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The idea of inclusive education is the concept of education for all. According to opinions of different backgrounds, it seems that the idea of inclusive education in Poland is mainly associated with the “problem” of a presence of students with disabilities in the mainstream school. The studies on the phenomenon of inclusive education were focused on the problems of the organization of education, teachers’ competences, and their consequences for the student withdisability. Seldom, if ever, is the phenomenon recognized in the context of all students, participants in the process. The idea of inclusive education goes beyond a single entity, i.e. a student with a disability. This idea requires a search for a new model of school – “a learning school” (like in the model of a learning organization). The school should be a place where people for all time are expanding their capacity to achieve results, constantly discovering and creating thereality in which they live.
Currently, the idea of inclusive education is perceived as a model of education, far exceeding the idea of inclusion of students with disabilities into mainstream education. It is a vision of a school aimed at considering the needs of all students, i.e. those who exhibit no severe developmental disabilities, with special educational needs, including gifted individuals. Additionally, the scholars of inclusive education agree, that the process is neither easy nor simple. One of the determining factors indicated, is the attitude of teachers towards the very idea. Therefore, a research idea arose, aiming at examining the opinion of teachers regarding the subject of inclusive education, as a potentially dominant form of education. Recognising at least some of its determinants seemed essential. The following article focuses on two of the aforementioned: types of institutions, where the teachers are employed, and the teachers’ professional experience. The research encompasses integrated preschools. It seems that the experience of teachers of such institutions proves particularly significant for recognising the chances and dangers of inclusive education, within the context of Polish integration experience. The two professional groups distinguished, with substantial and minor professional experience, allow to examine the perspective of inclusive action.
In the text, an attempt was made to analyse selected issues related to gerontology in the relationship to people with disabilities. The context of analyses is the tendency of social ageing tendencies, observed in Poland and in the world, especially in European countries. Selected areas of reflection are combined with the conviction that there is a need for research which would fill in the gap in the field of research carried out so far, focused on the issue of the broadly defined life situation of the people with disabilities in the senior years, which is in the scientific merit of Polish special needs education (pedagogics). There is a justified fear that these individuals are more likely to experience marginalisation and exclusion in many areas of life than people of similar age in the general population.
In the text, an attempt was made to analyse selected issues related to gerontology in the relationship to people with disabilities. The context of analyses is the tendency of social ageing tendencies, observed in Poland and in the world, especially in European countries. Selected areas of reflection are combined with the conviction that there is a need for research which would fill in the gap in the field of research carried out so far, focused on the issue of the broadly defined life situation of the people with disabilities in the senior years, which is in the scientific merit of Polish special needs education (pedagogics). There is a justified fear that these individuals are more likely to experience marginalisation and exclusion in many areas of life than people of similar age in the general population.
Rocznik Lubuski
vol. 38
issue 2
This paper is an attempt to diagnose the state of knowledge of autism among educators, special educators and students of education. This is particularly important, especially nowadays, when the idea of inclusive education is not only becoming the tendency of educational solutions in Poland , but it soon will be authorized by law (in September 2012 the President of Poland shall sign the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which guarantees them the possibility of integration. In the document, the so-called „inclusive education” is considered a priority which is to counteract exclusion.). According to the idea of inclusive education, autistic children may be educated in inclusive schools or traditional schools (it is also referred to in the regulation of the Ministry of Education, dated 17th November, 2010) . In such a context it seems to be important to find answers to the questions about substantial preparation, knowledge and attitudes (including stereotypes) connected with the functioning of children with autism, the possibilities of effective work with them, resulting from the knowledge of therapeutic effects of the methods used by their potential teachers and tutors. However, formal possibilities or priority ideas of the Ministry of Education are not enough and will not ensure the success of the education of children, among the others those with autism. What is needed is primarily the knowledge, willingness and competencies of those who will work with children in difficult and far from the educational ideal Polish schools.
Tekst jest próbą zdiagnozowania stanu wiedzy na temat autyzmu wśród pedagogów i pedagogów specjalnych, jak również przyszłych pedagogów studiujących na kierunkach pedagogicznych. Jest to szczególnie istotne zwłaszcza współcześnie, gdy idea kształcenia inkluzyjnego staje się nie tylko tendencją rozwiązań edukacyjnych w Polsce, ale za chwilę (we wrześniu 2012 Prezydent RP Bronisław Komorowski podpisze konwencje o Prawach Osób Niepełnosprawnych, która gwarantuje im możliwość integracji. W dokumencie tym tzw. edukacja włączająca jest uznana za priorytet, który ma przeciwdziałać wykluczeniu) zostanie usankcjonowana prawnie. W jej myśl dzieci z autyzmem mogą realizować obowiązek kształcenia w szkole integracyjnej czy ogólnodostępnej (odnosi się do tego również rozporządzenie MEN z dn. 17.11.2010). W tym kontekście istotne wydaje się uzyskanie odpowiedzi na pytania o przygotowanie merytoryczne pedagogów, wiedzę i postawy (w tym stereotypy) dotyczące funkcjonowania dziecka z autyzmem, możliwości skutecznej pracy z nim, wynikające ze znajomości metod oddziaływania terapeutycznego ich potencjalnych nauczycieli i wychowawców. Formalne możliwości, priorytetowe ministerialne (MEN) koncepcje nie wystarczą i nie zapewnią sukcesu kształcenia dzieci m.in. z autyzmem. Potrzebna jest przede wszystkim zgoda, wyrażająca się w wiedzy, chęciach i kompetencjach tych, którym przyjdzie z dzieckiem na co dzień pracować we wciąż trudnej i dalekiej od ideału rzeczywistości edukacyjnej polskiej szkoły.
