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In the hereby article it has been presented the discourse on the media industry, in particular circumstances largest media companies. It was recognized that a key factor in the transformation of the scale and scope of the activities of the media is a linear decomposition of the value chain, mainly due to digitization and convergence of media products in the media industry.
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W stronę sprofilowanego odbiorcy mediów

A widening segmentation in the polish high-circulation magazines market could be observed between the years 2000 and 2010. The largest companies with foreign capital, i.e, H. Bauer, Ringer Axel Springer Polska, G + J Polska, Burda Media Polska, Edipresse Polska and Marquard Media Polska explored new income-yielding ways of operation in the market. They adjusted their offer to the varying conditions induced by the development of new technologies. My aim was to grasp and depict the dynamics of change taking place in the market of high-circulation magazines. Analysing the data published by ZKDP, I pondered over the future of the popular, in consequence addressed to a wide spectrum of audience, periodicals.
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Jakość dóbr medialnych

The concept of media goods is of pivotal significance for owners and managers of media business activities. Raising the quality of media goods, namely, newspapers, magazines, radio and television programmes, are the fundamental marketing activities, which should be undertaken with reference to a product. In this article, it is assumed that drastic changes in the media companies’ environment in Poland, especially from the year 2009, prompt the systematic decline in the quality of media goods. It is ascertained that such a situation ensues mainly from the business strategies employed by owners and managers of media companies. In order to carry out a diagnosis of the phenomena the meaning of media goods quality was also specified.
Jeśli zinterpretować jedną z ważnych realizacji Izabelli Gustowskiej - W podróży, z punktu widzenia istotnej roli, jaką odgrywają w niej elektroniczne media, to okazuje się, że do ukierunkowania interpretacji można użyć mitu Chimery. Odczytanie tego mitu, pozwala w obcowaniu ze sztuką Gustowskiej, dostrzec inny rodzaj złożoności i wewnętrznej motoryki, niżeli te jakościowe wyróżniki, które wiążemy w sztuce z rolą muz i Pegaza. Intrygująca nowa jakość, wniesiona w dzieło, za pośrednictwem nowych mediów, zdaje się łączyć z mentalnym powrotem i wskazaniem starego mitu, patronującego teraz nowym urzeczywistnieniom artystycznym. Współczesna atrakcyjność i aktualność Chimery może być poszukiwana / odnajdywana nie tylko w pracach badaczy mitów, ale sygnalizowana jest też przez autorów, którzy w oryginalnych nawiązaniach do tego mitu - z racji swej profesji - wypowiadają się o sztuce z poznawczo poszerzonych pozycji, innych niż jej zawodowi reprezentanci: estetycy, filozofowie sztuki, krytycy artystyczni.
Myth of Chimeras leads us in a revealing a manner of an interpretation of one of Izabella Gustowska’s important artistic realisation (In travel), in the context of a role played by the media. In relations with Gustowska’s art this myth permits us to perceive other kind of complexity and internal movement, than these qualitative distinguishing features, which we associate in art with a part played by muses and Pegasus. New intriguing quality carried out in her work is due to an agency /mediation of new media, uniting with mental return to an old myth, patronising new artistic executions now. Current desirability and topicality of chimera can be traced not only in the works of the explorers of the myth. It is visible also in works of artists, who in original relation to myth express their own attitude in art so different from that of professional explorers: aestheticians, philosophers of art, art critics.
W artykule omówiono wpływ środków masowego przekazu na kształtowanie bezpieczeństwa. Sposób przekazywania informacji wpływa na jej odbiór i kształtowanie poglądów opinii publicznej. Ich silne oddziaływanie wynika z tłumaczenia przez nie rzeczywistości i wskazywania określonej postawy wobec danego wydarzenia. Siłę tę rozumieją i wykorzystują podmioty, które zakłócają międzynarodowe bezpieczeństwo. Terroryści używają mediów do werbowania sprzymierzeńców, finansowania swojej działalności, czy zastraszania. Federacja Rosyjska, manipulując mediami, stara się osiągnąć określone cele polityczne, ukrywając pod wyimaginowanym medialnym obliczem imperialistyczne dążenia. Należy się przeciwstawiać negatywnemu wykorzystaniu mass mediów i współpracować z nimi dla podniesienia poziomu bezpieczeństwa. Można to osiągnąć dzięki edukacji, odpowiedniej strategii medialnej i rzetelności mediów. Współpraca rządu z mediami i budowa skutecznej polityki informacyjnej pozwoli na zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa wśród obywateli.
