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Metodologija pedagogije je jedan od četiri konstitutivna elementa pedagogije kao nauke, pa je razumljivo zašto je njen razvoj u direktnoj vezi sa opštim kretanjima i razvojnim tokovima pedagogije. Iako je razvoj metodologije pedagogije započet dosta kasno, do današnjih dana ona se razvila tako da omogućava sasvim sigurno postupanje u istraživačkom radu u svom domenu. Metodologija pedagogije u delima pedagoških i filozofskih klasika ima svoju istoriju, ali i predistoriju. U radu je razmatran princip povezanosti teorije i prakse njegovog tvorca Jana Amosa Komenskog (1592-1670). U radu smo se osvrnuli na izvanredna dela Komenskog koji je čitav život posvetio sistemu obrazovanja. Posebno mesto među delima ovog velikana zauzima Didactica Magna, koje se i danas među didaktičarima, metodolozima, pedagozima, filozofima smatra genijalnim delom. U proučavanju je korišćena istorijska metoda, kao osnovna metoda istorijskih istraživanja, i tehnika analize sadržaja dostupnih istorijskih i pedagoških izvora i dokumenata. U radu se govori o eminentnom čoveku koji je svojim radom obeležio istorijski razvoj pedagogije, događajima koji su bili od značaja za dalji razvoj pedagogije, kao i o delima iz pedagogije, koji su doprineli konstituisanju nauke o vaspitanju i metodologije kao osnove za konstituisanje same nauke.
The methodology of pedagogy belongs to the youngest group of pedagogical disci-plines. The first thoughts about the basic postulates of the methodology of pedagogy were rec-ognized long ago, even in the pedagogical paradigm of John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), who created support for the methodology of pedagogy as an integral component of pedagogical science. After the presentation of the basic concepts of the pedagogical theory of this Moravian thinker, the principle of evidence in his pedagogical theory is considered in this paper. A review was made of the influence Comenius left on his followers Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) and Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827), especially from the point of view of further devel-opment of the principles of evidence in their education theories. In this paper, we have con-firmed our hypothesis about the compatibility of the principle of evidence with research tech-niques and instruments. Proactively action by Comenius represents a turning point not only in the field of pedagogy development as a science and its disciplines, but also in the field of human development in general. Regarding that, there is a need for a new pedagogical discipline, Comeniology, which will give a new perspective to this pedagogical doctrine and will foster a critical review in relation to his pedagogical theory. According with our research subject, we have presented some of our dilemmas and questions to which the Comeniology as a new scien-tific discipline could give an answer, and therefore a kind of scientific contribution. Based on the previous methodological achievements, Comeniology remains committed to discovering the origins of other research techniques and methods in the pedagogical postulates of Comenius, to determine the applicability of the Comenius pedagogical principles with regard to the changes and challenges facing the contemporary teaching process, to open the issue of pedagogical psy-chological competencies of teachers for the application of the golden rule of Comenius and its other principles, to continue engagement of Comenius in the qualitative educational function of a modern school, but also to consider the influence of other factors (family environment) that may influence the choice of teaching principles and methods.
