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The present paper is devoted to the problem of repetition as a means of expressing emotions on the syntax level in Russian and in Polish. Not only individual lexemes can be repeated, but also phrases with the predicative function or even whole sentences. The number of repetitions may also vary – double ones are most common in both languages under investigation, multiple ones are rare in the data. Triple repetitions are relatively popular only in the Russian material. Repetitions are usually accompanied by other means of expressing emotions: exclamatory intonation, particles, emotional exclamations, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs, comparisons, etc.
The analysis of the verbal forms of moods in the folk song „Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär“ makes evident that the German subjunctive II (Konjunktiv II) does not only function as a modus irrealis; it also informs about the emotion(s) of the lyrical I. The coherence between the epistemic modality and emotionality gets more obvious in the parody of the folk song by Heinrich Heine. The semantic function of the diminutive suffix -lein adds informations about emotions. This makes it clear that emotionality is also a subjective statement of the speaker’s views on the verbalized facts. Therefore emotionality can be understood as a kind of modality.
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According to the critical period hypothesis, the earlier the acquisition of a second language starts, the better. Owing to the plasticity of the brain, up until a certain age a second language can be acquired successfully according to this view. Early second language learners are commonly said to have an advantage over later ones especially in phonetic/phonological acquisition. Native-like pronunciation is said to be most likely to be achieved by young learners. However, there is evidence of accentfree speech in second languages learnt after puberty as well. Occasionally, on the other hand, a nonnative accent may appear even in early second (or third) language acquisition. Cross-linguistic influences are natural in multilingual development, and we would expect the dominant language to have an impact on the weaker one(s). The dominant language is usually the one that provides the largest amount of input for the child. But is it always the amount that counts? Perhaps sometimes other factors, such as emotions, ome into play? In this paper, data obtained from an EnglishPersian-Hungarian trilingual pair of siblings (under age 4 and 3 respectively) is analyzed, with a special focus on cross-linguistic influences at the phonetic/phonological levels. It will be shown that beyond the amount of input there are more important factors that trigger interference in multilingual development.
In the media public discourse linguistic structures are chosen and used in order to express one’s own attitude towards events in society and to highlight certain emotions such as indignation, anger and dissatisfaction. The present paper analyses journalistic texts published in the column Meinung und Bericht of the newspaper „ADZ für Rumänien“ which contain a negative attitude towards the political situation in Romania. For this reason, the paper takes into consideration the pejorative depiction of the sociological category precariat and of the Romanian governing party PSD (social democratic party). The linguistic forms and structures used in the articles have an emotional content and express emotions of discontent and anger. The linguistic data are analyzed at lexical, morpho-syntactical and pragmatic level. The authoress takes the theoretical stance of pragma linguistics, speech theory and emotionality in assessing language facts.
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According to the critical period hypothesis, the earlier the acquisition of a second language starts, the better. Owing to the plasticity of the brain, up until a certain age a second language can be acquired successfully according to this view. Early second language learners are commonly said to have an advantage over later ones especially in phonetic/phonological acquisition. Native-like pronunciation is said to be most likely to be achieved by young learners. However, there is evidence of accentfree speech in second languages learnt after puberty as well. Occasionally, on the other hand, a nonnative accent may appear even in early second (or third) language acquisition. Cross-linguistic influences are natural in multilingual development, and we would expect the dominant language to have an impact on the weaker one(s). The dominant language is usually the one that provides the largest amount of input for the child. But is it always the amount that counts? Perhaps sometimes other factors, such as emotions, ome into play? In this paper, data obtained from an EnglishPersian-Hungarian trilingual pair of siblings (under age 4 and 3 respectively) is analyzed, with a special focus on cross-linguistic influences at the phonetic/phonological levels. It will be shown that beyond the amount of input there are more important factors that trigger interference in multilingual development.
