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2006, after referendum, the Montenegrin Parliament declared the independence of Montenegro. One of the primary foreign policy objectives is integration into the European Union. 2007 Montenegro signed a Stabilisation und Association Agreement. On 17th December 2010 the EU granted Montenegro the official status of candidate country. The accession negotiations with Podgorica started on 29th June 2012. In December 2012 first chapter in negotiations was opened and provisionally closed. The EU provides financial assistance to Montenegro under the IPA (Instrument for Pre‑accession Assistance). Now has this country top position among the states striving for the EU membership. One of the phenomena of Montenegro’s political life is the fact that the power has been in the hands of the political party: Democratic Party of Socialists, and personally Milo Ðukanović. The biggest internal problems are: ethnic (only 45% Montenegrins), linguistic (almost 43% speaks Serbian, only 37% Montenegrin) and religious structure (Montenegrin Orthodox Church has not been recognized). The important problems in negotiations: corruption and organized crime in Montenegro and, probably, unilateral euro adoption in 2002.
Human remains from the sarcophagus in the Tumulus II on the Planinica Hill have been analysed in the laboratory of the Department of Archaeology of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb. Due to the severe fragmentation and post-mortem damage of the whole sample it was not possible to re-individualise each skeleton; instead, a minimum number of 7 individuals (MNI) buried in the tumulus were assessed. Analysis of the bones belonging to the adult individuals showed that they fell between the ages of 16 and 20 years old, for the youngest, while the oldest individual was probably between 50 and 60 years old
Tumuli in Montenegro are regarded as Bronze and Early Iron Age structures, but the majority of those sites have not been explored. The archaeological record indicates significant differences in their construction. The tumuli on Planinica — the first investigated stone burial mounds in Montenegro — regarding their construction, have analogies with the Early Bronze Age site of Rječani near Nikšić only, they do not compare with sites with a later chronology. Giving the state of research on the topic however, it should be pointed out that this is only hinted at. The Brillenspirale found in the sarcophagus of Tumulus II, based on finds from the comprehensively published site Velika Gruda near Tivat, indicates a much later date — to the Late Bronze Age. The minimum number of 7 individuals (probably males) buried in Tumulus II — fitting the ancestral pattern — encourages the interpretation of a long-term burial.
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Etnologie Černé Hory od poloviny 20. století

Montenegro covers arelatively small area, but it consists of three anthropo-geographical and ethnographical regions: the coast, central (old) Montenegro and the mountainous area (Crnogorska Brda). Every region is divided into smaller areas which carry well-known names of landscape features and local families. The variety of institutions and the dispersion of researchers in different institutions (museums, archives, schools and universities) have been posing difficulties to the development of ethnology in Montenegro in the 20th century and today. this article aims to inform about different publications on ethnic history of Montenegro.
The circumstances accompanying the incorporation of Montenegro into Serbia in November 1918 were marked by an internal conflict in the Montenegrin nation, which, to be specific, was the conflict between King Nicholas I and his supporters on the one side and the group of pro-Serbian former ministers in Montenegrin governments on the other side. The royal camp aimed at maintaining independence of the Kingdom of Montenegro while the pro-Serbian camp’s aspiration was unconditional incorporation of the country into the borders of the Kingdom of Serbia and later into the unified South Slavic Kingdom. The pro-Serbian camp tipped the scales in its favour as it organised the illegal National Assembly on the territory of Montenegro, which decided about the unification of Montenegro and Serbia and the dethronement of King Nicholas I. The consequences of this state of affairs led to a significant number of uprisings of the Montenegrins allied with the royal camp. Out of these, the Christmas Uprising gained a rank of a symbol. Montenegrin-Montenegrin and Montenegrin-Serbian fights involved considerable losses on the part of the people of Montenegro and the country’s architectural wealth, yet they solidified the national awareness of the Montenegrins, and the cult of this awareness made it possible to regain independence after 88 years of strong bonds with Serbia.
Autor analizuje nazwy czarnogórskich klubów piłkarskich uczestniczących w rozgrywkach sezonu 2019/20. Analiza semantyczna pokazuje, że najbardziej popularnym schematem nazewniczym jest użycie nazwy geograficznej (nazwy gór, rzek, jezior itp.). Inne istotne schematy wykorzystują nazwy ludzi (w tym nazwy zawodów, mieszkańców regionów i sławnych ludzi związanych z regionem), a także nazwy abstrakcyjne relacji międzyludzkich. Niektóre kluby, zwłaszcza z najniższego poziomu rozgrywkowego, używają wyłącznie skrótowca oraz nazwy miejscowości, w której funkcjonują.
