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Drawing on the extensive research on the life and thought of the German poet Friedrich Schiller (1759–1805), most prominently by his biographers Gotthold Deile and Aleksandr Ivanovich Kirpichnikov, the paper outlines the genesis of Schiller’s “Ode to Joy,” a 1785 Masonic festive song, which has become an iconic poem of the European Enlightenment. Consequently, the author compares Schiller’s source text with its renowned 1823 translation by the Russian poet Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev (1803–1873). Schiller’s poem, filled with blatantly sacrilegious or, at least, unorthodox Masonic undertones, was transformed by Tyutchev into a Russian Orthodox choral, providing the translation studies scholar a unique opportunity to expound on one of the most typical imprints of Russian spirituality in the history of translation and interpretation.
vol. 7
issue 1
This paper is intended as part of a larger research that aims to the realization of a monographic study dedicated to the Romanian translations of Dante's Inferno, from 19th to 21th century. It is a historical and critical approach, intended as an interdisciplinary study, to be placed at the crossing of disciplines like translation history, translation criticism, reception theory, history of literature, history of literary language, cultural history. The bibliographical selection we propose is complete with some methodological and deontological considerations of utility in the study of the history of translation.
In the 1840s in Wielkopolska, the first team of Polish women translators was gathered by Konstancja Raczyńska to render texts connected with the history of Poland into Polish. In this article, I would like to study the roles assumed by these translators. Were they traditional, invisible servants of their authors? Did they translate to make a living? Or perhaps, taken with the authority of the texts and their authors, did they try to be gatekeepers, keeping out the uninitiated? Or, just the opposite, did they attempt to spread the gospel of the texts to their fellow Poles? To answer these questions, I will begin with a short overview of their situation and biographies to find out who they were, how they worked, what their competences and motivation were, and why they translated. This information will serve as the basis for the translators’ profiles and for establishing their roles in Polish history and culture.
Translation has become one of the most important aspects of contemporary culture in the globalised world: it is a condition for intercultural communication as well as a means of preservation of culturally specific elements. No longer can we ignore the impact is has on cultural praxis and the functioning of many disciplines of the humanities. As a methodological framework Translation Studies offers a set of analytic and interpretive tools for research into various “translation zones”, for a long time seen as marginal, but in fact the most active spaces in cultures. It is there that the mediation processes and cultural transfer happens. The paper looks at the ways in which Translation Studies defines its aims and methods and sketches possible uses they may be put into in the humanities. The Translational Turn in Culture Studies poses challenges both to TS and other disciplines of the humanities, at the same time offering promising, new research perspectives.
The history of translation is as ancient as the theories concerning translation. Within the progress of this item the discussion focuses on two conflicting positions, based on the concepts of semantic equivalence and one-to-one correspondence respectively. The question which has always been significant is, whether to move the text to its reader or to move the reader, that is to say how to deal with the text`s overdetermination. An individual word may relate to one word through assonance, to another through syntactical equivalence or morphological parallelism. Signs participate in several different paradigmatic and syntagmatic patterns which, in their complexity, cannot be transferred completely into another language. The article deals with the question “how to translate?”, which means to substitute one sign for another and not to lose too much of its significance. Is authenticity possible or just a Utopian dream?
This paper is a contribution to the field of translation studies focusing on translation history. It deals with the techniques and methods used in German-Czech translations at the time of the Renaissance and the Reformation. The main subject of the paper is an original analysis of three selected German texts form the 16th and early 17th century (Ein kurtzweilig Lesen von Dill Ulenspiegel; Historia von Doktor Johann Fausten; Martin Luther, Eine Heerpredigt wider den Türcken) and their first translations into Czech. The aim of the analysis is to revise and advance the current understanding of translations of the period and to provide an overview of the main problems connected with investigation of old prints. The results based on the analysis show that the translation techniques and methods used in the time of the Renaissance and the Reformation were very diverse and often mutually contradictory, there was usually no consistent translation strategy used by the translators and probably also no universal translation norm.