The article refers to a model, proposed by Warnke and Spitzüller (2008), of the so-called multi-level linguistic discourse analysis (DIMEAN). The model, which in a way sums up the current developments in the thriving German discourse linguistics, combines discourse analysis on the level of intertextuality, transtextuality and discourse actors. The aim of the present article is to provide an outline of the basic assumptions of the model and to illustrate them, using a selected analysis as an example.
The aim of the article is to discuss linguistic manifestations of helplessness and pessimism of deputies to the last Sejm (parliament) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1793). Both categories were revealed in the parliament during presentations of the disastrous condition of the state. In part one of the article the author presents the lexical fabric used to present the image of the country. This is followed by a presentation of conceptual profiles of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, perceived as suffering, rejected, miserable, threatened, impoverished, destroyed, physically and psychologically abused as well as dying. The article ends with an analysis of the functioning of a pessimistic image in specific parliamentary speeches.
The aim of the work was the evaluation of formal emotionality features of patients suffering from paranoic schizophrenia in comparison with healthy people. It was assumed that emotionality can be described by means of measurements (excitation, arousal, pleasure – displeasure) and that it is a self-regulating system constituting the background on which other, more complex emotional phenomena can be examined. The emotionality system was examined by means of Schaie and Heiss’s Colour Pyramid Test. The whole range of colour choices belonging to the so called syndromes has been analyzed (the normal syndrome, the stimulation syndrome, the drive syndrome, the achromatic syndrome, the turmoil syndrome). What was also examined was the so called sequential formula reflecting the range and stability of the choices. 72 persons suffering from schizophrenia and 49 healthy persons were examined. The schizophrenic patients were choosing achromatic tints for pretty pyramids more often, whereas the normal syndrome was less frequent. Healthy persons were choosing disorganization colours for ugly pyramids. The results have been interpreted as the indicators of the distortions of the emotional system on the level of evaluation and arousal. More differences appeared in the construction of ugly pyramids which may be explained by the reduced control of behaviour. Sex appeared to be another significant variable. Women reacted in a more conventional way (especially the healthy ones); they more frequently expressed their disapproval of disorganization and desire colours in comparison with men. On the other hand, women suffering from schizophrenia, were choosing stimulating colours for ugly pyramid (as if protecting themselves from the excessive stimulation) more frequently than the healthy ones. The analysis of the so called sequential formula has shown that sick persons were characterized by emotional inflexibility and the tendency towards reducing the range of their own reactions.
The article describes scandalization mechanism, which may be active in discussions on values and other questions. It involves an association of a particular event with crime, horror and negative anticipation. Scandalization is also manifested by a visual exaggeration, hate speech, incivility and the lack of respect in discussions. The 2016 abortion debate in Poland has been analyzed to define the mechanisms.
The study provides an overview of the basic characteristics of media-mediated communication in three historical stages – the printing age, the broadcasting age, and the current online media technology age. The rupture (discontinuity) between offline and online media-mediated communication established qualitatively new entities and relationships in society in which a wide variety of technologies are in common use – in the field of subject and its normative regulation as well as in the field of cognitive habits and skills of the individual and society as a whole. The consequences are evident in both the technological (cognitive) and technical (habitual) processes of human action, and they can be observed and examined in the field of ontology as well as epistemology and axiology. Thus, the aim of the study is to describe this peculiar environment following media logic in the development of media technologies.
The feeling of loneliness, the topicality of which is gradually increasing in time, requires more and more different approaches for understanding it. Fiction is one of the possible ways to untangle this feeling in a versatile, poetic manner. The writer Milan Kundera in his novel “The Unbearable Lightness of Being”, Bohumil Hrabal in his story “Too Loud a Solitude”, and Mati Unt in his novel “Autumn Ball” have discussed loneliness from different angles, which, put together, enable us to build up a broad picture of this controversial feeling. As the research method, close reading and text analysis were used. The article introduces the psychological concept of loneliness and its types and analyses the literary works based on American philosopher Rubin Gotesky’s classification of loneliness. The article aims to find out what types of loneliness are discussed in the books and in what way they are manifested. All the books analysed in the article present situations and trains of thoughts in which the presence of loneliness is clearly perceivable. However, the border between the different types of loneliness is somewhat blurred. All these works include situations in which both forced and existential loneliness are present. There are also cases of intertwining physical and voluntary loneliness, but these are not the only combinations. Kundera’s “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” presents the greatest number of philosophical ideas related to loneliness; in Hrabal’s story “Too Loud a Solitude” successive abandonments in human relationships can clearly be noticed, and in Unt’s “Autumn Ball” the urban space bursting with existential loneliness enforces itself at the very beginning, casting a shadow on all the characters and their performance. Each of these works refers to loneliness both in a positive and negative key and the characters are often controversial.
