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W pracy proponuje się nowe pojęcie do celów analizy relacji języka i kultury – pojęcie idiomu. Rozpatruje się je jako zjawisko języka w odniesieniu do idiomów w sensie ścisłym (oraz do innych stałych związków wyrazowych) ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na właściwości semantyczne i pragmatyczne wyrażeń idiomatycznych. Autorka wyodrębniła te cechy idiomu, które zbliżają tę jednostkę języka do fenomenu kultury, oraz przedstawia podstawy, na których fenomen idiomatycznego użycia środków leksykalnych i fenomen kultury mogą być traktowane jako bieguny tego samego ciągu homologicznego. Proponuje także paradygmat językowo-kulturowy wspólny dla idiomu językowego i idiomów należących do innych kodów, także niewerbalnych. Analogicznie do systemu makrokomponentów znaczenia wyrażenia idiomatycznego w pracy ustala się kilka poziomów analizy porównawczej fenomenu kulturowego. Jako ilustracja przedstawiona została analiza konkretnych praktyk kulturowych. Dowodzą one, że kultura ma cechy charakterystyczne dla idiomu i to pozwala na jej badanie i opisywanie razem z idiomami językowymi w ramach jednej wspólnej teorii.
In the paper a new concept, that of “idiom”, is proposed for the analysis of the relationship between language and culture. The concept is studied as a linguistic fact, i.e. narrowly understood idioms or other fixed phrases. Special emphasis is put on the semantic and pragmatic features of idiomatic expressions. The author delineates those features of idiom which indicate its closeness to culture. Also, the bases are presented on which the phenomenon of idiomatic use of lexical means and the phenomenon of culture can be treated as poles of the same homological symmetrical chain. A linguistic-cultural paradigm is proposed common to the linguistic idiom on the one hand and idioms specific to other codes, including non-verbal ones, on the other. By way of analogy to the system of macrocomponents of the meaning of an idiomatic expression, several levels for the comparative analysis of a cultural phenomenon are established. As an illustration, an analysis of specific cultural practices is presented. The analysis shows that characteristic features of culture are similar to those of linguistic idiom, which allows for the study and description of both within the framework of the same coherent theory.
Phraseology is a domain of linguistic study which, to a certain extent, demonstrates the correlation between language and culture. At the same time, it is a source of information concerning the speakers’ world view. However, different phraseological units are used in different languages. Hence, when it comes to their understanding, it becomes particularly difficult to comprehend their meaning without the reference to their lexicographic description. The aim of this paper is to outline the treatment of selected idioms in several dictionaries in order to: (i) identify how idioms are lexicographically presented, (ii) find equivalence of some expressions of that kind in English/Polish, (iii) investigate how the recorded parallels correspond with the functional view of idioms proposed by Dobrovol’skij (2000).
Food, as one of the most important human activities, also has a huge impact on the sphere of culture and language. The daily preparation of meals can become a typical rite, for example, for a nation, but it is also a source of idiom formation. The article presents a comparative analysis of stylistic qualifiers which are used to designate idioms containing components associated with food in Ukrainian and Polish phraseology.
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Idiom Processing in Aphasic Patients

The aim of the present paper is to provide insight into the issue of idiom comprehension in patients who are in the process of recovery from the syndrome of aphasia. Research in figurative language comprehension has seen a robust development in the recent decades. However, it has not been until quite recently that psycholinguists began to delve into the aspect of metaphorical language comprehension in brain damaged populations. It was observed that even though the ability to produce and understand language is recovered in the majority of patients with head trauma, the impairment of some aspects of comprehension may protract. The understanding of idioms, metaphors, similes and proverbs, due to their specific, non-literal character, has been evidenced to pose a serious problem to aphasic patients, as they fail to decipher the figurative meaning of the utterance, and, instead, tend to process the message literally (Papagno et al. 2004). In the present study, three patients who suffered from aphasic disorder were tested for comprehension of idioms by means of two multiple choice tasks. The obtained results corroborated the hypothesis that patients who are in the process of recovery from aphasia encounter various pitfalls in the comprehension of idiomatic language. Predominantly, they exhibit an inclination to choose the erroneous, literal paraphrases of the presented idioms over their correct, idiomatic counterparts. The present paper aims at accounting for the reasons underlying such a tendency.
