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The article embraces the period from 1997 to the end of year 2006 and focuses on two Congo's presidents at that time - Laurent Desire Kabila and his son Joseph Kabila. The first one overthrew Mobutu Sese Seko the former president and restored the name of the state from Zaire to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). His rule lasted for only four years. He seemed at that time as unprepared to exercise the leadership of so large and unstable African country. Political turmoil and economic collapse were a reason for the assassination attempt on his life. He was shot dead on 16th of January 2001. The power in the DRC was transferred to his son Joseph Kabila. At the beginning he was regarded as young and inexperienced politician. But finally he led to the establishing calm- ness after long civil war in the DRC and he declared the political reforms (among others new Constitution and universal presidential election, first since gaining independence in 1960). He created perspectives of political and economic stability for the DRC.
This paper looks at the actions of a leader in a subject–oriented approach to people, expressed in the form of care in implementing their interests. Verification of such concern in Poland’s economic reality was conducted by way of a questionnaire–based study on companies subject to varied operating conditions. Study results served as the basis for developing an “interest map” that takes into account such defined characteristics in company operations as its financial situation, capital origins, employment level, period of operations, etc. Both the purposefulness and possibility of using such maps in the process of monitoring employee interests has been demonstrated, as have the premises for their application by leaders.
The Dogons - it is one of the today better known tribes of the West Africa. Getting known their culture has been recently associate only with perfect investigations of French ethnologists concentrated around Marcel Griaule. The author, for the first time, encountered the Dogon Tribe over 30 years ago. The multiple returns (often to the very same places) have made possible to observe their culture within the space of many years. The author has got to know many representatives of this tribe, some of them fleetingly, but with some of them he has been in touch until today. Atmo Domno - an inhabitant of a village called Yougo Na can be rated among the second group. However, Atmo Domno was not an "ordinary" Dogon. By virtue of his birth, he belongs to a group of Dogons highly positioned within the social hierarchy, who decide about not only the village Yougo Na life, but also of whole tribe, as Atmo is a member of a group of so called "Impure". In the Dogon Tribe the "Impure" take care of rituals connected with death, they prepare deceased for the funeral and bury him, they make the offerings, eat sacrificed animals, build solitude huts for women, etc. The status of "Impure" is necessary to run for position of Olubaru - the leader of a secret association Awa. As opposed - the "Pure' innenomo can not do any rituals connected with death, make offerings or even hunt. But, on the other hand, the status of "Pure" in required for being a Hogona. With time, Atmo became a Binukedine (leader) of his clan, but he resigned at the moment of becoming Olubaru in the association Awa in Yougo Na, which means to have one of the highest religious statuses in Dogon Tribe. Olubaru from this village will have an unquestionable influence inter alia on: look and course of the forth- coming holiday of Sigui. Unfortunatel y, Amo had faint chance to live till this next holiday, as it will start around year 2028. Atmo Doumbo died in 2000. During my stay in Yougo Na in 2006, I was shown a several years old boy named Hamidou, in whose body lived a soul of nani Atmo, after his death, and who becomes the next "Impure".
Despite the importance to researchers and organizations of how creativity contributes to effective leadership and how leadership contributes to group and organizational creativity, our knowledge regarding this interrelationship remains largely limited. A review of the literature based on both theoretical grounds and empirical evidence reveals that studies examining the intersection between creativity and leadership in organizations are divergent in terms of how they conceptualize this relationship. A multi-level framework is used to synthesize the knowledge in both creativity and leadership disciplines, with multiple themes having been found at each level of the framework.
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Civitas et Lex
vol. 26
issue 2
Military leadership is a concept that originates from the beginning of time and appears in all formsof army units. Changes in strategic environment makes military leadership more important and strategic. On the battlefield, the only thing that is needed is tomakea validbattle damage assesment.This articledescribesthe concept of  military leadership and given the key characteristics of amiltary leaderthat summarize the leader attributes, and core leader competencies, and developes a valid, reliable, and distinctive military leadership scale that is suitable for military culture.  
vol. 45
issue 3
Running is one of the most popular methods of spending time in active form in the world. The vast majority of managers who organise runs are former or actual runners. It is interesting to note that more men are leaders of teams which organise running events, while women as leaders are very rare. The main purpose of the research was to find the influence of sex of leader on the style of leadership, decision process and atmosphere in team. The author of this article conducted quality research using individual deep interview method. Data were collected from 23 individual deep interviews with managers of big running events organised in Poland, and 14 with the members of their teams. Currently, effective leaders should have competences different than what were prevalent 20–30 years ago. More important is, for example, emotional intelligence, empathy and interpersonal skills. Organisations operating in the amateur sport market have to build networking with many partners from the public and business sector, so leaders should concentrate on cooperating with stakeholders representing different expectations. Competences that women possess over men are required. Unlike other industries, in the running market there are very few women as leaders. Several reasons abound for this, some of which include economic and sociological grounds.
