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The paper contains an analysis of the syntactic features of emotive predicates as well as the main properties of the codification of feelings in emotive clauses. The emotive predicates possess two arguments with the thematic roles of experiencer and stimulus underlying syntactic movement, which makes them in principle diathetic-sensitive. The syntactic markers of emotionality are: prosody, word order, discourse particles, autonomous ellipsis etc. The latter ones encode emotive readings qua grammar structure, thus, they are the primary encoding forms of emotions. However, they can be both specified and unspecified emotive signals. In the latter case they encode emotionality as such, but it has to be specified qua conversational implicatures.
The article considers the architectural works designed and realized in contemporary Serbian architectural practice in the context of questions and thinking about local-global but also of visible tendencies and dilemmas, that the architects deal with in smaller local environments like in Serbia, from the position of architectural historians, theoreticians and critics. The multi-layered, often vague double meaning and nuanced ties and interpretations of the mentioned relationships will be traced in the works of such important Serbian architects as I. Antić, M. Jovanović, B. Petrović, D. and M. Marušić, S. Krunić, I. Marić, B. Mitrović, I. Rašković, who were chosen in order to trace the line of development of the relationship between the local and global during 1950 ‒ 2000, the period which was also marked by turbulent social and political changes.
The purpose of the presented research was to find out which external and internal considerations and life experience motivate students for acquiring university education for the teaching profession to major in preschool teaching. Data collection was based on the method of unstructured interview on a given theme. Evaluation was based on coding. The presented factors are external factors of the “people” category. Every category is divided into sub-categories and the subcategories are further subdivided to subgroups on the basis of the nature of the incentive. Young people were mainly affected in their decision-making by their mother, her professional and private behaviour, by positive stimuli from their grandmothers, aunts and children. Fathers were not mentioned as actors in making this kind of decision. The most frequently mentioned human factor was represented by female teachers on different levels of education and from different school types. The discouraging factors included schoolmates. Children and schoolmates were newly identified considerations.
The article deals with the peculiarities of the American pedagogical ideas at the end of the ХІХth – the beginning of the ХХth centuries, considering ideas of pragmatic pedagogy by such representatives as W. James, F. Parker, E. Thorndike, F. McMurry, P. Monroe. There are the following theoretical methods that are used in the article: analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, interpretation of historical and pedagogical sources with the purpose to decide the status of the problem and its correlation with important scientific researches of our time. The author points out that the end of the XIXth century in the US has marked a turning point for the pragmatic pedagogy, which principles differ from the traditional educational paradigm. Besides, the article proposes the number of the brightest pragmatic pedagogy representatives. Among them there are W. James (the main aims of the new pedagogy are: to provoke interest – to foresee – to prepare – to impart knowledge – to fix a result – to promote further development; the best method of teaching is a comprehensive information review with the help of multiple repetition that, as a result, turns into a habit; the interest is a continuation of unconditioned instincts); E. Thorndike (education is an organization of stimulus and response; three laws of learning: the law of readiness, the law of exercise and the law of effect); F. McMurry (the factors that influence the educational process: achievement of certain goals, extrapolation of ideas, formulation and usage of ideas, evaluation of the statement correctness and importance, memorizing, providing with a positive attitude to knowledge, stimulation of personality development); P. Monroe (modification of the school curriculum according to the social development needs) and others. As for the prospects for further research, they are connected with the comparison of the American pragmatic pedagogy and Ukrainian pedagogy at the end of the ХІХth – the beginning of the ХХth centuries. We could distinguish similarities and differences, trace the implementation of the American educational ideas into the educational process of the Ukrainian schools during the named period.
