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The lack of knowledge of a foreign language for specific purposes and the increasing internationalization of domestic markets cause many communicative difficulties at the corporate level. Inefficient communication slows down decision-making processes and lowers the quality of services offered. In this respect, soft skills are gaining more and more importance in professional environments. Considering the need for providing a high level of foreign language even at the interview level, the idea of soft skills oriented LSP teaching can close the existing gap in employee training and enhance employees’ chances for success in an international environment. This article presents results of a survey conducted among LSP teachers in Poland.
The present text offers a few comments on the metaphorical dimension of legal language and the nature of legal language as such. The authors discuss selected metaphors in the context of the Polish legislation with the aim to show how the metaphorical dimension of language can be used and abused. It is also demonstrated that the metaphorical dimension of language can cross-cut the interface between language and law on different levels. There are metaphors in legal texts that can be deliberately used to emphasise or cover selected aspects of meaning, and others that can just happen to act irrespective of any premeditated action on the part of the legislator. Finally, in a wider perspective, it is shown that the relation between ordinary language and the language of the law, i.e. ordinary meaning and legal meaning, may itself be seen as a relation between two domains within which metaphorical mapping takes place. It is claimed that the divide between the realm of law and the “real world” goes beyond a trivial division relative to expertise in the law and expertise in legal discourse, but can be better understood as the division between the legal community and the non-legal community including the academia where linguists reside.
This paper comments on selected problems related to the theory and practice of translation in various professional, and other semantically-restricted domains. The text introduces a selection of papers published in Research in Language, Vol. 18, No. 3, which together with a number of papers published in RiL earlier issues collectively present various research programmes which link translation and specialised discourses. The field of specialised languages is constantly growing, including new professional varieties and new approaches. There are numerous publications and journals focusing on LSP problems, as well as conferences which offer fora for relevant discussions. Selected articles in the volume originated from conference meetings “Meaning in Translation,” held in Riga, Latvia. The present paper comments on selected approaches to semantically-restricted domains in translation and features of specialised and professional discourses.
The MA programme Linguistics in Specialized Communication is intended as the continuation of Linguistics for Business BA-level studies. In contrast to L4B, this graduate programme emphasizes linguistic preparation for active participation in institutional discourse, both in the private and public sectors. This paper argues that in order to participate in specialized communication MA students require not only linguistic competence, but also basic legal knowledge.
The recent decision of the Polish Ministry of National Education to make specialized language a compulsory part of vocational training sets the context of this argument. Teachers of professional secondary schools will now face new methodological challenges, so it is important to give them appropriate tools to address these. This paper examines the best known models of genre analysis used in the study of LSP : Bhatia (1993); Askehave and Swales (2000), and the Analyse Différentielle des Discours: Mourlhon-Dallies (2008), reflecting on the possibilities of their practical use in the teaching of LSP.
The paper aims to present the possibilities WebQuest gives in the educational context for recognising and catering to individual learners’ needs. The focus of the article is on altering the learning conditions contributing to the deepening diversity of learners’ needs. The use of the example of WebQuest as a teaching tool in LSP (Language for SpecificPurposes) class for monitoring needs, together with a highly personalised teaching process, is analysed. The presented application of WebQuest fillsin the gap in the individualisation of the teaching process.
CLIL has attracted the attention of LSP teachers worldwide and generated much literature. As a teaching and learning tool, it is frequently referred to in pedagogy, but a lot less in the epistemology of didactics. The present contribution aims to show how CLIL is an interface between conceptual research and practical implementation but that it cannot serve as a conceptual tool in the shaping of didactics as a field of research. Instead, concepts should be understood as context-dependent; they also vary with the subject matter to which language is connected (English for law differs from English for science) and therefore need the contribution of human sciences to emerge in their own rights.
The objective of the following paper is to present and analyze the thematic fields of specialized nautical vocabulary that constitute the macrostructure of the monolingual maritime Polish dictionary of which I am the author. The thematic fields comprise the specialized maritime lexis which depicts the most important fragments of the contemporary reality of seafarers. The research material has been excerpted from the sources published after 1989.
 Finlandia jest uważana za jeden z najlepszych krajów do życia, biorąc pod uwagęprzejrzystość systemu i wysoki poziom edukacji, którego efektem jest wysoki poziom znajomościjęzyka angielskiego. Artykuł koncentruje się na nauczaniu tłumaczenia prawnego z językafińskiego na język angielski na Uniwersytecie w Helsinkach. Badaniom empirycznym poddanazostała struktura kursu, materiały i metody dydaktyczne. Inspiracją tego artykułu stały sięefektywność nowych metod badawczych oraz struktura kursu. W celu potwierdzenia danychzostały przeprowadzone wywiady i ankiety.Studium obrazuje, że w trakcie kursu studenci nabywają podstawy wiedzy z zakresuprawa fińskiego i komparatystyki prawa. Zastosowano zintegrowaną metodę kształcenia (blendedlearning) zamiast tradycyjnych wykładów, wykładowcy stosowali platformę Moodle. Rezultatywskazują, że studentom odpowiada taka metoda prowadzenia zajęć. Metoda ta może zostaćzastosowana także w kursach o innej tematyce niż tłumaczenie prawne.
