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Electronic portfolios have become popular in teacher education programs as they allow learners to document and reflect upon their work and learning process. This cross-sectional study examines data gathered from 19 primary and secondary EFL teachers enrolled in a postgraduate program. The study aims at understanding these teachers’ learning experiences while developing an electronic portfolio. A survey questionnaire with Likert-type, checkboxes-type and open-ended questions were used to collect data. The results indicated that teachers valued e-portfolios as an authentic and process-oriented assessment tool that involves reflection, documentation, and dissemination of their work.
The article is devoted to the analysis of academic diploma theses: bachelor’s and master’s, carried out in the course of 1st and 2nd degree Romance Philology between 2005-2017 in the perspective of reflective practice. Based on the assumption of the pre-scientific character of the diploma thesis and the resulting imperative of objectivity, the aim of the article is to examine the traces of subjectivity present in the language of the diploma theses. The subject of interest is both subjectivity expressed in 1 singular person, but above all other, less obvious, more “constructed” forms (e.g. metaphors, expressive use of adjectives), which express the emotional commitment of the author of the work. In conclusion, the analysis of the works shows a conflict of paradigms: the scientific imperative of objectivism with the desire to express emotions aroused by literature, and in this indirect way, also to express one’s self and personality.
It has been shown that among the different modalities of teacher training, those that take place within a group, with interaction among the teachers themselves and aimed at achieving a common objective are the most suitable for improving teaching practices. Nevertheless, this type of formative process is only effective if it is carried out systematically and if it is really participative. Therefore, efforts would be made to help organizations like schools to become communities of practice.
Reflective practice has become an influential concept in the evaluation field. A greater use of reflective practice is advocated in reference to both evaluators’ own professional development, and as a means to enhance dialogue, stakeholders’ involvement and organisational learning in the evaluation process. The aim of the paper is to examine the evaluation endeavour from the latter perspective, i.e. to present evaluation approaches which offer the opportunity for collaborative reflective practice. To this end, evaluation as reflective practice is discussed at three levels: (1) the organisational level – the model of single, double and triple-loop learning is discussed in reference to formative, summative and developmental evaluation, (2) the evaluator’s level – different roles performed by the evaluator are considered from the point of view of promoting collaborative reflective practice, and (3) the broader socio-political level, in relation to the concept of civil society, as evaluation can contribute not only to a greater rigour and effectiveness of public spending but to social empowerment, to appreciating diversity or building trust (improving democratic policy-making).
The aim of the text is to analyse author’s own reflective research practice and to give an account of a few exemplifications of tools supporting the self-evaluation process of own academic work, carried out under a case study strategy. Contemporarily, the process of empirical material collection and analysis can be supported by various computer-assisted technologies. The article attempts to present their employment in the self-evaluation approach and the value they have when they are used in qualitative inquires.
The text presents the theoretical framework of the Project ‘Poznać – Zrozumieć – Doświadczyć’ (Learn – Comprehend – Experience) implemented by the University of Lodz. The main aim of the project was for students, academic teachers and researchers to develop a space for mutual learning and education, the major purpose of which was to establish a constructive relationship between pedagogical theory and practice. The space is intended to allow for profound reflection, understood as consideration, inquiry and deliberation of issues from various points of view and perspectives; the reflection in action and on action, which reveals the complexity of a learning act, presents the importance of various individual receptions of the same educational situations and their individual interpretations. This reflection should also create an opportunity to gain personal knowledge that facilitates the comprehension of educational events. Such a reflection is, in my opinion, a prerequisite for the development of a student’s research approach and then also a teacher’s. Due to this reflection the world ceases to be perceived as a sustained and harmonious structure and becomes a set of questions, an area of research and practical uncertainty. The reflection also supports creativity and transgression that results in an individual crossing the borders of what has already been learnt or mastered.
Tekst jest prezentacją teoretycznych założeń projektu Poznać – ,,Zrozumieć – Do- świadczyć” realizowanego na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim, którego celem było stworzenie przez studentów, nauczycieli i badaczy przestrzeni wzajemnej edukacji służącej zbudowaniu konstruktywnej relacji pomiędzy elementami teorii i praktyki pedagogicznej. Przestrzeni pozwalającej na pogłębioną refleksję rozumianą jako namysł, dociekanie, rozważanie problemu z jego różnych – w działaniu i nad działaniem, ujawniającą zło- żoność aktu uczenia się, ukazującą rolę indywidualnego odbioru tych samych sytuacji edukacyjnych, ich indywidualnej interpretacji. Refleksję będącą okazją do zdobywania wiedzy osobistej, pozwalającej na rozumienie zdarzeń edukacyjnych. Jest ona, moim zdaniem, niezbędnym warunkiem rozwijania studenta, a potem nauczyciela postawy badawczej, dzięki której świat przestaje być postrzegany jako trwała i harmonijna struktura, a staje się zbiorem pytań, obszarem niepewności poznawczej i praktycznej. Wspiera gotowość do tworzenia, do transgresji polegającej na przekraczaniu tego, co się już wie i umie.
