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Psychology of volunteering

Volunteering (from Latin voluntarius) refers to conscious, willing ac- ceptance of a job that one is not paid for. Volunteers do not get money for their work, but it does not mean they work for free. Their gratification is feeling good, needed, serving their altruistic needs, boosting their self-esteem. If one expects or demands thanks for the work done, at the same time behav- ing in a pitying or patronizing way, it contradicts the idea of volunteering. Conscious volunteering thus implies substantial self-awareness, acknowledging one’s positive sides as well as limitations. Communication skills and com- petence are also indispensable; in this article, they are presented from the perspective o Eric erne’s transactional analysis and Schulz von Thun’s conception of communication.
The  article uses an empirical approach examining  the role of ego-states in the  choice of pedagogical professionals   174 students were involved in the study that aims to show the discrepancies of the states of  Parent, Child and Adolescence for choice of speciality and future work. The study subjects were provided with a Transactional Analysis Questionnaire (TAQ, 2014) and Thomas – Killman Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI, 1974).
Smartphones and tablets become toys for ever younger children. They let tired parents rest for a moment and become a remedy for boredom. Smartphone is also a device that we use habitually, not only during leisure time, but also during classes or at work. As with any new technology, there are doubts about the side effects of such a situation. Current research on the use of new technologies will be presented from the perspective of transactional analysis, a psychotherapeutic school adapted to educational needs. The psychological perspective allows showing the effects of certain life choices in the long-term perspective.
Along with the development of technologies, surrounding reality has extended to include the world of cyberspace. The great majority of schools, however, still function according to the rules and patterns adopted in the past. It is particularly important in relation to the fact that along with cyberspace not only a new communication networkappeared in schools, but also new entities in the process of communication between the teacher and a pupil. It should be emphasized that cyberspace has both a formal and informal aspect. Looking at the functioning of many schools, it seems that one can forward the thesis that the latter aspect is often overlooked. Meanwhile, it has an extremely signifi cant infl uence on the quality of the education process and the relations that occur in this process at each of its stages.
A purpose of this text is to describe how the concept of time is used in pedagogical research. An author characterizes research of educational reality in which the described category is used. Thanks to this, the potential of the concept of time was presented. The author concludes that the possibilities of this category are not used in pedagogical research and that the temporal dimension of education offers enormous exploratory possibilities. The text is completed with the characteristics of time structuring in transactional analysis as one of the ways to temporarily conceptualize interpersonal relationships in educational institutions.
PIB is a research project pertaining to the psychotherapeutic potential of Lego bricks. This is based on Lego Group’s own method called Lego Seriousplay and Eric Berne's transactional analysis as a theoretical background. If we see it from the Lego’s aspect, our plan is a training like LSP. It is only alike because of the special application. We made a lot of modifications according to the original methodology. In this document we would like to present details of our research we have been working on for almost two years. The characteristics of our methodology will be illustrated, too.
Aim. The research aim is to present the most common games citizens play, a description of the main game theses and roles, psychological gains and rewards, paradigms of relations between the citizen and the state, which determine the emergence of the game, as well as opportunities to quit the game. Methods. To achieve the goal, a system of general scientific methods was used: analysis and generalisation of the main provisions of source studies regarding citizenship and the social role of the citizen, systematisation and generalisation of scientific provisions about games, as well as methodological provisions of Berne's transactional analysis. Results. 43% of Ukrainian citizens engage in "game" interaction with the state. The most common games citizens play are: "Persecution" ("The state oppresses me"), "Offended" ("If it wasn’t for this state…"), "Parasite" ("The state owes me and should keep me"), "Patriot" ("Only I love Ukraine, all others are traitors"), "Exemplary citizen" ("I perform my civic duties better than anyone"). Conclusions. Implementation of the role of a Citizen can lead to both constructive relations with the state and surrogate relations, which lead to various psychological games-manipulations. The developed system of psychological consulting practices for the prevention of civic identity "game" deformations can be used in the process of psychological support of civic identity formation in the development of complex training, and corrective activities, as well as in the educational process when creating programs of civic education and the development of civic competencies.
The transactional analysis concept assumes that everybody has specific areas of themselves: Parent ego-state, Adult ego-state and Child ego-state. In this approach, Parent and Child have two separate, in a sense, opposing aspects. In the case of the first one, it is a Controlling Parent and a Nurturing Parent, and in the case of Child – a Free Child and an Adapted Child. Entering into a relationship with another human being, we do it from the particular level of ourselves. In a traditional Polish school – already at the early education stage – relations between the teacher and the child usually take place between Controlling Parent and Adapted Child. On the other hand, the use of new technologies in education forces, in effect, the system to change to Adult–Adult with simultaneous involvement of a Free Child of both parties. The article concerns the analysis the difficulties resulting from the change of the said system (especially on the part of teachers) and the search for the reasons of this situation.