This paper focuses on key issues concerning the notion of idiom and its definitions. The paper provides insight into the classification of idioms, their translation strategies and finally difficulties regarding idiomatic translation. This work presents the views of numerous scholars whose findings show that various factors should be taken into consideration in the process of idiomatic translation
Niniejsza praca koncentruje się na kluczowych zagadnieniach związanych z pojęciem idiomu i jego definicji. Przedstawia ona klasyfikację idiomów, strategie stosowane podczas tłumaczenia oraz trudności z którymi może się spotkać tłumacz. Poniższa praca prezentuje opinie wielu naukowców których badania pokazują jak wiele czynników należy wziąć pod uwagę w procesie tłumaczenia idiomów.
The departure point for the considerations presented below is Lakoff’s (1982, 1987) remark about the “greater cultural significance” of categories of the basic level of cognition, which can be recognized by a variety of criteria, among others – the criterion of their lexical labels functioning as basic terms in language. To verify that idea and to apply it to the important aspect of the cognized world constituted by the fauna, it is assumed that cultural significance should be confirmed by the occurrence of images of animals representing a certain level of classification in pictorial art and, also, by the occurrence of basic animal terms referring to basic animal categories in some kinds of literary works of art and, above all, in idiomatic expressions typically representing metaphorical meaning. The survey of a sample of English idioms provided by a selected dictionary largely confirms Lakoff’s statement as, indeed, basic category terms are the most common ones functioning in established idiomatic English animal expressions, although more specific subcategory names, especially as regards the class of birds, also appear in them in a significant number,. What can also be concluded from the analyzed material is the fact that the basic level of categorization, termed by Lakoff the folk generic level only very loosely corresponds to the scientific generic level, which is basic in the Linnaean taxonomy. The scientific levels corresponding to the folk basic one can range from those of class (birds), through order (bats), family (hares), genus (rats), to species (dogs, cats, horses). The reason seems to be the fact that folk animal categories are determined by properties which are relevant in casual, practical-use-oriented cognition, which, nevertheless, need not be significant for establishing scientific taxonomies.
Punktem wyjścia dla przedstawionych poniżej rozważań jest uwaga Lakoffa (1982, 1987) o szczególnie istotnym znaczeniu kulturowym kategorii podstawowych poznania, które mogą być rozpoznane przy pomocy szeregu kryteriów. Jednym z nich jest osiągnięcie statusu podstawowych terminów języka przez etykiety leksykalne takich kategorii. W celu zweryfikowania tego stwierdzenia i odniesienia go do ważnego aspektu przedmiotu ludzkiego poznania, jakim jest świat fauny, przyjęta została teza, że znaczenie dla kultury określonego poziomu kategoryzacji zwierząt powinno być potwierdzone przez jego odbicie w sztuce figuratywnej, a także przez występowanie podstawowych terminów odnoszących się do podstawowych kategorii zwierzęcych w literaturze oraz, przede wszystkim, w ustabilizowanych idiomach typowo reprezentujących znaczenie metaforyczne. Analiza próbki zwrotów „zwierzęcych” zaczerpniętych z wybranego słownika idiomów angielskich potwierdza tezę Lakoffa wskazując iż, rzeczywiście, nazwy zwierząt poziomu podstawowego są najczęściej występującymi w idiomach terminami odnoszącymi się do fauny, chociaż swoją znaczącą liczebnie obecność zaznaczają też nazwy kategorii bardziej szczegółowego poziomu niższego niż podstawowy, szczególnie, jeśli chodzi o klasę ptaków. Inny ważny wniosek wypływający z przeprowadzonej analizy to stwierdzenie faktu, że podstawowy poziom kategoryzacji odzwierciedlany przez język potoczny, nazwany przez Lakoffa poziomem „ludowym”, jest tylko bardzo luźno przystający do poziomu rodzaju (genus), który jest bazowy w naukowej taksonomii organizmów żywych wywodzącej się z tradycji linneuszowskiej. Kategorie opisu naukowego odpowiadające podstawowemu poziomowi „ludowemu” obejmują naukowe jednostki taksonomiczne od klasy (ptaki), poprzez rząd (nietoperze), rodzinę (zające) i rodzaj (szczury), po gatunek (psy, koty, konie). Przyczyną tych rozbieżności wydaje się być to, że „ludowe” kategorie zwierzęce ustanowione są na podstawie identyfikacji cech istotnych w poznaniu codziennym, potocznym, nastawionym na cele praktyczne, które to cechy nie muszą mieć znaczenia w budowaniu taksonomii naukowej.