This article analyses the names of the Montenegrin football clubs taking part in the 2019/20 league competitions. The semantic analysis of their names presented in the study indicates that the most popular pattern is the use of a geographical name (the name of a mountain, river, lake, etc.). Other significant patterns are the use of the names of people (including the names of occupations, inhabitants of a particular region, or famous people associated with the region) and the names of abstract relations between people. Some clubs, mostly from the lowest level in the league system, use only an acronym and the name of their town/village.
Montenegro became a union republic of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (1945–1992) after the Second World War and the political changes and wars in the Balkans at the turn of the 20th and 21st century. Montenegro proclaimed its independence on 3rd June 2006. As an independent state, this former republic of socialist Yugoslavia takes action to gather and scientifically describe its remarkable cultural heritage. In 2019 Cetinje Academy of Music, which is part of the University of Montenegro, decided to carry out a scientific project aimed at depicting this entire cultural heritage. Folk culture and Orthodoxy are the dominant features of this whole opus, thus it is not surprising that cultural products are mostly associated with these two cultural factors. Catholics constitute a group of about 3.5%, which amounts to a relatively small number of believers. Though they are a small community, they also left their mark on culture. One of the important factors in the Catholic worship is the pipe organ. The article is the first part of a series of texts dedicated to the organ in Montenegro, in which the organ from St. Tryphon's Cathedral in Kotor and from the parish church of Our Lady Help of Christians in Muo is described. The presentation of these instruments comprises their history and description as well as contemporary and archival photographs. The contemporary instrument in St. Tryphon’s Cathedral in Kotor is a small contemporary instrument which comes from the German organmaster’s factory Fischer + Krämer. The factory was founded in Schlatt, near Bad Krozingen, in 1970. The firm builds its instruments with mechanical key actions in wood and their pipe measurements are based on the Baden-Alsace tradition of Stieffell and also on the pattern of Andreas and Johann Andreas Silbermann. However, the history of the organ in Kotor Cathedral is relatively well documented and has been depicted by musicologists from the former Yugoslavia. The organ preserved in the church of Our Lady Help of Christians in Muo is, in its construction, an instrument belonging to the Dalmatian-Italian tradition of the organ building, which derived from Domenico Moscatelli’s factory. It was built in 1784 in Zadar and brought to Muo in 1880. The organ is a mechanical instrument containing Italian sound concept and stop naming. Its current condition is disastrous. The organ requires special care due to the fact that it reflect a substantial document of European organ building’s trends. Respect for music in its material (an instrument with a beautiful organ front) and spiritual (beauty of sounds) dimensions is required. Therefore, Boka Kotorska is not only a charming, mountainous and seaside resort, but also a place with a vital role in the contemporary account of the material heritage of Montenegrin culture.
Since Chinese outbound tourism currently represents the largest outbound tourist market, the opportunities for tourism of Montenegro in the Chinese tourist market should be certainly examined. The aim of this paper is to analyze the relevant data about Chinese tourists who are visiting Montenegro: their specific demographic characteristics, travel habits and main motivation, but also to identify the possible ways to increase the number of Chinese tourists in Montenegro in future. For the purpose of this paper, two years long empirical research was conducted among Chinese tourists in Montenegro with the help of questionnaire. Several interviews with representatives of tourism sector in Montenegro were carried out as well. The authors have concluded that only after the total adjustment of Montenegro tourist offer to the Chinese tourists’ preferences, Montenegro could be completely ready for intensive acceptance of Chinese tourists. What’s more, in order to attract larger number of Chinese tourists, the effective marketing policy of Montenegro as a tourist destination should be created in that direction and as well the specialized tourism promotion at the Chinese market should be carried out.
The article presents a basic overview of the war record of the chief of the Supreme Staff of the Partisan army Arso Jovanović. Jovanović's war biography is described in relation to three social groups in which he had operated. The first social group was the Piper clan, or the local Montenegrin context in which he was born and grew up. The other social group was the leadership of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (KPJ) with which he cooperated during the war. The third social group was the circle of Montenegrin generals of the Yugoslav army (JA) which Jovanović belonged o until his unexplained death in the summer of 1948. This paper describes how all these groups were interlinked through Jovanović, how they affected each other creating the preconditions for the events of World War II and the post-war period in Yugoslavia.
This article is a second part of the series of texts on organs in Montenegro, in which the organs from St Nicholas’ Church and the Church of Our Lady of the Rock in Perast will be described. The description of these instruments will include their basic presentation in the context of the organ building trends in this part of Europe. Organs as a special musical instrument are an important example of the material heritage of musical culture. Montenegro, being a predominantly Orthodox country in which instrumental and vocal-instrumental music is not performed, cannot claim a large number of organs. However, their significant proportion includes historically noteworthy instruments.
