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2023 | 3(79) | 9-30

Article title

Perspektywy wprowadzenia mieszanego systemu wyborczego w wyborach do Sejmu RP


Title variants

Prospects of introduction of a mixed electoral system in elections to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland

Languages of publication


The paper presents the mixed electoral system and its models, and analyses their applicability in the elections to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. The authors focus on the German personalised proportional system and the proposal for an electoral system based on this system constructed by Jarosław Flis. The analysis concerns not only the legal aspect but also the political and social consequences. The presented experiences of various countries show that the reaction of political parties and voters to a new electoral system can be surprising and the political consequences unpredictable.






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  • Uniwersytet SWPS w Poznaniu
  • Wyższa Szkoła Kadr Menedżerskich w Koninie


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