Finland is widely recognized as one of the top countries to live in, with transparency and an excellent education system, which provides for top English proficiencies. The applied English translation case study that is examined in this paper focuses on Finnish into English legal translation teaching coupled with studying at the University of Helsinki. Scrutiny of the course structure, teaching materials and teaching methods was undertaken as part of the empirical research and the efficiency of the new teaching method and course structure inspired this paper. Methodology also included interviews/surveys to obtain up to date data. The case study in brief illustrates that students at the outset of the course acquired the basic concepts of Finnish and comparative law. This was done in a blended learning environment with reverse classroom makeups and small group discussions being used instead of teacherfronted lectures. Students were also asked to look up information on the Internet and undertake translations comments, company visits, and translating an entire court case. From the teacher’s perspective Moodle was used as a file managements system. Results suggest that the students are satisfied with this method and see it as beneficial. It can be used for benchmarking for legal translation courses in others settings.
We współczesnym świecie od tłumacza oczekuje się posługiwania się autentycznym językiem, takim, jaki obowiązuje w obszarze społeczno-ekonomiczno-politycznym, dla którego zamówiono usługi tłumaczeniowe. Celem tego artykułu jest podkreślenie znaczenia kształcenia w zakresie języka specjalistycznego na kierunkach translatorskich, tak by bardziej odpowiadały potrzebom rynku. Ponadto zakładając, że język specjalistyczny charakteryzuje się różnicami konceptualnymi, podkreślamy potrzebę rozwijania kompetencji przedmiotowych jako niezbędnego warunku gwarantującego dobrą jakość tłumaczenia. Dlatego też przewidujemy, iż przyszli tłumacze kształceni będą w obszarze wąskich specjalizacji, np. dokumentów państwowych, tekstów medycznych, itp. Zakładana hipoteza jest weryfikowana badaniem ankietowym, w którym studenci i praktycy werbalizują mankamenty własnej edukacji oraz artykułują swoje oczekiwania względem kształcenia translatorskiego.
In the contemporary world the translator and interpreter is expected to be furnished with quality language skills designated by a socio-economic-political domain for which the service has been ordered. The objective of the article is to accentuate the importance of language for specific purposes in educating translators and interpreters for the market needs. Additionally, assuming that language for specific purposes is marked by conceptual differences between languages, we put forth the need for developing professional subject-matter, knowledge-based competence as a prerequisite for quality translation. Thereby, we foresee that the future of translators and interpreters’ education lies in a very narrow specialization, for example, in translating government documents, medical texts, etc. The presupposed hypothesis is verified against the survey research in which practitioners and students articulate their expectations and the shortcomings in their education.
This paper’s main goal is to present the outcome of a field study from 2015 among the companies representing the sector of modern services for business in the area of Lodz. The main interest of the study were the information on the foreign languages and languages for specific purposes being in use in the outsourcing sector on the local job market as well as the main areas of use of foreign languages. As a conclusion, the paper presents various examples of study and training exercises for the use of the German language in business communication.
The article contributes to current discourses on the opportunities, challenges and limits for foreign and specialised language didactics in the context of the closer cooperations between Universities and the wider economic and social environment. It presents and discusses the background, origins, results and perspectives of the research project “The Language Barometer of Lodz 2021. Employees of the modern business services sector”. The research questions of the survey are primarily directed at the required foreign language skills of the target group, areas of application of foreign languages, the knowledge and specialist areas to be mastered, language training in the company, as well as the aspect of multilingualism in the context of professional communication. The paper will present and discuss the global results of the survey, and also provide a full package of anonymous raw data collected during the survey for possible further analysis and study. The data obtained in the survey can be used for projects and research initiatives on various aspects of specialised communication in an intercultural work environment, but may also find application in, among other things, the development or modification of curricula at different levels of learning, the creation of specialisation modules, language courses, workshops or educational materials.
This contribution examines the formation, evolution and use of terms in astronomy. The term planet is discussed in detail through the analysis of specialized contemporary sources, with focus on how the discoveries of Neptune, Uranus and Pluto changed the meaning of planet. Consideration is also given to other bodies originally classified as planets, illustrating a repeating pattern of scientific advancement blurring the boundaries of what planet denotes before linguistic and terminological usage adapts to reflect scientific understanding. Further consideration is given to the qualifier dwarf in denoting bodies both too small and too large to be classified as planets, which constitutes a modern blurring of the lines of planethood in the field of exoplanetology. Through the analysis of three leading astronomical journals, it is shown that despite the lack of a centralised authority actively regulating terminology, the prototype term Hot Jupiter has engendered new series of terms using differing terminological and conceptual regimes to prioritize different characteristics of exoplanets, allowing for efficient communication in specialised and general discourse.
