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Learning styles have been a particular focus of a number of researchers over the past decades. Findings from various studies researching into how students learn highlight significant relationships between learners’ styles of learning and their language learning processes and achievement. This research focuses on a comparative analysis of the preferences of English learning styles and teaching techniques perceived by students from Thailand and Vietnam, and the teaching styles and techniques practiced by their instructors. The purposes were 1) to investigate the learning styles and teaching techniques students from both countries preferred, 2) to investigate the compatibility of the teaching styles and techniques practiced by instructors and those preferred by the students, 3) to specify the learning styles and teaching techniques students with high level of English proficiency preferred, and 4) to investigate the similarities of Thai and Vietnamese students’ preferences for learning styles and teaching techniques. The sample consisted of two main groups: 1) undergraduate students from King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB), Thailand and Thai Nguyen University (TNU), Vietnam and 2) English instructors from both institutions. The instruments employed comprised the Students’ Preferred English Learning Style and Teaching Technique Questionnaire and the Teachers’ Practiced English Teaching Style and Technique Questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using arithmetic means and standard deviation. The findings can contribute to the curriculum development and assist teachers to teach outside their comfort level to match the students’ preferred learning styles. In addition, the findings could better promote the courses provided for students. By understanding the learning style make-up of the students enrolled in the courses, faculty can adjust their modes of content delivery to match student preferences and maximize student learning. Finally, this research could establish better understanding between language learning natures of people from Thailand and Vietnam.
Introduction: Locus of control is a personality variable which influences expectancies that people have in relation to everyday outcomes. The orientation on the Locus of control can be internal or external. People with internal orientation on locus of control attribute outcomes to their own control whereas those with external orientation tend to blame others for what happens to them. Internal orientation on locus of control has been found to correlate with attainment and general student satisfaction. Locus of control has been explored in health care related disciplines as well as in relation to learning characteristics, education in general and academic performance in particular. Purpose: To explore potential relationship between learning styles and Locus of control. To examine possible differences, in the learning styles and Locus of control orientation between Medical, Nursing and Physiotherapy undergraduate students. Materials and methods: A cross – sectional survey of undergraduate medical, physiotherapy and nursing students was conducted, at an English London university. The Learning Styles Inventory and Locus of Control Internal External Scale were administered to a purposive sample of students in their first year of study (n = 379). Results: The BSc Nursing students had the highest Locus of Control score (mean = 12.43, SD 4.164) and medical students the lowest (mean = 10.32, SD 4.034). Students who were carers had a lower mean Locus of Control score of 10.65, SD 3.713 as compared with students who were not carers, Locus of Control = 12.39, SD 4.108. Linear regressions showed statistical significance of different Kolb’s learning styles on the Locus of Control. KOLB-Abstract Conceptualisation (AC) had a statistically significant impact on Locus of Control (p=0.022). The dominant learning style of the nursing students in this study was assimilating (35%) and accommodating (26%). Conclusions: The findings from this study demonstrate that perhaps learning styles are not necessarily profession specific and that maybe the nursing students in this sample used more balancing styles which were influenced by the teaching methods and their curriculum. The implications for future research and educators are also discussed.
issue 145
Nowadays each society as never before in the history is determined by knowledge. The development of every country depends to certain extent on ability to generate and to absorb knowledge. These both activities are always strongly conditioned by societal culture. In the paper the author presented issues of learning and teaching forms and styles strictly connected with used cultural methods of gaining and transfer knowledge.
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Learning styles

The article is devoted to the different learning styles. The classification of learning styles is given. The lesson that corresponds to the principles of autonomy learning and suits for all types of students was developed. The results of the lesson are introduced in the article.
vol. 40
issue 1
Media-based learning does not necessarily make sense nor is it necessarily effective, for that matter, simply because it uses a medium. Rather, there are several variables that can and do influence its success: the very medium, the content, and the learner’s cognitive styles. All variables have to be taken into consideration, alone and interacting, in order to decide whether and where media-based learning is to be used, and where it might be counterproductive.
vol. 40
issue 2
The objective of this paper is to answer the following question: Why do adults attach special importance to presentation of explicit rules in foreign language teaching? The foregoing poses the question if and to what extent the ability to think analytically is supported at school.And furthermore: to what extent it has effect on the students’ learning style and subsequently on the process of foreign language acquisition. The author has also conducted a brief pilot study.
V posledních letech se hovoří o změnách, které by měly být uskutečňovány v našich školách. Jednou z velmi populárních tezí moderní pedagogické vědy je odstup od pamětního učení k rozvíjení schopností žáka aplikovat osvojené učivo v každodenní praxi. Za rozhodující můžeme považovat schopnosti a dovednosti získávat informace, umět s těmito informacemi zacházet, umět se učit, a právě proto se tento článek věnuje stylům učení žáků. Pokud budeme umět správně diagnostikovat styly učení žáků, tak jsme schopni svým žákům vytvořit lepší podmínky pro jejich učení, ať už za pomocí počítače, nebo jiného prostředku.