The author of the article focuses on the technological development of Japan and assessing her international position in that field. He argues that Japan could achieve a position of technological leader in the world thanks to an adroit and supporting policy of the state and a devotion of enterprises toward the technological development. But in current, more complicated domestic and external economic circumstances, the leading position of the country starts to be threatened. Because of growing competition from new rivals, mainly Asian, old leaders should adjust to the new situation. This means that in some fields of technology also Japan will lose her advantages.
For million of citizens, the experience of voting is now similar to the one of advancing through uncharted territory. The article looks at the origins of this feeling, tracing the history of political disorientation in the US and comparing it to the one of other industrial democracies.
Purpose: Sixty-five HR general managers representing companies from a variety of industries took part in the research that we conducted between April and October 2013. They had identified leadership development as the most significant factor in the growth of the top firms in Poland’s economy. We have conducted in-depth interviews to understand the perception of the leadership concept. We have found that they tend to focus on the following dimensions of leadership: conveying a vision, inspiring, being charismatic, being credible, being able to manage others, and having good interpersonal skills. Research limitations and implications: The main limitation of the research is that it does not allow for generalization of findings on perceived dimensionality of leadership on larger population of HR Executives. Our findings imply that leadership development will soon be a strong priority among HR teams of 500 largest companies, but several dimensions are not present in their description of leadership. Originality/value: Our paper makes three contributions to the literature. We have developed a managerial attention view of the firm by surveying senior HR executives. CEOs, CFOs, and top management teams tend to be subject of studies in this theoretical tradition more often than HR executives, Another contribution is the use of mixed methods that is rather rare yet offering vast opportunities for triangulation and knowledge building in the discipline. Our third contribution is that we applied a standard scale of the multidimensional leadership concept.
The author discusses a problem of the Lausanne police which underwent thorough proethical changes after revealing that there are some deficits in management among their members. They showed insufficient distinction between a mistake and an offence, lack of objectivity in the matter of promotions and sanctions and had insufficient example from the leaders. In order for the public administration institutions to adapt to new conditions it is necessary to have at least strong political support, defence and support of the chief commanders and managers who are sensitive to human matters and interested in ethics. Physical danger and strong psychological pressure cause that police environment feel solidarity. It helps to create internal corporation culture, especially in difficult moments. The institution such as police should not impose too high demands both in the quality aspect and quantity and time aspect. They may become the reason for fatigue, disappointment or frustration of their employees. The institution itself should control the contradictions which may appear between the institution’s demands and expectations of the employees. It is important to keep the delicate balance between the priorities of the managers and the priorities of the subordinates. Senior executive staff of public institutions play a decisive role when introducing changes and implementing the development of the institution. It is a good idea to convince employees to participate actively in those changes. Therefore the managers are obliged to work with their teams in closer cooperation.
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Perspektywy przywództwa w Azji

The author wonders at the problem of the leadership in the present Asia, which is the region of the economic growth and the area doesn’t affected by the crisis. At the present four countries aspire to the leadership in Asia: India, Japan, China and United States. The author presents reasoning that the present China is the nearest to the leaderships in the Asia. China tries to push out the USA from the Asia and addict the United States by its economic policy and the ransom of indebted papers. At the present the America is in debt on approx. 17 bln USD., and 7% of this debt has at Chinese. In the India it came to slow down of the economic development and in the Japan after the period of the stagnation, it just slowly comes in on the path of the economic development.
В статьи автор рассуждает о проблеме политического лидерства в современной Азии, которая является регионом экономического роста не страдавшим от кризиса. Ныне четыре государства претендуют на лидерство в Азии: Индия, Япония, Китай и США. Автор утверждает, что современный ближе всех к достижению этой цели. С одной стороны он пытается вытеснить США из Азии, создавая зависимость от них США путём приобретения ценных бумаг. Внешний долг США достиг уровня 17 биллионов долларов, из которых 7% это задолженность у Китая. В Индии началось замедление экономического роста, а Япония после застоя только возвращается на путь экономического роста.