Language and Identity: The Case of MontenegroThe Montenegrin language was established as the official language of newly independent Montenegro in 2007. However, the idea of a separate Montenegrin language remained dormant until the mid-1990s, when a small group of Montenegrin pro-independence intellectuals, aiming to reconstruct all the trappings of a separate Montenegrin identity, started to emphasize the distinctiveness of the language of Montenegrins. How did it happen that once being a marginal idea, Montenegrin became the native language for almost 37 percent of the Montenegrin population in 2011? This article is an attempt to answer this question. It provides a brief overview of the language situation in Montenegro from the time of socialist Yugoslavia to the independence era, paying attention to the changes in the political elites’ attitudes towards the language issue. The standardization process of the Montenegrin language is described by focusing on the aspects, which are considered most significant from the perspective of identity. The paper also describes how the Montenegrin language is being narratized so that the language narrative is being produced as a part of the broader narrative about the Montenegrin identity. Finally, an analysis of the last two censuses’ data reveals changes in the population structure in Montenegro according to nationality and mother tongue between 2003 and 2011, i.e. the period when the issues of identity and language became extremely politicized. Język a tożsamość: przypadek CzarnogóryJęzyk czarnogórski został uznany za język urzędowy niepodległej Czarnogóry w 2007 roku. Temat odrębnego języka w Czarnogórze został nagłośniony dopiero w połowie lat 90. ubiegłego wieku przez niewielką grupę zorientowanych niepodległościowo intelektualistów, dążących do rekonstrukcji wszystkich aspektów odrębnej tożsamości czarnogórskiej. Podstawowe pytanie, na które artykuł odpowiada, brzmi: jak to się stało, że choć idea odrębności językowej była początkowo marginalna, język czarnogórski był w 2011 roku językiem ojczystym dla prawie 37 proc. ludności Czarnogóry? Artykuł przedstawia krótki zarys sytuacji językowej w Czarnogórze od czasów socjalistycznej Jugosławii do czasów niepodległości, z uwzględnieniem ewolucji w podejściu elit politycznych do kwestii języka czarnogórskiego. Omawia też przebieg i kluczowe aspekty procesu standaryzacji języka czarnogórskiego, uznane za istotne z punktu widzenia tożsamości. Kolejnym aspektem jest narratyzowanie języka czarnogórskiego i będąca jego wynikiem narracja o języku czarnogórskim jako części szerszej czarnogórskiej narracji tożsamościowej. Wreszcie – analiza danych spisów ludności z lat 2003 i 2011 ukazuje przemiany, które zaszły w strukturze narodowościowej i językowej w Czarnogórze w omawianym okresie, kiedy kwestie tożsamości i języka uległy silnej polityzacji.
This article addresses means of expressing and implying emotions (Langlotz, Locher 2012) in realizations of impoliteness in written discourse thematizing language and identity in Croatian and Montenegrin media in 2010 and 2011. Realizations of impoliteness often relate to communicating an emotional stance that can trigger emotional responses in readers. Our discourse sample can be described as “disputes about language and identity” (cf. Felberg, Šarić 2013), which is largely characterized by conflictual disagreements. Conflictual disagreements, as Jones (2001) or Langlotz and Locher (2012) put it, do not leave one cold in face-to-face interaction: they arouse feelings of annoyance, irritation, anger, or contempt directed to the communicative partner. These observations are relevant in our context, although we deal with written discourse. The main participants in our data include well-known intellectuals, journalists, and editors. They all defend or attaca a position in discussing, among other things, “how similar ‘our’ language (Croatian/Montenegrin) is to ‘their’ language” (Serbian), and “what makes this language (Croatian/Montenegrin) a distinctive and independent entity”. These participants clearly position themselves in relation to other participants. Their positioning of the self and the other person involves negative identity-ascribing practices. Taking into consideration parameters such as the role of participants in discourse and society, context, co-text, and activity types in which discourse participants engaged, we identified various highly context-dependent types and functions of impoliteness realizations (cf. Šarić, Felberg 2015). Contrary to our expectations, the participants in the media discourse in both countries frequently use impoliteness both strategically and systematically while defending their positions. The impoliteness realizations point to emotively significant places in discourse. Their use has several functions: a prominent one is coercion through legitimizing one’s own standpoints and delegitimizing those of one’s opponents.