Вольга Ляшчынская - Гомель
W artykule omówiono zastosowanie frazeologizmów w tekstach naukowych. Wskazano przede wszystkim na konieczność odróżniania pojęć „jednostka frazeologiczna” i „utarty zwrot”, gdzie ten ostatni z natury zbliżony jest do jednostki frazeologicznej lecz nie jest z nią tożsamy. Następnie omówiono rolę powyższych jednostek leksykalnych w strukturze tekstu naukowego. Z jednej strony, mimo że częstotliwość występowania jednostek frazeologicznych w różnych pod względem gatunku tekstach naukowych jest odmienna, należy podkreślić ich dyskretną rolę jako środka zabarwienia emocjonalnego w nowoczesnym tekście naukowym. Z drugiej strony, należy podkreślić konieczność stosowania zwrotów złożonych i dobrze rozbudowanego systemu środków tekstotwórczych naukowej składni bez konieczności różnicowania tekstów naukowych według ich przynależności gatunkowej.
The article deals with the problem of phraseological units in scientific texts. Firstly, it argues the necessity of differentiation between the notions “phraseological unit” and “set expressions”, the latter being close to phraseological units in nature, but not altogether the same. Secondly, it describes the roles that the aforenamed lexical units play in the structure of scientific texts: on the one hand, though the frequency of occurrence of phraseological units in scientific texts of various genres is varied, one should stress their generally inconspicuous part as a means of adding emotional coloring to modern scientific style; on the other hand, one should point out the necessity of use of compound terms and a well-developed system of text-building means of scientific syntax without differentiating scientific texts according to their genres.
Autorka na podstawie bogatej literatury przedmiotu i własnych obserwacji związków frazeologicznych w języku polskim omawia stosunki, jakie w komunikacji językowej zachodzą między kodem werbalnym a somatycznym, między frazeologizmami słownymi a gestami, mimiką i pozycją ciała. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie, w jaki sposób gesty oraz ich werbalne frazeologiczne odpowiedniki nabierają metaforycznego charakteru, a następnie stają się idiomami. Wyróżnia przypadki, kiedy 1/ gesty zakorzenione w reakcjach biologicznych organizmu mają charakter uniwersalny i wchodzą do komunikacji słownej na zasadzie prostej informacji o emocjach (zmarszczenie brwi i zwężenie oczu jako oznaka złości); 2/ gesty są uwarunkowane biologicznie, ale przyjmują interpretację kulturową (odwrócenie się do kogoś plecami oznaczające dosłownie ruch ciała może też przyjąć znaczenie metaforyczne odmowy udzielenia pomocy); 3/ gesty mają charakter czysto symboliczny, są fizycznie niewykonalne, a ich werbalny wyraz ma charakter metaforyczny, jest idiomem (ugryźć się w język, łamać sobie głowę, zrywać boki). Szczególnym przypadkiem są związki frazeologiczne i idiomy zaczerpnięte z innej kultury lub innego języka, ulegają one bowiem modyfikacjom semantycznym, a ich językowe parafrazy tworzą stałe związki frazeologiczne (np. pokazać komuś figę).
On the basis of the rich literature of the subject and observations of the Polish phraseology, the author discusses the relationships between the code and gesture in linguistic communication. The article attempts to show in what way gestures and their verbal phraseological counterparts become metaphors and eventually idioms. The following cases are discussed: 1) gestures rooted in biological reactions of the organism are universal and contribute to verbal communication as simple information about emotions (frowning and squinting as a sign of anger); 2) gestures are biologically conditioned but interpreted in culture (turning one’s back on someone may be taken as a refusal to help); 3) gestures are purely symbolic, physically impossible, and their verbal aspect is metaphorical, idiomatic (ugryźć się w język ‘bite one’s tongue’, łamać sobie głowę ‘rack one’s brain’, lit. ‘break one’s head’, zrywać boki ‘laugh heartily’, lit. ‘tear off one’s sides’). A special case are phraseological units and idioms borrowed from another language or culture: they are semantically modified and their paraphrases become fixed (e.g. pokazać komuś figę ‘refuse to do something’, lit. ‘show someone a fig’).