In the last few years the changes that should be executed at our schools have been discussed. One of the very popular propositions of modern pedagogical science is distance from memorizing teaching to developing pupil’s skills to apply learned curriculum into everyday practice. The crucial criteria might be the abilities and skills to gain information, be able to work with it, be able to lear, and therefore this article deals with the students learning styles. If we are able to correctly diagnose students learning styles, we will be able to create better learning conditions for our students either using computers or any other means.
Managers, working under constant stress and pressure of decision making, are a social group that is highly prone to burnout syndrome. This research takes into consideration variables such as learning styles, features of personality such as extraversion vs. introversion, sensing vs. intuition, thinking vs. feeling and judging vs. perceiving may provide data essential to protect managers from this unwanted psychological phenomenon. Burnout syndrome, invented as a concept in 1970, consists of three aspects according to the Maslah Burnout Inventory (MBI): emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. This research uses a point-scoring system whereby burnout syndrome is indicated by lower scores on the personal accomplishment scale, and by higher scores on the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization scales. This psychological phenomenon leads to gaining less satisfaction from work, which seems to be a significantly important problem in the contemporary job market, especially among managers. It is strongly related to the intensity of stress at work. If stress is permanent and not handled appropriately, impairments of cognitive abilities such as declined attention and perception may occur. Some features of personality can also be correlated to higher susceptibility to stress and the risk of burnout syndrome.
Menedżerowie, pracujący w ciągłym stresie i pod presją podejmowania decyzji, są grupą społeczną, która jest bardzo podatna na syndrom wypalenia zawodowego. Prezentowane badanie uwzględnia takie zmienne, jak: style uczenia, cechy osobowości (ekstrawersja vs introwersja; doznawanie vs intuicja, uczucia vs myślenie oraz ocenianie vs spostrzeganie), które mogą przekazywać dane niezbędne, mówiące o tym, jak chronić menedżerów przed niepożądanym zjawiskiem psychologicznym, jakim jest wypalenie zawodowe. Koncepcja pojęcia wypalenia zawodowego została stworzona w 1970 roku, składa się z trzech aspektów, ujętych w kwestionariuszu MBI: wyczerpanie emocjonalne, depersonalizacja i poczucie dokonań osobistych. Diagnozuje się go, gdy osoba uzyskuje niskie wyniki na skali poczucia dokonań osobistych oraz wyższe wyniki na skalach wyczerpania emocjonalnego i depersonalizacji. To zjawisko psychologiczne prowadzi do coraz mniejszej satysfakcji z pracy, co wydaje się być znaczącym problemem na współczesnym rynku pracy, szczególnie wśród menedżerów. Jest to ściśle związane z intensywnością doświadczanego stresu; jeśli jest on przewlekły i przekracza możliwości adaptacyjne jednostki, upośledza zdolności poznawcze, takie jak uwaga i postrzeganie. Niektóre cechy osobowości mogą być również skorelowane z większą podatnością na stres i ryzyko wypalenia.
Tekst akcentuje rolę nauczania multisensorycznego, które angażuje wszystkie zmysły i kanały percepcji uczniów. Aktywizacja zmysłów znacznie podnosi efektywność uczenia się, gdyż informacje uzyskane wielotorowo są lepiej rozumiane i zapamiętywane. Proces dydaktyczny staje się bardziej zróżnicowany i atrakcyjny, dzięki czemu jego uczestnicy odczuwają pozytywne emocje związane z daną aktywnością, co również pomaga im lepiej zapamiętać to doświadczenie oraz przyswoić nową wiedzę. Wykorzystywanie przez nauczyciela zróżnicowanych metod, strategii, materiałów i kontekstów nauczania tworzy bogate, urozmaicone środowisko sensoryczne. Współczesna dydaktyka powinna uwzględniać indywidualne predyspozycje uczniów, poszerzać ich warsztat uczenia się, zachęcać do korzystania z własnego potencjału, zgodnie z osobistymi preferencjami sposobu uczenia się.
The text emphasizes the role of multi-sensory teaching, which involves all the senses and channels of students’ perception. Activation of the senses significantly increases the efficiency of learning, as information obtained through various learning channels is better understood and remembered. The didactic process becomes more diverse and attractive, which makes its participants feel positive emotions related to a given activity, and also helps them to better remember this experience and acquire new knowledge. The teacher’s use of diverse methods, strategies, materials and learning contexts creates a rich, varied sensory environment. Contemporary didactics should take into account the individual predispositions of pupils, expand their learning workshop, encourage to use their own potential according to personal preferences of the way of learning.
