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Thesis. The authors of the study consider important issues of the professional competencies formation during the process of teaching a foreign language to law students as a process of their professional identity formation. The authors had to identify by interviewing students what types of exercises help them to master their chosen speciality in a foreign language. Methods. The authors rely on comparative, competitive methods, as the interdisciplinary approach principles. Comparing the programmes of teaching a foreign language of speciality and international law, the authors build a system of a single learning process as one of forming a professional identity. Results. Authors of the study tried to build the process methodology of teaching the language of the speciality as a formative one of students’ professional identity. The authors cited as an example the system of methods and exercises used in the language lessons of the speciality, with the aim of formation of not only linguistic but also legal professional competencies. Conclusion. The process of forming a professional identity in the process of studying at a university is one of the most important in the development of the professional personality of a future specialist. Teaching a foreign language in humanitarian universities is an important process which should be revised in accordance with the main discipline teaching programmes. It’s important to create such methodological complexes that would allow the speciality language lessons to bring the learning process as close as possible to a professional one.
In the literature concerning this subject three phases of development characterizing Polish law emerge. The first phase covers the inter-war period, when five different legal codes were in effect across the Polish state. The second phase characterizes the time of the Polish Peoples Republic, and the third dates from the political changeover in 1989. The present article concerns civil law operating in the fi rst of the above-mentioned periods, specifically the German civil code in effect in the western parts of the Second Republic. Particular attention is given here to Volume IV of family law and to the nominal compounds occurring in it. Nominal compounds enjoy a privileged place in German word-formation. In the present article they are subjected to an analysis by comparing them to their Polish equivalents as used in official translations from the German civil codes of 1923 and 1933. First, the aims of translating the German civil code during the Second Republic are discussed. Next, the semantic relationships holding between and among the elements of German Compounds—whether modifying, appositive, or lexical paraphrase—are analyzed, and their equivalents in Polish are given, among which the most common turn out to be adjectives and adnominal genitives. The majority of the correspondents to German compounds in contemporary Polish turn out to be conventional phrases; only a small number are no-longer used calques from German. Among the latter are translations of German legal concepts with no obvious correspondent in Polish, such as laws covering civil rights (Ehrenrechte) or mortgages (Grundschulden).
This pilot study conducts a linguistic analysis of 15 Polish hospital discharge summaries from the field of hematology / oncology, orthopedics and psychiatry / psychosomatics. The focus of the study is the linguistic style of the summaries, which results from the communicative asymmetries in the doctor-patient relationship, as well as the occurrence of metaphor concepts which serve to cope with everyday clinical life and to convey medical contexts.
The paper continues with the issue of identification and description of specific collocations existing in legal texts presented in the article included in this volume Collocations in legal texts – procedural issues. Its aim it is to outline the rules of qualitative analysis of sequences which – through the use of automated procedures – are considered as collocations called confirmed. Illustration of this research is description of the properties of collocation prohibited action – ‘czyn zabroniony’.
Opracowanie kontynuuje problematykę identyfikacji i opisu kolokacji specyficznych dla tekstów prawnych, zaprezentowaną w zamieszczonym w tym tomie artykule Kolokacje w tekstach prawnych – problemy proceduralne. Ma na celu zarysowanie zasad przeprowadzania jakościowej analizy ciągów, które w wyniku zastosowania zautomatyzowanej procedury zostały uznane za kolokacje tzw. potwierdzone. Ilustracją prowadzonych rozważań jest opis właściwości kolokacji czyn zabroniony.
Presented text is an exemplification of automated identification procedures of collocations discussed in the article included in this volume Collocations in legal texts – procedural issues. Its main aim is to characterize qualitative procedures for collocations analysis, representing the next stage of statistical analysis of such expressions. The basis of observation will be features of bilateral collocation enforcement of a judgment – ‘wykonanie orzeczenia’.
Prezentowany tekst stanowi egzemplifikację zautomatyzowanych procedur identyfikacyjnych omó- wionych w zamieszczonym w niniejszym tomie artykule Kolokacje w tekstach prawnych – problemy proceduralne. Zasadniczym jego celem jest scharakteryzowanie jakościowych procedur analizy kolokacji, stanowiących kolejny etap statystycznego opracowania takiego zbioru wyrażeń. Podstawą obserwacji będą właściwości dwustronnej kolokacji wykonanie orzeczenia.
This article is a part of research dedicated to describe restrictions in the building syntactic structures in legal texts. One of the manifestations of these restrictions is a specific lexical connection, that is described by the concept of collocation. Collocation is defined as an expression consisting of components, whose coexistence is motivated by the lexical restrictions of their connectivity. The aim of this study is to explain the initial partially automated procedure undertaken in recognizing collocations in subcorpus of legal texts – from criminal law.