Linguistica Pragensia
vol. 29
issue 1
Traditionally, phraseology deals with multi-word lexical units. However, mentions of idiomatic compounds and derivatives, i.e. lexical idioms, are far from scarce in linguistic literature even though their only systematic treatment appears to have been presented by Čermák (2007a, b). The present paper attempts to analyse complex words in English to explore the relation between the regular and the idiomatic in word-formation. The study is carried out on a sample of 1000 lexemes from BNC. The sample contains 681 complex lexemes of which 381 are regular and 300 contain one or more anomalies. The results point to an unexpectedly high number of formal anomalies and this leads to the conclusion that non-productivity should not be a criterion of idiomaticity in English due to a high number of relatively systematic, but unproductive structures. Idiomaticity is seen as a scalar value influenced by the degree of opaqueness, discrepancy between word-formation and lexical meaning, and presence of formal or collocational anomaly.
Poradnik Językowy
vol. 779
issue 10
The insuffi cient number of studies dedicated to the phraseology of works by Wacław Potocki (1621–1696) encouraged the author to examine this area of the Sarmatian writer’s oeuvre. This paper presents the outcome of a lexical and semantic analysis of 40 idioms excerpted from three representative works by the poet: Ogród nie plewiony (Unweeded Garden), Moralia (Morals), and Transakcja wojny chocimskiej (Transaction of the Hotin War). Based on the adopted material sample, an attempt was made to identify the characteristics of Sarmatism, a cultural formation of the Commonwealth the main representative of which was W. Potocki. To this end, the collected expressions and phrases were classifi ed by three thematic fi elds that were signifi cant for the sociolect of the nobility (, , ). An important complementation of the analysis of the Baroque phraseology is tracking it until modern times. The conducted comparative research of the lexical resources of the Polish language in its two distant periods showed that, despite the over three hundred years between the examined materials, the sarmatisation of language has still been a signifi cant component of the Polish culture.
Figurative language has been the subject of interdisciplinary research for ages. It is considered by philosophers, linguists, as well as psychologists and pedagogues. The forms of figurative languages include for example., metaphors, proverbs, phrasemes and oxymorons. The metaphoric language is deeply in human’ experience and it is used unconsciously in everyday situations. Lakoff and Johnson (1988) stress that metaphors are a showcase for man: “Show me your metaphors, and I tell you who you are”. This quote very well highlights the omnipresence of the metaphorical language in human life. The article discusses the notion of figurative language and its forms. Moreover, the subject of the description is three the most popular forms of metaphorical language: metaphor, proverb and phraseological. In addition, the problem of figurative language in school education is emphasized at every level of education.
Although English intellectual life frequently operates according to a story that stresses openness to ideals and thinkers from abroad, it is also the case that not all arrivals are equally welcomed. That was the fate that befell Zygmunt Bauman when he took up the Chair of Sociology at the University of Leeds in 1971. His first publication after his arrival was the English language translation of Klasa-ruch-elita: Studium socjologiczne dziejo´w angieskiego ruchu robotniczego, which had been originally published in Poland in 1960. The book was subjected to a hostile review by E. P. Thompson, and this paper seeks to understand the stakes of the attack. It is contended that Thompson’s review, along with his Open Letter to Leszek Kołakowski, reflects quite how open English intellectual life can be. This essay consequently looks in two directions; it is a specific analysis of the early English reception of Bauman’s work and also more generally a study of the parameters of the English intellectual idiom.