The study was conducted to explore teachers’ attitudes towards reflective practice in public and private sector at the higher secondary level. Objectives of the study were to investigate teachers’ attitude about the need for reflective practice in teaching and to explore teachers’ attitudes towards the use of reflective practice for understanding students’ learning difficulties. It was a descriptive study done in the Pakistani context. For this purpose, the researcher developed a questionnaire to find out teachers’ attitudes towards reflective practice. Data was collected through the stratified random sampling technique from 300 teachers teaching higher secondary classes of private and public sector higher secondary schools/ colleges. The analysis of the data was made by applying mean, SD (standard deviation), t-test and ANOVA (analysis of variance) through SPSS (statistical package for social sciences). The findings showed that teachers of both the public and private sectors did not realize the need for reflective practice at the higher secondary level for understanding students’ learning difficulties. It was recommended that teachers of the public and private sector may be aware of reflective practice through training programs. Strategies of reflective practice are supposed to be used by teachers in the teaching learning process. It is suggested that reflective practice may be mentioned in the syllabus of the training course. The findings of the presented study have implication for teachers and curriculum developers of professional development programs.
The goal of the present paper is to question the validity of the claim which sees reflection as an important part of the work of an efficient language teacher. A quasi-experiment was conducted by the author in order to determine whether reflection is a factor which can in some way influence the teacher’s capacity to plan a FL lesson effectively, incorporating new technologies. A reflective thinking questionnaire (RTQ, Kember et al., 2000) was administered to assess the level of reflective thinking in 47 university students. Next, their lesson projects were evaluated by two independent experts. The correlational study seems to show that reflection may indeed be a factor which influences the quality of the work of a foreign language teacher in an important way.
While heavy stress loads seem an unavoidable aspect of entrepreneurship, the positive side of stress (often referred to as ‘eustress’) remains a neglected area of research. This paper contributes to entrepreneurship research by linking the research streams of eustress and reflective practice. As a tool for analysing and developing thoughts and actions, reflective practice plays an important role in the interpretative work essential to positive stress experiences. Following an overview of approaches to stress at work, eustress and reflective practice, the paper explores how entrepreneurs experience the role of positive stress and reflective practice in their work and describes the reflective tools utilized by entrepreneurs in promoting eustress. The research process was designed to support reflective dialogue among the 21 Finnish entrepreneurs from different fields who participated in the study, with results based mainly on qualitative interviews. Nine of the interviewed entrepreneurs also kept a positive stress diary, including a three-day physiological measurement analysing their heartbeat variability. The findings suggest that positive stress and reflective practice are intertwined in the experiences of entrepreneurs and illustrate the role of reflective practice as a crucial toolset for promoting positive stress, comprising six reflective tools: studying oneself, changing one’s point of view, putting things into perspective, harnessing a feeling of trust, regulating resources and engaging in dialogue. Individual reflective capabilities vary, and a theory-driven division of reflective practice into individual, social and contextual dimensions is considered useful in understanding those differences. The research offers a starting point for exploring how eustress and reflective practice affect the well-being of entrepreneurs.
Preparing thoughtful reflective practitioners has become a common concept in the teacher education literature. Prior educational experiences offer excellent opportunity for students to reflect on authentic teaching examples and provide constructive ways to engage in reflective practice. This study examines critical incidents as a tool for developing reflective thinking skills among teacher trainees (N=11). The research on use of critical incidents for training comprised a questionnaire and group discussions. The instrument used for analyzing critical incidents included personal details, factual information and openended questions concerning reasons for and consequences of the incident, associated emotions, reflections connected with it, lessons from this incident and its implications for the future. Overall, although some crucial issues arose, the technique proved useful for training, and was assessed as positive and valuable by the teacher trainees. Some pedagogical implications were formulated regarding problems with understanding the notion of critical incident, previous training of the teacher trainees and the need for a supportive environment.