Metodologija pedagogije pripada najmlađoj grupi pedagoških disciplina. Prve misli o bazičnim postulatima metodologije pedagogije prepoznate su davno, još u pedagoškoj para-digmi Jana Amosa Komenskog (1592-1670) koji je stvorio potporu za metodologiju pedagogije kao sastavne komponente pedagoške nauke. U radu je nakon predstavljanja bazičnih koncepata pedagoške teorije ovog moravskog mislioca razmatran princip očiglednosti u njegovoj peda-goškoj teoriji. Načinjen je osvrt na uticaj koji je Komenski ostavio na njegove sledbenike Žana Žaka Rusoa (1712-1778) i Johana Fridriha Pestalocija (1746-1827) naročito sa aspekta daljeg razvoja principa očiglednosti u njihovim teorijama obrazovanja. U ovom radu potvrdili smo našu hipotezu o kompatibilnosti principa očiglednosti sa istraživačkim tehnikama i instrumenatima. Proaktivno delovanje Komenskog predstavlja prekretnicu ne samo na polju razvoja pedagogije kao nauke i njenih disciplina već i na polju razvoja čovčanstva uopšte. S tim u vezi, otvara se potreba za formiranjem nove pedagoške discipline, Komeniologije koja će dati novu perspektivu ovom pedagoškom doajenu i negovati kritički osvrt u odnosu na njegovu pedagošku teoriju. U skladu sa našim predmetom istraživanja, izneli smo neke naše dileme i pitanja na koja bi Ko-meniologija kao nova naučna disciplina mogla dati odgovor, a time i svojevrstan naučni dopri-nos. Na temelju dosadašnjih metodoloških dostignuća Komeniologiji ostaje u zadatak da možda u pedagoškim postulatima Komenskog otkrije poreklo drugih istraživačkih tehnika i metoda, da utvrdi celishodnost primene pedagoških principa Komenskog s obzirom na promene i izazove pred kojim se nalazi savremeni nastavni proces, otvori pitanje pedagoško psiholoških kompe-tencija nastavnika za primenu zlatnog pravila Komenskog i drugih njegovih principa, da nastavi angažman Komenskog na kvalitativnom podizanju vaspitne funkcije savremene škole ali i da eventualno razmotri uticaj drugih faktora (porodično okruženje) koji mogu uticati na izbor nastavnih principa i metoda.
This paper presents the pedagogical significance of John Amos Comenius and how his pedagogical ideas influenced the development of pedagogical research. By analyzing Comenius' ideas, we have shown their connection with the development of pedagogical research. Mankind still does not find more original ideas than his, but returns to his opus and finds more and more new knowledge in it, which builds on the existing educational theory and practice. The aim of this paper is to identify which of Comenius’ pedagogical ideas contributed to the development of pedagogical research and thus the Methodology of Pedagogy as a scientific discipline. Primarily, we want to place Comenius' philosophical and pedagogical views in the context of their importance for the development of pedagogical research. The tasks are formulated as follows: 1. Analysis of the pedagogical significance of John Amos Comenius, 2. Analysis of the historical development of pedagogical research in Serbia. 3. Pointing out the connection between the principles founded by John Amos Comenius and the development of pedagogical research. The method of theoretical and historical analysis with the technique of content analysis of historical and pedagogical sources and documents was used. After presenting Comenius’ pedagogical ideas, the paper presents the development of pedagogical research in Serbia and the principles of Co-menius in which we found the basis for the development of pedagogical research.
This paper presents the pedagogical significance of John Amos Comenius and how his pedagogical ideas influenced the development of pedagogical research. By analyzing Comenius' ideas, we have shown their connection with the development of pedagogical research. Mankind still does not find more original ideas than his, but returns to his opus and finds more and more new knowledge in it, which builds on the existing educational theory and practice. The aim of this paper is to identify which of Comenius’ pedagogical ideas contributed to the development of pedagogical research and thus the Methodology of Pedagogy as a scientific discipline. Primarily, we want to place Comenius' philosophical and pedagogical views in the context of their importance for the development of pedagogical research. The tasks are formulated as follows: 1. Analysis of the pedagogical significance of John Amos Comenius, 2. Analysis of the historical development of pedagogical research in Serbia. 3. Pointing out the connection between the principles founded by John Amos Comenius and the development of pedagogical research. The meth-od of theoretical and historical analysis with the technique of content analysis of historical and pedagogical sources and documents was used. After presenting Comenius’ pedagogical ideas, the paper presents the development of pedagogical research in Serbia and the principles of Comenius in which we found the basis for the development of pedagogical research.