Artykuł wpisuje się w krąg badań, których celem jest przedstawienie ograniczeń w budowaniu konstrukcji składniowych w tekstach prawnych. Za jeden z przejawów tych ograniczeń uznaje się swoistą łączliwość leksykalną, opisywaną za pomocą pojęcia kolokacji. Kolokacją nazywa się wyrażenie składające się z komponentów, których współwystępowanie jest motywowane leksykalnymi ograniczeniami ich łączliwości. Celem poniższego opracowania jest objaśnienie wstępnej, częś- ciowo zautomatyzowanej procedury rozpoznawania kolokacji w podkorpusie tekstów prawnych z dziedziny prawa karnego.
W artykule omówiono dwie metodologie tworzenia minimum terminologicznego (zbioru podstawowej terminologii) z zakresu prawa pracy: jedna oparta została na częstotliwości występowania terminów a druga na konceptualnej wartości terminów. Celem artykułu jest porównanie każdej z tych metod na podstawie minimum terminologicznych stworzonych w oparciu o nie. W pierwszym przypadku terminy zostały wybrane przy użyciu narzędzi Wordlist oraz Keyword dostępnych w programie Sketch Engine, który służy do automatycznego przeszukiwania korpusów tekstu. W drugim przypadku terminy wyłoniono na podstawie spisu treści polskiego Kodeksy Pracy. Uznano na potrzeby niniejszego badania, że spis ten przedstawia przekrój polskiego systemu prawa pracy. Uzyskane w ten sposób listy terminów zostały przeanalizowane z punktu widzenia częstotliwości występowania terminów, liczby słów wchodzących w ich skład, systemowych relacji pomiędzy terminami w systemie terminologicznym prawa pracy oraz potencjalnych użytkowników i ich potrzeb. W wyniku podjętych działań wyciągnięto wnioski dotyczące charakterystyki każdej z przyjętych metodologii oraz użyteczności i możliwości zastosowania w praktyce minimum terminologicznych opracowanych na ich podstawie.
The paper discusses two approaches to compiling lists of labour-law basic terminology (BT): a frequency-based approach and a concept-based one. The purpose of the paper is to compare each of the methods based on two sets of basic terminology selected in accordance with them. Using the first method, terms are selected via an automatic search of keywords and terms and organised according to frequency with the use of Sketch Engine. The second means of term extraction is a concept-based approach in which terms are selected based on the table of contents of the Polish Labour Code, which, for the purposes of the study, is assumed to outline the terminological system of Polish labour law. The results of this research are reviewed from the viewpoint of terms’ frequency, the number of words they consist of, systemic relations between terms in the labour-law terminological system, and potential users and their needs. This has allowed the author to draw a few conclusions as to the characteristics of the approaches taken, and the applicability and usefulness of lists of BT compiled on their bases.
This paper expounds the results of a query conducted in terminological resources related to the hare’s characteristics and features a subsequent comparison of findings. The approach is semantically-oriented and consists of qualitatively and quantitatively processed Polish and Italian data. A single species is at the focus of this lexical study: the hare. To narrow down the size of the data submitted to analysis, nouns and adjectives describing qualitative characteristics of the hare have been given priority; thus, common hare-denoting nouns are given emphasis. Additional areas of interest extend over terms describing its age, sex, as well as its physical and mental features. The corpus comprises lexical units drawn from 19th- and 20th-century dictionaries of hunting lexis. It extends over present-day terms, documented in blogs and web pages frequented by hunters. The present investigation has benefited greatly from oral interviews and surveys carried out amongst Polish and Italian hunters coming from a variety of regions.
Il presente articolo espone sia i risultati ottenuti durante la raccolta dei lessemi relativi alla lepre sia la loro analisi comparativa. L’interesse principale è stato posto sull’analisi semantica dei nomi e degli aggettivi riguardanti le specie di lepre e i singoli animali, le abitudini di vita, il sesso, l’età e i tratti del carattere leprino. Tutti questi lessemi fanno parte del linguaggio speciale venatorio. Considerando la ricchezza lessicale del materiale e la sua varietà interna, il corpus è stato ricavato dai dizionari venatori polacchi e italiani del XIX e XX secolo, nonché dalle fonti più recenti ed informali: forum e blog dedicati alla caccia. I risultati avvalorano l’ipotesi dell’esistenza di una terminologia molto ramificata ed estesa nelle lingue analizzate. Tuttavia, sono state riscontrate alcune differenze nella struttura dei campi lessicali, come pure discrepanze nel numero delle espressioni relative alla lepre in polacco e in italiano.
