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The essay proposes a way to search for common educational goals in a situation marked by deep political and worldview-related divisions in Polish society. It recalls Kazimierz Sośnicki’s concept of the “collision of ethoses” conceived in the 1930s, and the need to overcome shallow ‘ceremonial- ism’ in order to move towards a deeper experience of values, both spiritually and through altruistic actions.
Artykuł ten podkreśla znaczenie systemu edukacji z perspektywy kulturowej, podkreśla jednak także, że Polska jest krajem różnych kultur. Autor wylicza też pilne kwestie naprawcze: krytyczne stany i sprawy edukacji, które jego zdaniem nie mogą czekać wiele lat na ich rozwiązanie.
The paper stresses the importance of education system from cultural perspective, it stresses nevertheless also the fact that Poland is a country of different cultures. The author lists urgent corrective issues: critical states and problems of education that, according to his opinion, cannot wait many years to be solved.
An outstanding sociologist and philosopher of culture did not consider himself a pedagogue and was not perceived as one. An analysis of his books written during periods of great global crises: The Fall of Western Civilization (1921) and The Social Role of a University Student (1940), indicates that the fundamental transformation of education, especially university education, is a necessary condition for the formation of a new “aristocracy of the spirit”, new creative elites, capable of leading the masses (people) to the revival and development of Western civilization. American universities are particularly well-suited to this function. Both the content and the language of these books confirms that Florian Znaniecki was a radical humanistic pedagogue.
Contemporary culture offers and constantly enriches many models of life, values, and consumption incentives. Pedagogy is also pluralistic today, rich in currents and trends. Teachers, including academics, face the unavoidable and constant choice between getting involved in the work with students and detachment and autonomy, or rather encouraging young people to choose their own identity and orientation, because all choices are equal. It is necessary to seek a common minimum of formal and material goals of upbringing. One of such formal purposes is that of independent judgment, i.e. the autonomy and the ability to think critically. Human is inseparable from the material; there is a dispute, however, about the components of this category. Recognition of the equality of all cultural discourses leads to nihilism with all its consequences.
ThThe 25th anniversary of the Department of Educational Studies is an inspiration for the author to return to the pedagogical events of 1993. The article by Mikołaj Kozakiewicz published this year contains warnings that the chances of Polish education after a major educational change after 1989 (democracy, pluralism, europeization) are lost, and anticipates their reversal. centralism, authoritarianism, ideological monism, the closing of Poland to Europe are coming back. These anxieties also appeared at the First National Pedagogical Congress in Rembertów in 1993, although the prevailing concern was whether pedagogy as science kept up with the great changes. At the same time, a new formation and a generation of academic pedagogues emerged at this Congress, undertaking new challenges of this time. Unfortunately, sociologists and intercultural psychologists studies have shown that the chances of great change have been educationally wasted, which is manifested in the low culture of everyday life of Poles and in the persistence of Polish perennial, negative social stereotypes. The author, however, finds and presents reasons for the pedagogy of possibilities, supporting the development of people to autonomy and humanity.e 25th anniversary of the Department of Educational Studies is an inspiration for the author to return to the pedagogical events of 1993. The article by Mikołaj Kozakiewicz published this year contains warnings that the chances of Polish education after a major educational change after 1989 (democracy, pluralism, europeization) are lost, and anticipates their reversal. centralism, authoritarianism, ideological monism, the closing of Poland to Europe are coming back. These anxieties also appeared at the First National Pedagogical Congress in Rembertów in 1993, although the prevailing concern was whether pedagogy as science kept up with the great changes. At the same time, a new formation and a generation of academic pedagogues emerged at this Congress, undertaking new challenges of this time. Unfortunately, sociologists and intercultural psychologists studies have shown that the chances of great change have been educationally wasted, which is manifested in the low culture of everyday life of Poles and in the persistence of Polish perennial, negative social stereotypes. The author, however, finds and presents reasons for the pedagogy of possibilities, supporting the development of people to autonomy and humanity.