The Indian Film Industry is second popular entertainment industry across the globe after Hollywood film industry of the United States of America. Despite of being popular, there are arguments that New Delhi hasn’t utilized the full potential of Indian film industry as an instrument to turn popularity into the (Soft)power. The Indian film industry has tremendous potential to become India’s soft power if its potential is harnessed to the fullest. Therefore, this paper focuses upon how the popularity can be effectively used by examining strengths of industry and future prospects. Additionally, this paper provides relevant policy recommendations to effectively use film industry to enhance soft power as well as brief concluding remarks.
It seems that shareholders ask themselves this type of question more and more often when they decide on a new member of their supervisory board. The article focuses on a new approach to corporate governance. The author indicates the model of supervisory board, where entreprenurial leadership should intertwine whith, the traditional attitude of leadership and governance based on the 2C principle (comand and control).
The paper presents the issue of specificity of educational leadership as well as the proposal of preparation of educational leaders. It is done using the example of Erasmus Intensive Programme training project called "Leadership for democratic citizenship in european schools" prepared and run jointly by six european universities. Apart from theoretical description of educational leadership paradigm and description of Erasmus project, the paper presents results of a study carried out among students of master and postgraduate programmes focused on educational management and leadership, participants of the project
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Przywództwo i pasja

Leadership is one of the most researched topics in management and organization literature. The article idicates the attention to passion, which is at the heart of entrepreneurship, and may accelerate entreprenurial leaders to be motivated not by a desire to found an organization, but by conscious motivation to grow and expand their venture.
Nowadays organizations seek for effective methods of acquiring, analysing and implementing the relevant information from the Internet, where enormous amount of information appears continuously and chaotically. One of the proposals aimed at reducing the effort and cost is to track and analyse the Internet content automatically. Based on the empirical study on blogs from Onet.pl, the paper presents the tool for automatic content analysis. The presented tool can complement work of PR managers and it may become the alternative to traditional methods and techniques of content analysis in the near future.
To ludzie są główną przyczyną sukcesu lub niepowodzenia różnych orga-nizacji, włączając w to wojsko. Niniejsza publikacja omawia dwa zagadnie-nia: główną podstawę przywództwa oraz przywództwo w siłach zbrojnych. Siły zbrojne związane są z rozwojem przywództwa o wiele dłużej niż świat korporacyjny. Zmieniały się zarówno działania wojenne, jak i świat biznesu. Współczesny przywódca powinien dążyć do tego, aby tworzyć sytuacje, w których inni ludzie pragną za nim podążać, a nie narzucać na nich swoje oficjalne przywództwo. Terminy kierownictwo oraz przywództwo są często używane do określenia tego samego pojęcia. Kierownicy mogą, ale nie muszą być przywódcami, podczas gdy przywódcy mogą być lub mogą nie być kierownikami. Sukces przywódcy zależy od jego zdolności zrozumienia siebie samego, innych osób w organizacji, organizacji, jako całości oraz wymagań środowiskowych. Przywództwo w siłach zbrojnych to umiejętność oficerów która, łącząc oficjalną władzę oraz cechy osobowe, zapewnia funkcjonowanie podwładnych. Jest ona szczególna głównie ponieważ zawód żołnierza jest pracą wysokiego ryzyka i każda improwizacja lub brak szacunku dla określonych procedur może doprowadzić do utraty życia. Przywództwo wojskowe rozwijane jest w taki sposób, że oficerowie (oficjalni przywódcy) w ciągu swoich karier są szkoleni oraz ćwiczą, żeby być nieformalnymi przywódcami odnoszącymi sukcesy, i żeby ich podwładni postrzegali ich, jako swoich przywódców. Obecnie przywódcy potrzebni są, jak nigdy wcześniej. Są wynikiem i rozwijają się w zależności od sytuacji. Przywództwo jest spojrzeniem w przyszłość.