vol. 52
The analysis of new media, i.e. Internet, is a serious problem for logocentric communication studies. Usually, only the verbal aspect of genres is described, while other qualities are seen as marginal phenomena. In this paper I want to discuss the practice of visualising idioms in Internet humour. Even a cursory glance at the new media shows two prominent trends: 1) idioms appear in various types of new media texts but tend to dominate in those with a creative function, 2) idioms are spontaneously visualised, i.e. communication partners translate them into visual language. The paper presents results of empirical studies performed on a corpus of demotivators containing idioms. It shows that creative texts, especially humorous ones, subject idioms to different visual transformations. Visual translation may involve the structure of an idiom (individual words) making the visualisation literal, or its metaphoric meaning, in which case the visualisation is figurative (in its two variants – exemplifying or reinterpreting). From the cultural perspective, is it notable that idioms are not very frequent in Internet humour. Demotivators cited idioms in only 1.5% of all demotivating messages in Polish-language Internet. It seems that Internet users have probably found other visual carriers of figurative meaning. Discovering their social status might be the key to understanding the new culture – the culture of the web.
This anthology includes the texts of the 2th international conference “German phraseology and paremiology in contact and contrast”, which was organized from 23th May to 25th, 2019 at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Wrocław. The anthology contains articles from different subject areas that refer to proverbs and idioms. You can find here the studies of grammar, of syntax, of semantics, of linguistics and of didactics.
This paper focuses on Indonesian and Polish idioms analysed from an inter-lingual standpoint, with particular emphasis on their image components. The research material comes from general and specialized (phraseological) dictionaries of both languages. The objective is to assign Polish translation equivalents to selected Indonesian idioms. As no text corpora or translation series are available for Indonesian and Polish, the investigation is limited to systemic (lexicological) equivalence. The analysis of the Polish equivalents of Indonesian idioms covers stable set phrases which carry the same image, idioms which carry an analogous image, and idioms with identical meaning which carry a different image. Also considered are false equivalents (pseudo-equivalents).
A characteristic feature of Tadeusz Z. Kassern’s artistic output is a variety of musical styles, among which there is Post Romanticism, Post Impressionism, Folklorism, Expressionism, and different neoclassical sub-styles such as the Neoclassicism proper, Neoclassicism with archaic elements, Neoclassicism with archaic and romantic elements, as well as radical Neoclassicism. Among the abovementioned styles, the proper Neoclassicism is predominant. It is represented by Concerto for string orchestra, Concertino for oboe and string orchestra, the opera Comedy of the Dumb Wife to the composer’s own libretto based on a play by Anatole France, and many other works. The works belonging to this group are part of a widespread musical dialect, at the same time bearing traces of the composer’s individual choices that create a distinct musical idiom. This idiom, like the majority of idioms within the sub-dialect, is well-grounded in neotonal syntactic rules and formal strategies directed mainly at typical baroque and classical forms. Within the scope of the patterns replicated, it is close to the French and Polish proper Neoclassicisms. With the French Neoclassicism, it has in common static tonality, form, solutions in orchestration, as well as the use of quotations and parody; with the Polish style, it shares principles of symmetry and references to Polish musical tradition. As characteristic determinants of Kassern’s idiom, one can assume the simplest kinds of poly-tonality, considerable use of ostinatos, varied rhythmic unfolding, and multi-layered texture, which in its most developed form can be found in the expressionistic opera The Anointed.
The aim of this anthology is to publish the texts of postgraduate students from Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic. The publication series contains articles from different topic areas, that are closely associated with German language. Each article is composed of theoretical and empirical part. You can find here the studies of literature, of linguistics and of didactics.
Inspired by the semantically equivalent series E talk one’s head/armoff – G sich ein Loch in den Bauch [= belly] reden – S hablar por los codos [=elbows] – R a i se duce gura [=mouth] la urechi [=ears; peripheralconstituent] – I fare una testa [= head] di qualcuno cosi, the approach at handis intended to complement the prevailingly language-based one and take theanalysis to the more complex, languacultural level, with the aim of bringingidiosyncratic patterns of forma mentis in individual languacultures to bear onsemantic selection of core constituents in interlingually synonymous idioms,and, while allowing for such factors as sheer frequency, contextual pragmaticclues, salient cultural practices or perceived gaps, also attempt to explore andaccount for similarities and contrasts both intra-languaculturally (i.e. withinlanguage families) and inter-languaculturally (i.e. across language families).The major focus of the present contribution – which merely broaches the topicat issue in this first research phase – is on ear and its interlingual synonyms asfeatured by idioms of English, German, Italian, Romanian and Spanishextraction.
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