Edukacja włączająca osoby z niepełnosprawnością jest współczesną tendencją kształcenia w Polsce. W 2012 r. Polska ratyfikowała Konwencję o prawach osób niepełnosprawnych. Tekst ten podejmuje próbę analizy realizacji idei w odniesieniu do wszystkich etapów obowiązkowej edukacji. Jest również próbą zdiagnozowania głównych barier, które to utrudniają.
Inclusion of people with disabilities is a modern trend of education in Poland. In 2012. Poland ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Text attempt to analyze the state of implementation of ideas for all stages of compulsory education. It is also an attempt to diagnose the main barriers to the implementation of the plans.
To prevent the marginalisation of young people, it is vital to have inclusive and fair education systems. Ensuring effective equal access to quality inclusive education for all learners, including those of migrant origins, those from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds, those with special needs and those with disabilities – in line with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – is indispensable for achieving more cohesive societies. Support educational staff and the students with special educational needs is important for success of inclusive education. These tasks can be carried out by teachers, special pedagogues. However, this requires changes in higher education programs in the field of special pedagogy. Inclusive education should be a compulsory education module. The question is what content the module should contain.
Edukacja zdalna w dobie pandemii COVID-19 stała się wyzwaniem dla praktyki edukacyjnej na całym świecie. W szczególnej sytuacji znaleźli się w tym czasie uczniowie z indywidualnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi wynikającymi z zaburzeń, zakłóceń rozwoju we włączających formach kształcenia. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań interpretatywnych zrealizowanych w grupie nauczycieli starszych klas szkoły podstawowej (IV-VIII), którzy w czasie pandemii prowadzili edukację zdalną i mieli w klasie uczniów z indywidualnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi wynikającymi z zaburzeń, zakłóceń rozwoju. Celem badań było rozpoznanie jak nauczyciele postrzegają wyzwania edukacji włączającej w kontekście doświadczeń edukacji zdalnej uczniów z indywidualnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi wynikającymi z zaburzeń, zakłóceń rozwoju w integracyjnych formach kształcenia. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań rozpoznano ważne obszary problemowe. Dwa z nich: aktywność uczniów niepełnosprawnych na lekcjach zdalnych (1) oraz wsparcie rodziców (2), zostały omówione w tekście artykułu.
Inclusive education is a concept and a new vision of integrating disabled people in a school environment within the Polish education system. It is crucial to answer the question if it is possible and what values are necessary to enable the concept to take place. The most important questions to be answered are whether contemporary schools are ready to meet all the necessary conditions to educate children with special educational needs; whether schools are able to create the chance to succeed and whether Inclusive Pedagogy is a real alternative to special schools.
The text is dedicated to the subject of support in education involving one of the groups of students with special educational needs - foreign students. Compared to other groups of pupils from the SPE, it is a small population of students in Poland. It represents less than 0.4% of students with special educational needs. The problems of foreign pupils, both in relation to education and social integration in the country they came to, are specific even within the group of pupils from the SPE. However, as the research results on the issue indicate, among others due to the small population of foreign pupils in Poland, teachers regard the problem of social inclusion of immigrant pupils as hypothetical, unrealistic. According to the concept of inclusive education, it is assumed that support in development is to be dedicated to all students regardless of whether they constitute a group: easily identifiable as part of the current categorical approach to the diagnosis of needs, numerous or less numerous, with permanent and serious development disorder or less serious problems, requiring only temporary support and small adjustments. In each case, however, it is necessary to diagnose the needs not only of students and their families, but also teachers and educational staff to introduce systemic changes, so that the support is no longer stigmatizing for the student, and was associated with selfacceptance, self-awareness and the desire to maximize predisposition and developmental potential of a person.
The text is dedicated to the subject of support in education involving one of the groups of students with special educational needs - foreign students. Compared to other groups of pupils from the SPE, it is a small population of students in Poland. It represents less than 0.4% of students with special educational needs. The problems of foreign pupils, both in relation to education and social integration in the country they came to, are specific even within the group of pupils from the SPE. However, as the research results on the issue indicate, among others due to the small population of foreign pupils in Poland, teachers regard the problem of social inclusion of immigrant pupils as hypothetical, unrealistic. According to the concept of inclusive education, it is assumed that support in development is to be dedicated to all students regardless of whether they constitute a group: easily identifiable as part of the current categorical approach to the diagnosis of needs, numerous or less numerous, with permanent and serious development disorder or less serious problems, requiring only temporary support and small adjustments. In each case, however, it is necessary to diagnose the needs not only of students and their families, but also teachers and educational staff to introduce systemic changes, so that the support is no longer stigmatizing for the student, and was associated with selfacceptance, self-awareness and the desire to maximize predisposition and developmental potential of a person.
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