The article is devoted to the teaching of languages for special business purposes from the perspective of foreign language learning and teaching. Growing needs related to the use of foreign languages in broadly understood business make this issue important both from the point of view of scientific discourse and in the context of search of new programme solutions. The specificity of communication activities, including not only the ability to communicate in a foreign language, but also specialist knowledge, knowledge of terminology or cultural conditions of the communication process, as well as increasing didactic needs and expectations imply the need to conduct in-depth scientific analyzes in the field of language education for business needs. The paper presents a research project referring to selected aspects of language instructionat a higher education institution, with a particular emphasis on the teaching of German business language (as a foreign language). The importance of the problem and the state of the art knowledge on the matter as well as the assumptions behind the project, its goals, research problems and methodology are discussed. The main research question concerns the specific characteristics of the learning process and of the teaching of a business language at a higher education institution as well as the possibility of influencing it for optimisation purposes. The designed research is to enable a better understanding of the role of individual variables in the process of learning and teaching a specialized language for business needs, grasping the specificity of a learning strategy in this area and assess the possibilities of using new technologies and multimodal texts in education in the field of specialist language.
Tematem artykułu jest nauczanie języka specjalistycznego dla potrzeb biznesowych, analizowane w perspektywie glottodydaktycznej. Rosnące potrzeby związane z wykorzystywaniem języków obcych w pracy zawodowej, także – w szeroko rozumianym biznesie, sprawiają, że jest to zagadnienie ważne zarówno w perspektywie dyskursu naukowego, jak i w kontekście poszukiwania nowych rozwiązań programowych. Specyfika podejmowanych działań komunikacyjnych, obejmująca nie tylko umiejętność porozumiewania się w danym języku obcym, lecz także wiedzę specjalistyczną, znajomość terminologii czy kulturowych uwarunkowań procesu komunikacji oraz zwiększające się potrzeby i oczekiwania dydaktyczne implikują konieczność prowadzenia dogłębnych analiz naukowych w zakresie kształcenia językowego dla potrzeb biznesowych. Opracowanie zawiera projekt badania odnoszącego się do wybranych aspektów kształcenia językowego na etapie szkoły wyższej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem nauczania niemieckiego języka biznesu (jako obcego). Przedstawiono znaczenie problemu oraz dotychczasowy stan wiedzy na temat kształcenia w zakresie języka specjalistycznego dla potrzeb biznesowych, a także założenia projektu, cele, problemy badawcze i metodologię. Główne pytanie badawcze dotyczy specyfiki procesu uczenia się i nauczania języka biznesu na etapie szkoły wyższej i możliwości wpływania na niego w celu jego optymalizacji. Zaprojektowane badania mają pozwolić lepiej zrozumieć rolę zmiennych indywidualnych w procesie uczenia się i nauczania języka specjalistycznego dla potrzeb biznesowych, uchwycić specyfikę strategii uczenia się w tym zakresie, jak również oszacować możliwości wykorzystywania nowych technologii oraz tekstów multimodalnych w kształceniu w zakresie języka specjalistycznego.
issue 41/1
This paper investigates a particular aspect of teaching languages for special purposes. The article focuses on the cultural component in the analysis of error in the collocation in Wort und Schrift that occurs in job applications written by students of Applied Linguistics. Learners of German as a foreign language for special purposes use the mother tongue and they coin words that do not exist in German. Errors of this type are a result of the cultural differences between languages and in-adequate intercultural competence.
vol. 38
The aim of the paper is to analyze the scope of the following terms: język specjalistyczny, język specjalny, język fachowy, język profesjonalny, język zawodowy, profesjolekt, technolekt (language for special purposes, specialist language, special language, expert language, professional language, occupational language, professiolect, technolect), which are used interchangeably in the Polish linguistic literature even though their denotations are not the same. The semantic (in)compatibility of the above terms was investigated in the following stages: (1) explaining the meaning of the expressions without their theoretical context, i.e. the analysis of the meanings of specific components of the terms as established in general Polish; (2–3) interpretation of explanations and specifications functioning in dictionaries containing linguistic terminology and in theoretical studies; (4) formulating a proposal of distinguishing the concepts by defining the scopes of the terms and the relationships between them.
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Aviation Dutch? Próba definicji

At present, air travel is on the increase. People spend more and more time at airports and on airplanes, which have become one of the fastest and most important means of transport in today’s world. Although English is the language of aviation, one can communicate at airports and on planes also in (almost) every other language. In this paper attention is directed to the Dutch language of aviation, which has not yet been the subject of linguistic research. Is it possible to speak, as it is the case with Aviation English, about Aviation Dutch? The main issue raised in this paper is an attempt to give a definition of Aviation Dutch and to present its specific characteristics that distinguish it from other languages for special purposes.
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