The article deals with the influence of mass media on security shaping. The way of presenting information affects its reception and public opinion building. Media’s strong influence results from their explanation of reality and showing a define attitude to a certain event. This power is understood and used by entities that impede international security. Terrorists use media to recruit allies, finance their activities and deterrence. The Russian Federation is manipulating the media and thus is trying to achieve certain political goals hiding its imperial tendencies in an imaginary media picture. Taking negative advantage of media must be opposed. Media should be cooperated with in order to increase security level through education, appropriate media strategy and accuracy. The cooperation between the government and media and building effective information policy will allow increasing security among citizens.
The study aimed at analyzing the role of media during and after terrorist attacks by examining the media handling of APS Peshawar attack. The sample consisted of males and females selected on convenience basis from universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. It was hypothesized that (1) Extensive media coverage of terrorist attacks leads to greater publicity/recognition of terrorist groups (2) Media coverage of APS Peshawar attack increased fear and anxiety in public (3) Positive media handling/coverage of APS Peshawar attack led to public solidarity and peace. The results indicate that i) Media coverage of terrorist attacks does help terrorist groups to gain publicity and recognition amongst public ii) Media coverage of Aps Peshawar attack did not increase fear/anxiety in fact it directed the Pakistani nation towards public solidarity and peace.
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę wykorzystania telefonu komórkowego w konsumpcji mediów cyfrowych. Zdiagnozowano wpływ zmiennych społeczno--demograficznych użytkowników oraz przeanalizowano wykorzystywaną funkcjonalność telefonu komórkowego. Zidentyfikowano media cyfrowe konsumowane za pomocą telefonu komórkowego. W tekście analizowany jest również potencjał wykorzystania telefonu komórkowego w komunikacji marketingowej przedsiębiorstwa. Płaszczyzną dla zaprezentowanych w artykule rozważań są wyniki zrealizowanych badań bezpośrednich.
Article takes the problems connected with the use of a cell phones as a device used for digital media consumption. It was diagnosed impact of socio-demographic variables and analyses was made in functionality of cell phone among users. Digital media was identified which are consumed using a cell phone. The text explores also the potential use of cell phone in marketing communications of a company. Area for considerations presented in this article are direct research results.
Rozwój mediów powodował określone skutki w rozwoju cywilizacji. Na pewnym etapie tego rozwoju pojawiło się zjawisko globalizacji, które także w dużej mierze stymulowane jest przez nowe technologie. Główną cechą wpływu, jaki niosą ze sobą nowe media w odniesieniu do globalizacji, jest jej przyśpieszenie. Im bardziej rozwinięte technologie, tym większe tempo przemian.
The development of the media cause certain effects in the development of civilization. At a certain stage of development appeared the phenomenon of globalization, which also largely stimulated by new technologies. The main feature of the impact that bring new media in relation to globalization is its acceleration. The more developed technologies, the greater the rate of change.
Diversity in the activities of Polish media companies is a neccessity in the face of the prevalent media digitalization and convergency. Reception fragmentation, its individualization, the quest for interactivity, utilization of different channels for media distribution lead to the „aging’’ of some media and the contraction of their audience. Guided by the profit criterium publishers and forwarders are following the changing tastes of their customers and advertisers. For publishers such as Agora, expanding the range of products is the panacea for the structural crisis of the press. New areas of activity are to guarantee higher incomes when current activities are on a decline. The maintenance of a company in the media market therefore requires the branch out type of divresification. Television broadcasting stations, among them TVN, taking advantage of the upturn in the television advertisement market and the audience expansion, will not have to explore for themselves new areas of activity. Diversification possesses, in their instance, an investment character. Product differentiation and scope of activity expansion are to ensure income growth owing to the synergy effect. Relinquishing investment, for instance in new channels of content distribution could result in the loss of competitive advantage.
Today the concept of corporate social responsibility is getting more and more public attention. There is growing awareness of the impact of organizations on the environment and the significance of their responsibility to the society. Simultaneously, the dynamic growth of digital technology has resulted in the development of new instruments of organizations' communication with their environment which are successfully used to promote the idea of CRS. The aim of the paper is to analyze the importance of new media for dissemination of the idea of CRS. This aim will be reached by presenting literature review and the results of empirical research concerning the use of Polish websites in popularizing corporate social responsibility.