Kao najznačajniji mislilac i istorijska ličnost iz oblasti pedagogije, rad Jana Amosa Komenskog neretko je bio i ostao predmet proučavanja i istraživanja. Ostavio je pregršt korisnih ideja, misli, saveta i uputstava na kojima današnji pedagozi, istraživači i praktičari temelje svoj rad. U radu smo dali kratak osvrt na život i stvaralaštvo Jana Amosa Komenskog i potvrdili sponu između njegovih stavova i težnji sa nastankom i razvojem metodologije pedagogije. Cilj rada zapravo je ukazivanje na značaj pomenutog reformatora i vizionara za sveukupan razvoj pedagogije kao nauke, naročito metodologije pedagogije kao pedagoške discipline bez koje pedagogija ne bi mogla nositi titulu nauke. Zadatke smo formulisali na sledeći način: 1. Analizirati život i rad Jana Amosa Komenskog. 2. Analizirati dela Jana Amosa Komenskog kao najpouzdanijih svedoka njegovih reformatorksih misli i ideja. 3. Proučiti stavove Jana Amosa Komenskog o pedagogiji, didaktici i metodologiji pedagogije. 4. Ukazati na usklađenost metodologije pedagogije i obrazovnih principa. Za potrebe rada koriščena je metoda teorijske analize i istorijska metoda sa tehnikom analize sadržaja a sve zarad analize i prikupljanja već postojećih zapisa i dokumenata. Nastojali smo predstaviti misli, ideje i stavove koje je Komenski izlagao u svojim delima i kojima je utemeljio svoja obrazovna polazišta.AbstractThe works of John Amos Comenius, as the most prominent thinker in didactics, have often been the focus of researchers in the field. His legacy is a wealth of practical ideas, theories, suggestions, and guidelines, used by today’s pedagogy experts, researchers, and practitioners. This paper will briefly review Comenius’ life and work to determine the influences his attitudes and beliefs had on the development of the didactic methodology. Furthermore, our aim is to emphasize the significance of the Comenius’ contribution to the overall development of didactics as a scientific discipline and its methodology. The specific tasks the paper will perform are as follows: 1. to analyse the life and work of John Amos Comenius; 2. to analyse the works of John Amos Comenius as the most reliable witness to his reformatory ideas; 3. to map his attitudes on pedagogics, pedagogy, and didactic methodology; 4. to indicate the alignment between the didactic methodology and the educational principles. For the purposes of this study, historical analysis and the content analysis of the historical method were used to collect and analyse the data and present the ideas and attitudes expressed in the works of Comenius that form the basis for his educational principles.
The works of John Amos Comenius, as the most prominent thinker in didactics, have often been the focus of researchers in the field. His legacy is a wealth of practical ideas, theories, suggestions, and guidelines, used by today’s pedagogy experts, researchers, and practitioners. This paper will briefly review Comenius’ life and work to determine the influences hisatt itudes and beliefs had on the development of the didactic methodology. Furthermore, our aim is to emphasize the significance of the Comenius’ contribution to the overall development of didactics as a scientific discipline and its methodology. The specific tasks thepap er will perform are as follows: 1. to analyse the life and work of John Amos Comenius; 2. to analyse the works of John Amos Comenius as the most reliable witness to his reformatory ideas; 3. to map his attitudes on pedagogics, pedagogy, and didactic methodology; 4. to indicate the alignment between the didactic methodology and the educational principles. For the purposes of this study, historical analysis and the content analysis of the historical method were used to collect and analyse the data and present the ideas and attitudes expressed in the works of Comenius that form the basis for his educational principles.StreszczeniePrace Jana Amosa Komeńskiego, jako najwybitniejszego myśliciela pedagogiki, były często przedmiotem zainteresowania badaczy w tej dziedzinie. Jego spuścizna to bogactwo praktycznych pomysłów, teorii, sugestii i wskazówek branych pod uwagę przez dzisiejszych ekspertów pedagogicznych, badaczy i praktyków. W niniejszym artykule dokonujemy krótkiego przeglądu życia i pracy Komeńskiego, aby określić wpływy jego postaw i przekonań na rozwój metodologii dydaktycznej. Ponadto staramy się podkreślić znaczenie wkładu Komeńskiego w ogólny rozwój dydaktyki jako dyscypliny naukowej i jej metodologii. Artykuł zawiera: 1. analizę życia i pracy Jana Amosa Komeńskiego; 2. analizę dzieła Komeńskiego jako najbardziej wiarygodnego źródła jego reformatorskich idei; 3. przedstawienie jego poglądów na pedagogikę i metodologię dydaktyczną; 4. wskazanie metodologii dydaktycznej w odniesieniu do zasad edukacyjnych Komeńskiego. Wykorzystana została analiza historyczna i analiza zastosowania metody historycznej w celu zebrania i analizy danych empirycznych oraz przedstawienia idei i postaw Komeńskiego zawartych w jego dziełach. Stanowią one podstawę jego zasad edukacyjnych.
