uczestników tego procesu: studentów i pracowników naukowych wykazując podobieństwa i różnice w podejściu poszczególnych grup badanych.
The paper focuses on the process of value co-creation in higher education. In the theoretical part of the paper, the author presents a review of literature on the definition and process of value co-creation. In the empirical part, she presents results of a qualitative study which focused on the perception of didactic process by two groups of participants: students and lecturers and emphasises similarities and differences in the approach of both groups.
Статья сосредоточивается на вопросе совместного созидания ценности в системе высшего образования. В теоретической части статьи представили обзор литературы предмета с точки зрения подхода в области дефиниции и процесса к овместному созиданию ценности, в исследовательской же части провели анализ результатов качественного изучения, которое сосредоточивалось на восприятии дидактики двумя группами участников этого процесса: студентами и научными работниками, указывая сходства и отличия в подходе отдельных обследуемых групп.
The article aims to present customer participation in value co-creation based on the demand-side approach to innovation. We present the rationale and principles of the demand-side approach to innovation based on user participation. Further, we discuss the forms of customer engagement in customer-company cooperation, customer motivations, and perceived benefits. This article also identifies the open innovation model's factors and provides practitioners with implementation guidance regarding the demand approach to innovation. Further, this article shows the influence of the customer's active role and the demand-side approach to innovation on the enterprise, the economy, and society. Finally, we identify possible risks associated with using this approach and their impact on the environment.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest przedstawienie różnych aspektów udziału klientów w procesie współtworzenia wartości opartego na popytowym podejściu do innowacji. Wskazano na przesłanki i zasady popytowego podejścia do innowacji opartego na uczestnictwie użytkowników. Omówiono formy zaangażowania i uczestnictwa klientów we współpracy z firmą, ich motywacje i postrzegane korzyści. Wskazano na czynniki kształtujące proces wdrażania modelu open innovation oraz kierunki zmian w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem sprzyjające wdrażaniu popytowego podejścia do innowacji. Na koniec przedstawione zostały kierunki oddziaływania aktywnej roli klienta i popytowego podejścia do innowacji na przedsiębiorstwo, gospodarkę i społeczeństwo. Podkreślono także możliwe zagrożenia związane ze stosowaniem tego podejścia w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem i w oddziaływaniu na otoczenie.
The purpose of the article is to present a new model of participation in development, corresponding to contemporary social, economic and cultural conditions. Classical theoretical findings and their respective conceptual categories lead to the final construction of the model. Evolutionism provides the term of social role and places participation in the field of tensions between the individual and the system. Modernization facilitates linking inclusion in development to the type of will, i.e. intention to participate. Finally, the dialectic makes it possible to capture the underlying dynamics of the process, and also to identify the collective category of participation, which seems to be represented by a contemporary social movement. It is that movement which acts as the axiological basis of social change and becomes the value-normative layer of development, through which that development can be characterized as a process of co-creation and joint participation, in which one participates biographically, reflectively and inter-subjectively.
Celem mniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie nowego modelu partycypacji w rozwoju, odpowiadającego współczesnym uwarunkowaniom społecznym, gospodarczym i kulturowym. Do finalnej konstrukcji modelu wiodą klasyczne ustalenia teoretyczne i właściwe im kategorie pojęciowe. Ewolucjonizm dostarcza terminu roli społecznej i umieszcza włączenie w rozwój w polu napięć między jednostką a systemem. Modernizacja pozwala wiązać udział w rozwoju z typem woli, czyli intencją uczestnictwa. Wreszcie dialektyka umożliwia wychwycenie podstawowej dynamiki procesu, jak również uprawdopodobnia identyfikację zbiorowej kategorii uczestnictwa. Wydaje się, że współcześnie jest nią ruch społeczny. To on pełni rolę aksjologicznego zaplecza zmiany społecznej i daje się poznać jako wartościo-normatywna warstwa rozwoju, dzięki której rozwój może zostać scharakteryzowany jako proces współtworzenia i współuczestnictwa – proces, w którym partycypuje się biograficznie, refleksyjnie i międzypodmiotowo.
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