Background: The tourism cluster-approach is considered to be an appropriate strategy in emerging economies and less developed areas. Due to scarce resources and a great number of structural problems of rural areas in Montenegro, uniting all stakeholders and attractions into a competitive tourism cluster would ensure that the area could operate and become an effective and efficient rural tourism destination. Objectives: The objective of this paper is to highlight the key challenges of rural tourism clustering and provide new data and a wider understanding of the tourism-cluster approach in Montenegrin rural areas. Methods: Using the extensive literature, available secondary data from government bodies, NGOs, foreign development agencies, relevant international organisations and primary data collected from rural tourism operators in Montenegro, the paper investigates key challenges and factors associated with (in)efficiency of Montenegrin theme trails. Results: Several management and marketing issues are identified regarding the cluster approach implementation. Special importance and significance of information technologies and intelligent systems have been recognized in sense of cost-effective marketing implementation. Most Montenegrin trails are still in the first phase of cluster development, whereas just two of them have experienced a significant improvement in cooperative behaviour. Conclusions: Key benefits of the cluster approach are noted and clearly defined, but in the case of the Montenegrin rural tourism sector, these potentials are still, to a large extent, underused.
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Media w Czarnogórze

Media stanowią istotny środek przekazu informacji. Kształtują świadomość obywateli i pozwalają docierać do szerokiego spectrum informacji. Nazywane nie bez znaczenia czwartą władzą poza funkcją informacyjną w wielu przypadkach odgrywają również rolę cenzorów. W Czarnogórze aspirującej do członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej, prowadzącej negocjacje akcesyjne, wydawać by się mogło, iż spełnione są wszelkie standardy w zakresie praw medialnych. Państwo przyjęło najważniejsze regulacje prawne w tej materii. Wnikliwsza analiza stanu wolności mediów czarnogórskich pokazuje jednak, że sytuacja nie jest tak przejrzysta. Media pozostają zależne od układów politycznych, źródeł finansowania. Środowisko opiniotwórcze jest skorumpowane, a sytuacja samych dziennikarzy trudna. Ci z nich, którzy podejmują się pisania o polityce, ujawniania nieczystych interesów, przewinień ze strony władz, organów wymiaru sprawiedliwości, narażeni są wielokrotnie na ataki, tak werbalne, jak i akty przemocy fizycznej. Artykuł ukazuje współczesną sytuację mediów w demokratycznym państwie, jakim jest Czarnogóra.
Media constitute an important means of information transfer. They shape the citizens awareness and make it possible to reach a wide range of information. Being called the fourth estate, besides the information function, in many cases media become censors. In Montenegro, which aspires to become the member of the European Union and carries out the accession negotiations, it might seem that all standards as to the media law are kept. The country passed all the most important legal regulations in that matter. Yet, the deeper analysis of the freedom of Montenegro media shows that the situation is not so transparent. Media remain dependent on the political relations, sources of financing. The opinion-forming environment is corrupted, and the journalists’ situation is difficult. Those who attempt to write about politics, reveal underhanded business, abusive activity from the side of the authorities, judicial authorities, are often placed at risk of violence both verbal and physical. The article shows the current situation of media in the democratic country, which is Montenegro.
In this paper I analyze one of the first collections of poems for children in the SCBM language, Niz dragocijenoga bisera ili Duhovne i moralne pjesme za djecu by Jovan Sundečić (Zadar 1856, Cetinje 1865). Although many have stated that it is one of the first original publications intended for children and young readers of the South Slavic area, there has been no detailed analysis of it until now. In the introductory part of the paper, I will look at the circumstances which led to creation of literature for children and young people, in the central part, through the analysis of Sundečić’s book, I will show why Romanticism in children’s literature inevitably intertwined with Enlightenment, and I will try to illuminate the socio-historical circumstances that led to the reprint. In the conclusion, I make an evaluation of the book from the viewpoint of Romanticism, as the period in which it was created, as well as the contemporary moment, which tends to mark the timeless literary qualities.
The aim of the article is to analyze state-diaspora relations, using Montenegro as an example. The literature on the topic shows a visible lack of thorough studies of this phenomenon. Montenegro is an interesting case, since the number of people living in diasporas is comparable to the total population of the state. The article is divided into four parts. Part one presents theoretical consideration of the diaspora, as well as the state-diaspora relations. Part two features a brief characterization of the diasporas in Montenegro, its history and migration directions. Part three is an analysis of relations between Montenegro and the diaspora. Particular attention is given to the process of institutionalization of these relations. The article ends with conclusions.