Horyzonty Polityki
vol. 11
issue 36
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim is to draw scholars’ attention to special cognitive merits of the situation that derives from (the common perception of) the global epidemic threat. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The problem consists in bringing to light of the distance between the elite of experts – who either exert influence on actions taken by the decision makers or become used by the latter in order to justify their decisions – and the general public living under conditions of the so-called “media democracy” which mean, at it seems, the gradual predominance of the irrational attitude as well as distrust of the science. To study this process – one that probably indicates the key aspect of parting ways between the practice of democracy and the theory of modern state – requires not only some observation and analysis of the media coverage but also a careful reflection on some cases of the diagnosis of modernity, insofar as they had anticipated the present-day situation. And this may be the case of a couple of American thinkers from the 1. half of the 20th century. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION:  The article begins with some notes on the actual media coverage of experts talking about the “fight against coronavirus,” and then we confront some useful generalizations about the role of mass-media and educated elites. In the course of the argument there are references to passages providing examples of the diagnosis of the modern state and society by Saul Bellow, Christopher Lasch, Water Lippmann, Robert Shafer, Paul Elmer More, and George Santayana. In the third part of the essay we return, in a mode, to the previous generalizations, while putting stress on a peculiarity of Polish experience (that should, nevertheless, turn out to be related to the legacy of American thinkers as mentioned above). RESEARCH RESULTS: They can be given as the following suggestions: a) the humanistic diagnosis of the modern state and society (based on the considerations about forms of aristocracy desirable from the democratic point of view) remains relevant to us, b) what we witness are real processes, taken place all over the globe, which undermine the consent (upon which democracy rests) since irrational attitudes now become prevalent within what happens, c) any serious reflection on that matter (i.e., the political meaning of knowledge and rational discourse) must be connected with goals on the field of citizens’ education. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: This text is, above all, the attempt to encourage scholars to reflect, having inspiration from the history of ideas, on the changing condition of contemporary democracy. Its crucial – and troublesome – features become clear especially in the context of universal threat (or universal perception of such a thing). The reflection in question should not be treated as merely a response to our intellectual desires revealing, instead, the sense of responsibility for our fellow citizens who are mostly unconscious of the true value of rational public debate.
CEL NAUKOWY: Zwrócenie uwagi na szczególne walory poznawcze sytuacji wynikłej z (powszechnej percepcji) globalnego zagrożenia epidemicznego. PROBLEM i METODY BADAWCZE: Unaoczenie dystansu pomiędzy elitą ekspertów, mających wpływ na zachowania decydentów bądź wykorzystywanych do uzasadnienia ich decyzji, a ogółem społeczeństwa, żyjącego w warunkach tzw. demokracji medialnej, które zdaje się być w coraz większym stopniu opanowane przez postawy irracjonalne i przeniknięte nieufnością do nauki. Badanie tego procesu – stanowiącego być może kluczowy aspekt rozejścia się demokratycznej praktyki z teorią państwa nowoczesnego – wymaga z jednej strony obserwacji i analizy przekazów medialnych, z drugiej – uważnego namysłu nad niektórymi bodaj przykładami diagnozy nowoczesności, antycypującymi obecny stan rzeczy. Zdaniem autora, szczególną rolę może tutaj odegrać spuścizna myślicieli amerykańskich z 1. połowy XX wieku. PROCES WYWODU: Autor zaczyna od spostrzeżeń dotyczących sposobu relacjonowania w mediach stanowiska ekspertów dotyczącego „walki z koronawirusem”, by następnie przejść do uogólnień na temat roli mediów oraz wykształconych elit. Kolejne szczeble wywodu wiążą się z przywołaniem odpowiednich fragmentów diagnozy nowoczesnego państwa i społeczeństwa, formułowanych przez: Saula Bellowa, Christophera Lascha, Waltera Lippmanna, Roberta Shafera, Irvinga Babbitta, Paula Elmera More’a i George’a Santayanę. W trzeciej części eseju stara się powrócić do zarysowanych wcześniej uogólnień, kładąc dodatkowy akcent na specyfikę doświadczenia polskiego (jednocześnie uzasadniając czerpanie z dorobku myślicieli amerykańskich). WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Wnioski z powziętych rozważań mogą dotyczyć: a)  relewantności humanistycznej diagnozy nowoczesnego państwa i społeczeństwa (budowanej na podstawie refleksji wokół konieczności zbudowania nowych form arystokracji w ramach ustroju demokratycznego), b) realności procesów zachodzących w skali globalnej, podważających demokratyczne consensus wskutek dominacji postaw irracjonalnych, c) konieczności wykorzystania tego rodzaju refleksji (dotyczącej wiedzy i rozumności) dla celów związanych z wychowaniem obywatelskim. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Tekst stanowi zachętę do refleksji badawczej, niestroniącej od inspiracji z zakresu historii idei, nad zmienną kondycją współczesnej demokracji, której istotne – problematyczne – cechy stają się szczególnie widoczne w sytuacji powszechnego zagrożenia (ew. powszechnej percepcji zagrożenia). Taka refleksja powinna jednakże wiązać się nie tyle z samymi potrzebami intelektualnymi, ile z poczuciem odpowiedzialności wobec współobywateli, na ogół nieznających korzyści z udziału w racjonalnej debacie publicznej.