Writing abstracts, both in a professional and academic environment, is a crucialskill, reflecting the ability to think synthetically and express thoughts in a concise way. Due to the rising popularity of indexing scientific papers in different databases, abstracts can determine the readability of a paper and its future quotation rate. This paper presents the results of an analysis of the microstructure of 40 abstracts from prestigious impact factor medical and economics journals, offering guidelines for designing abstract writing exercises in foreign language courses for specific purposes
The present analysis aims at systematizing sparse remarks revolving around teaching of languages for special purposes (LSP). Detailed data were collected by observation within Polish academic circles. More precisely, they are based on past working experience gained among stu-dents boasting a high level of language proficiency. Apart from general tendencies, more streamlined requirements have been formulated on a par with their particular consequences.
W artykule autorka bada specyficzne cechy metody zanurzenia w języku obcymw trakcie jego nauki, analizuje początki i rozwój tego typu programów oraz opisuje metody, które mogą stanowić dla nich bazę teoretyczną. Przedstawione zostają istotne elementy i zalety powyższej metody, a także sposoby ich implemetnacji w programach przygotowujących prawników do profesjonalnej komunikacji w języku obcym wprowadzone na Uniwersytecie Narodowym “Odessa Academy of Law” na Ukrainie.
In this article the author examines the specific features of immersion approach in second language learning, gives brief information concerning the origin and further development of immersion programs. The article provides the description of closely related methods which are considered to be the theoretical basis for immersion programs. The author discloses the relevant elements and objective advantages of the approach mentioned above. The core features and possible modes of the method under analysis are defined.The article presents the way of applying immersion programs which has been worked out to prepare future lawyers for professional communication in a foreign language and introduced at National University “Odessa Academy of Law”, Ukraine.
The role of the Polish language as an environment of teaching mathematics to foreigners depends on ethnos and prior education of the listener. At every level of the organization of language exists in the Polish language the source of the difficulty to raise the level of effort studying mathematics foreigners. Maths teacher working with foreigners will work more efficiently when he/she takes into account the sources of difficulty.
Rola polszczyzny jako środowiska w nauczaniu cudzoziemców matematyki jest zróżnicowana i zależy od etnosu oraz uprzedniego wykształcenia słuchacza. Na każdym poziomie organizacji języka istnieją w polszczyźnie źródła trudności podnoszące poziom wysiłku uczących się matematyki cudzoziemców. Nauczyciel matematyki pracujący z cudzoziemcami będzie działał skuteczniej, gdy weźmie pod uwagę te źródła trudności.
In LSP, Discourse Analysis seems to be an indispensable element in determining the aims and content of education. It is part of the needs analysis of a given audience. However, most people who learn foreign languages for professional purposes, use ready-made materials rather than specially designed courses. LSP textbooks, including those used business language education, are developed for a wide audience. This, however, has negative consequences for the discursive aspects of this education, as illustrated in the corpus of textbooks for the Français des affaires, often seen as French in the company or French for professional communication. This broadly defined scope de facto covers different types of discourse. This is not so much a problem if discursive conditions are shown through didactic dialogues embedded in one company: discursive behaviors could then be patterned onto their models in a real company with similar parameters. However, the analyzed body of text shows that the authors of the textbooks examined focus more on introducing the necessary language forms and explaining the mechanisms of language functioning than on the mechanisms of matching the message to the context. An example of this is the neglect of the form that could mediate between tutoiement and vouvoiement, ie the use of name + vous. Recourse to discourse analysis would help avoid this and other reservations mentioned in the text.
Changes in the contemporary world affect the evolution of the foreign language teacher profession, its role and the required competences. In addition to his/her traditional teaching activity, the foreign language teacher must often undertake pre-learning tasks such as designing the curriculum, developing teaching techniques and didactic materials. This is illustrated particularly well with the example of a specialist language teacher. Hence, it is necessary to modify and/or redefine the curricula of language teacher training (including LSP teachers). The aim of the present paper is to reflect on the current role of an LSP teacher and his/her competencies required in the needs analysis process for developing a language training program for professional purposes. Starting from the needs analysis, we will consider the tasks specific for the activity of an LSP teacher and the sources of information which he/she should explore in order to design the curriculum content. We base the present reflection on our professional experience in training French language teachers in Poland.
It is widely accepted that terminological minimum is a practical means used for the selection of specialist vocabulary to be taught at various proficiency levels in LSP courses. This popular understanding of the notion renders it similar to the concept of lexical minimum; from the didactic perspective, the two notions seem to largely overlap, being in fact vocabulary lists based mainly on the frequency parameter. However, this picture has largely obscured the true ontological status of the two concepts, and it was not until only recently that the notion of lexical minimum was defined in a more comprehensive way, bringing to light some of its most salient characteristics. Likewise, it seems necessary to re-define the notion of the terminological minimum, if only on account of the specific nature of the lexical unit included in them, i.e. the term. The current paper attempts to elucidate the notion in question and to provide a methodological framework for the compilation of a modern terminological minimum.
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