W artykule przeanalizowano związek języka z kulturą, które kształtują językowy i kulturowy obrazy świata. Podjęto próbę określenia kluczowych pojęć w obrazie językowym świata Ukraińców na słowa-bodźce − język polski i kultura polska poprzez swobodne i spójne eksperymenty asocjacyjne. Zidentyfikowano główne powiązania semantyczne w polach asocjacyjnych i zidentyfikowano największe sfery semantyczne w każdej grupie badanych. W artykule zaktualizowano pojęcie narodowy i kulturowy obraz świata. Znaczenie wywiadu naukowego zyskuje popularność w związku z procesami emigracyjnymi Ukraińców do Polski. Wyniki badań mogą pomóc nauczycielom języka polskiego jako obcego zrozumieć, w jaki sposób język polski i kultura znajdują odzwierciedlenie w językowym obrazie świata Ukraińców. Badanie wykazało, że Ukraińcy postrzegają JĘZYK POLSKI przez pryzmat polskiej kultury. Potwierdza to pogląd, że osobowość językowa poprzez przyswajanie określonego języka obcego, poznaje wartości zakorzenione w językowym i kulturowym obrazie świata tej społeczności językowej. Dla Ukraińców uczących się języka polskiego połączenie językowego i kulturowego obrazu świata jest ważne w procesie przyswajania języka, a czasem także tożsame. Język polski przez Ukraińców postrzegany jest przez pryzmat kultury polskiej. W związku z tym pomaga tworzyć pewne powiązania asocjacyjne, które służą skutecznej i pomysłowej nauce języka.
The article analyses the relationship between language and culture, which shape the linguistic and cultural images of the world. An attempt was made to define the key concepts in the linguistic picture of the world of Ukrainians into words-stimuli – Polish language and culture through free and coherent association experiments. The main semantic relationships in the association fields and the largest semantic spheres in each group of subjects were identified. The article updates the concept of national and cultural image of the world. The importance of scientific intelligence is gaining popularity in connection with the emigration of Ukrainians to Poland. The results of the research may help teachers of Polish as a foreign language understand how the language of Polish and culture are reflected in the linguistic image of the world of Ukrainians. The survey showed that Ukrainians perceive the POLISH LANGUAGE through the prism of Polish culture. This supports the view that the linguistic personality learns the values rooted in the linguistic and cultural image of the world of this linguistic community through the acquisition of a specific foreign language. The combination of the linguistic and cultural image of the world is important for Ukrainians learning Polish in language acquisition, and sometimes identical. The Polish language is perceived by Ukrainians through the prism of Polish culture. Therefore, it helps create associative connections that serve effective and imaginative language learning.
The talk discusses the place of emotions in human language competence at the interface of two languages and cultures. It aims to identify possibilities for non-native speakers of L2 to raise effectively emotional awareness in L2 didactic contexts.The relevance of general language awareness raising is presented, especially as the scope and use of L2 emotion concepts are shown to require of the L2 learner, at some stage, conscious apprehension and awareness of L2 input. The place and role of L1 and L2 materials generated from monolingual and parallel language corpora in enhancement of emotional awareness in FL classroom are exemplified and discussed.
Imagination is one of the most important characteristics of human mind. The language of imagination is created by ideas and mental images. The activity of imagination is ex- pressed by various notions such as fantasy, intuition, invention, narration, inspiration, stimulus, and dream. Imagination functions and develops autonomously in relation to the outside world. It is not subordinate to strict discipline and altered states of consciousness. It creates its own rules, goes beyond time and forges a creative identity of the human being.
Dialectal peculiarities in the functioning of the grammatical category of gender, characteristic of the north-eastern dialects of the Polish language, can be geographically and typologically correlated with the corresponding phenomena localized mainly in the north- and south-western Belarusian dialects – the areas of the individual feminine nouns continue in the East of the Polish language continuum.Assuming that the centre of irradiation or the stimulus that caused the appearance of the morphological innovation kłomel (f.), noted in the North-East of Poland, is hypothetically located in Belarus, in the area of expansion of the Polesie dialects, the author presents some results of a comparative analysis of data regarding the variable category of gender in Polish, Belarusian and some other Slavic and non-Slavic languages, as well as linguistic-geographical, structural-semantic, etymological data regarding this areal innovation with available Slavic and non-Slavic material, which allows us to get closer to solving its origin and the reasons for its appearance in the north-eastern speeches of Poland,  where the lexeme kłomel (f.) is formally related primarily to the masculine word structure and is used alongside the well-known feminine equivalent kłomla.The research was conducted with the application of comparative, comparative-historical, descriptive-analytical and areal-typological methods. Their complex application leads to the conclusion that the Western Polesian-Panmonian word klomla should be interpreted as a stimulus phenomenon for the formation of the morphological innovation kłomel (f.) in the north-eastern dialects of the Polish language. The expansion of femininum in this case can be considered as the result of the redistribution of feminine and masculine forms in the inter-Slavic and Baltic-Slavic contact zone, which in turn caused changes in morphology and corresponding mutations in the considered lexeme.