Horyzonty Polityki
vol. 11
issue 34
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: As one of the leaders of the world community, Pope Francis often takes up the subject of globalisation. The article presents the Pope's views on the negatively understood "globalization of indifference" and the positively understood "globalization of solidarity" in the context of the challenges facing the social sciences. RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The messages of Pope Francis on the occasion of World Day of Peace 2014-2019 were analyzed in terms of the most important challenges currently facing the world community and the directions of its further development. The analysis is of a qualitative nature and focuses on the reconstruction and synthesis of the substantive content of the messages studied, both in descriptive and normative terms. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: One of the main threats today is the ‘globalization of indifference’ understood as the pursuit of profit and closing in on the needs of the weakest. The Christian response to it should be the ‘globalization of solidarity’, i.e. the renewal of social order based on the value of human brotherhood. RESEARCH RESULTS: The Pope draws attention to many negative phenomena associated with globalisation, while at the same time treating this process as an opportunity to solve many social problems. The Pope gives concrete guidance on the necessary actions. The general consensus of the international community, however, is not enough; multi-level reforms are needed to translate universal human values into concrete actions in different parts of the world. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECCOMENDATIONS: Social sciences can play an important role in the realization of the concept of ‘globalization of solidarity’, whose task is, among others, to develop a new model of political leadership, based on universal values of brotherhood and solidarity, rejecting methods of struggle and domination, and based on mutual respect, trust and social dialogue.
CEL NAUKOWY: Papież Franciszek jako jeden z liderów społeczności światowej często podejmuje temat globalizacji. Artykuł przedstawia poglądy papieża o negatywnie rozumianej „globalizacji obojętności” i pozytywnie rozumianej „globalizacji solidarności” w kontekście wyzwań stojących przed naukami o polityce i administracji. PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Analizie poddano orędzia papieża Franciszka z okazji Światowego Dnia Pokoju z lat 2014-2019 pod kątem najważniejszych wyzwań stojących aktualnie przed społecznością światową oraz kierunków jej dalszego rozwoju. Analiza ma charakter jakościowy i koncentruje się na rekonstrukcji i syntezie merytorycznych treści badanych komunikatów zarówno w warstwie deskryptywnej, jak i normatywnej. PROCES WYWODU: Jednym z głównych zagrożeń jest współcześnie „globalizacja obojętności” rozumiana jako pogoń za zyskiem i zamknięcie się na potrzeby najsłabszych. Chrześcijańską odpowiedzią na nią powinna być „globalizacja solidarności”, czyli odnowa ładu społecznego opartego na wartości ogólnoludzkiego braterstwa. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Papież zwraca uwagę na wiele negatywnych zjawisk powiązanych z globalizacją, jednocześnie traktując ten proces jako szansę na rozwiązanie wielu problemów społecznych. Papież daje konkretne wskazówki co do koniecznych działań. Generalny konsens społeczności międzynarodowej jednak nie wystarczy, konieczne są wielopoziomowe reformy w celu przełożenia uniwersalnych wartości ludzkich na konkretne działania w różnych częściach świata. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: W realizacji koncepcji globalizacji solidarności dużą rolę mogą odegrać nauki społeczne, których zadaniem jest m.in. opracowanie nowego modelu przywództwa politycznego, budowanego na ogólnoludzkich wartościach braterstwa i solidarności, odrzucającego metody walki i dominacji, a opartego na wzajemnym szacunku, zaufaniu i dialogu społecznym.