vol. 26
issue 1
The main aim of this paper is to look at the biography of Paweł Hulka-Laskowski, a theologian, pedagogue, writer and diplomat, through the perspective of his perennial work as a translator. Unlike his contemporaries – translators active in the interwar period in Poland, Hulka-Laskowski is still well-recognized, the collective memory of him is, however, refracted, often omits his translation work. The paper demonstrates that his experience as a translator was key to his entire professional and private life – both were related to the translation of the series for American teenagers What a Young Man (Woman) Ought to Know.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest spojrzenie na biografię Pawła Hulki-Laskowskiego: teologa, pedagoga, pisarza i dyplomaty z perspektywy jego wieloletniej pracy przekładowej. Hulka-Laskowski, w przeciwieństwie do wielu innych tłumaczek i tłumaczek aktywnych w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym, do dziś funkcjonuje w obiegowej pamięci, jednak jest to pamięć osobliwa, niemal zupełnie pomijającadziałalność przekładową twórcy. Pragnę pokazać, jak kluczowe dla biografii Hulki- Laskowskiego jest doświadczenie przekładu, który kształtuje i odzwierciedla życiowe wybory, postawy i światopogląd. Dowodem może być podjęcie decyzji o przekładzie i adaptacji amerykańskich książek dla młodzieży „Cnotą a prawdą”– zaskakująco postępowej i nowoczesnej serii zawierającej treści, które do dziś bywajątabuizowane.
vol. 26
issue 1
Historia tłumaczeń zawsze była bardzo ważna dla słowackiej literatury i badań nad tłumaczeniami. W niniejszym artykule omawiamy początki słowackiej historii badańnad tłumaczeniami, których korzenie odnajdziemy w formalizmie i strukturalizmie. Również poddajemy rekonstrukcji linie wpływów aż do obecnych czasów, w których historię tłumaczeń można opisać jako żywą, otwartą, interdyscyplinarną i empiryczną dziedziną. Biorąc pod uwagę również przeszłość, przyglądamy się kilku najnowszym i najistotniejszym słowackim inicjatywom w historii badań nad tłumaczeniami i oceniamy ich potencjał na przyszłość.
Translation history has always played an important role in Slovak literary and translation studies. In our paper we discuss the beginnings of Slovak translation historyresearch, which have their roots in formalism and structuralism, and reconstruct lines of influence to the present when translation history is a lively, open, interdisciplinary,and empirical discipline. With the past in mind, we look at several of the most recent and significant research initiatives in Slovak translation history research and evaluate their potential for the future.
This paper investigates the Czech contribution to the world literature over the past two centuries (1820-2020) from a global perspective. It uses computational methods to process and analyse data from the OCLC, Czech Literary Bibliography, and Czech National Library and delivers three case studies demonstrating the potential of computationally analysing Czech literature in translation. It analyses the dynamics of gender representation, target language trends, and the global diversity in terms of clustering authors according to their target language profiles. Among other things, the results identify five clusters of authors with one cluster represented globally, and the other four established in limited target language combinations.
В настоящата статия разглеждам два парадокса, свързани с редакцията на антологията Съвременни полски поети, които са свързани със съществуващите сред българските читатели и изследователи-специалисти стереотипи за полската поезия. Първият е свързан с утвърждаването на приетия още от Боян Пенев в неговата антология от 1921 година модел на въобразения читател, който ограничава възможностите за сравнителен прочит на предлагания материал. Вторият парадокс е несъответствието между декларираното в увода на антологията желание да се изяснят взаимовръзките между литературните явления от периода преди и след Втората световна война и действителното премълчаване на ролята на авангарда за развитието на полската поезия. Този парадокс е предизвикан от опита да се наложат стереотипизирани представи за поетиката и идеологията на литературния авангард като историческо яваление.
This article explores two paradoxes related to the concept of the Anthology of Contemporary Polish Poets that are associated with stereotypes about Polish poetry which exists amongst Bulgarian readers and researchers. The first paradox is related to the establishment of a model of the reader, introduced by Boyan Penev in his anthology from 1921, which limits opportunities for comparative reading of the proposed anthologized material. The second paradox is the discrepancy between the statements made in the introduction to the anthology that the relationships between literary phenomena of the periods before and after the Second World War will be clarified and elaborated and the actual omission of the role of the vanguard in the development of the Polish poetry. This paradox is caused by attempts to impose stereotyped notions of poetics and ideology of the literary avant-garde in the time the anthology was published.
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