Дыялектныя асаблівасці ў функцыянаванні граматычнай катэгорыі роду, характэрныя для паўночна-ўсходніх гаворак польскай мовы, арэальна і тыпалагічна могуць быць суаднесены з адпаведнымі з’явамі, лакалізаванымі пераважна ў паўночна- і паўднёва-заходніх беларускіх гаворках – арэалы асобных назоўнікаў femininum маюць працяг на ўсходзе польскага моўнага кантынуума.Мяркуючы, што цэнтр ірадыяцыі або стымул, які выклікаў узнікненне марфалагічнай інавацыі kłomel (f.), адзначанай на паўночным усходзе Польшчы, гіпатэтычна знаходзіцца на Беларусі, у зоне пашырэння палескіх гаворак, аўтар прадстаўляе некаторыя вынікі супастаўляльнага аналізу звестак адносна зменнай катэгорыі роду ў польскай, беларускай і некаторых іншых, славянскіх і неславянскіх, мовах, а таксама лінгвагеаграфічных, структурна-семантычных, этымалагічных дадзеных адносна гэтай арэальнай інавацыі з наяўным славянскім і неславянскім матэрыялам, што дазваляе наблізіцца да разгадкі яе паходжання і прычын з’яўлення ў паўночна-ўсходніх гаворках Польшчы, дзе лексема kłomel (f.) фармальна суадносіцца ў першую чаргу са структурай слоў мужчынскага роду і выкарыстоўваецца побач з агульнавядомым эквівалентам kłomla жаночага роду.Даследаванне праводзілася з ужываннем параўнальнага, параўнальна-гістарычнага, апісальна-аналітычнага і арэальна-тыпалагічнага метадаў. Іх комплекснае прымяненне прыводзіць да высноў аб тым, што заходнепалеска-панямонскае слова кломля варта трактаваць як з’яву-стымул для ўтварэння марфалагічнай інавацыі kłomel (f.) у паўночна-ўсходніх гаворках польскай мовы. Экспансія femininum у дадзеным выпадку можа разглядацца як вынік пераразмеркавання ў кантактнай міжславянскай і балта-славянскай зоне форм жаночага і мужчынскага роду, што ў сваю чаргу выклікала змены ў марфалогіі і адпаведныя мутацыі ў разгледжанай лексеме.
Gwarowe osobliwości w funkcjonowaniu gramatycznej kategorii rodzaju charakterystyczne dla północno-wschodnich dialektów języka polskiego mogą być skorelowane geograficznie i typologicznie z odpowiadającymi im zjawiskami zlokalizowanymi głównie w północno- i południowo-zachodnich dialektach białoruskich – areały poszczególnych rzeczowników rodzaju żeńskiego są kontynuowane na wschodzie polskiego kontinuum językowego.Zakładając, że centrum irradiacji lub bodziec, który spowodował pojawienie się morfologicznej innowacji kłomel (f.) odnotowanej w północno-wschodniej Polsce hipotetycznie jest zlokalizowany na Białorusi, w obszarze rozpowszechniania się gwar poleskich autorka przedstawia wyniki analizy porównawczej danych dotyczących zmiennej kategorii rodzaju w języku polskim, białoruskim i niektórych innych językach słowiańskich i niesłowiańskich, a także dane językowo-geograficzne, strukturalno-semantyczne, etymologiczne dotyczące tej arealnej innowacji z dostępnym materiałem słowiańskim i niesłowiańskim, co pozwala zbliżyć się do rozwiązania jej genezy i przyczyn pojawienia się w gwarach północno-wschodniej Polski, gdzie leksem kłomel (f.) jest formalnie związany przede wszystkim ze strukturą wyrazów rodzaju męskiego i jest używany obok znanego odpowiednika rodzaju żeńskiego kłomla.Badania przeprowadzono metodami: porównawczą, porównawczo-historyczną, opisowo-analityczną oraz arealno-typologiczną. Ich kompleksowe zastosowanie prowadzi do wniosku, że zachodniopolesko-poniemońskie słowo klomla należy interpretować jako zjawisko stymulujące powstawanie morfologicznej innowacji kłomel (f.) w północno-wschodnich gwarach języka polskiego. Ekspansję femininum można w tym przypadku uznać za wynik redystrybucji form żeńskich i męskich w międzysłowiańskiej i bałtycko-słowiańskiej strefie kontaktowej, co z kolei spowodowało zmiany w morfologii i odpowiednie mutacje w rozpatrywanym leksemie.
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