The sources of the great questions of Polish pedagogy originate in the canon of eminent pedagogues of the interwar period, in the development blocks of our collective consciousness, in the dynamic cultural and developmental transformations on a global scale, and in the strong connections of pedagogy with its fundamental sciences.
The main goal of this article is description of two educational discourses pertaining to differences, their acceptance and eradication or alleviation. The first is the special needs pedagogy, which has seen a dispute between the enthusiasts of institutional and social integration of the disabled with people, communities and institutions dominated by those within a given norm. The second is characteristic of the critical pedagogy and sociology – concerns people and social groups who are culturally and socially excluded and marginalised, both overtly and covertly.
Out of John Rawls’s theory of just state, the author builds up four models containing the solution to the contradictories between capitalistic rule of freedom to multiply goods and the democratic rule of equal changes. Neoliberal and conservative models both emphasize the importance of the equal start in the competition for the privileged positions and equal rights of individuals in their efforts to access the elites. On the other hand, distributive democracy models stress rather the role of structurally-granted equal access to education of all levels and equal presence of schools and universities students coming from different social groups. Commonly rejected is the model of equal results postulated by most radical leftist ideologies.
The article raises the question of the causes of the public education crisis, both the crisis in recent past and that conditioned by several centuries of Poland’s past. The position of Adam Podgórecki on the subject of comprehensive analyses of Polish society is particularly important. It combines two positions. He believes that Polish systemic crises can be put down to the experiences of post-totalitarianism and Polish unique defects persisting for several centuries. The author of the article negatively assesses the possibility of overcoming the crisis of public education by academic elites, which are responsible for the collapse of universities and the crisis of higher education. Common beliefs about public education have turned out to be illusions. The author sees the hopes of improving the state of public education in resistance to the destruction of democracy and to the strong ideological and political pressure. Openness to Europe and the world, which Poles do not give away, inspires hope, too.
The article raises the question of the causes of the public education crisis, both the crisis in recent past and that conditioned by several centuries of Poland’s past. The position of Adam Podgórecki on the subject of comprehensive analyzes of Polish society is particularly important. It combines two positions. He believes that the causes of Polish systemic crises are the experiences of post-totalitari- anism and specific Polish defects persisted for several centuries. The author of the article negatively assesses the possibility of overcoming the crisis of public education by academic elites, which are responsible for the collapse of universities and the crisis of higher education. Common beliefs about public education have turned out to be illusions. The author sees the hopes of improving the state of public education in resistance to the destruction of democracy and to the strong ideological and political pressure. Openness to Europe and the world, which Poles do not give away, also gives hope.
Public education is educating influence of wide range media on political beliefs, worldviews and patterns of the everyday life of the audience, and of the potential electorate. The public intellectuals (the Henry A. Giroux concept), significant and respected experts (academics, journalists, politicians) play a special role. The article contains the presentation and analysis of the reaction of American public intellectuals to the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States – from the perspective of critical-emancipatory pedagogy. These are extremely critical to the consequences of D. Trump's choice: Ken Wilber's, Henry A. Giroux’s, Noam Chomsky’s, and several authors in the Berkeley Review of Education 2017/1 publications and speeches are recalled. The author concludes that Poland no longer has to imitate America, because in authoritarian drift (turn) it is ahead of it.
The term „agnotology” was introduced by Robert Proctor. Agnotology is the study on the spread of ignorance, its social scope and impact, causes and effects. The author tried to analyze whether it is possible that ignorance is disseminated by schools, the principal institution of the Enlightenment, i.e. not only of equipping invididuals with broad knowledge, but of taking care of each individual’s ability to judge (critical thinking). The author discusses three examples of deliberate structural changes to indicate that school „reforms” may bring about effects opposite to the intended ones, have an offside effect of belated imitation and widespread side effects, which destroy the entire education system.