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Uczenie się i edukacja refleksyjna dorosłych

The article outlines the theoretical background to understanding the nature of reflective learning. Reflection is an inter-subjective process that promotes deeper learning; it involves deliberately thinking about and analysing what one is doing or has done. There are many theories explaining what reflection is. The most popular are: Dewey’s, Habermas’, Kolb’s and Schӧn’s theories. The fundamental argument of the article is that reflection education is a framework for developing professionals as lifelong learners, committed to continuous improvement of their practice
Współczesny dyskurs nad edukacją prowadzi do konkluzji, że nauczanie instytucjonalne nie nadąża za dynamicznymi przemianami zachodzącymi w świecie. Aby temu zaradzić, człowiek stanął przed koniecznością uczenia się ustawicznego. Nie może on jednak bezustannie „chodzić do szkoły”, dlatego powinien potrafić uczyć się samodzielnie. Osobę myślącą krytycznie, posiadającą umiejętność wyszukiwania i syntetyzowania informacji, a nawet ich tworzenia, stale pogłębiającą swoją wiedzę, świadomą konieczności ciągłego doskonalenia się możemy określić jednym słowem jako refleksyjną. Przygotowanie absolwentów do refleksyjnego uczenia się przez całe życie jest z jednej strony ogromnym wyzwaniem dla podmiotów edukacji, z drugiej strony staje się koniecznością. Problematyka tego artykułu będzie skoncentrowana wokół kilku zagadnień. Na początku zostaną omówione teorie refleksyjności oraz związek tej kategorii z uczeniem się. W dalszej części refleksyjność będzie przedstawiona jako szczególna cecha nauczycieli oraz istotna właściwość edukacji. Aby wysunięte zagadnienia dobrze przedstawić, niezbędne wydaje się zdefiniowanie refleksyjności. Pisząc najogólniej, refleksyjność jest zdolnością do głębokich przemyśleń. Istnieje kilka teorii, na podstawie których możemy dokonać próby jej opisu.
Modelowanie jest skuteczną strategią kształtowania umiejętności dydaktycznych studentów. Może jednak służyć także „edukacji do refleksyjnej praktyki” w ujęciu Schöna (1987). Zaprezentowany tekst opisuje badania w działaniu, przeprowadzone przez autorkę, których celem było wspomaganie procesu rozwijania się refleksyjności u studentów. W oparciu o arkusze obserwacyjne wypełniane przez studentów zaobserwowano u nich zmiany w dwóch obszarach: refleksji dotyczącej obserwacji lekcji i refleksyjnego podejścia do własnej praktyki, czyli samodzielnie prowadzonego procesu dydaktycznego. W efekcie sprzężenia zwrotnego duże zmiany pojawiły się również w praktyce akademickiej badacza.
Modelling is an effective strategy for devel opment of students’ teaching skills. It can, however, serve for "educating the reflective practitioner" (Schön, 1987). The paper describes the action research conducted by the author, whose aim was to support the process of developing the reflectiveness in students. The research used the observation sheets filled in by students, and led to observation in two areas: reflection during lesson observation and reflective approach to own practice- independent teaching. As a result, large changes appeared also in the academic teacher’s practice.
W artykule poruszone zostały zagadnienia zmiany społecznej obecnej w działaniu społecznym, kreowanie wizji świata przez jednostkę zaangażowaną społecznie, jej indywidualny stosunek do formalnych i pozaformalnych form edukacyjnych. Wnioski zostały oparte o wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w formie wywiadów z trzydziestoma działaczami lokalnymi z terenu całej Polski. Celem badań było znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie o związki działania społecznego z edukacją i wychowaniem m.in. o różnorodne formy edukacji działaczy społecznych, które miały wpływ na ich obecne życiowe i zawodowe wybory zaangażowania społecznego, o ich aktualną ocenę roli tego działania w społecznym kontekście zmiany jak też przejawianej w działaniu założeń edukacji aktywizującej. W obszarze poznawczych eksploracji znalazły się zarówno instytucje, metody i formy pracy społecznej, wpływ środowisk formalnych i nieformalnych oraz wzorców osobowych a także wartości i idee związane z przekształcaniem rzeczywistości społecznej. Potrzeba większego zainteresowania badawczego na gruncie pedagogiki społecznej fenomenem zaangażowania społecznego, stało się inspiracją do podjęcia tego tematu oraz podjęcia dyskusji nad rolą szeroko rozumianej edukacji społecznej, współpracy środowiskowej i wpływów ustawicznych w kształtowaniu takich postaw.
The article raised the issues of social change present in the current social activities, creating a vision of the world by the socially engaged individual, his/her personal attitude to formal and non-formal forms of education. The conclusions were based on the results of research carried out in the form of interviews with thirty local leaders from across Poland. The aim of this study was to answer the question on the relationship between social engagement and education, on various forms of educational aspects that had an influence on social activists’ current life and professional choices as well as on their current assessment of the role of this activity in a social context, and changes in their operation with the assumptions on how the education for engagement should look like. In the area of cognitive exploration there were taken into consideration institutions and methods of community work, the impact of formal and informal educational environments, the human patterns, as well as personal values and ideas related to the transformation of social reality. The need for greater interest in research in the field of social pedagogy about the phenomenon of social engagement, inspired to take this issue for the study and to the debate on the role of the broader social education, community cooperation and continuing influence in shaping such attitudes.
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