The roots of today's education system stem from one of the most significant peda-gogists and thinkers, John Amos Comenius (1592-1670). His entire comprehensive and sys-tematic work represents a turning point, not only in the field of the development of pedagogy, as a science and its disciplines, but also in the field of the development of human thought in general. After a brief review of life and work of John Amos Comenius, the paper presents the basic concepts of pedagogical theory through the chapters they cover – his reforming and educational mission, contribution to the establishment and development of didactics and methodology of pedagogy, contribution to school, preschool and family pedagogy. Of particu-lar importance is the chapter that deals with pansophism as an ideological concept of univer-sal wisdom and pedagogy, because the central theme of the paper is focused on the relations-hip between pansophism and his overall pedagogical work. The aim of this paper is to theore-tically research the connection between these problems, as well as to understand their broa-der implications and current scientific achievements. The paper uses the method of theoreti-cal and historical analysis with the technique of content analysis of available and relevant historical and pedagogical sources and documents. The concluding remarks point to the im-portance of Comenius as a reformer important for the overall development of pedagogy as a science. His pansophism is permanently imprinted as a seal with a reflexive echo and reper-cussions on all later occurrences in the field of teaching and pedagogical educational activities. The ideas of John Amos Comenius that are practically tested and attested, carry a special strength and vitality even after three centuries, which makes him one of the true pedagogical classics.
Koreni današnjeg sistema obrazovanja potiču od jednog od najznačajnijih pedagoga i mislilaca, Jana Amosa Komenskog (1592-1670). Celokupan njegov sveobuhvatni i sistematični rad predstavlja prekretnicu, ne samo na polju razvoja pedagogije, kao nauke i njenih disciplina, već i na polju razvoja ljudske misli uopšte. U radu su nakon kratkog osvrta na život i stvaralaštvo Jana Amosa Komenskog, predstavljeni bazični koncepti pedagoške teorije kroz poglavlja koja obrađuju – njegovu reformatorsku i prosvetiteljsku misiju, doprinos utemeljenju i razvoju didaktike i metodologije pedagogije, doprinos razvoju školske, predškolske, porodične pedagogije. Od posebne je važnosti poglavlje koje se bavi pansofijom kao idejnim konceptom sveopšte mudrosti i pedagogijom, jer je centralna tematika rada upravo fokusirana na odnos pansofizma i njegovog ukupnog pedagoškog rada. Cilj rada je teorijsko istraživanje povezanosti ovih problema, kao i razumijevanje njihovih širih implikacija i aktuelnih naučnih dometa. U radu je korišćena metoda teorijske i istorijske analize sa tehnikom analize sadržaja dostupnih i relevantnih istorijskih i pedagoških izvora i dokumenata. U zaključnim razmatranjima se ukazuje na značaj Komenskog kao reformatora značajnog za sveukupan razvoj pedagogije kao nauke. Njegov pansofizam je trajno utisnut kao pečat sa refleksivnim odjekom i reperkusijama na sva kasnija dešavanja u oblasti nastave i pedagoške vaspitno-obrazovne delatnosti. Ideje Jana Amosa Komenskog, praktično proveravane i osvedočavane, nose posebnu snagu i životvornost i posle tri veka, što ga svrstava u red istinskih pedagoških klasika.
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