Experts in the Prognostic Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (M. Kleiber, J. Kleer and others) have found that Poland’s further development, as well as reducing the country’s civilizational backwardness compared with the developed Western countries, depend on whether Poland can overcome the barriers in its cultural system which have accumulated for many years. A modern and coherent educational system is a prerequisite for such a cultural change. The author believes that this dependence of Poland’s further development on a fundamental overhaul of the educational system is a problem of the highest degree of difficulty (an aporeme). This is because the current educational system is incoherent, pre – modern and beset by a number of pathologies. What is needed is a generally accepted change of the model of thinking about education – a paradigm change – that needs to be coupled with setting up a strategic institution at the highest state level which would consistently implement a long-term programme of changes in the educational system. The author cites two examples of such a successfully coupled change: in South Korea and in Russia. In South Korea, there has been a long process of progressive educational change which has emerged through resistance against the colonial tradition and military dictatorship. In Russia under Gorbachev, a proposal for a comprehensive educational change emerged suddenly, resulting from the work of outstanding intellectuals, as reactance to and inversion of the authoritarian and centralist solutions that had been applied for many years before, and using the familiar Western solutions. After Poland had regained independence in 1918, Polish educationalists also put forward modern and progressive proposals for changing the fundamentals of the educational system (L. Witkowski). However, these proposals were not understood, let alone implemented, for many decades that followed (due to war and communism). The author poses the question whether it is possible simultaneously to design systemic educational change and have it implemented by a politically independent and strategic executive body.
Eksperci z Komitetu ds. Prognozy Polskiej Akademii Nauk (M. Kleiber, J. Kleer i inni) stwierdzili, że dalszy rozwój Polski, a także zmniejszenie zacofania cywilizacyjnego kraju w porównaniu z rozwiniętymi krajami zachodnimi, zależą od tego, czy Polska może pokonać bariery występujące w jej systemie kulturowym, które nagromadziły się z biegiem lat. Nowoczesny i spójny system edukacyjny jest warunkiem wstępnym takiej zmiany kulturowej. Autor uważa, że dalszy rozwój Polski zależy od fundamentalnego przeglądu systemu edukacyjnego, stanowiącego problem o najwyższym stopniu trudności (aporeme). Dzieje się tak dlatego, że aktualny system edukacji jest niespójny, przednowoczesny i nękany przez wiele patologii. Potrzebna jest ogólnie przyjęta zmiana modelu myślenia o edukacji – zmiana paradygmatu – któremu powinno towarzyszyć tworzenie instytucji strategicznej na najwyższym szczeblu. Instytucji, która konsekwentnie wdrażałaby wieloletni program zmian w systemie edukacji. Autor przytacza dwa przykłady tak udanej zmiany powiązanej: w Korei Południowej i Rosji. W Korei Południowej trwa długotrwały proces stopniowych zmian edukacyjnych, który pojawił się poprzez opór przeciwko tradycji kolonialnej i dyktaturze wojskowej. W Rosji, w czasie rządów Gorbaczowa, nagle pojawiła się propozycja kompleksowej zmiany wychowawczej, wynikającej z pracy wybitnych intelektualistów. Działania stanowiły reakcję i odwrócenie autorytarnych, centralizacyjnych rozwiązań, które były stosowane przez lata. Zamienione zostały one na zachodnie, sprawdzone rozwiązania. Po odzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości w 1918 roku polscy pedagodzy wysunęli także nowoczesne i postępowe propozycje zmiany podstaw systemu edukacyjnego (L. Witkowski). Jednak propozycje te nie zostały zrozumiane, a tym bardziej wdrożone przez całe dziesięciolecia (z powodu wojny i komunizmu). Autor zastanawia się, czy możliwe jest jednoczesne zaprojektowanie systemowej zmiany edukacyjnej i wdrożenie jej przez politycznie niezależny i strategiczny organ wykonawczy.