Zbigniew Łęski, Media education from the perspective of educational transactional analysis, Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, No. 23, Poznań 2018. Pp. 103–115. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2018.23.06 Educational transactional analysis is one of the main branches of transactional analysis – a concept, which was developed with psychotherapy in mind. Its tools and clear terminology allow for both theoretical and empirical analysis of many aspectspertaining to the specificity of human functioning in the world of new media. The article shows the possibilities of its application and presents a review of previous theoretical and empirical initiatives that deal with this issue.
Przez kilka ostatnich numerów  czasopiśmie Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna skupieni byliśmy na przeglądzie artykułów w magazynie „Transactional Analysis Journal” (stąd uprzednia nazwa rubryki - „Czytając TAJ”). Postanowiliśmy jednak wyjść poza tę formułę ukazując również dorobek innych lokalnych czasopism naukowych poświeconych AT. Bo choć nie ulega wątpliwości, że kwartalnik TAJ, ukazujący się w języku angielskim  od roku 1971 pod patronatem Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Analizy Transakcyjnej (ITAA - International Transactional Analysis  Association) należy do najbardziej znanych i renomowanych czasopism, to jednak wydaje się, że godne uwagi są również pozostałe pisma o tej tematyce. Dodajmy jeszcze, że cieszy fakt, że na łamach TAJ artykuły publikowali również polscy autorzy Zespołu Badawczego Edukacyjnej Analizy Transakcyjnej. Od tego numeru sięgać zatem będziemy do kolejnych, interesujących publikacji, zamieszczanych w rocznikach, półrocznikach lub kwartalnikach, ukazujących się w innych krajach, kontynentach, czy też obszarach geograficznych. Jednym z takich czasopism jest SAJTA – “South Asian Journal of Transactional Analysis” (wcześniej znane jako „SAATA Journal”). Jest to recenzowane pismo naukowe skupiające  się na teorii, zasadach i zastosowaniach analizy transakcyjnej  w czterech dziedzinach psychoterapii, doradztwie, edukacji i rozwoju organizacyjnym. Jego intencją jest zaproszenie badaczy, trenerów i praktyków analizy transakcyjnej z regionu południowej Azji do dzielenia się swoimi doświadczeniami, aplikacjami  i różnorodnymi innowacjami. Na łamach tego e-dziennika,  ukazującego się od sierpnia roku 2015 do roku 2019, opublikowano szereg ciekawych i wartych uwagi artykułów, które jak sądzimy zainteresują też naszych czytelników.
For the last few issues of Educationa Transactional Analysis journal, we have been focused on reviewing articles published in Transactional Analysis Journal (hence the previous title of the feature “Reading TAJ”). However, we have decided to go beyond this formula, showing the achievements of other local scientific journals dedicated to TA. Although it goes without saying that the quarterly magazine TAJ, released in English since 1971 under the auspices of the ITAA (International Transactional Analysis  Association), belongs to the most well-known and renowned journals, it seems that other magazines dedicated to the same theme are also worth our attention. Let us add that Polish authors from the Educational Transactional Analysis Research Team have also published their articles there. From this issue on, we shall review other interesting publications from annual, semi-annual, quarterly journals issued in other countries, on other continents or geographical zones. One of them is SAJTA - South Asian Journal of Transactional Analysis (formerly known as SAATA Journal). It is a reviewed scientific journal focusing on theory, rules and applications of transactional analysis in four domains of psychotherapy, counselling, education and organization’s development. Its aim is to invite researchers, trainers and practitioners of transactional analysis from the region of southern Asia to share their experiences, applications and various innovations. The pages of this e-journal, issued from 2015 to 2019, hosted several interesting articles worth our attention, which, as we think, might also interest our readers.
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Pozytywna analiza transakcyjna

From the very beginning, transactional analysis (TA) in its psychotherapeutic dimension has been guided by the same assumptions which form the basis of positive psychology. This fact has been pointed out by a number of authors publishing in TAJ. The implementation of transactional analysis into education and its problems, models and solutions additionally increase the involvement of this concept in contemporary positive psychology. Thanks to educational transactional analysis, the school and the entire educational system can become a place that offers a chance for proper development and the realization of the potential of all agents who take part in education and upbringing (students, teachers, parents).
