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Review: "Ekofilozofia," by Zdzisława Piątek

Forum Philosophicum
vol. 14
issue 2
The article reviews the book Ekofilozofia [Ecophilosophy], by Zdzisława Piątek.
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Arne Naess: A Tragic Ecosophy

Ethics in Progress
vol. 10
issue 1
Arne Naess was one of the first philosopher who try to find out a way to resolve the ecological crisis through philosophy. By analysing some of the main point of Naess‘ philosophy, the essay shows that his main interest was to legitimize the ecological movement. Philosophy becomes a political instrument and assumes a tragical character, because it takes on an impossible project. For Naess philosophy should provide a new total view to change man‘s attitude to nature. This analysis could help us to find out some critical points of a philosophy that try to be useful in the ecological crisis.
Aim of this article is to introduce the concept of the ecological footprint, which is an expression of the environmental load and appropriation of its resources. For this purpose, the method used descriptive statistics and data analysis the studied phenomenon on a global scale. Currently living on ecological credit to satisfy their needs we need over 1.5 planets. Already today it requires concrete action towards sustainable trace the development and maintenance of 1.8 gha
The present state of the environment forces us to find any possible allies in the fight against the ecological crisis. It is religions that are new and important allies in this fight. Religions contribute to shaping ecological attitudes in multiple ways. Statistical research shows that a large proportion of the human population is religious, and finds religion an important part of its everyday life. Thus, the involvement of religious leaders in fostering concern for the environment could be a vital factor bringing about changes in people’s attitudes toward the environment. Furthermore, religions are helpful in analyzing the causes of the ecological crisis; they strengthen the case for environmental protection, and engage in environmental projects and lobbying for the environment.
Air Protection is clearly an issue regulated both under Polish, as well as international, law especially European Union law. The area of this regulation is part of wide-ranging environmental protection issues, the essence of which should be considered mainly in the light of the numerous socio-economic transformations of the late twentieth century, as well as the development of the structures of the European Union and the Polish membership of this organisation since 2004. Currently, the broad regulations on air protection have been amended many times already by the Act of 27 April 2001. Environmental Protection Law and implementing Acts issued on its basis, define first and foremost the principles for the protection of the environment and conditions for the use of its resources, taking into account the requirements of sustainable development and, in particular, the rules determining the conditions of conservation of the environment, the conditions for the introduction of substances or energy into the environment, the costs of using the environment as well as the responsibilities of authorities and responsibilities and sanctions. Its provisions do not apply to matters covered in nuclear law and in respect of the obligation to hold a permit, issue a decision on an acceptable level of noise, or pay fees in the case of conducting rescue operations, as well as the noise arising in connection with the widespread use of the environment. This article includes the issues of formation and characteristics of the current normative regulations relating to the protection of the air as part of the environment both in regard to Polish, as well as foreign, legislation.
Jan Gwalbert Pawlikowski was a Polish economist, journalist and politician, one of the first chief activists and ideologues of the right‑wing National Democracy political camp, literary historian, mountaineer, ecologist and environmentalist. Pawlikowski was influential in the development of modern environmental ethics in Poland and in the movement for wilderness conservation. He was co‑founder and president of the Section for Protection of the Tatra Mountains, The Polish Tatra Society since 1912. He was also the founder and editor‑in‑chief of the yearbook Wierchy printed in Lviv since 1923. Since 1927, member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
This work analyzes the relationship between Bioethics and Ecology, while taking into account social interactions. Therefore, it focuses on the origin and evolution of the bioethics concept; on the several elements of Integral Ecology; on the close relationship between Bioethics and the Environment; as well as on the relevance of Environmental Education for the future of our planet.
Studia theologica
issue 3
The issue of ecological theological discourses has been neglected and abandoned for a long time by the end of the theological spectrum, which resulted in the topic of Christian faith as a co‑ perpetrator in the context of the current ecological crisis. It is above all an anthropocentric turn in Christian faith and the interpretation of the Biblical myth of creation that has been identified as a reason which has led to the spread of ecological disaster and despotic dominance of man over nature. The theological discourse in the 1980s, however, strongly reinforced the idea of ecology, which is related to an increasingly urgent ecological state. The theological space begins to apply, in particular through the ideas of the Evangelical Jürgen Moltmann, a certain turn to creation, where, along with the accenting task of the Kingdom, the relation at the level of man‑ nature is brought to the attention of man as a creation. Turning towards creation along with responsibility for the veil was a change in the paradigm of theological thinking that opened up space for the accentuation of Matthew Fox‘s “living cosmology” and, in particular, the “mystique of defiance” of the Protestant theologian Dorothee Sölle. It is precisely the ideas of “ecotheology” or “green theology” that center on creation in its divine unity, Dorothee Sölle considers the basis for consistently accentuating relations and reciprocity in the context of creation where the essential aspect is active participation and responsibility for connivance which God has entrusted to humanity.