The article raises the question of the causes of the public education crisis, both the crisis in recent past and that conditioned by several centuries of Poland’s past. The position of Adam Podgórecki on the subject of comprehensive analyzes of Polish society is particularly important. It combines two positions. He believes that the causes of Polish systemic crises are the experiences of post-totalitarianism and specific Polish defects persisted for several centuries. The author of the article negatively assesses the possibility of overcoming the crisis of public education by academic elites, which are responsible for the collapse of universities and the crisis of higher education. Common beliefs about public education have turned out to be illusions. The author sees the hopes of improving the state of public education in resistance to the destruction of democracy and to the strong ideological and political pressure. Openness to Europe and the world, which Poles do not give away, also gives hope.
Według rzetelnie uzasadnionej hipotezy o zbieżności (izomorfizmie) poziomu rozwoju świadomości jednostki z zastanym poziomem kulturowym społeczeństwa (J. Haberas, L. Kohlberg) – powszechna przyzwoitość jest możliwa tylko w „porządnym społeczeństwie” (A. Margalit). W Polsce przeżywamy głęboki kryzys rozpadu i regresu społeczeństwa wychowującego. Autor wskazuje na dwa zbiory probierzy (kryteriów) dobrego ładu społecznego: 1) „dekalog odnowy” wygenerowany przez polski masowy ruch sprzeciwu społecznego w latach 1980-1981, a zrekonstruowany przez P. Sztompkę oraz 2) uniwersalny katalog zdolności ludzkich koniecznych do osiągnięcia jako warunek pełni człowieczeństwa, opracowany prze  M. C. Nussbaum. Obydwa te zbiory kryteriów są i mogą stale być pomocne w formułowaniu diagnoz rozwoju społeczeństwa. Na przeszkodzie rozwoju cywilizacyjnego Polski stoi jednak silnie ugruntowany przez wieki system zbiorowej podświadomości, na który składa się zbitka wiele elementów, wskazana przez Komitet Prognoz przy Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Nadzieję autorów raportu „Polska 2050”, że te bariery można zlikwidować  lub zminimalizować, osłabiają obecne tendencje do konserwatywnych w systemie szkolnym. Dobrze ilustruje te zmiany ironiczny esej  wybitnego uczonego, profesora P. Węgleńskiego o zmianach programowych w polskim szkolnictwie oraz „złota myśl” A.  Macierewicza, ministra obrony, o szczególnej roli Matki Boskiej Częstochowskiej dla bezpieczeństwa państwa. Autor artykułu wskazuje drogę powrotu do indywidualnej i zbiorowej mądrości i przyzwoitości poprzez powszechną alfabetyzację krytyczną.
The text contains an analysis of the connections between the mass outbreak of social protest in August 1980, its causes and implications for the democratic transformations of Polish society and for the change in the function of education from an instrument of authoritarian power to an important subject of social self-regulation. The attempt to publish it in the book “Konieczność – niepokój – nadzieja”  ( "Necessity - anxiety - hope") ended in failure. First, the text was cut down by censorship, and then at the beginning of martial law in January 1982, the publisher handed over almost the entire circulation of the book (over 10,000 copies) for destruction.
Tekst zawiera analizę związków masowego wybuchu społecznego protestu w sierpniu 1980 roku, jego przyczyn oraz implikacji dla demokratycznych przemian społeczeństwa polskiego oraz dla zmiany funkcji edukacji z instrumentu autorytarnej władzy na ważny podmiot samoregulacji społecznej. Próba jego wydania w książce „Konieczność – niepokój – nadzieja” skończyła się niepowodzeniem. Najpierw tekst ten został okrojony przez cenzurę, a następnie na  początku stanu wojennego w styczniu 1982 roku wydawca prawie cały nakład książki (ponad 10 tysięcy egzemplarzy) przekazał na zniszczenie.
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