Analiza transakcyjna (AT) jako jeden z kierunków psychoterapii od początku swojego istnienia kierował się założeniami bliskimi pozytywnej psychologii. Na ten fakt zwraca uwagę szereg autorów TAJ. Implementacje analizy transakcyjnej do edukacji i pojawiające się tutaj problemy, modele i rozwiązanie dodatkowo jeszcze zwiększają zaangażowanie tej koncepcji w kierunku współcześnie rozumianej psychologii pozytywnej. Dzięki edukacyjnej analizie transakcyjnej szkoła i cały system oświatowy może stać się miejscem stwarzającym szansę korzystnego rozwoju oraz urzeczywistniania swoich możliwości wszystkich podmiotów (uczniów, nauczycieli, czy rodziców) obecnych w procesie kształcenia i wychowania.
Automated assessment systems are used in education as tools to support teaching programming and algorithms as well as preparing students for challenging informatics competitions. They reduce the teacher’s workload connected with manual verification of correctness and efficiency of computer programs. Furthermore, they enable learning of computer programming to be taken outside the traditional classroom as varied in difficulty tasks can be accessed and solved at any time and in any place. Academic Secondary School of Silesian University of Technology has deployed an automated assessment system in order to support computer programming education. The aim of this work is to find out how students' skills and interests in programming affect their feelings while using Szkopuł platform. For this purpose, a survey was conducted among students and the results were analyzed.
Systemy oceny automatycznej są używane w edukacji jako narzędzia wspierające nauczanieprogramowania i algorytmów oraz przygotowanie uczniów do trudnych konkursów informatycznych. Redukują one obciążenie nauczyciela związane z ręczną weryfikacją poprawności i wydajno-ści programów komputerowych. Ponadto umożliwiają naukę programowania poza tradycyjnąklasą, ponieważ zróżnicowane zadania o różnym stopniu trudności mogą być rozwiązane w dowolnym czasie i miejscu. Akademickie Liceum Uniwersytetu Śląskiego wdrożyło system oceny automatycznej w celu wsparcia edukacji programowania. Celem tej pracy jest ustalenie, jak umiejętności i zainteresowania uczniów programowaniem wpływają na ich odczucia podczas korzystaniaz platformy Szkopuł. W tym celu przeprowadzono ankietę wśród uczniów, a wyniki zostały przeanalizowane pod kątem teorii analizy transakcyjnej.
In the first part of the article the traditional meaning of the ritual is analysed. Then, the ritual is presented in the light of transactional analysis. Finally, the author discusses similarities and differences in different concepts of the ritual. The article does not attempt to address the complexity of this concept; its aim is to contribute to the discussion on the interdisciplinary nature of transactional analysis. The author’s aim is to exemplify the possibilities of applying this theory in humanities and social sciences.
Zwrócenie uwagi na charakterystyczną relację, jaka łączy człowieka z komputerem, stało się punktem wyjścia dla niniejszego artykułu. Autorka podejmie w nim próbę charakterystyki zajęć prowadzonych metodą e-learningu na Wydziale Pedagogicznym Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Paradygmatem dla tych rozważań jest koncepcja analizy transakcyjnej. W opra-cowaniu wykorzystane zostały trzy wzajemnie uzupełniające się obszary tematyczne koncepcji – analiza struktury osobowości, analiza komunikacji oraz koncepcja pasywności transakcyjnej.
A specific relationship that connects a person and a computer has provided the basis for writ-ing the present article. The author attempts to characterize classes conducted with use of the e-learning method at the Pedagogical Faculty of the Jan Długosz University in Czestochowa. The concept of transactional analysis constitutes the paradigm for these considerations. The study uses three complementary thematic areas of the concept – personality structure analysis, communica-tion analysis and transactional passivity concept.
This article attempts to show how the Mind Mapping method can be used in teaching and assessing the effects of education. A mind map is a multifunctional tool that could aid the educational process on many levels. Its formation allows for greater creativity and multidirectional thinking, which has a positive effect on the rate of learning and remembering information. It can also become an innovative way of enhancing teacher’s preparation for lessons and their actual conducting, which helps to pass the knowledge to students in an attractive form. It may also be a method of verifying the student’s knowledge, which really streamlines the process of assessment. Instead of reading long essays, the teacher can have an insight into students’ knowledge and skills at a glance. Four mind maps are presented in the article as examples; the maps were created by students taking an exam in educational transactional analysis. They clearly indicate that a teacher, looking at only one page, which does not take up a lot of time, can analyse the students’ way of thinking as well as identify the areas sufficiently mastered by them and the areas in which they need some improvement.