The paper presents the objectives and content of the educational module “Tools for Adaptive Learning. Learning Styles” within the MOOC course “ICT Tools for E-learning,” which is being developed at the University of Ostrava as an outcome of the IRNet project. The main aim of the course is to provide both academic scholars and students with the theoretical foundation of adaptive learning that will allow them to acquire skills, to use the existing courses in the existing adaptive e-systems, and/or to create new courses and systems. The content of the course includes the following: defining basic constructs used in the course; overview of the development of adaptive learning with the use of educational technologies, its theoretical concepts, and representatives; presentation of the results of the previous researches and educational effects of adaptive (e-)learning, and some of the concepts of adaptive learning that have recently been developed at the University of Ostrava.
W artykule zaprezentowano innowacyjne spojrzenie na style uczenia się i style komunikacji, dzięki którym można poprawić efektywność działań edukacyjnych i wychowawczych w procesie edukacyjnym oraz udoskonalić sposób prowadzenia rozmowy z rodzicami. Autorka odnosi się do badań naukowych, wskazujących na niską zasadność uznania skuteczności podziału uczniów wg tzw. stylów uczenia się. Zamiast nich proponuje wykorzystanie jednej z koncepcji analizy transakcyjnej – pól kontaktu, opisanych po raz pierwszy przez P. Ware’a, ujętych również w koncepcji adaptacji osobowości T. Kahlera. Artykuł przedstawia samą koncepcję pól kontaktu oraz jej przełożenie na praktykę edukacyjną: metody rozpoznawania preferowanych pól kontaktu u poszczególnych uczniów i rodziców oraz praktyczne przykłady wykorzystania koncepcji jako metody indywidualizacji pracy z uczniami.
The article presents an innovative perspective on learning styles and communication styles, thanks to which it is possible to enhance the effectiveness of educational activities in the educational process and to improve the way of conducting conversations with parents or students. The author refers to scientific research, indicating low validity of recognizing the effectiveness of dividing students according to the so-called learning styles. Instead, she proposes using one of the concepts of Transactional Analysis – contact fields, described for the first time by P. Ware, and additionally included in the concept of T. Kahler’s personality adaptation. The article presents the concept of contact fields and its translation into educational practice: methods of recognizing preferred contact fields for individual students and parents, as well as practical examples of using the concept as a method of individualizing work with students.
Problematyka opracowania dotyczy stylów uczenia się i umiejętności pracowników współczesnych innowacyjnych przedsiębiorstw rozpatrywanych w kontekście wybranych segmentów rynku pracy. Współczesny rynek pracy może być analizowany na podstawie wielu kryteriów, w tym przypadku skoncentrowano się jednak na podziale ze względu na stanowiska zajmowane w organizacjach. Celem badań było sprawdzenie, czy stanowiska zajmowane przez respondentów wpływają na prezentowane przez nich style uczenia się i posiadane umiejętności. Wyniki badań w tym zakresie mogą zostać wykorzystane przez menedżerów i specjalistów zatrudnionych w działach HR do projektowania systemów zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi dostosowanych do potrzeb pracowników reprezentujących poszczególne grupy stanowisk. Badania empiryczne przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego wykorzystującego technikę ankiety wśród 1365 pracowników innowacyjnych przedsiębiorstw z siedzibą na terenie Polski. Uzyskane dane poddano analizie statystycznej. Wnioski z badań pozwoliły na sformułowanie rekomendacji dla menedżerów i specjalistów HR dotyczących zarządzania zespołami pracowników współczesnych przedsiębiorstw.
The paper examines learning styles and employee skills at innovative companies. These were evaluated in the context of selected segments of the labour market. The modern labour market may be analyzed using numerous criteria. The focus here was on the division of positions in organizations. The authors sought to determine whether positions occupied by respondents affected their learning styles and skills. The results of the study can be applied by HR managers and specialists in designing human resource management systems that can be adjusted to the needs of employees representing particular position types. The empirical study was conducted by means of a diagnostic survey based on a questionnaire. 1365 employees of innovative companies located in Poland replied and the questionnaires were analyzed with statistical methods. The results enabled recommendations for HR managers and specialists to be formulated. The recommendations pertain to the management of teams in modern enterprises.
The paper presents research results of the two-year pedagogical experiment comparing test scores in three subjects (Database Systems, Management, IT English) taught either in the ICT-supported way, or in the traditional face-to-face way at the Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic. The main research objective was to find out whether ICT contribute to increasing learners’ knowledge and consequently to forming key competences. Didactic tests as the main tool were used within the pedagogical experiment which followed the “pre-test - instruction - post-test - post-test2” structure. The research sample included 687 respondents. Obtained results proved there were no statistically significant differences in learners’ knowledge in both approaches to instruction. The results were discussed from two important points of view: (1) teachers’ and learners’ ability to use the potential of ICT in teaching/learning and (2) the role of teaching/learning styles in the ICT-supported instruction.