The research runs in the school year 2011/2012 within the project “Life of the Lubuskie Region Inhabitants. Present and Prospects.” \footnote{The project realized in partnership with the Marshal's Office of Lubuskie Voivodeship in Zielona Góra, Infrastructure Department} proved that ¼ of junior high school students from the Lubuskie Region are addicted to the media – mainly to the mobile phone, the Internet or the computer \footnote {The research involved 2508 junior high school students from Lubuskie Voivodeship. More on the subject in: G. Miłkowska, Z. Wołk (red.) Lubuszanie 2012. Diagnoza stanu. Raport z badań, Zielona Góra 2012 and : G. Miłkowska (red.), Życie Lubuszan. Współczesność i perspektywy lubuskiej młodzieży, Zielona Góra 2012}. The article presents the characteristics of this group of students in comparison with 250 Lubuskie Region inhabitants randomly selected from the remaining group of examined students. The authors analyse chosen factors related to family situation and show how much they can encourage the addiction to the media. As it results from the research, the escape to the world of media is encouraged by the following factors: overworked parents having no time for their children, communication disorders in the family, violent behaviour of parents and the sense of loneliness in the family
Badania przeprowadzone w roku szkolnym 2011/2012 w ramach projektu „Życie Lubuszan. Współczesność i perspektywy. Projekt realizowany był w partnerstwie z Urzędem Marszałkowskim Województwa Lubuskiego w Zielonej Górze, Departamentem Infrastruktury} dowiodły, że około ¼ gimnazjalistów województwa lubuskiego stanowią osoby zagrożone uzależnieniem od środków masowego przekazu, w tym głównie telefonu komórkowego, Internetu i komputera. Badaniami objęto 2508 uczniów szkół gimnazjalnych z województwa lubuskiego. Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest charakterystyce tej grupy uczniów w porównaniu do 250 Lubuszan losowo wybranych spośród pozostałej populacji badanych gimnazjalistów. Autorki analizują wybrane czynniki sytuacji rodzinnej i wskazują na ile mogą one stanowić czynniki sprzyjające uzależnieniu od mediów. Z badań wynika, że ucieczce w świat mediów sprzyjają takie czynniki jak: zapracowanie rodziców połączone z brakiem czasu wolnego dla dzieci, zaburzenia w komunikacji wewnątrzrodzinnej, zachowania przemocowe rodziców i poczucie osamotnienia w rodzinie.
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Nowe media a sztuka XX wieku

Artykuł omawia wpływ nowych mediów na sztukę XX wieku, a dokładniej na przemiany pojmowania sztuki w XX wieku. Artykuł wskazuje na trzy kluczowe momenty wzajemnych relacji nowych mediów i sztuki. Pierwszy moment przypada na lata 20., kiedy europejska awangarda wyciąga skrajne konsekwencje z wynalezienia fotografii i ogłasza koniec starej sztuki rzemieślniczej i narodziny nowej sztuki maszynowej. Sztuka maszynowa jest efektem industrializacji sztuki, wyzwalającej sztuki wizualne z tradycji sztuk pięknych. Drugi moment przypada na lata 60. i wiąże się z umasowieniem telewizji. Sztuka musi odnaleźć swoje miejsce w medialnym społeczeństwie, zdominowanym przez telewizyjne obrazy, w świecie symulakrum. W tej nowej sytuacji zmienia się relacja pomiędzy sztuką a tym, co artystyczne. Trzeci moment związany jest z rewolucją cyfrową i z pojawieniem się cyberprzestrzeni. Oparte na komputrze praktyki artystyczne zmieniają nasz stosunek do rzeczywistości, a najbardziej widocznym znakiem tej zmiany jest rzeczywistość wirtualna. Rzeczywistość wirtualna podwaja nasz świat i zmienia go w świat możliwości.
The article focusses on the influence of the new media upon the 20th Century art, or more precisely upon the understanding of art in 20th Century. The article highlights three turning points in relations between new media and visual art. The first turning point came about in 1920s, when the European avant-garde has drawn radical conclusion from the invention of photography and announced the end of old, craftsman`s art and the beginning of the new era of machine art. Machine art was to be the result of industrialisation of art and all culture. "Our age is not the age of arts and crafts but the age of the machine" - Karel Teige, the leading figure of the Czech avant-garde movement wrotr in 1925. The second turning point, in 1960s, is connected with the appearance of the television as the most popuar medium. Art had to find new place in the media society, in the society dominated by new kind of images produced by television in the world of simulacra. The last, third turning point, in 1990s, links with digital revolution, with the coming of cyberspace. The computer-based practices lead to revolutionary changes in human approach to reality, to the world and the most visible sign of this new approach is the Virtual Reality. The latter doubles our vision and makes our world the world of human possibilities.