The article describes Józef Piłsudski’s texts on various types of speech. The bibliography of Piłudski’s works includes over thirty types of speech, which speaks to his linguistic agility. Our outline includes the analysis of four selected types of texts: aphorism, diatribe, denunciation and feuilleton written in various times in the course of his life. All of them were persuasive in nature and were written using a highly emotional language.
The paper reports on investigation of motives of choosing preschool teacher profession by young people. The sample consisted of 29 students of bachelor programme in preschool education at a university in Moravia who did thematic writing on motives of wanting to be a preschool teacher, on circumstances that influenced their decision as well as about their notion of the child and childhood and conception of performance of the preschool teacher. The thematic writing was conducted twice, in the first and the third semesters of the study. The texts were analysed to obtain concepts and themes that explained the research questions. The findings show that the decision of becoming a preschool teacher is the result of previous complex interactions between personal characteristics of the subject and external factors which, however, are not perceived passively but are filtered through previous attitudes and beliefs. The two most important personal factors are feminity and emotionality. As concerns the external determinants, a strong factor is the subject´s family which provides opportunities for participation in plays with children of family members and others, as well as role models. These pre-professional experiences resulted in the concept of preschool teaching as a prolonged childhood. The educational philosophy of the subjects rests on three teacher’s roles, i.e. protector of the childhood, usher of the child to life, and guide of the child to school life.
In our report we briefly describe the existing state and tendencies in teacher training for primary schools. It is important to state that we are implementing a vital reform effort in our educational system. If we really want to emphasize the nature of changes in our school system, we need to be focused mainly on the use of those methods by beginner teachers that are not forming just knowledge, but also leading to creative use of knowledge in learning and life.
Trudności w funkcjonowaniu społecznym chorych na schizofrenię są szeroko opisane w literaturze fachowej. Związane są one z samą istotą choroby, ale także mogą być wynikiem stygmatyzacji i braku wsparcia ze strony środowiska społecznego. J. E. Exner w ramach całościowego opracowania sposobu sygnowania i interpretacji testu Hermanna Rorschacha wprowadził indeks izolacji. Indeks ten dostarcza informacji dotyczących poglądów i reakcji badanych osób na środowisko społeczne. Exner nie łączy wysokości indeksu izolacji z byciem chorym na schizofrenię. Wobec trudności chorych na schizofrenię z funkcjonowaniem społecznym zasadne wydaje się sprawdzenie, czy w grupie osób chorych wartości indeksu izolacji są wyższe niż w grupie osób zdrowych – i to właśnie postawiono za cel niniejszej pracy. Przebadano 95 osób chorych na schizofrenię (40 kobiet i 55 mężczyzn) oraz 68 osób zdrowych (33 kobiety i 35 mężczyzn). Kryterium choroby była diagnoza lekarska według ICD-10. Za kryterium zdrowia przyjęto brak leczenia psychiatrycznego, dobre funkcjonowanie w pracy lub szkole oraz brak poważniejszych problemów psychologicznych. Postawiono trzy hipotezy badawcze: (1) chorzy na schizofrenię wykazują się wyższymi wartościami indeksu izolacji w porównaniu z grupą osób zdrowych; (2) podwyższenie wartości indeksu izolacji u chorych jest w większym stopniu związane ze „zmiennymi osobowościowymi”, takimi jak mniejsze zainteresowanie ludźmi i mniejsza reaktywność emocjonalna (większe wycofanie); (3) wyższe wartości indeksu izolacji łączą się z mniejszą ogólną emocjonalnością, zwłaszcza u osób chorych. Stwierdzono, że indeks izolacji nie jest związany z chorobą. Grupa osób chorych na schizofrenię nie różniła się pod tym względem od grupy osób zdrowych. Zaznaczyły się