Teaching foreign languages is challenging for teachers, but for adults it is even more challenging, as adults often make an independent and informed decision about the specific foreign language they want to learn and have a high level of motivation to achieve it. This is due to several aspects, but most of it is due to the necessity or the consequences of working life. While learning foreign languages is compulsory for school-age children, adults do so on a voluntary basis, which places more demands on their teaching and teaching methods than on young people. Each student develops their own learning style, based on previous educational experiences acquired at previous educational levels, the social and cultural context of the family in which they lived, the models they have adopted from their peers and their application in institutions. The objective of this article is to show what andragogy is, what are the technical aspects of adult learning, as well as the motivation for adult learning and the method of teaching a foreign language to adults.
Enseñar idiomas extranjeros es un desafío para los profesores, pero para los adultos es aún más desafiante, ya que los adultos suelen tomar una decisión independiente e informada sobre el idioma extranjero específico que quieren aprender y tienen un alto nivel de motivación para lograrlo. Esto se debe a varios aspectos, pero la mayoría se debe a la necesidad oa las consecuencias de la vida laboral. Si bien el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras es obligatorio para los niños en edad escolar, los adultos lo hacen de forma voluntaria, lo que impone más exigencias a su enseñanza y métodos de enseñanza que a los jóvenes. Cada estudiante desarrolla su propio estilo de aprendizaje, a partir de las experiencias educativas previas adquiridas en niveles educativos anteriores, el contexto social y cultural de la familia en la que vivió, los modelos que ha adoptado de sus pares y su aplicación en las instituciones. El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar qué es la andragogía, cuáles son los aspectos técnicos del aprendizaje de adultos, así como la motivación para el aprendizaje de adultos y el método de enseñanza de una lengua extranjera a adultos.
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Neuro z pedagogiką

Artykuł składa się z trzech części. Pierwsza zawiera krótką refleksję na temat dynamicznego rozwoju neuronauk, związanego z nowoczesnymi, bezinwazyjnymi metodami badania mózgu. Autor traktuje ten rozwój jako możliwość pogłębienia wiedzy i udoskonalenia dziedzin pedagogiki oraz dydaktyki. Uważa, że osoby, które dążą do osobistego rozwoju i podniesienia jakości procesu uczenia, mogą dzięki niemu uzyskać wiedzę o efektywnym uczeniu. Ponadto autor naświetla pojęcie neurodydaktyki, wskazuje, kiedy powstała i jakie ma znaczenie dla edukacji. W drugiej części dokładnie omówiono nauczanie przyjazne mózgowi. Autor wyjaśnia je, prezentując najważniejsze zasady działania ludzkiego mózgu. Następnie koncentruje uwagę na stylu oraz strategiach uczenia oraz na znaczeniu dominacji półkul mózgowych w procesie uczenia się. W dalszej części przybliża teorię inteligencji wielorakich Howarda Gardnera. Omawia aktywności oraz zabawy, które stymulują rozwój mózgu, a także wpływ muzyki oraz nowych technologii na rozwój sieci neuronalnych. Ostatnia część artykułu to podsumowanie, w którym autor wyciąga wnioski, a także omawia wady i zalety nowoczesnych technik nauczania. Zwraca uwagę na szansę, którą jest dla polskiej edukacji wykorzystanie wiedzy na temat funkcjonowania mózgu. Stawia hipotezę, że nauka stanie się dla wielu ludzi nie tylko przystępna, ale również atrakcyjna. Przestanie kojarzyć się z karkołomną i żmudną, często niedającą efektów pracą.
The article is composed of three parts. The first contains a short reflection on the dynamic development of neuroscience, connected with modern non-invasive methods of brain research. The author treats this development as a possibility of increasing knowledge and improvement in the areas of pedagogy and didactics, and also considers that people who aspire to personal development and improve the quality of the learning process can gain knowledge concerning effective learning. Moreover the author highlights the concept of neuro-didactics, indicates when it was created and how significant it is for education. The second part discusses precisely what brain-friendly teaching is by explaining the most important principles of human brain activity. Next, the author focusses on style and learning strategies, and on the importance of brain hemisphere's dominance in the learning process. In the following part Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences is dealt with. Activities and games which stimulate the development of brain are discussed, as well asthe influence of music and new technologies on the development of neuronal networks. The last part is a summary, in which the author draws conclusions and also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of modern teaching methods. Atterntion is drawn to the opportunity for education in Poland to take advantage of new knowledge on the brain's activity. The hypothesis is that for most people learning will not only be accessible but also attractive. It will cease to be associated with arduous back-breaking effort which often has no effect.
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