Celem artykułu jest dokonanie analizy relacji państwo-diaspora na przykładzie Czarnogóry. W literaturze przedmiotu zauważalny jest brak dogłębnych badań tego zjawiska. Czarnogóra stanowi interesujący przypadek ze względu fakt, że liczba osób żyjących w diasporach jest porównywalna do liczby mieszkańców tego państwa. Artykuł składa się z czterech części. Pierwsza z nich stanowi przedstawienie rozważań teoretycznych na temat diaspor, ale także relacji państwo-diaspora. W ko­lejnej została pokrótce scharakteryzowana czarnogórska diaspora - jej historia, li­czebność oraz kierunki emigracji. Trzecia część stanowi analizę kształtowanych przez Czarnogórę relacji z diasporą. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na proces instytucjonali­zacji owych stosunków. Artykuł kończy podsumowanie.
Montenegro, the smallest of the Balkan states in the beginning of the 20th century, was especially interested in creating an anti-Turkish alliance. It aimed at attaching the fertile lands of Sandžak of Novi Pazar, Metohija and Shkodër. Finally, as a result of the I Balkan War, it managed to achieve the first two aims, only if partially, because it had to share those lands with Serbia. Montenegro did not manage to take over control of Shkodër and the surroundings inhabited mainly by Albanians. There were many reasons why Montenegro did not manage to realize its territorial aspirations: – the poor financial condition of the state of Montenegro on the eve of the war, which prevented them from gaining a strong position in the Balkan alliance and made a success in its military actions dependent on the allies, especially on Serbia; – the detrimental pressure exerted by king Nicolas I to fight at any cost for the control over Shkodër; – a conflict of interest and mistakes made by the Montenegro authorities in developing their relations with Serbia, which weighed later on the relations between Montenegro and Serbia in the period between the Balkan wars and the First World War, as well as at the time when Yugoslavia began to unite around the idea of building the common state. – not appreciating to a sufficient degree the significance of the Albanian problem and not using the possession of the North Albanian lands as a bargaining chip in the relations with neighbors, particularly with Serbia.
Authors discuss the collection of larvae and imagines of Odonata which was collected during hydrobiological and acarological studies conducted in Montenegro in 2010 and 2012. The material encompasses 28 dragonfly species of which Ophiogomphus cecilia has been recorded in this country for the first time. The updated checklist of the dragonflies of Montenegro was also provided.
Autorzy omawiają zbiór larw i imagines Odonata, który zgromadzono podczas badań hydrobiologicznych i akarologicznych prowadzonych w Czarnogórze w latach 2010 i 2012. Obejmuje on 28 gatunków, z których Ophiogomphus cecilia stwierdzono pierwszy raz w tym kraju. Przedstawiono też uzupełniony wykaz ważek Czarnogóry.
Agencies are an organisational form with regulatory, expert or executive tasks that may ensure better usage of expertise compared to traditional administrative organisations. However, there are certain unintentional effects of the agency model, which are more obvious in transitional countries. Coordination and policy coherence gaps may raise the question of political accountability, provoke robust political interventions, and undermine the level of autonomy and expertise, especially where a firm legal framework does not limit the influence of politics. Another problem is the effective legal control over agencies. Traditional, bureaucratic legal procedures of internal control and courts’ supervision in certain transition countries, like those researched in the paper (Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro), are not fully suitable and effective for agencies, opening significant room for politicisation hidden behind expertise. The recent proliferation of agencies in those countries causes many new problems of public administration and enhances old ones. Interview-based research conducted in three countries in January 2012 has the purpose to establish the main problems and issues in the functioning of agencies, especially with regard to the legal aspect of agency and politics / policy relations. Basic findings confirm the hypothesis that the agency model in those countries has not been stabilised yet. Professionalism, autonomy and expertise of the agencies are in a precarious position. The legal framework for agencies should be fine-tuned and strengthened, to ensure proper steering within the agency model.
Planinica — a hill situated on the edge of a vast mountain range delimited to the south-east by the Zeta Plain. It is a part of historical region known as Malesija inhabited mainly by the Albanians. During the field research on Planinica in 2012–2013 a group of stone structures was documented. It consists of circular stone tower surrounded by quadrilateral wall, several small enclosures of trapezoid or pentagonal plan and a network of roads leading to the top of the hill. The arrangement of the buildings indicates that the most likely function was military. They can be described as an observatory tower surrounded by small auxiliary forts. The complex of stone structures on Planinica was most probably built by the Turks after 1878 as a part of system of fortifications guarding newly established Turkish-Montenegrin border. The border survived until the Balkan War in 1912. After that Planinica was no longer been a point of military interest and the forts on its top have undergone progressive destruction. The stone structures on Planinica are not mentioned either in archaeological or historical publications in Montenegro, except the watchtower, which is interpreted as a prehistoric burial mound destroyed by the Turks. The buildings on Planinica hill remain “in the shadow” of the prehistoric stone tumuli, which represent a positively valorised, very distant past.
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