jednak istotne zależności między płcią badanych osób i ich stanem zdrowia a pojedynczymi kategoriami treściowymi wchodzącymi w skład indeksu. Wyodrębniono dwie podkategorie treściowe ze względu na ich znaczenie symboliczne („woda” i „kamień”). Podkategorie te istotnie zróżnicowały zdrowych i chorych mężczyzn. Nie potwierdzono jednoznacznie hipotezy drugiej, choć kierunek zależności był zgodny z oczekiwaniami, oraz hipotezy trzeciej. Osoby zdrowe i chore nie różniły się między sobą pod względem ogólnej emocjonalności, a zależność między wartością indeksu izolacji a emocjonalnością przybrała kierunek odwrotny od oczekiwanego. Wyniki te próbowano wyjaśnić jako efekt pewnego stylu percepcji i interpretacji plam, charakteryzującego się mniejszą dominacją formy.
Difficulties schizophrenic people have in social interaction are exhaustively documented in professional literature. The difficulties stem from the nature of the disease itself but they may also be the result of stigmatization and lack of support from social environment. In his comprehensive study and interpretation of Hermann Rorschach’s test, J. E. Exner introduced the concept of the “isolation index”. The index provides information concerning the outlooks on and reactions of the examined people to their social environment. J. E. Exner did not link the level of the isolation index to schizophrenia. The difficulties schizophrenic people have with social interaction make it justifiable to examine whether the values of the “isolation index” are higher among the ill people than among healthy ones – this constitutes the main of aim of this research. Ninety-five subjects (40 women and 55 men) suffering from schizophrenia and 68 healthy controls (33 women and 35 men) were examined. The criterion for inclusion into the patient group was the medical diagnosis of schizophrenia based on ICD-10. The health group criteria were: the lack of psychiatric treatment, good functioning in work or school and lack of serious psychological problems. Three working hypotheses were formulated: 1. the levels of the “isolation index” in the schizophrenic group will be higher as compared to the healthy group. 2. higher values of the “isolation index” in the group of ill people will be to a greater extent linked to “personality variables” manifested by such characteristics as reduced interest in other people, and lower emotional reactivity (withdrawal). 3. higher values of the “isolation index” will be associated with lower general emotionality, and this correlation will be stronger in the schizophrenic group. It was revealed that the “isolation index” was not linked to the disease. The group of schizophrenic patients did not differ in this respect from the group of healthy subjects. Significant interrelations have been observed, however, concerning the sex of the examined subjects, their state of health and some particular thematic categories constituting the index. Two thematic subcategories were isolated on account of their symbolical character (stone and water). The subcategories significantly differentiated the ill and healthy men. Hypothesis 2 was not confirmed unambiguously, also the direction of the relationship was found as previously expected. Hypothesis 3 was not confirmed, quite the opposite, there was no difference between the ill and healthy groups in their general emotionality and the relationship between the index value and emotionality was opposite to the expected one. The aforementioned results were interpreted as an effect of the style of perception and the style of interpreting the blots.
Chernobyl prayer by Svetlana Alexievich is both a highly emotive and emotion-generating text. The Chernobyl disaster depicted in this work is permeated with emotionality. The dominant emotion is fear connected with an ever present motif of death, which affects human beings, the world of nature as well as all products of the human hand. Positive emotions are evoked in the context of the Chernobyl disaster serving the role of a uniting factor for the Belarusian people, or when the disaster is treated as a source of “new and powerful impressions”.