As a natural science interested in the study of our home, ecology shows a clear relationship with the need to approach it from the perspective of ethics. The discipline of philosophy in charge of discerning morality in our behavior has much to say about the way we interact and modify the medium. So, the objective of this study is to take a walk through ecology from the perspective of ethics and philosophy, because we speak of science, man and universe. in this way, we will analyze it as a discipline of science with a recent history, as well as its interdisciplinarity. When analyzing it from ethics, and with other authors as a referen- ce, we postulate the need for this ecological ethics, as well as reviewing our responsibility in this milestone. To end with the world of social movements, for we will also review the need for this ecological reason or ecological ethics.
Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy coraz częściej prezentowanej przez przedsiębiorstwa postawy proekologicznej. W wielu przypadkach nie jest to działalność podyktowana chwilową modą, ale wynika z nowego „zielonego” paradygmatu zarządzania. Artykuł prezentuje główne motywy aktywności prośrodowiskowej oraz dwa zasadnicze proekologiczne modele biznesu przedsiębiorstwa. Dopełnieniem tych treści jest syntetyczna diagnoza światowych liderów zestawienia „Global Green Ranking 2016”.
This article focus on the environment-friendly attitude, which is more often presented by companies. In many cases this trend is not fad but a new „green” paradigm in management. The article presents the main motives of pro-environmental activity and two major environmental business models of the company. The „Global Green Ranking 2016” shows the world’s leaders in green activities.
Ecologization of credit institutions is discussed, as a recent and growing trend on the modern market of financial services. This reorientation towards ecology may be a major factor in securing long-term competitive advantage of financing institutions. This paper presents determinants of this eco-shift observed in banks, as well as premises for the ecologization process. Hierarchy of activities is discussed, as undertaken by financing institutions in respect to preservation and protection of natural environment. Special emphasis is put on activities in the area of internal waste management. Actual activities undertaken in the area of eco-management are analyzed, on the example of three banking institutions: Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A., Deutsche Bank PBC S.A., and Bank BPH S.A.
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Ecology: Changing options

Terminu „ekologia” po raz pierwszy użył Ernst Haeckel w 1869 r. Ekologia zajmuje się współzależnościami pomiędzy organizmami i ich środowiskiem i korzysta z dorobku wielu dyscyplin biologicznych (Fig. 1), a także innych nauk przyrodniczych i ścisłych. Przez wiele lat ważną częścią ekologii były badania nad populacjami, zwłaszcza zwierząt i ludzi. Należy tu wymienić modele wzrostu populacji proponowane przez Malthusa i Verhulsta (Fig. 2), które do chwili obecnej stanowią istotną część podręczników ekologii populacyjnej. Jednakże, w tej dziedzinie ekologii w ostatnich 50 latach zaszły istotne zmiany: odrębny problem stanowią badania nad stabilnością metapopulacji (Fig. 3), a w teorii pojedynczej populacji znaczną uwagę przykłada się do właściwości osobników, ich płci, wieku, sąsiedztwa i innych cech indywidualnych. Szybki rozwój cywilizacyjny i powstanie społeczeństw konsumpcyjnych stanowią źródło zmiennych celów jakim stawić musi czoło także wiedza ekologiczna. Począwszy od lat 60-tych ubiegłego stulecia zarysowała się międzynarodowa współpraca naukowa w ekologii: powstawały takie projekty jak Międzynarodowy Program Biologiczny ukierunkowany na określenie środowiskowych warunków maksymalizacji produkcji biologicznej, czy też program pod nazwą Człowiek i Biosfera - odpowiedź na narastającą degradację, zanieczyszczenia i zatrucia naturalnego środowiska. Współczesne zagrożenia ekologiczne to narastająca eksploatacja naturalnych zasobów, zwłaszcza kopalnych źródeł energii, oraz zubożenie zasobów biologicznych wyrażające się zmniejszeniem różnorodności biologicznej (Fig. 3). Współcześnie usiłuje się odpowiedzieć na pytanie jak poradzić sobie z rosnącą konsumpcją: jakie zużycie zasobów umożliwia obecny stan naszego globu? Z niniejszego, krótkiego przeglądu wynika iż rozwój wiedzy ekologicznej jest stymulowany potrzebami ludzkiej populacji, a ta wiedza stała się argumentem w prowadzeniu globalnej polityki rozwoju społeczeństw i ich przyszłości.
The divine command given to a man (cf. Gen 1:26-28) has been a matterof concern in biblical scholarship for centuries. In the last decades, theologians and biblical scholars have tried to re-read this passage in view of the environmental crisis. This paper starts with an overview of the development of a new proposal – the ecological hermeneutics of the Bible. Particular paragraphs present results of the application of various ecological hermeneutical forms to the passage Gen 1:26-28: apologetic, radical and revisionist (neo-orthodox). The apologetic form perceives the text of the Bible as a friendly one to the environment and develops the idea of responsible human stewardship.It emphasizes the role of man as a custodian of creation. The radicalform, by contrast, perceives the same texts as infected anthropocentrically.The order of command over creation introduces enmity between man andnature that is disclosed through exploitation and injustice towards the earthfrom the part of humankind. Therefore, it proposes a reconstruction of thetext retrieving the voice of the earth. Representatives of a revisionist formclaim instead that the passage Gen 1:26-28 re-read in the context of Gen 1-9does not allow people to exploit the natural environment and it criticizespeoples’ behavior towards creation. The analysis shows that reading thedivine command of human dominion in Gen 1:26-28 in a hermeneuticallight considering the circumstances and specificity of the biblical text meansneither the justification of the degradation of the natural environment, northe refraining from gaining benefits from its natural resources.