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Technologie widzenia w procesie refigurowania kultury

Recenzja książki: A. Gwóźdź (red.), Widzieć, myśleć, być. Technologie mediów, Universitas, Kraków 2001, s. 483
Review of a book: A. Gwóźdź (ed.), Widzieć, myśleć, być. Technologie mediów, Universitas, Kraków 2001, s. 483
Media, during Taliban five years period from 1996-2001, had been totally suffocated. Only limited number of print media would publish to spread the propaganda of Taliban Emirate under Sharia Law. Post-Taliban era, media landscape obtained new image with the establishment of democratic government. Independent media were allowed to operate in accordance with the formation of new constitution of 2004. Afghanistan to rise and promote the voice of right, equality and justice, defend human rights and spread public awareness in order to serve for social responsibilities. Despite continued challenges media outlets and journalists have made tremendous progress which it has resulted in harm of their personal life from time to time due to threats of insecurity, war, warlords, strongmen, corrupted actors in government as well as in attacks of Taliban and ISIS insurgents. Hence, media outlets and journalists have been carrying on their responsibilities despite of availed risks to them and their families. In this paper, it has been viewed the status of media freedom, process of development and continued challenges to media freedom and journalists.
Homeless, wanderer, tramp, hobo, … many terms by which common language attempts to designate housing exclusion. Naming this phenomenon without stigmatizing, without eliminating the complexity of the phenomenon, is a constant challenge when it comes to addressing those affected by the lack of housing. In this article, we show how three categories of actors are trying to meet this challenge. First, in the media. An analysis of the media discourse shows that the homelessness has now become a key media figure – especially when the winter approaches -, replacing the old iconic figure of the tramp. Nevertheless, naming this phenomenon proves to be a complex exercise for the journalists. Second, toward the organisations working with the people who are homeless. For them naming the lack of housing is also the challenge of those who, every day, try to accompany people in this situation. Behind the words are obviously hidden social representations but also ways of taking care of these people in their attempts to cope with the lack of housing. In scientific research, finally. Beyond the term used, a literature review shows that it is mainly the process by which these individuals go through that intrigues the researchers. It is not only a matter of naming but of understanding. This concern is shared by field operators who deploy their own categorization to better cope with this extreme form of exclusion of lack of housing. Our field research mainly concerns French-speaking Belgium (media and operational categorization). However, to contextualize our remarks, we are also making incursions into French scientific literature as well as into the conceptualization work carried out by researchers at the European Observatory on Homelessness.
The term “Fourth Estate” is becoming more and more common and acquires various connotations. It seems that processes of mediatisation of politics and tabloidisation of the media greatly contribute to phenomenon. Numerous examples of that sort are provided by the permanent election campaigns in Poland, mutual relationship between different types of media and political public relations, as well as the relationship between the media and the ruling coalition.
Africa is considered often as a victim of the globalization processes that make the world more unjust: the division between the rich and the poor is getting wider, and Africa is still the poorest continent on the planet. It is not only an effect of the colonization era, but also of the new colonization in the economic field and in the communication sphere. Globalization of the media and communication make the people from around the world more easily and rapidly connected, but also create enormous disproportions in the communication and media flows. Big telegraph companies from Great Britain and other Western countries built in the 19th century telegraphic systems in different continents (finally also in Africa), the biggest media holdings have headquarters in the USA, European Union or Japan, and the Internet is popular, above all, in the rich North, while in the poor South it is still a luxury. The image of Africa in the Western world is still, however, biased with stereotypes, creating an „afro-pessimism": Africa is perceived as a continent of disasters, famine, ethnic wars, AIDS and malaria. This is an effect of the domination of the Western media (that show such Africa) in the communication field. Nevertheless, in Africa every year there are more and more Internet users, and the Western values of freedom of expression are disseminated among Africans more dynamically. In this sense, Africa is a beneficiary of the Western hegemony and should take an opportunity to develop and create a new vision of this continent in the world. Without changing the image, it seems impossible to challenge the African poverty.
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Japanese Cooking through Media

Japanese food, such as sushi, tempura, sukiyaki, and so forth is considered a vegetarian cuisine. Since the Meiji era, Japanese food culture has absorbed influences from the food culture of other countries, for example European countries, China, Korea, India, etc. Japanese people eat other countries’ foods quite often – not only in food served at restaurants but also in the daily food created in each family. The media has introduced many new foods into the lives of Japanese people for 200 years; and nowadays, the internet has drastically changed the role of the media.
This study chronicles the portrayal of the Middle East in various American media that have received scholarly attention, centering on the print and broadcast media. The time frame of the media review in the United States towards the Middle East is from the September 11th attacks in 2001 until 2019. The article draws on the theory of orientalism to reveal a facet of the media that perpetuates false stereotypes of the Middle East as a threat to US interests, culture, and security. It finds that although the media in America have paid detailed attention to many issues in the Middle East during the last two decades, there are grounds to assume they have failed to comprehend the sociopolitical and economic reasons behind such issues. The coverage of the Middle East in American media during the 21st century has paralleled the government’s official viewpoints and interests in the region.
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