Czarnobylska modlitwa Swietłany Aleksijewicz to tekst zarówno emotywny, jak i emocjogenny. Ukazana w utworze katastrofa w Czarnobylu przesycona jest emocjonalnością. Emocją dominującą jest strach związany przede wszystkim ze stale obecnym motywem śmierci dotykającej człowieka, świat przyrody i wytwory ludzkiej ręki. Emocje pozytywne dotyczą przykładowo scalającej roli katastrofy dla narodu białoruskiego bądź też potraktowania katastrofy jako źródła „nowych i mocnych wrażeń”.
This text is the presentation of Edward Stachura’s philosophy. It is not about literal philosophy, however, it concerns a system of values and views taken by the writer. The article is an attempt to read Stachura from a different side than as a poet, bard, and mediocre singer. It is a compilation of the writer’s various texts, but the leading one is a little-known work called Everything is poetry. The story-river (edited by H. Berezy, Z. Fedecki, K. Rutkowski, vol. 4, Warsaw 1984) Stachura transforms into almost a sage, into a philosopher who tries to create elementary definitions of the world, people, time and eternity. First of all, I analysed the conceptualisation of the phrase “everything is poetry” as well as attempting to explain what poetry is for the writer in general. The most important conclusion is that “everything is poetry and the least poetry is a poem; everyone is a poet and the least poet is a poet who writes poems”. Thus, he proves that he is not only an “extreme” creator, but one who seeks hope and gaps in describing and understanding the world. Ultimately, it is also a study of Stachura’s broadly understood optimism, underestimated in his work on a daily basis.
Za pomocą projekcyjnego testu Hermanna Rorschacha przebadano 31 par rodziców mających dziecko chore na schizofrenię paranoidalną oraz 21 par rodziców mających tylko zdrowe dzieci. Obie grupy porównano pod kątem wysokości wskaźnika izolacji oraz wskaźnika egocentryczności. Wybrano te aspekty uzyskanych wyników, ponieważ odnoszą się one do postaw i odczuć związanych z relacjami społecznymi. Rodziny, w których pojawia się schizofrenia, nierzadko bowiem charakteryzują się zakłóceniami w procesie komunikowania się, wyizolowaniem społecznym i mniej wyraźnymi postawami prospołecznymi. Stwierdzono wyższe wartości indeksu izolacji w grupie rodziców mających chore dziecko (różnica zbliżała się do istotności). Przeanalizowano poszczególne składniki treści należące do indeksu izolacji. Okazało się, że rodzice chorych dzieci, a zwłaszcza ojcowie, istotnie częściej mówili o widzianych w plamach chmurach oraz istotnie rzadziej w swoich wypowiedziach wykorzystywali kategorię treściową „człowiek”. Fakt ten może świadczyć o osobowościowym, a nie sytuacyjnym uwarunkowaniu poczucia izolacji. Wysokość wskaźnika egocentryczności nie różnicowała obu badanych grup. Poruszono także problem psychologicznej interpretacji różnej treści i cech wypowiedzi. Wskazano na potrzebę humanistycznych badań nad znaczeniami.
Parents of 31 schizophrenic patients and parents of 21 healthy controls were examined with the projective Rorschach Test. Both groups were compared with respect to levels of the isolation and egocentricity indices. These two aspects had been chosen because they refer to attitudes and feelings associated with social relationships. Difficulties in communication, social withdrawal and diminished prosocial attitudes have often been reported in families of schizophrenic people. The group of parents with an ill child had a higher level of the isolation index. Individual components of the content involved in the isolation index were examined. It was revealed that the parents of ill children, and the fathers in particular, talked about clouds seen on the blots significantly more often than the other group. The parents of ill children, and the fathers in particular, perceived human figures significantly more rarely. This may reflect the fact that the feeling of isolation springs from personality and not from an external situation. The level of egocentricity did not differ in the two groups. The problem of the psychological interpretation of the content and features of expression was also discussed. The need for more humanistic research on meanings was pointed out.