This paper studies the concept of fraternity in the light of the Magisterium of Pope Francis. In the first part, it focuses on some of its meanings that are reductive and insufficient. Then, it presents the characteristics that Pope Francis assigns to it (2nd part) and how he applies it to our relationship with Sister Mother Earth (3rd part). Contradicting the current « undifferentiated and one-dimensional paradigm », the pope teaches that fraternity is unity in diversity. The model is the «many-faceted polyhedron whose different sides form a variegated unity ».
Cet article étudie le concept de fraternité à la lumière du Magistère du Pape François. Dans une première partie, il met l’accent sur certaines de ses significations qui sont réductrices et insuffisantes. Puis, il présente les caractéristiques que le pape François lui attribue (2e partie) et la manière dont il l’applique à notre relation avec notre sœur la Terre mère (3e partie). Contredisant le “ paradigme indifférencié et unidimensionnel “ actuel, le pape enseigne que la fraternité est l’unité dans la diversité. Le modèle est le “polyèdre aux multiples facettes dont les différents côtés forment une unité bigarrée”.
Niniejszy artykuł analizuje rodzinę w najnowszym Magisterium i w duchowości franciszkańskiej. Oprócz tego, że jest uznawana za podstawę społeczeństwa i jego pierwszą szkołę, rodzina jest również proponowana jako model do wyrażania pewnych rzeczywistości teologicznych i podstawowych wartości ludzkich. Artykuł rozpoczyna się od ukazania znaczenia koncepcji rodziny w Magisterium (część pierwsza), a następnie analizuje, w jaki sposób franciszkanie przyjęli ją w swoim sposobie rozumienia siebie, w swoim prawodawstwie i w sprawowaniu władzy (część druga). Wreszcie trzecia część koncentruje się na franciszkańskiej wizji stworzenia jako kosmicznej rodziny.
This article studies the family in the recent Magisterium and in Franciscan spirituality. Besides being recognized as the basis of society and its first school, the family is also proposed as a model to express some theological realities and fundamental human values. The paper begins by showing the importance of the concept of family in the Magisterium (1st part) and then it studies how the Franciscans have assumed it in their way of understanding themselves, in their legislation and in the exercise of authority (2nd part). Finally, the third part focuses on the Franciscan vision of creation as a cosmic family.
Studia Bobolanum
vol. 31
issue 1
The first part of the article indicates the definitions of the term ecology in the teaching of John Paul II and the encyclical Laudato si‚ of Pope Francis. The postulate to develop a language appropriate for integral ecology was presented as a call to oppose the superficial ecology threatening it. The second part presents the designations of the term ecology appearing in sixteen sources of various status. Groups of desig-nations were presented in accordance with the increase in the number of meanings of the term ecology (from 2 to 9) in sixteen authors in the years 1990-2010. The third part sets out trends noticed in the polysemic (ambiguous) use of the term ecology. The is a coincidence of different definitions of the term ecology in authors related to biology. These definitions are similar to those found in other sources that do not have the polysemy of the term. It was also stated that in the documents of John Paul II and in the encyclical Laudato si ’of Pope Francis, the term ecology is of polysemic character. The lack of acceptance of the term observed in some authors raises the question: Does this attitude influence the reception of the Church’s ecological teaching?
W pierwszej części artykułu wskazano określenia ekologii w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II i w encyklice Laudato si’ papieża Franciszka. Ukazano postulat wypracowania języka właściwego dla „ekologii integralnej” jako wezwanie do przeciwstawienia się zagrażającej jej „ekologii powierzchownej”. W drugiej części przedstawiono desygnaty terminu „ekologia” występujące w szesnastu źródłach o zróżnicowanym statusie. Grupy desygnatów przedstawiono zgodnie ze wzrostem liczby wymienianych znaczeń terminu „ekologia” (od 2 do 9) u szesnastu autorów w latach 1990-2010. W trzeciej części określono tendencje dostrzeżone w polisemicznym (wieloznacznym) użyciu tego terminu. Zauważono zbieżność różnych definicji pojęcia „ekologia” u autorów związanych z biologią. Definicje te podobne są do spotykanych w innych źródłach, w których nie występuje polisemia tego terminu. Stwierdzono również, że w dokumentach Jana Pawła II i w encyklice Laudato si’ papieża Franciszka termin „ekologia” ma charakter polisemiczny. Zaobserwowany u niektórych autorów brak akceptacji dla polisemii tego terminu rodzi pytanie: Czy postawa ta ma wpływ na odbiór ekologicznej nauki Kościoła?
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