The article presents research which compares computer use by students from Poland and Ukraine in the scope of such activities as entertainment, work/study, practical activities, hobbies and communication. The research was carried out using the diagnostic survey method, with the help of the questionnaire technique, in a group of 286 people in total (166 from Poland and 120 from Ukraine). Since the research tool contained questions related to the concept of transactional analysis, it allowed for analysing the profile of ego states examined at the level of functional analysis and drivers. Due to this, it was possible to indicate not only differences in the manner of using new technologies, but also to determine their sources. The use of transactional analysis in research related to human functioning in the world of new media is the original initiative of the author of this article.
Celem artykułu jest analiza wzajemnych związków pomiędzy obrazem rodziny pochodzenia a ujawnianymi stanami Ja osób badanych w ramach koncepcji analizy transakcyjnej. Przedstawiono zarys teorii Erica Berne’a opisujący analizę struktury stanów Ja: Rodzic Krytyczny, Rodzic Opiekuńczy, Dziecko Naturalne i Dziecko Przystosowane oraz Dorosły, wraz z zawartym w nim stanem Ethos i Pathos. Zaprezentowano przegląd literatury w zakresie związków rodziny pochodzenia z cechami jednostki podlegającymi jej oddziaływaniom w ujęciu systemowym typologii i relacji rodzinnych. Główne założenia badawcze dotyczące związków pomiędzy wybranymi parametrami rodziny a wynikającymi z koncepcji analizy transakcyjnej stanami Ja osób badanych potwierdziły się w zakresie związku pomiędzy spostrzeganym poziomem spójności i komunikacji w rodzinie oraz takimi stanami Ja, jak Pathos. Istotne statystycznie związki ze stanami Ja uzyskano dla wybranych właściwości matek i ojców. Ciekawym wynikiem jest obraz stanów Ja badanej młodzieży w postaci egogramu. Uzyskany profil wyników wykazuje wysoką zgodność z postulowanym w literaturze AT optymalnym dla funkcjonowania człowieka rozkładem stanów Ja. Przedstawione wnioski dotyczą badań porównawczych i praktycznych implikacji uzyskanych wyników dla procesu edukacji i wychowania oraz relacji nauczyciel–uczeń.
The aim of the paper is to analyse mutual relations between the perception of a biological family and ego states revealed by participants of a study conducted within the framework of Transactional Analysis. The analysis begins with the outline of Eric Berne’s concept regarding the structure of ego states: the Critical Parent, the Nurturing Parent, the Natural Child, the Adapted Child, the Adult, and Ethos and Pathos states. Next the paper reviews subject literature focused on the relations between a biological family and the features of a family member exposed to its influence from the perspective of family system typology and family relations. The main research assumptions regarding relations between selected parameters of a family and ego states described by TA were confirmed in the area of relations between the perceived level of consistency and communication in the family and the Pathos ego state. Statistically significant relations between ego states were obtained for selected features of mothers and fathers. The illustration of ego states of adolescents taking part in the study in the form of an egogram was an interesting outcome of the study. The results to a great extent confirm the distribution of ego states optimal for the functioning of an individual proposed in the TA literature. Conclusions suggest further comparative studies and practical implications of the results obtained for the educational process and teacher-student relations.
From the very beginning, transactional analysis (TA) in its psychotherapeutic dimension has been guided by the same assumptions which form the basis of positive psychology. This fact has been pointed out by a number of authors publishing in Transactional Analysis Journal. The implementation of transactional analysis into education and its problems, models and solutions additionally increase the involvement of this concept in contemporary positive psychology.
Analiza transakcyjna (AT) jako jeden z kierunków psychoterapii od początku swojego istnienia kierowała się założeniami bliskimi psychologii pozytywnej. Na ten fakt zwraca uwagę wielu autorów publikujących w „Transactional Analysis Journal”. Implementacje analizy transakcyjnej do edukacji i pojawiające się tutaj problemy, modele i rozwiązanie dodatkowo zwiększają zaangażowanie tej koncepcji w kierunku współcześnie rozumianej psychologii pozytywnej.
The aim of the article is to demonstrate usefulness of transactional analysis as a method of shaping school climate. The author begins with describing the present state of social prevention, and then, on the basis of positive prevention, outlines the importance of school climate. Next, he analyses usefulness of transactional analysis as a method of creating positive school climate and concludes his reflections.
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