The article’s subject is related to the textual use of propria as carriers of evaluation and emotionality in Joachim Lelewel’s letters addressed to relatives, friends and acquaintances. Explicit exponents of the emotive-expressive function are appropriately marked with word-formation formants and inflectional morphemes. Emotivization and axiologization are signalled by proper names and their location in the vicinity of evaluative terms. Contextual valuation of propria is served, among others, by exclamation marks, repetitions and accumulation of onyms. Proper names in metaphorical and metonymic use and onyms inscribed in the comparison structure clearly signify the statements subjectivisation. Sometimes the associative meaning of propria may be the carrier of emotionality and valuation.
Przedmiotem artykułu są zagadnienia związane z tekstowymi użyciami propriów jako nośników wartościowania i emocjonalności w listach Joachima Lelewela adresowanych do krewnych oraz przyjaciół i znajomych. Eksplicytnymi wykładnikami funkcji emotywno-ekspresywnej są odpowiednio nacechowane formanty słowotwórcze oraz morfemy fleksyjne. Emotywizację i aksjologizację sygnalizują ponadto nazwy własne umiejscowione w sąsiedztwie określeń wartościujących. Kontekstualnemu uwartościowaniu propriów służą między innymi wypowiedzi wykrzyknikowe, powtórzenia i nagromadzenie onimów. Wyraźnym sygnałem subiektywizacji wypowiedzi są nazwy własne w użyciu metaforycznym i metonimicznym oraz onimy wpisane w strukturę porównania. Niekiedy nośnikiem emocjonalności i wartościowania może być znaczenie asocjacyjne propriów.
The aim of the article is to analyze the way emotionality is rendered in the translation of S. Mikhalkov’s poem Про мимозу into Polish. The emotionality of the text is demonstrated not only through emotionally loaded language units but it is also conditioned by the special child addressee. As it turns out, even slight semantic shifts can influence the potential modification of reception. On the other hand, significant changes in the layer of meaning do not necessarily change the emotions of the translation’s addressee in relation to the source text. The author concludes that it is essential that the translator should skillfully isolate those text units that carry potential emotional tensions and render them in the target text with units of similar emotional force.
Celem artykułu jest analiza przekazu emocjonalności w przekładzie wiersza Про мимозу S. Michałkowa na język polski. Emotywność tekstu wyraża się nie tylko w postacji jedostek nacechowanych emocjonalnie. Istotnym czynnikiem warunkującym percepcję takiej wartości tekstu jest szczególny implikowany adresat – dziecko. Jak się okazuje, nawet drobne przesunięcie semantyczne może wpływać na potencjalną modyfikację odbioru, z drugiej strony istotne zmiany w warstwie znaczeniowej nie muszą wiązać się z wpływem na emocje odbiorcy przekładu w stosunku do oryginału. Ważne jest, by autor przekładu potrafił umiejętnie odnaleźć jednostki tekstu, które stanowią potencjalne napięcia emocjonalne i przetransponować je do tekstu wtórnego w postaci elementów o podobnej zakładanej sile emocjonalnej.
Целью статьи является исследование лексических средств в литературном тексте, с помощью которых выражаются эмоции, а также лексики, которая может влиять на эмоции читателя и способы их перевода на русский язык. Материалом для анализа прослужило стихотворение Сергея Михалкова Про мимозу и его перевод на польский язык – O mimozie, выполненный Янушем Минкевичем. На основании проведенного анализа можно прийти к выводу, что некоторые решения переводчика бесспорно связаны с формальной стороной поэтического текста: поиск рифмы, усилия, связанные с ритмическим строением очередных строк, кажутся, порой, важнее, чем лексический состав текста перевода. Представленные примеры удачных переводов некоторых отрывков текста свидетельствуют о том, что несоответствие в передаче эмоциональности не всегда связано с семантической неточностью. С другой стороны, бывает и так, что даже малейшее семантическое изменение лексемы влечет за собой значительную модификацию смысла и может существенным образом влиять на эмоции реципиента. В связи с этим, переводчик должен приложить все усилия, чтобы найти соответствующий в смысле эмоциональной силы эквивалент и сохранить подобные, как в подлиннике, ощущения в контакте читателя с текстом.
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