Мета роботи: Дослідження спрямоване на вивчення впливу автентичного лідерства на креативність у громадській організації з огляду на процвітання робочих місць та обмін між лідером і членами організації в ролі посередника та модератора відповідно. Дизайн / Метод / Підхід дослідження: Було застосовано крос-секційний дизайн дослідження, дані були зібрані за допомогою структурованої анкети від 269 працівників середньої ланки, які є медичними працівниками, що працюють у лікарнях та центрах первинної медико-санітарної допомоги, підпорядкованих Міністерству охорони здоров'я штату Дельта в Нігерії. В якості аналітичного інструменту для перевірки гіпотез був прийнятий метод найменших квадратів (МНК). Цей метод моделювання структурних рівнянь (SEM) був виконаний за допомогою програмного забезпечення SMARTPLS 3.3.3. Результати дослідження: Результати демонструють, що автентичне лідерство має незначний зв'язок із креативністю, окрім як через процвітання на роботі. Крім того, модерований результат посередництва показує, що обмін між лідером і членами групи зміцнює взаємозв'язок між успішністю роботи і креативністю та посилює позитивний вплив автентичного лідерства в контексті креативності. Теоретична цінність дослідження: Дослідження надає правдоподібні докази того, як автентичне лідерство, як позитивна форма лідерства, експлікує вплив на креативність, де успішність роботи та обмін між лідером і членами групи взаємодіють як контекстуальні змінні. Практична цінність дослідження: Громадські організації повинні запровадити регулярні тренінги з лідерства, щоб дати можливість керівникам навчитися поведінці, яка б сприяла підвищенню їхньої автентичності на роботі. Оцінювання може бути інтегроване в програми навчання лідерства для забезпечення їхньої ефективності. Оригінальність / Цінність дослідження: Не всі працівники вмотивовані займатися творчою роботою в бюрократизованому середовищі через лідерську поведінку на практиці. Це дослідження демонструє, як автентичне лідерство породжує креативність через покращення певних контекстуальних змінних: процвітання роботи та обмін між лідером і членами команди. Обмеження дослідження / Майбутні дослідження: Це дослідження було обмежене конкретною громадською організацією та державою Нігерія. Хоча емпірична інформація, надана в цьому дослідженні, може бути корисною і мати цінність для інших громадських організацій, а також для штатів Нігерії, важливо повторити це дослідження з ширшою вибіркою і географічним охопленням, щоб підвищити його загальність. Дослідження спирається на дані поперечних зрізів, які можуть недостатньо пояснити причинно-наслідкові зв'язки між латентними змінними, тому в майбутніх дослідженнях слід розглянути можливість застосування лонгітюдного підходу для отримання більш чітких і конкретних висновків.
Purpose: The study is aimed at examining authentic leadership influences on creativity in a public organisation given job thriving and leader-member exchange as a mediator and a moderator respectively. Design/Method/Approach: The cross-sectional research design was adopted with data collected via a structured questionnaire from 269 mid-level employees who were healthcare professionals working in hospitals and primary healthcare centres under the purview of the Delta State Ministry of Health in Nigeria. The partial least square (PLS) method was adopted as the analytical tool for hypothesis testing. This structural equation modelling (SEM) method was performed with SMARTPLS 3.3.3 software. Findings: The results demonstrate that authentic leadership has a non-significant relationship with creativity except through job thriving. Further, the moderated mediation result shows that leader-member exchange strengthens the relationship between job thriving and creativity and enhances positive influences of authentic leadership in a creativity context. Theoretical Implications: The study provides plausible evidence on the pathways through which authentic leadership, as a positive form of leadership, explicates influence on creativity, wherein job thriving and leader-member exchange interact as contextual variables. Practical Implications: Public organisations should introduce regular leadership training to enable managers to learn behaviours that would enhance their authenticity at work. An assessment can be integrated into leadership training programmes to ensure its efficacy. Originality/Value: Not all employees are motivated to engage in creative work in bureaucratized settings due to the leadership behaviour in practice. This study demonstrates how authentic leadership engenders creativity through the enhancement of certain contextual variables: job thriving and leader-member exchange. Research Limitations/Future Research: This research was limited to a specific public organisation and Nigerian State. Although the empirical information provided herein may be insightful and have applicable value for other public organisations as well as Nigerian States, it is important to replicate this research with a broader sample and geographic spread to improve its generality. The study relies on cross-sectional data which may offer little explanations of causality effects among the latent variables, future research works should consider a longitudinal research approach for clearer and concrete inferences.
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